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Over 40 years, the detrital aquifer of the Plana de Castellón (Spanish Mediterranean coast) has been subjected to seawater intrusion because of long dry periods combined with intensive groundwater exploitation. Against this backdrop, a managed artificial recharge (MAR) scheme was implemented to improve the groundwater quality. The large difference between the electrical conductivity (EC) of the ambient groundwater (brackish water due to marine intrusion) and the recharge water (freshwater) meant that there was a strong contrast between the resistivities of the brackish water saturated zone and the freshwater saturated zone. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) can be used for surveying similar settings to evaluate the effectiveness of artificial recharge schemes. By integrating geophysical data with lithological information, EC logs from boreholes, and hydrochemical data, we can interpret electrical resistivity (ER) with groundwater EC values and so identify freshwater saturated zones. Using this approach, ERT images provided a high-resolution spatial characterization and an accurate picture of the shape and extent of the recharge plume of the MAR site. After 5 months of injection, a freshwater plume with an EC of 400–600 μS/cm had formed that extended 400 m in the W-E direction, 250 m in the N-S direction, and to a depth of 40 m below piezometric level. This study also provides correlations between ER values with different lithologies and groundwater EC values that can be used to support other studies.  相似文献   

以广东省珠海市2018年完工的唐家湾沙滩为研究对象,基于OpenGeoSys程序构建海水入侵数值模型,根据水文地质调查数据,建立沙滩修复前地下水运动的数学模型,利用地下水盐度历史数据进行参数率定与模型验证。在该模型基础上,根据填沙的水文地质参数,改变模型相应部分的属性,分析针对不同人工沙滩修复方案情景下的咸淡水界面运移规律。结果表明:人工填沙可加速海水入侵,填沙厚度对海水入侵程度影响较小;增加填沙宽度可以有效缓解海水入侵,当填沙宽度达到50 m时,可驱退咸淡水界面至沙滩修复前的状态。  相似文献   

以珠海金鼎工业园这一典型的滨海工业园为研究对象,对比分析了工业园建成后不同时期(2005—2007与2015—2022)园区地下水环境监测数据与稳定氢、氧、氮等多种环境同位素数据,探讨了该园区浅层地下水水质时空演变特征,分析了园区地下水水质的超标问题与诱因,并识别了园区地下水、主要离子与无机氮等成分的来源,明确了该浅层含水层特征指标对海水入侵的指示,为滨海工业园区地下水污染的管控提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

A hydrodynamic-oyster population dynamics model was developed to assess the effect of a change in ship channel configuration under different freshwater inflow regimes and different future hydrologies on oyster (Crassostrea virginica) populations in Galveston Bay, Texas. The population dynamics model includes the effects of environmental conditions, predators, and the oyster parasite Perkinsus marinus on oyster populations. The hydrodynamic model includes the effects of wind stress, river runoff, tides, and oceanic exchange on the circulation of the Bay. Simulations were run for low, mean, and high freshwater inflow conditions under the present (1993) hydrology and predicted hydrologies for 2024 and 2049 that include anticipated water diversion projects to satisfy the freshwater demands of population growth in metropolitan Houston, Texas. Simulation results show that oyster biomass was predicted to increase after enlargement of the ship channel. Oyster biomass is expected to increase on about 53% of total reef acreage when averaged over a 50-yr time span. Oyster reef acreage characterized by increased biomass after channel enlargement increases moderately under the present hydrology and the 2049 hydrology, but decreases slightly in 2024. Lower biomass in 2024 is due to reduced freshwater inflow and increased saltwater intrusion that pushes the optimal areas for oyster growth somewhat farther upbay than in 2049. Declines in oyster biomass, noted in most simulations in downbay reaches, were more than balanced by increased oyster biomass upbay. The differential between upbay and downbay reefs can be explained by an increase in mortality from Perkinsus marinus downbay and saltwater intrusion upbay that expands the area characterized by moderate salinities. The 20th century history of Galveston Bay is one of expansion of isohaline structure and increased oyster production as a result of anthropogenic modification of bay physiography. The salinity gradient of the 1990s, however, is not in equilibrium with the distribution of hard substrate required for oyster growth, that reflects an earlier equilibrium with the pre-1900s hydrodynamics. Increased saltwater intrusion is normally disadvantageous to oyster populations; but, in this case, channel enlargement further expands the salinity gradient upbay and outward (east and west) from the channel. As a result, in most years, oyster biomass is increased because moderate salinities cover more of the pre-1900s reef tracts where hard substrate is plentiful.  相似文献   

