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科学合理地布设水质监测断面是全面准确获取水环境质量监测数据的前提条件。利用研究区域现有断面2014年的监测数据,结合水资源调度方式和水环境功能区划要求,划分为五大片区并采用聚类分析方法进行断面优化,通过F检验和t检验表明优化前后断面无显著差异。同时,提出了一种综合的水环境质量考核办法——区域水环境综合评价考核指标,该指标包括骨干河道、乡村河道两类考核断面,采用综合水质评价与单因子评价相结合的方法,设置适当的权重系数,评价结果较为全面、客观地反映区域水环境质量状况,基本满足对区域水环境质量考核评价的管理需求。  相似文献   

基于改进的多目标决策的水环境质量综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对水环境质量综合评价中,多目标决策-理想区间法解决了水环境质量评价标准是区间而非点的缺陷。但是在计算监测点到各理想区间向量的距离时,各水环境质量指标权重直接影响综合评价的结果,通常的确定方法是简单的假设各水环境质量指标的权重相等,这与实际情况相悖。为了解决这一问题,提出了将超标法用于多目标决策法中,利用超标法确定各水环境质量指标的权重,然后将其应用于多目标决策-理想区间法来分析水环境质量等级。并将改进后的多目标决策-理想区间法应用于珠江口及邻近海域的水环境中。基于超标法确定权重的多目标决策-理想区间法与聚类分析相比更有效,与等权重的多目标决策-理想区间法相比,更能体现水环境的污染状况,可应用于各种环境因子的综合评价中。  相似文献   

简述了“九五”-“十一五”期间城市环境综合整治定量考核(简称城考)中城市水环境功能区水质达标率指标的定义、内涵,监测指标内容及分类、指标权重及评价标准等因素的变化规律.指出,应重视环境质量指标选择与当前环境污染现状的衔接,补充重金属等环境优先污染物指标为水环境质量监测评价指标.提出了新的筛选原则和指标设计思路.  相似文献   

灰色模型在确定关键污染因子中的应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
将灰色模型引入水环境质量评价中 ,通过对某个时间段内污染物原始监测数据的灰色处理 ,从动态演变中找出关键因子 ,客观地判定各污染因子所起的作用 ,并对各因子在下一个时间段的发展趋势作出判断 ,增加了评价的准确性。经过实例运用分析表明 ,该方法物理意义明确 ,简便易用  相似文献   

在研究2000—2014年滇池流域水污染排放的时空变化、水环境质量时空变化和生态环境时空演替基础上,结合滇池目前水环境质量监测工作要求,采用模型计算、指标特性分析、专家调查等方法,筛选出36个评价指标,分别表征滇池水环境质量的物理、化学、生物、营养、重金属、有机污染等特性,将滇池湖体4个监测点位优选出的评价指标监测数据输入水生态健康评价系统。结果表明,优选指标和评价体系能全面、准确、宏观地反映滇池水环境质量状况。将滇池评价指标由现有的94个压缩至36个,极大节省人力、物力,且更符合滇池水环境特点。  相似文献   

对常用的环境影响评价的“单因子评价法”进行了扩充,在此基础上提出了一种评价城市区域环境综合质量的方法——“多因子空间叠加法”。该方法采用计算机辅助设计技术、运用区位理论分析影响区域环境质量的因子的作用分值及其权重,最后根据计算得出的综合分值进行评价。通过实例运用分析,表明该方法较好地表征出多个因子对评价区域的影响,得出一个较为全面的综合性结果。  相似文献   

采用水生态环境质量综合指数对徐州市11个国控河流断面水环境质量进行评价。结果表明,各断面处于轻度污染到优秀级别,徐州市河流水生态质量整体良好。Spearman相关性分析显示各分指数中,水化学指标赋值与大型底栖动物赋值显著相关,着生藻类赋值与生境指标赋值负相关。指出,水生态环境综合评价指数弥补了单纯化学指标或单纯生物指标评价水质不够全面的问题,首次加入生境指标,体现了环境管理从指标控制到生态保护思路的转变。提出,对于水生态环境综合评价指数分指数化学因子、生物因子的评价指数如何选取,还需进一步完善。  相似文献   

