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通过对一些污染治理设施运行中存在的问题进行剖析,提出“维持系统”的概念,并阐述了“维持系统”对污染处理设施正常运行的重要性,及如何建立一个完善的“维持系统”,以保障污染治理设施的正常运行。  相似文献   

简述了京杭大运河王江泾断面水质及区域水污染现状,指出工业污染、农业面源污染、污水集中处理设施滞后、内源污染是区域水污染的主要因素。提出,对区域水环境综合整治,实现京杭大运河王江泾断面水质稳定达标,必须推进产业结构调整与空间布局优化,推进点源污染整治,推进农业面源污染治理,推进生活污染源整治,推进河道整治,提高环境监管及应急水平。  相似文献   

简述了南京化学工业园区水环境现状,以及水污染应急设施建设情况。指出了目前存在园区企业生产废水预处理设施运行不稳定、化工园污水处理厂废水处理工艺亟待优化提高、园区储罐众多污染隐患巨大、化工园区内河流水质受到污染等问题,提出了水污染应急体制、环境安全风险防范机制、企业水污染防范设施、环境应急演练制度、环境应急事件处置工作信息交流平台、化工园区环境预警监控、监测网络等水环境污染防范与应急处置体系建设构想。  相似文献   

环境污染防治设施运营的市场化特点及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了环境污染防治设施运营的市场化极大地丰富和完善了我国环境保护“谁污染,谁治理”的政府内涵。在环保实践中,运营市场化将进一步明确污染者治理的经济责任,节省污染防治设施基建费用,降低运行成本,营造“造血”功能。提出了进一步完善环境污染防治设施运营市场化的对策措施。  相似文献   

文章论述了在点源治理模式下,环境污染治理设施易存在的问题及其产生原因,并据此提出解决问题的对策及运行模式.  相似文献   

阐述了甘肃省“十五”期问水污染治理的成就,存在的问题及防治水污染的主要措施.  相似文献   

搞好水污染事故监测,对于促进污染源的治理,保护水域生态环境,促进社会稳定,保证经济持续稳定发展有着极其重要的意义.但水污染事故的现场监测难度较大,其监测结果,又是事故处理的依据,如何及时、准确地确定水污染事故的污染物和污染源,乃水污染事故现场监测的关键.一、必须及时确定污染物首先,对水污染事故的监测要立即进行.由于水体是一个错综复杂的动态系统,  相似文献   

在对农村河流水污染现状进行分析的基础上,对如何有效控制农村河流水污染的措施进行了一些探析,提出加强农村基础设施建设,改污水直排为处理后达标排放或综合利用、河道疏浚及测土配方施肥、循环利用等水污染防治措施,做到点面结合、标本兼治,综合治理。  相似文献   

文章以成都市工业园区为研究对象,分析了现代化城市中工业污水的防治现状、污水厂的运行处理情况、水环境管理中存在的主要问题等;结合国家水污染防治法和地方环境保护工作的具体要求,提出了城市工业园区污水处理厂优化运维的对策建议。具体建议包括:加快污水处理厂的提标改造,提升规范化运行水平,加强污水配套管网的建设,确保工业园区企业自建污水处理设施达标排放;强化监督管理、加大执法检查力度等,从而为城市的健康可持续发展保驾护航。  相似文献   

一、2007年工作安排 1.1加大污染防治力度,努力解决关系人民切身利益的突出环境问题 一是切实做好兰州市大气污染防治工作。落实好《兰州市实施大气污染防治法办法》,通过建立科学决策、长效管理、清洁能源推广激励、市场运作、项目推动和科技支撑等六个机制,全面完成兰州市“123”清洁能源改造计划。通过3~5年的努力,使兰州市大气环境质量二级和好于二级的天数稳定在全年的70%以上。二是加大黄河甘肃段水污染治理力度。根据《关于加强黄河甘肃段水污染防治工作的意见以加快完成白银公司铜冶炼硫酸系统污染治理工程、新西部维尼纶废水治理工程等一批重点污染源治理项目的建设,通过提高城镇污水处理厂的运行效率,进一步改善黄河甘肃段水环境质量和完成水环境化学需氧量削减任务。三是加强二氧化硫控制区等重点区域大气污染防治。实施以燃煤污染防治、烟控区建设、机动车污染防治和饮食油烟污染控制为主的综合整治措施,加大工业企业二氧化硫综合利用和治理力度,努力完成二氧化硫削减计划和二氧化硫污染防治工作。  相似文献   