Proper management and evaluation of environmental effects for coastal groundwater aquifers require accurate estimation of salt and fresh water movement. For this we compare two numerical methods to study saltwater intrusion. The two numerical methods are the CIP (constrained interpolation profile) and the MOC (method of characteristics). The two numerical methods are used to solve the salt transport equation. The two methods are applied and compared to saltwater intrusion experiments for confined and unconfined aquifer case studies. It is found that for both cases, the CIP-method is superior in terms of calculation time while keeping an acceptable numerical accuracy.  相似文献   

In this study, heavy metal contents of groundwater from the Mersin aquifer were determined with photometric methods and used to determine the main factors controlling the pollution of groundwater in the area. Using MapInfo GIS software, spatial analysis and integration were carried out for mapping drinking water quality in the basin. From the photometric heavy metal analysis, it is inferred that the excess concentration of Fe, Ni, Mn, Mo and Cu at some locations is the cause of undesirable quality for drinking purposes. Similarly, the EC thematic map shows that considerable areas in the basin are having high salinity hazards. The reason for excess concentration of various heavy metals is the industrial activities and petroleum pipelines and salinity levels show the sea water intrusion.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine and evaluate the spatial changes in soil salinity by using geostatistical methods. The study focused on the suburb area of Beijing, where urban development led to water shortage and accelerated wastewater reuse to farm irrigation for more than 30 years. The data were then processed by GIS using three different interpolation techniques of ordinary kriging (OK), disjunctive kriging (DK), and universal kriging (UK). The normality test and overall trend analysis were applied for each interpolation technique to select the best fitted model for soil parameters. Results showed that OK was suitable for soil sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and Na+ interpolation; UK was suitable for soil Cl? and pH; DK was suitable for soil Ca2+. The nugget-to-sill ratio was applied to evaluate the effects of structural and stochastic factors. The maps showed that the areas of non-saline soil and slight salinity soil accounted for 6.39 and 93.61 %, respectively. The spatial distribution and accumulation of soil salt were significantly affected by the irrigation probabilities and drainage situation under long-term wastewater irrigation.  相似文献   

As part of a large hydroelectric project in northern Québec (Canada), a portion of the flow of the Rupert River was diverted toward the existing La Grande hydroelectric complex. As a result of the partial diversion, the discharge of the Rupert River at its mouth is reduced by an average of 50% annually. This corresponds to an 18% decrease in the total freshwater inflow into the bay and, thus, to a shift of the upstream limit of the saltwater intrusion in Rupert Bay. Changes in saltwater intrusion had been predicted numerically as part of the project’s environmental impact assessment (EIA). In the project’s conditions of authorization, monitoring the hydraulic conditions and the extent of saltwater intrusion in the Rupert Bay was required by government authorities. The objective of this paper is to present the results of this environmental monitoring and, more specifically, to validate the modifications predicted in the EIA in terms of both saltwater intrusion limit and hydraulic conditions in the Rupert Bay. Results obtained during 2 years of monitoring are within the predicted trends and order of magnitude of changes anticipated in the EIA. The results, thus, confirm that the shift of the upstream limit of the saltwater front along the channels of the bay was conservatively predicted by numerical modeling.  相似文献   

Understanding soil gas radon spatial variations can allow the constructor of a new house to prevent radon gas flowing from the ground. Indoor radon concentration distribution depends on many parameters and it is difficult to use its spatial variation to assess radon potential. Many scientists use to measure outdoor soil gas radon concentrations to assess the radon potential. Geostatistical methods provide us a valuable tool to study spatial structure of radon concentration and mapping. To explore the structure of soil gas radon concentration within an area in south Italy and choice a kriging algorithm, we compared the prediction performances of four different kriging algorithms: ordinary kriging, lognormal kriging, ordinary multi-Gaussian kriging, and ordinary indicator cokriging. Their results were compared using an independent validation data set. The comparison of predictions was based on three measures of accuracy: (1) the mean absolute error, (2) the mean-squared error of prediction; (3) the mean relative error, and a measure of effectiveness: the goodness-of-prediction estimate. The results obtained in this case study showed that the multi-Gaussian kriging was the most accurate approach among those considered. Comparing radon anomalies with lithology and fault locations, no evidence of a strict correlation between type of outcropping terrain and radon anomalies was found, except in the western sector where there were granitic and gneissic terrain. Moreover, there was a clear correlation between radon anomalies and fault systems.  相似文献   

