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19辆机动车尾气激光遥感监测车近日投入到北京市18个区县和经济技术开发区的控制机动车污染工作中。据北京市环保局副局长杜少中介绍,激光遥感监测机动车尾气排放技术的应用,提升了全市对机动车污染排放的监测能力,使北京在全国率先实现了对上路行驶机动车尾气排放的大规模动态监测。  相似文献   

通过对宝鸡市区机动车尾气排放检测数据的比较分析,基本摸清了机动车尾气排放现状及规律,并对尾气超标原因作了分析,提出了控制和减少尾气污染的对策.  相似文献   

近日,成都市环境监测中心站为进一步摸清成都市区机动车尾气对大气环境的污染程度,按照《成都市区机动车尾气污染现状调查实施方案》,于2005年4月14日全面开展了机动车尾气污染监测工作。此次监测共布设点位11个,出动专业技术人员40余人,  相似文献   

城市机动车尾气污染与控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了城市机动车保有量持续上升,城市地区的大气污染向机动车尾气型污染转化,光化学烟雾发生的机率增大的情况及控制机动车尾气污染的几种途径。  相似文献   

随着机动车保有量的增加,机动车尾气污染日渐凸显,对城市环境空气质量带来巨大压力,需要出台行之有效的措施来降低或减少机动车尾气排放带来的危害。机动车尾气排放管理方案的制定要结合"车、油、路"等多个角度考虑,防、治结合,才能有效减少城市机动车尾气排放。  相似文献   

南京市机动车排气污染现状分析   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
阐述了南京市机动车发展现状、道路交通现状和机动车污染监测情况,对机动车排放因子、机动车污染、交通干线的污染物日排放特征、机动车源排放污染物的分担率以及机动车尾气污染物排放进行了分析和预测。指出南京市机动车污染状况必须采取有效措施加以控制,并提出了贯彻机动车尾气控制标准,完善污染控制管理机制;重点控制公交、出租和专业物流的机动车污染;严格控制车用油品质量;建立车辆污染数据库;加快道路建设,运用交通综合管理制度削减污染;实施保护区和控制区管理以及实施机动车标志管理等合理化建议。  相似文献   

综述了国内外机动车排放因子模型,基于开阔型、交叉路口型和城市峡谷型3类城市典型交通道路,探讨了各种机动车尾气扩散模式的优缺点和适用性。提出今后的研究重点是利用城市生态系统中的植物群落对汽车排放污染物扩散的阻碍和吸附,探索绿化植物对机动车尾气污染扩散的阻散特征;加强CFD软件在城市道路空气质量研究领域的应用;在GIS平台下,结合扩散模式开发环境综合管理系统。  相似文献   

为了保证第29届北京奥运会期间北京市的环境空气质量,减少机动车尾气污染,北京奥运期间(2008年7月1日-9月20日),非北京市核发号牌的机动车要进入北京行政区域,必须凭所在地区环保部门核发的尾气排放合格证明方可进京。  相似文献   

机动车尾气遥感监测是一项较新的技术。文章介绍了台湾地区在机动车尾气遥感监测法规、标准制订、实施方面的成功经验,以及我国其他大城市可以从中借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

洛阳市酸雨现状及成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨了洛阳市自1994年以来降水pH值的变化趋势,分析了1998年出现6次酸雨且市中心出现酸雨频次最高的原因,认为洛阳市在大气污染类型已由煤烟型向煤烟型与机动车尾气混合污染型发展,提出了加强机动车尾气治理以控制酸雨发展的具体措施。  相似文献   

首衔正确估计出样品BOD5浓度范围,并测定稀释水的溶解氧,然后根据稀释倍数公式计算三个适当的稀释倍数,本方法省时,可靠,适用性强,能够确保BOD5样品分析一次成功。在BOD5样品中分析中具有广泛的应用价值。  相似文献   

Analysis of respirometric graphs for system diagnosis has recently drawn much attention due to the nature of the test being a fast method with reliable oxygen uptake (Ou) data. In this study, a new graphical analysis procedure is proposed, using the oxygen uptake rate (OUR) vs. Ou respirogram because of its distinct characteristics that provides easy visual inspection. The OUR plot is typically divided into two respiration phases, and each one of these phases can be simulated by a previously derived analytical equation. Based on the 2-phase model, five characteristic parameters (CPs) were derived for the OUR respirogram. Mathematically the 5 CPs can be related to the system parameters (SPs), including the four Monod kinetic parameters and two operating conditions (initial substrate and biomass concentration). Sensitivity analyses were then conducted to assess the 5 CPs for the level of effect caused by system parameters (SPs). This study also conducted respirometric tests under batch operation to evaluate the applicability of the graphical analysis method. Based on the 5 CPs estimated from the OUR respirogram of the tests, it can be concluded that respirometric tests normally experience the problems associated with initial lag, non-uniform seeding, and inadequate mixing.  相似文献   

Measurement sensitivity and bias quality control metrics are commonly reported for water-quality parameters measured in the laboratory. Less commonly recognized is that they should also be reported for field-measured parameters. Periodic evaluation helps document data quality and can help serve as early warning if there are problems with methods or techniques that could negatively affect ability to interpret threshold values and trends over time. This study focuses on traditional assessment of bias and introduces a new method for estimating measurement sensitivity of water-quality parameters measured monthly in the field. Alternative measurement sensitivity is a new data quality indicator used to demonstrate how quantifying sensitivity at the measurement level can improve understanding the uncertainty affecting each reported data value. That, in turn, can help interpret the meaning of results from many separate data points measured in the field. In this 30-month study, pH and specific conductance consistently met, and dissolved oxygen did not always meet NPS and USGS quality control standards for bias. Evaluation of dissolved oxygen bias and sensitivity during the study provided impetus to improve calibration techniques that resulted in data that later met quality goals.  相似文献   