燃油和燃煤电厂排放可吸入颗粒物的物理化学特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
分别对燃烧重油与烟煤两个电厂排放可吸入颗粒物的显微结构、颗粒类型及重金属在可吸入颗粒物中分布特征进行研究.研究表明,燃煤电厂排放可吸入颗粒物的形态都以球形颗粒为主,而燃油电厂排放可吸入颗粒物由一些絮状物和类似于燃煤飞灰中球形颗粒组成.根据可吸入颗粒物的化学组成,发现燃油电厂排放可吸入颗粒物的颗粒类型有硅铝质和钙-硅铝质...  相似文献   

Samples of kidney stones and gallstones obtained from patients who were workers at a steel plant, or residents of the steel plant township area and those unrelated to the steel plant and steel plant township area were analysed for the presence of toxic metals (Zn, Cr, Ni, Co, Cu, Pb, Hg, Cd and Mn) by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Other constituents (moisture, organic matter, oxalate, phosphate, fluoride and calcium) were also determined in each sample. In most of the samples the highest occurrence of toxic metals was found in the samples obtained from workers of the steel plant who were also residents of the steel plant township area. In samples obtained from patients who were non-workers of the plant but residents of the steel plant township area, the concentrations of the toxic metals were smaller, but higher than in those cases who were unrelated to the steel plant environment.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of visitors on vegetation of natural semi-arid areas of Mediterranean basin using controlled experimental trampling. Impacts were assessed on days 1, 5, 15 and 30 examining presence of plant species, their cover and height in linear transects suffering a constant trampling intensity (25, 75, 100 and 200 passes/day). In addition, the study included the analysis of factors such as plant species, trampling intensity, the cumulative impact (day effect) and the type of footwear on plant variables. The results showed a decrease on plant cover and height influenced by cumulative (day) effect, an effect of trampling intensity and a different effect for each species. In contrast, shoe type affected only slightly the decrease in plant height. The evolution of plant cover revealed which species were most resistant to trampling. The disappearance of plant individuals during trampling appeared to be an impact index better than plant cover, because cover increased in some species when they were trampled thus introducing a bias.  相似文献   

企业自备电厂作为高耗能企业的一员,节能减排是重中之重。本文着重分析了宁夏自备电厂的基本情况,包括电厂类型、资源利用状况及节能减排的艰巨性,并结合当前自备电厂面临的问题对其发展提出了合理的建议。节能减排必须从内部挖掘潜力,不断努力,持之以恒,规范化管理,才能保证宁夏污染物总量减排任务的顺利完成。  相似文献   

Approaches linking biodiversity assessment with landscape structure are necessary in the framework of sustainable rural development. The present paper describes a methodology to estimate plant diversity involving landscape structure as a proportional weight associated with different plant communities found in the landscape mosaic. The area occupied by a plant community, its patch number or its spatial distribution of patches are variables that could be expressed in gamma plant diversity of a territory. The methodology applies (1) remote sensing information, to identify land cover and land use types; (2) aspect, to discriminate composition of plant communities in each land cover type; (3) multi-scale field techniques, to asses plant diversity; (4) affinity analysis of plant community composition, to validate the stratified random sampling design and (5) the additive model that partitions gamma diversity into its alpha and beta components. The method was applied to three Spanish rural areas and was able to record 150-260 species per ha. Species richness, Shannon information index and Simpson concentration index were used to measure diversity in each area. The estimation using Shannon diversity index and the product of patch number and patch interspersion as weighting of plant community diversity was found to be the most appropriate method of measuring plant diversity at the landscape level.  相似文献   