Groundwater level plays a significant role in coastal plains. Heavy pumping and excessive use of near-coast groundwater can increase the intrusion of seawater into the aquifers. In the present study, groundwater levels were measured at 59 groundwater wells at different times during pre- and post-irrigation seasons (April and September of the year 2012) in Çar?amba Plain, Turkey. To select the best method, two deterministic interpolation methods (inverse distance weighing (IDW) with the weights of 1, 2, and 3 and radial basis function (RBF) with spline with tension (SPT) and completely regularized spline (CRS)) and two stochastic methods (ordinary kriging (OK) with spherical, exponential, and Gaussian variograms) and cokriging (COK)) were compared and then the best interpolation method was used to evaluate the spatial distribution of groundwater levels in different seasons and seasonal changes. A total of nine different techniques were tested. Also, risky areas of seawater intrusion in coastal area were determined using the best methods for two periods. The performance of these interpolation methods is evaluated by using a validation test method. Statistical indices of correlation (R 2), mean absolute error (MAE), and root-mean-square error (RMSE) were used to select and validate the best methods. Comparisons between predicted and observed values indicated RBF as the optimal method for groundwater level estimation in April and September. When the best method RBF and the worst method IDW were compared, significant differences were observed in the spatial distribution of groundwater. Results of the study also revealed that excessive groundwater withdrawals during the post-irrigation season dropped the groundwater levels up to 2.0 m in some sections. With regard to seawater intrusion, 9,103 ha of land area was determined to be highly risky and risky.  相似文献   

The Harran Plain is located in the southeastern part of Turkey and has recently been developed for irrigation agriculture. It already faces soil salinity problems causing major yield losses. Management of the problem is hindered by the lack of information on the extent and geography of the salinization problem. A survey was carried out to delineate the spatial distribution of salt-affected areas by randomly selecting 140 locations that were sampled at two depths (0 to 30 and 30 to 60 cm) and analyzed for soil salinity variables: soil electrical conductivity (EC), soluble cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+), soluble anions (SO 4 2? , Cl?), exchangeable Na+ (me 100 g?1) and exchangeable sodium percentage. Terrain attributes (slope, topographical wetness index) were extracted from the digital elevation model of the study area. Variogram analyses after log transformation and ordinary kriging (OK) were applied to map spatial patterns of soil salinity variables. Multivariate geostatistical methods—regression kriging (RK) and kriging with external drift (KED)—were used using elevation and soil electrical conductivity data as covariates. Performances of the three estimation methods (OK, RK, and KED) were compared using independent validation samples randomly selected from the main dataset. Soils were categorized into salinity classes using disjunctive kriging (DK) and ArcGIS, and classification accuracy was tested using the kappa statistic. Results showed that soil salinity variables all have skewed distribution and are poorly correlated with terrain indices but have strong correlations among each other. Up to 65 % improvement was obtained in the estimations of soil salinity variables using hybrid methods over OK with the best estimations obtained with RK using EC0–30 as covariate. DK–ArcGIS successfully classified soil samples into different salinity groups with overall accuracy of 75 % and kappa of 0.55 (p?<?0.001).  相似文献   

Water level in aquifer plays the main role in groundwater modeling as one of the input data. In practice, due to aspects of time and cost, data monitoring of water levels is conducted at a limited number of sites, and interpolation technique such as kriging is widely used for estimation of this variable in unsampled sites. In this study, the efficiency of the ordinary kriging (OK) and adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) was investigated in interpolation of groundwater level in an unconfined aquifer in the north of Iran. The results showed that ANFIS model is more efficient in estimating the groundwater level than OK.  相似文献   

