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印染废水中总有机碳与化学需氧量的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过测定水中TOC浓度,可综合性地判断废水中有机物污染的程度,也能全面、合理地了解废水中的有机污染物。现采用TOC4100燃烧氧化-非分散红外吸收测定仪,对几种印染废水进行分析测试,并通过对TOC值与COD值的比较,找出印染废水中TOC与COD的相关性。  相似文献   

通过对革基布企业废水中CODcr和TOC测定结果相关性分析,结果表明,革基布企业的CODcr和TOC相关性良好,为污水中有机污染物的TOC监测代替COD监测提供了实践依据。  相似文献   

通过在线TOC水质自动分析仪方法与实验室COD方法比对,建立TOC-COD一元线性回归方程,且将其应用到上海市44家污水处理厂出水中TOC与COD值的转换,并在污水处理厂进行在线TOC水质自动分析仪及在线COD水质自动分析仪监测值比对实验。结果表明,TOC-COD一元线性回归方程相关系数r为 0.963,废水中TOC与COD值线性显著相关,通过上述回归方程将在线TOC水质自动分析仪监测值转化COD监测值与在线COD水质自动仪监测值进行相对误差比较,88.4%的数据满足《水污染源在线监测系统安装技术规范(试行)》(HJ/T 355-2007)规范要求;用上述转换方程换算上海市44家污水处理厂TOC值得到的COD值与实验室COD值进行误差计算, 87.3%的数据满足上述规范要求,验证了在线TOC值转换COD值在污水行业的适用性。  相似文献   

总有机碳的测定及其在染料废水监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总有机碳能够完全反映水中有机污染程度,已被许多国家所采用,我国也将它列入“污水综合排放标准”中。文章采用德国耶那仪器有限公司的Multi N/C TOC分析仪,用燃烧氧化-非分散红外吸收法分别测定直接染料、活性染料、分散染料、还原染料废水的TOC,并测定相关废水的COD值。实践证明在同类特定染料废水中,TOC与COD之间具有较好的相关性,因此可用TOC监测染料废水污染程度,该方法快速、简便、准确度高。  相似文献   

棉浆粕废水具有排放量大、有机污染物浓度高、色度深等特点,用在线监测仪测定废水中的TOC,同时用重铬酸钾法测定废水中的CODCr,以此寻找出棉浆粕废水中CODCr与TOC之间的相关性.采用在线监测仪快速测定废水中的TOC值,可间接求出CODCr的测定值,能够真实反映棉浆粕废水中CODCr值,从而达到对棉浆粕废水中CODCr含量的有效监控.  相似文献   

水体中TOC与COD相关性研究   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
针对不同地区的地表水、生活污水和工业废水的TOC和COD进行了测试,对测定值进行线性回归分析。结果表明,不同类型的水体其TOC与COD均具有一定的相关性,尤其是生活污水和工业废水,TOC与COD相关性比较显著,在一定条件下可由测定的TOC值推算出COD值。  相似文献   

地表水中TOC与COD换算关系研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
总有机碳(TOC)相对于化学需氧量(COD) 能够更全面地反映水体中有机物的污染程度,且TOC测定仪操作简单,数据准确。通过18个地表水水质自动监测站对水中有机污染物的COD与TOC监测数据的相关性研究,建立了TOC与COD之间的线性回归方程,为地表水的TOC监测代替COD监测提供了数据支持。  相似文献   

浅谈TOC与CODCr的关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
介绍了TOC和CODCr的含义,比较了TOC与CODCr测定方法、使用仪器的不同和各自的优缺点,并从理论上和实际水样测定中论述了TOC和CODCr的相关性。对于不同的废水,TOC 与CODCr的相关性不一样,必须先实验求出二者之间的关系。  相似文献   

在水质污染指标的评价中, BOD_5的意义是非常重要的,但BOD_5的测定时间长,测定条件严,使之受到了很大的限制。近年来国内外许多杂志上都刊登了BOD_5与COD相关性研究的文章,通过COD测定值对废水和地面水中BOD_5进行推算,得到了良好的效果。然而依据单项指标,往往容易得出误差较大的结果。因此,国外已经陆续开展了BOD_(5)、COD、PH、SS、透明度、TOC等指标的多元回归分析,得到了比较满意的结果。本  相似文献   

深圳市饮用水源中CODMn与TOC的相关性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对深圳市饮用水源中CODMn和TOC测定结果的相关性分析,结果表明,水库内监测点位及监测区域CODMn与TOC相关性良好,水库外监测点位及监测区域CODMn与TOC相关性不显著,而整个监测区域的CODMn与总有机碳相关性令人满意。因此,提出了TOC值可直接作为饮用水源在线监测有机污染物的综合评价指标,同时也实现了湿式氧化法测定TOC在地表水监测中的应用。  相似文献   