依据城市河流水环境质量状况进行定期排名,是目前环境管理者为促进地表水环境质量改善的一种政策措施,采用正确的排名方法是保障排名结果是否合理的关键。研究选用综合污染指数法、水质类别法两种常用的评价方法,同时结合城市河流黑臭、浑浊等特点,筛选出pH、溶解氧、色度、化学需氧量、悬浮物、氨氮、总磷7项因子参与评价并对河南省辖内的城市河流进行排名。结果表明,选用的排名方法基本满足城市河流水环境质量排名的需求,具有广泛的应用价值。  相似文献   

改进密切值法在阳澄湖水质评价中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以阳澄湖水质分析为例,利用改进密切值法分别对其东、中、西3个湖区湖体水质进行评价。结果表明,在复杂的湖泊生态系统水质评价中,该方法不仅具有模型构建简便灵活、计算量小、结果直观的特点,而且区别于以往笼统的将不同时段、不同区域湖体水质判断为某一类标准的评价模式,能够客观准确地分析不同时空的水质分布规律,预判水质变化趋势,同时区别于将污染指标等权处理或忽略指标权重的评价方式,通过引进熵权法计算权重判断主要污染因子,使湖泊生态系统水质评价结果更真实合理。  相似文献   

徐州市云龙湖水质的模糊数学综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用模糊数学方法,选用DO、COMn、TP、TN作为评价因子,参照地面水环境质量标准,通过计算污染因子权重分配系数和隶属度对徐州市云龙湖水质给出客观的评价,综合评判结果表明云龙湖水质为Ⅲ类,湖水处于轻度富营养状态.用模糊概念进行推理,经过运算得出综合评价结果,与一般评价方法相比更接近客观.  相似文献   

模糊-主成分分析综合评价法在地下水水质评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主成分分析法可以在保留数据原始信息的基础上有效地降低数据维度,从而将影响地下水质的多因子简化为几个综合因子,但对地下水的综合水质状况无法直接表达;模糊综合评价法能直接给出水体综合水质情况结论,但评价因子多为人为选取,存在较强的主观性。以辽宁思山岭矿区地下水水质现状评价为例,利用主成分分析法选取影响各断面水质的关键因子,将其作为模糊综合评价的评价因子,建立了模糊?主成分分析综合评价法的地下水水质耦合评价模型。研究结果表明,该模型能很好地体现分析因子对评价结果带来的影响,使得评价结果更科学、合理。  相似文献   

大气环境质量综合评价加权灰色关联模型的建立与应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用灰色理论建立大气环境质量综合评价加权灰色关联模型 ,运用污染贡献率确定权重系数。与其它评价模型相比 ,加权灰色关联模型还具有排序功能 ,实例表明该模型是简便有效的  相似文献   

灰色局势决策用于水环境质量的评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
按灰色系统理论的观点和方法,根据各污染因子对环境质量的不同影响,将灰色局势决策法应用于水环境质量综合评价,并与水质距离评价法,模糊综合评判法和灰色关联度分析法进行了比较,结果表明,利用灰色局势决策法进行环境质量评价,是一种有效的实用方法。  相似文献   

以某化学品泄漏造成大气污染为例,采用虚拟治理成本法,通过对污染物单位治理成本的调查,污染物危害系数的确定等步骤量化生态环境损害的数额。针对生态环境损害价值量化过程中主要污染物的选择、单位治理成本的确定、危害类别的判断等技术关键点,提出,应结合环境质量标准限值,污染物危害系数等综合因素选择主要污染物;采用成本函数法来确定某一地区单位治理成本更容易被采纳;利用标签制度(GHS)危险性类别的结论能够快速确定污染物危害系数,以期为大气环境损害鉴定评估技术方法的完善提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Previous studies have proposed several methods for integrating characterized environmental impacts as a single index in life cycle assessment. Each of them, however, may lead to different results. This study presents internal and external normalization methods, weighting factors proposed by panel methods, and a monetary valuation based on an endpoint life cycle impact assessment method as the integration methods. Furthermore, this study investigates the differences among the integration methods and identifies the causes of the differences through a case study in which five elementary school buildings were used. As a result, when using internal normalization with weighting factors, the weighting factors had a significant influence on the total environmental impacts whereas the normalization had little influence on the total environmental impacts. When using external normalization with weighting factors, the normalization had more significant influence on the total environmental impacts than weighing factors. Due to such differences, the ranking of the five buildings varied depending on the integration methods. The ranking calculated by the monetary valuation method was significantly different from that calculated by the normalization and weighting process. The results aid decision makers in understanding the differences among these integration methods, and, finally, help them select the method most appropriate for the goal at hand.  相似文献   