In the present work, a simulation-optimization method is employed in order to manage saltwater intrusion in two unconfined coastal aquifers in Crete, Greece. The optimization formulation seeks to maximize groundwater withdrawal rates while maintaining the saltwater intrusion front at the current location or inhibiting it at locations closer to the coast. A combination of a groundwater flow model (MODFLOW) with the Ghyben-Herzberg saltwater front approximation and a sequential implementation of the Simplex algorithm (GWM) are employed. The results show that under the current pumping strategies, the saltwater intrusion front will continue to move inland, posing a serious threat to the groundwater quality of these regions. Optimal groundwater withdrawal scenarios that take into consideration the water needs of the local communities and environmental concerns are presented and discussed. In both case studies, significant reductions in pumping are required in order for the saltwater intrusion front to retract closer to the shoreline.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify seasonal and spatial trends and soil salinization patterns in a part of Rhodope District irrigated land, northeastern Greece, located east of Vistonis Lagoon. The study area is irrigated from a coastal aquifer, where salt water intrusion occurs because of extensive groundwater withdrawals. Fourteen monitoring sites were established in harvest fields in the study area, where soil samples were collected. Electrical conductivity (ECe), pH, and ion concentrations were determined in the saturated paste extract of the soil samples in the laboratory using standard methods. A clear tendency was observed for ECe to increase from April to September, i.e., within the irrigation period, indicating the effect of saline groundwater to soil. In the last years, the change from moderately sensitive (e.g., corn) to moderately tolerant crops (e.g., cotton) in the south part of the study area indicates the impacts of soil salinity. The study proposes management methods to alleviate this problem.  相似文献   

Groundwater and water resources management plays a key role in conserving the sustainable conditions in arid and semi-arid regions. Applying management tools which can reveal the critical and hot conditions seems necessary due to some limitations such as labor and funding. In this study, spatial and temporal analysis of monthly groundwater level fluctuations of 39 piezometric wells monitored during 12 years was carried out. Geostatistics which has been introduced as a management and decision tool by many researchers has been applied to reveal the spatial and temporal structure of groundwater level fluctuation. Results showed that a strong spatial and temporal structure existed for groundwater level fluctuations due to very low nugget effects. Spatial analysis showed a strong structure of groundwater level drop across the study area and temporal analysis showed that groundwater level fluctuations have temporal structure. On average, the range of variograms for spatial and temporal analysis was about 9.7 km and 7.2 months, respectively. Ordinary and universal kriging methods with cross-validation were applied to assess the accuracy of the chosen variograms in estimation of the groundwater level drop and groundwater level fluctuations for spatial and temporal scales, respectively. Results of ordinary and universal krigings revealed that groundwater level drop and groundwater level fluctuations were underestimated by 3% and 6% for spatial and temporal analysis, respectively, which are very low and acceptable errors and support the unbiasedness hypothesis of kriging. Although, our results demonstrated that spatial structure was a little bit stronger than temporal structure, however, estimation of groundwater level drop and groundwater level fluctuations could be performed with low uncertainty in both space and time scales. Moreover, the results showed that kriging is a beneficial and capable tool for detecting those critical regions where need more attentions for sustainable use of groundwater. Regions in which were detected as critical areas need to be much more managed for using the current water resources efficiently. Conducting water harvesting systems especially in critical and hot areas in order to recharge the groundwater, and altering the current cropping pattern to another one that need less water requirement and applying modern irrigation techniques are highly recommended; otherwise, it is most likely that in a few years no more crop would be cultivated.  相似文献   

Determining the electromagnetic radiation levels in urban areas is a complicated task. Various approaches have been taken, including numerical simulations using different models of propagation, sampling campaigns to measure field values with which to validate theoretical models, and the formalism of spatial statistics. In the work, we present here that this latter technique was used to construct maps of electric field and its associated uncertainty from experimental data. For this purpose, a field meter and a broadband probe sensitive in the 100-kHz–3-GHz frequency range were used to take 1,020 measurements around buildings and along the perimeter of the area. The distance between sampling points was 5 m. The results were stored in a geographic information system to facilitate data handling and analysis, in particular, the application of the formalism of spatial statistical to the analysis of the distribution of the field levels over the study area. The spatial structure was analyzed using the variographic technique, with the field levels at non-sampled points being interpolated by kriging. The results indicated that, in the urban area analyzed in the present work, the linear density of sampling points could be reduced to a distance which coincides with the length of the blocks of buildings without the statistical parameters varying significantly and with the field level maps being reproduced qualitatively and quantitatively.  相似文献   