北京市河流氨氮浓度时空演变特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
选取2010—2017年北京市地表水监测数据,对河流氨氮(NH 3-N)浓度的时空演变特征进行分析。结果显示,空间上,全市河流NH 3-N浓度整体上保持上游优于下游的分布特征;年均浓度显著下降,由2010年的8.53 mg/L逐年下降至2017年的3.09 mg/L;河流NH 3-N浓度与化学需氧量、总磷呈显著正相关,与溶解氧显著负相关,总氮与NH 3-N的比值随着水质由差到好呈上升状态。污水收集处理和再生水利用是改善北京市河流水质的关键措施。为持续降低河流NH 3-N浓度,改善首都水环境质量,须提高污水处理能力和出水水质,有机结合再生水回用与生态治水理念。  相似文献   

A fuzzy logic model is developed to estimate pseudo steady state chlorophyll-a concentrations in a very large and deep dam reservoir, namely Keban Dam Reservoir, which is also highly spatial and temporal variable. The estimation power of the developed fuzzy logic model was tested by comparing its performance with that from the classical multiple regression model. The data include chlorophyll-a concentrations in Keban lake as a response variable, as well as several water quality variables such as PO4 phosphorus, NO3 nitrogen, alkalinity, suspended solids concentration, pH, water temperature, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen concentration and Secchi depth as independent environmental variables. Because of the complex nature of the studied water body, as well as non-significant functional relationships among the water quality variables to the chlorophyll-a concentration, an initial analysis is conducted to select the most important variables that can be used in estimating the chlorophyll-a concentrations within the studied water body. Following the outcomes from this initial analysis, the fuzzy logic model is developed to estimate the chlorophyll-a concentrations and the advantages of this new model is demonstrated in model fitting over the traditional multiple regression method.  相似文献   

长春南湖底泥疏浚前后水因子分析及动态变化   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
监测了长春南湖底泥疏浚后的DO、NH4_N、NO2_N、NO3_N、BOD5、CODCr、TN、TP、SS、pH、SD和水温等12项水化学指标。用因子分析方法找出了底泥疏浚前后影响南湖水质的主要因子,分析了底泥疏浚前后南湖水质变化的特征和底泥疏浚对南湖水质的影响,分析结果表明,南湖疏浚前主要污染物是总磷,疏浚后总磷对水质的影响降低,悬浮物作用增大。  相似文献   

A new method has been developed for the determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in pulping effluent using chemometrics-assisted spectrophotometry. Two calibration models were established by inducing UV-visible spectroscopy (model 1) and derivative spectroscopy (model 2), combined with the chemometrics software Smica-P. Correlation coefficients of the two models are 0.9954 (model 1) and 0.9963 (model 2) when COD of samples is in the range of 0 to 405 mg/L. Sensitivities of the two models are 0.0061 (model 1) and 0.0056 (model 2) and method detection limits are 2.02?C2.45 mg/L (model 1) and 2.13?C2.51 mg/L (model 2). Validation experiment showed that the average standard deviation of model 2 was 1.11 and that of model 1 was 1.54. Similarly, average relative error of model 2 (4.25%) was lower than model 1 (5.00%), which indicated that the predictability of model 2 was better than that of model 1. Chemometrics-assisted spectrophotometry method did not need chemical reagents and digestion which were required in the conventional methods, and the testing time of the new method was significantly shorter than the conventional ones. The proposed method can be used to measure COD in pulping effluent as an environmentally friendly approach with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

Nitrogen pollution in groundwater resulting from wastewater application to land is a common problem, and it causes a major threat to groundwater-based drinking water supplies. In this study, a numerical model is developed to study the nitrogen species transport and transformation in unsaturated porous media. Further, a new mass transfer module for dissolved oxygen (DO) is incorporated in the one-dimensional numerical model for nitrogen species transport to describe the fate and transport of nitrogen species, dissolved oxygen, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and biomass. The spatial and temporal variation of dissolved oxygen is incorporated in the model through the mass transfer from gaseous phase to water phase in an unsaturated porous system. The numerical results of the water flow model and single species and multispecies transport model in an unsaturated zone developed for this purpose have been validated with the available analytical/numerical solution. The developed model is applied in clay loam, silt, and sand soils to analyze the transport behavior of nitrogen species under unsaturated condition. The numerical results suggest that the high rate of oxygen mass transfer from the air phase to the water phase positively increases the dissolved oxygen in the applied wastewater and enhances the nitrification process. Because of this high oxygen mass transfer, the nitrate nitrogen concentration significantly increases in the unsaturated zone and the same is transported to a larger depth at higher simulation period. On the other hand, the low rate of oxygen mass transfer implicitly enhances the denitrification process and finally reduces the nitrate nitrogen concentration in the unsaturated zone. The numerical results also show that the nitrate nitrogen transport is rapid in sandy soil when compared with clay loam and silty soils under high oxygen mass transfer rate. In essence, the high oxygen mass transfer rate significantly increases the nitrate nitrogen in the unsaturated zone, especially at a greater depth at larger time levels and eventually affects the groundwater quality.  相似文献   

采用氧瓶燃烧处理植物样品,离子色谱法测定吸收液中SO_4~(2-)的方法来确定植物的含硫量,方法简便,分析周期短、重现性和回收率(94.7%~109.2%)均令人满意。  相似文献   

快速测试管法现场测定水中总余氯   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
余氯在水中极不稳定 ,需现场测定。通过研制一种测试管 ,从而能快速、简便地测水中的总余氯。常规法测定时间需要 3~ 5小时 ,而该测试管法仅需 1 0分钟。分析成本也大为降低  相似文献   

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