农村环境质量综合评价方法及典型区应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
以农村环境质量和生态系统结构为核心,以县域为农村环境质量综合评价单元,筛选了农村环境状况指数和农村生态状况指数,构建了农村环境质量综合评价方法,确定了评价因子、权重系数、计算方法及评价级别。在此基础上,在全国范围内选择了尚志市、祁连县、保德县、定南县、夷陵区、永定区、乐东县、威宁县和平利县等9个典型县域,开展了案例研究和方法验证。结果表明,该方法可用于中国农村环境质量综合评价。  相似文献   

我国环境统计数据质量不高、质量保障体系缺乏、数据综合分析不足等问题都与环境统计人才队伍的规模、稳定性和综合素质密切相关。文章从环境统计持证上岗制度内部条件的规范化管理,到外部环境制度的推行等方面进行了SWOT分析。制定了以加强环境统计岗位管理、设置获取证书的缓冲期限、建立激励配套机制和完善培训考核机制4条途径为核心的环境统计持证上岗制度综合发展策略,对提高环境统计人员的综合素质,实现环境统计体系的制度化和规范化均具有良好的促进作用。  相似文献   

Assessing the linkage between trade development and environmental quality has recently attracted increasing attention because of the rapid advancement of trade globalization along with the severe degradation of the environment. However, neglecting the possible nonlinear relationship between the variables, the existing studies mainly use linear models to explore the trade-environment linkage. To fill this gap, this paper introduces a novel partially linear additive panel model that highlights nonlinear and heterogeneous features to investigate the direct and indirect influences of trade development on environmental performance over the period 2005–2017 in China. The results show that trade has an inverse “U-shaped” direct effect on the environment. In contrast, trade development can indirectly improve environmental quality through economic growth. Nonlinear marginal analysis demonstrates that such an impact not only presents individual differences but also embodies the trait of temporal dynamics. Empirical results further reveal the importance of our model, which can automatically identify the variable nexus and thus reduce the setting error of the parametric models. Model evaluation also confirms the superiority of the used model over existing parametric and nonparametric models. The partially linear additive panel model provides a new evaluation method for environmental impact regarding trade development, and can be applied to other fields where an assessment of the effect of socio-economic factors on the environment is needed.  相似文献   

The increase of train speed and axle load is an essential goal to make the railway transport more and more competitive for passengers and freights. On this basis, the unevenness of the railway track is crucial for the safety of the railway due to the high speed of the vehicle. Although ballasted tracks represent by far the most used railway track substructure, in recent years the modernization process has led the development of the ballastless track substructures.In deciding between the use of ballasted or ballastless track substructure there are many important technical, economical and environmental factors that have to be addressed. Based on the above, the principal objective of this study was to evaluate the environmental impact of different railway track substructures including ballast, cast-in sleeper and embedded track systems on the short, medium and long term. To accomplish this task, a life cycle assessment (LCA) was carried out throughout the entire life cycle of the railway infrastructure by using the ReCiPe (H) method. Although such approach is commonly included in the environmental assessment of building products and buildings, it was rarely applied in the analysis of the environmental impacts of railway track substructure.Thus, the result of these LCA showed that ballasted tracks cause the lowest environmental impact for service lives of up to 75 years. On the other hand, the embedded track beds cause the highest environmental impacts, regardless of their service life. The highest contributor for the environmental impacts of the track beds was the steel production.The results of this study will provide relevant environmental information for engineers and decision makers to select the most adequate railway track substructures for addressing issues related to the pursuit of sustainable development.  相似文献   

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