Saltwater intrusion (SWI) represents a threat to coastal aquifers worldwide by rendering groundwater quality not viable for its intended purposes. Therefore, understanding SWI impacts is indispensable for informed decision-making on aquifer management. Despite advances in methods to assess the impact of SWI, it remains challenging to select appropriate methods that are effective, timely, and affordable under the influence of a range of factors including aquifer characteristics, hydro-geochemical dynamics, shoreline geomorphology, biochemical reactions, and data availability among others. This study examines commonly used methods that assess the impact of SWI towards the development of an assessment framework in coastal aquifers underlying densely populated urban areas. The methods were selected using complexity-functionality criteria and then tested at a pilot aquifer by coupling Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) and Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) analyses to evaluate the effectiveness of the methods and identify elements of the framework. The framework proved functional in synthesizing parametric results, assessing the dynamics of SWI and quantifying its potential impact, as well as providing an effective platform for informed impact assessment and planning for sustainable exploitation of coastal aquifers.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to statistically evaluate the significance of seasonal groundwater quality change and to provide an assessment on the spatial distribution of specific groundwater quality parameters. The studied area was the Mount Nif karstic aquifer system located in the southeast of the city of Izmir. Groundwater samples were collected at 57 sampling points in the rainy winter and dry summer seasons. Groundwater quality indicators of interest were electrical conductivity (EC), nitrate, chloride, sulfate, sodium, some heavy metals, and arsenic. Maps showing the spatial distributions and temporal changes of these parameters were created to further interpret spatial patterns and seasonal changes in groundwater quality. Furthermore, statistical tests were conducted to confirm whether the seasonal changes for each quality parameter were statistically significant. It was evident from the statistical tests that the seasonal changes in most groundwater quality parameters were statistically not significant. However, the increase in EC values and aluminum concentrations from winter to summer was found to be significant. Furthermore, a negative correlation between sampling elevation and groundwater quality was found. It was shown that with simple statistical testing, important conclusions can be drawn from limited monitoring data. It was concluded that less groundwater recharge in the dry period of the year does not always imply higher concentrations for all groundwater quality parameters because water circulation times, lithology, quality and extent of recharge, and land use patterns also play an important role on the alteration of groundwater quality.  相似文献   

Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) has potential for addressing deficits in water supplies worldwide. It is also widely used for preventing saltwater intrusion, maintaining the groundwater table, and augmenting ecological stream flows, among many other beneficial environmental applications. However, field MAR sites have experienced arsenic mobilization from aquifer formation minerals due to induced changes in groundwater chemistry. To address this environmental concern, it is crucial to understand the potential sources and sinks impacting arsenic mobilization. This paper outlines important mineral-water interactions that can occur at MAR sites. Detailed information on minerals of concern, physiochemical processes for arsenic mobilization or attenuation, and the potential impact of microbial activity and hydrology on these processes is provided. Based on these mineral-water interactions, guidelines for predicting arsenic mobility are presented, and recommendations are made concerning MAR site monitoring. The review emphasizes important aspects in correlating interfacial reactions to reactive transport modeling and elucidating future challenges, a first step toward developing safer and more sustainable MAR operations.  相似文献   

Majority of the people of Pakistan get drinking water from groundwater source. Nearly 40 % of the total ailments reported in Pakistan are the result of dirty drinking water. Every summer, thousands of patients suffer from acute gastroenteritis in the Rawal Town. Therefore, a study was designed to generate a water quality index map of the Rawal Town and identify the relationship between bacteriological water quality and socio-economic indicators with gastroenteritis in the study area. Water quality and gastroenteritis patient data were collected by surveying the 262 tubewells and the major hospitals in the Rawal Town. The collected spatial data was analyzed by using ArcGIS spatial analyst (Moran’s I spatial autocorrelation) and geostatistical analysis tools (inverse distance weighted, radial basis function, kriging, and cokriging). The water quality index (WQI) for the study area was computed using pH, turbidity, total dissolved solids, calcium, hardness, alkalinity, and chloride values of the 262 tubewells. The results of Moran’s I spatial autocorrelation showed that the groundwater physicochemical parameters were clustered. Among IDW, radial basis function, and kriging and cokriging interpolation techniques, cokriging showed the lowest root mean square error. Cokriging was used to make the spatial distribution maps of water quality parameters. The WQI results showed that more than half of the tubewells in the Rawal Town were providing “poor” to “unfit” drinking water. The Pearson’s coefficient of correlation for gastroenteritis with fecal coliform was found significant (P?P?P?相似文献   

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