环境卫星CCD影像在太湖沉水植物监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用环境一号卫星 CCD影像,综合现场巡视情况,对2014年1—5月太湖梅梁湖水域的沉水植被区域进行分析与研究,分别取沉水植物、水华、地表植被与水体4个样本区域,对它们的光谱反射率曲线进行分析,得到沉水植物光谱反射率曲线相比其他样本区域独特的结论。并根据此特征,结合基于提取样本运行决策树的方法,以2014年5月1日为例,提取出了太湖梅梁湖水域沉水植物的分布区域与面积。  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to integrate plant architectural modeling or “visualization modeling” and “mechanistic” or physiologically based modeling to describe how a real plant functions using a virtual crop. Virtual crops are life-like computer representations of crops based on individual plants and including the representation of the substrate on which the plants grow. The integration of a three-dimensional expression and the mechanistic model of plant development and growth requires the knowledge of the position of the organs along the different plant axes (the topology), their sizes, their forms, and their spatial orientation. The plant simulation model simulates the topology and organ weight or length. The superposition of spatial position and the topology produces the architecture of the plant. The association between sizes and organs creates what we refer to as the plant morphological model. Both components, the architectural model and the morphology model, are detailed in this paper. Once the integration is complete, the system produces a movie-like animation that shows the plant growing. The integrated model may simulate one or several plants growing simultaneously (in parallel). Visual capabilities make the proposed system very unique as it allows users to judge the results of the simulation the same way a farmer judges the situation of the crops in real life, by visually observing the field.  相似文献   

A 3-year survey was conducted to explore the relationships among plant composition, productivity, and soil fertility characterizing four different degradation stages of an alpine meadow in the source region of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, China. Results showed that plant species diversity, productivity, and soil fertility of the top 30-cm soil layer significantly declined with degradation stages of alpine meadow over the study period. The productivity of forbs significantly increased with degradation stages, and the soil potassium stock was not affected by grassland degradation. The vegetation composition gradually shifted from perennial graminoids (grasses and sedges) to annual forbs along the degradation gradient. The abrupt change of response in plant diversity, plant productivity, and soil nutrients was demonstrated after heavy grassland degradation. Moreover, degradation can indicate plant species diversity and productivity through changing soil fertility. However, the clear relationships are difficult to establish. In conclusion, degradation influenced ecosystem function and services, such as plant species diversity, productivity, and soil carbon and nitrogen stocks. Additionally, both plant species diversity and soil nutrients were important predictors in different degradation stages of alpine meadows. To this end, heavy degradation grade was shown to cause shift of plant community in alpine meadow, which provided an important basis for sustaining ecosystem function, manipulating the vegetation composition of the area and restoring the degraded alpine grassland.  相似文献   

根据南京市5家市政水厂水源保护区的污染源调查结果建立了长江南京段水动力和有限体积法水质数学模型,并结合各污染源的污染强度和排放规律,分析了枯水期在不同水文情况下,污染源排放对饮用水源地水质的影响.有限体积法的模拟结果与常规分析的监测结果均表明,水厂受污染程度为:上元门水厂>北河口水厂>城北水厂>浦口水厂>城南水厂.主要污染源为水量较大,且有一定污染的入江河流.  相似文献   

淮河流域河南段水生植物多样性评价及其影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对淮河流域河南段开展野外调查及室内监测,分析河流水生植物类群组成及优势物种,从多样性、丰富度、优势度、均匀度4个方面对水生植物进行健康评价,采用CCA分析法探讨影响水生植物的关键环境因素。结果表明,淮河流域河南段共有水生植物38种,隶属于25科33属,分布广泛的优势种为芦苇、水花生、金鱼藻、轮叶黑藻、水蓼、水鳖、篦齿眼子菜。针对健康评价结果,淮河流域河南段水生植物呈现病态到健康状态。分析表明河流生态系统遭受破坏,生态系统呈现不稳定状况,主要原因为水质污染及人为活动干扰强烈。根据水生植物分布与水环境因子CCA响应关系研究,影响水生植物的主要因子为TP、COD、p H、电导率、氨氮。  相似文献   

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