Textile industry needs to recover and reuse its wastewater as to fulfil the demand of increasingly strict regulations. The characterization of dyeing wastewater samples according to textile fiber and final textile effluent enables the application of different treatment methods. This study aims to characterize dyeing wastewater in black color of polyamide, polyester, and viscose fibers and final textile effluent. Samples were collected and characterized completely for major pollution indicator parameters. Dyeing wastewater of polyester showed higher values for some parameters, e.g., 4994.44% (49,944,400 mg L?1 and 917 NTU) of turbidity and 4100.00% of phenol when compared to dyeing wastewater of other fibers. Other parameters such as pH, alkalinity, color, phosphorus, nitrogen, sulfides, chlorides, oil and grease, dissolved solids, and chemical and biochemical oxygen demand were also assessed. In addition to individual characterization, this study also presents a correlation of the contribution of each parameter to the final textile effluent. Although dyeing wastewater of polyamide contributes the most in terms of quantity for the final effluent, this study revealed that dyeing wastewater of polyester influenced the most on the final composition of the textile wastewater when evaluating color, turbidity, total iron, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, phenol, mercury, oil and grease, and total phosphorus. The present study is focused on bringing new insights to provide future research with other strategies to improve the treatment of dyeing wastewater. In addition, some suggestions are also given for wastewater treatments according to type of textile fiber.  相似文献   

连续同时监测天津市大港石化发展规划区区域废水中的CODCr和CODMn,并考查其线性相关性后得出CODCr=4.96CODMn+116.3,相关系数为0.750。该回归方程适用于类似石油化工工业区区域废水中CODCr和CODMn间的换算  相似文献   

Wastewater reuse can significantly reduce environmental pollution and save the water sources. The study selected Cheng-Ching Lake water treatment plant in southern Taiwan to discuss the feasibility of wastewater recycling and treatment efficiency of wastewater treatment units. The treatment units of this plant include wastewater basin, sedimentation basin, sludge thickener and sludge dewatering facility. In this study, the treatment efficiency of SS and turbidity were 48.35–99.68% and 24.15–99.36%, respectively, showing the significant removal efficiency of the wastewater process. However, the removal efficiencies of NH3–N, total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) are limited by wastewater treatment processes. Because NH3–N, TOC and COD of the mixing supernatant and raw water are regulated raw water quality standards, supernatant reuse is feasible and workable during wastewater processes at this plant. Overall, analytical results indicated that supernatant reuse is feasible.  相似文献   

在对纺织染整企业集聚、环境位置敏感的两个典型区域调研的基础上,通过类似重金属标准和毒性类比、排污治理情况及水体底泥中锑含量的分析、水环境承载力和允许排放浓度计算等技术论证,提出环境敏感地区纺织染整工业锑的排放限值按不同排放情形可分别设定为0.1 mg/L和0.05 mg/L。工程实例表明,采用基于聚合硫酸铁混凝沉淀法的高低浓度废水分质处理技术可满足排放限值要求,且经济成本可接受。  相似文献   

An electrochemical COD (chemical oxygen demand) sensor using an electrode-surface grinding unit was investigated. The electrolyzing (oxidizing) action of copper on an organic species was used as the basis of the COD measuring sensor. Using a simple three-electrode cell and a surface grinding unit, the organic species is activated by the catalytic action of copper and oxidized at a working electrode, poised at a positive potential. When synthetic wastewater was fed into the system, the measured Coulombic yields were found to be dependent on the COD of the synthetic wastewater. A linear correlation between the Coulombic yields and the COD of the synthetic wastewater was established (10-1000 mg L(-1)) when the electrode-surface grinding procedure was activated briefly at 8 h intervals. When various kinds of wastewater samples obtained from various sewage treatment plants were measured, linear correlations (r(2)> or = 0.92) between the measured EOD (electrochemical oxygen demand) value and COD of the samples were observed. At a practical wastewater treatment plant, the measurement system was successfully operated with high accuracy and good stability over 3 months. These experimental results show that the application of the measurement system would be a rapid and practical method for the determination of COD in water industries.  相似文献   

COD与TOC测定方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统地对比了 COD和 TOC 两种水中有机污染指标测定方法原理,得出了 TOC 在直接代表水质有机污染、氧化有机物完全、产生二次污染物少、测定时间短和消耗劳动力少等方面优于 COD 的结论,并分析了 TOC 取代 COD 的难点和趋势。  相似文献   

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