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An air quality monitoring network (AQMN) usually performs the basic function of assessment of regional air quality and demonstration of compliance with ambient air quality standards in an urban area. Different pollutants, however, may present different characteristic variabilities due to their specific emission patterns, rates of diffusion, and transport and transformation behaviors. But the costs of siting in a pollutant-specific monitoring network would be higher than that for a common network with respect to several pollutants monitored simultaneously. This paper presents a survey of multi-pollutant design principles and optimal searches for siting patterns of an AQMN using both simulation and optimization models as a combined tool. While conservative, quasi-stable, and reactive pollutants are considered in the design principles, cost, coverage effectiveness, and spatial correlation characteristics are included in the multi-criteria decision making process. For illustrative purpose, a series of technical settings and two types of objectives were examined in the case study for the city of Kaohsiung in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Air pollution due to small scale industries have been found tocause serious occupational health hazards and adverse effects on vegetation and heritage. The study for air pollution impactassessment for brick kiln industries was undertaken. The stackmonitoring exercise was carried out to estimate the pollution level of SPM, SO2, and NOx. The ambient air quality was also measured in the vicinity of brick kilns to assess the impact of stack emission on ground level concentration. Characterisation of SPM for toxic metals were studied. Modelling exercise was carried to predict the impact of emission of brick kiln on surrounding environment. To minimise the emission level and ground level concentration, airpollution mitigation measures are suggested.  相似文献   

机动车的快速增长引发了严重的车辆尾气污染问题.通过分析上海市交通环境空气质量现状,评估污染物浓度改善效果,回顾交通环境空气质量监测发展的进程,建议借鉴国外交通环境空气质量监测网络的经验,加快完善上海的交通环境空气质量监测网络.  相似文献   

Within the framework of CityDelta open model inter-comparison exercise, two different atmospheric chemical transport models, comprehensive air quality model with extension and transport chemical aerosol model, have been applied over a domain centred on Milan (North of Italy) as a result of a cooperation of five Italian groups. The two models have shared the same input fields for yearly PM10 simulations. The paper illustrates the analysis of the particulate matter-simulated concentrations and the comparison with the available experimental data.  相似文献   

畜禽养殖场污染状况监测与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对河南省三个有代表性的规模化养殖场污染物排放及其对周围环境的影响进行了调查、监测及评价,结果表明,畜禽养殖污染已成为农业面源污染的重要来源,对其周围地表水和地下水产生较大影响。  相似文献   

美国空气质量监测的经验与启示   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2013年9月10日,国务院发布《大气污染防治行动计划》,为当前和今后一个时期全国大气污染防治工作提供行动指南。近年来,中国空气质量监测工作发展迅猛,但新的空气质量管理目标对空气质量监测水平提出了更高的要求。为了加强中国空气质量监测能力,文章总结了美国空气质量监测四十多年的发展历程,介绍了美国系统谋划监测战略、合理布设监测网络、严格控制数据质量、开展污染组分分析、科学应用监测结果、积极推动公众参与等方面的经验,为中国发展和完善空气质量监测体系提供参考,为切实改善空气质量提供技术支持。  相似文献   

环境空气质量标准中各种污染物的浓度限值是评价、考核空气质量状况的基本依据。为了保证在不同时空、不同环境状况下监测数据的可比性,各个国家或组织在制定的空气质量标准中对标准状态(温度和压力)进行了定义。但是,由于标准状态定义不同,即使是同一环境状况下的同一实测结果进行标化计算后的污染物浓度也不相同,达不到可比性的基本原则。因此,建议中国在未来修订空气质量标准所采用的标准状态,进一步与国际接轨。  相似文献   

The distributed lag effects of ambient particulate air pollution exposure on respiratory hospital admissions in Kathmandu Valley are modelled using daily time series data. The extended exposure to PM10 is accounted for by assigning weights to daily average PM10 which decline geometrically as the lag period increases in days. Results show that the percent increase in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) hospital admissions and respiratory admissions including COPD, asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis per 10 μg/m3 rise in PM10 are found to be 4.85% for 30 days lag effect, about 15.9% higher than that observed for same-day lag effect and 3.52% for 40 days lag effect, about 28.9% higher than the observed value for same-day lag effect, respectively.  相似文献   

空气污染日益呈现的区域性特点,使得空气质量区域联动监测成为必然趋势.以粤港珠江三角洲区域空气质量监控网络的实践为例,介绍了区域联动监测系统的组成和运行机制,并着重探讨了系统质量保证/质量控制(QA/QC)以及数据管理等核心支撑技术.  相似文献   

广州市空气质量自动监测系统设计及建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
广州市空气质量自动监测系统分为子站系统和中心控制数据接收平台系统丽部分.子站系统利用串口通讯采集仪器数据及状态标识;为确保中心系统的数据接收,系统通讯采用ADSL宽带和无线通讯相结合的方式,并设立了发送和接收数据的协议;子站系统的可视化界面与远程控制软件结合,可随时对子站进行监控;采用SQL语言对数据库进行访问.完成每...  相似文献   

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