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通过对汽车修理养护企业喷烤漆废气排放现状进行调查分析,指出中国目前适用于控制汽车修理养护企业废气排放的标准《大气污染物综合排放标准》(GB 16297-1996)在实际运用中存在的问题。依据《制定地方大气污染物排放标准的技术方法》(GB/T 3840-1991)《大气污染物综合排放标准详解》《工作场所有害因素职业接触限值化学有害因素》(GBZ 2.1-2007)《工业企业设计卫生标准》(TJ 36-1979)、美国环保局多介质环境模型等,用不同方法计算汽车修理养护企业排放的废气中几种挥发性有机物的排放浓度和排放速率限值,并对监测结果进行评价分析,提出编制汽车修理养护企业废气排放控制标准的建议。  相似文献   

通过实例对印制电路板项目电镀污染物排放进行剖析,从监测内容、监测结果与评价等主要环节就规范此类项目的环保验收监测要点进行了阐述.  相似文献   

环境保护部日前颁布的11项排放标准,分别为:《制浆造纸工业水污染物排放标准》《电镀污染物排放标准》《羽绒工业水污染物排放标准》《合成革与人造革工业污染物排放标准》《发酵类制药工业水污染物排放标准》《化学合成类制药工业水污染物排放标准》《提取类制药工业水污染物排放标准》《中药类制药工业水污染物排放标准》《生物工程类制药工业水污染物排放标准》《混装制剂类制药工业水污染物排放标准》《制糖工业水污染物排放标准》。  相似文献   

运用加权平均法探讨城市的区域环境噪声评价值,提出将各功能区标准按面积进行加权所得的平均值作为评价标准。同时探讨了工业排放的混合废水中污染物浓度均值的计算,提出用各工序的污染物浓度,按废水量进行加权的平均值作为计算结果。  相似文献   

关于等标污染负荷的讨论已公开发表了三篇文章,所涉及的内容皆为同行所感兴趣、但笔者认为就等标污染负荷的基本概念尚需作进一步的讨论。 等标污染负荷是水和大气污染源调查和评价中常用的统计量,它引自外来资料。它的定义是污染物的绝对排放量与评价标准之比。 由于污染负荷是对污染物和污染源进行了标化计算而得出的统计量,故它能将各种不同的污染物和污染源进行互相比较,以确定其对环境影响大小的顺序。  相似文献   

以某电镀企业验收监测为例,介绍了验收监测项目的概况,主要污染源、污染物及其治理设施,验收监测的内容,验收监测的质量保证措施,验收监测的侧重点和难点,并且探讨了验收监测中遇到的其他问题。  相似文献   

通过对典型行业废水有机污染物排放现状的调查研究,探讨我国现有污水排放标准存在的问题,即现有的标准不能有效控制废水特征有机污染物排放。依据美国环保局多介质环境模型,用不同方法计算水介质排放环境目标值,用该值作为标准限值,评价典型行业废水有机污染物监测结果。针对典型行业废水有机污染物排放特征,提出制订排放控制标准的建议。  相似文献   

环境空气质量标准中各种污染物的浓度限值是评价、考核空气质量状况的基本依据。为了保证在不同时空、不同环境状况下监测数据的可比性,各个国家或组织在制定的空气质量标准中对标准状态(温度和压力)进行了定义。但是,由于标准状态定义不同,即使是同一环境状况下的同一实测结果进行标化计算后的污染物浓度也不相同,达不到可比性的基本原则。因此,建议中国在未来修订空气质量标准所采用的标准状态,进一步与国际接轨。  相似文献   

分析了企业自行监测方案中执行污染物排放标准在适用类别、标准变更、适用范围、涵盖的污染物种类等方面存在的主要问题及原因,并从企业执行排放标准的原则、排放标准变更及(执行)时间变化、工艺特点与排放标准的关系、排放污染物种类的识别等角度,提出了审核时应把握的关键点。  相似文献   

工业企业水污染物排放总量计算方法比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对3家企业开展现场监测与调查,深入研究了利用手工监测数据计算工业企业水污染物排放总量的方法,并和自动监测数据法、排污系数法进行了比较研究,指出了3种方法的影响因素和适用范围,为合理计算企业污染物排放总量提供了思路.  相似文献   

基于环境统计数据分析了长江经济带工业源和生活源总磷污染及治理特征。结果表明,2016—2019年,长江经济带工业源和生活源总磷排放量总体下降,但占全国比例逐年增加。工业源涉磷企业主要分布在江苏、浙江、四川、湖北等省,主要涉及纺织、农副食品、化工、电镀等行业;下游的南通、苏州、宁波、绍兴和杭州等城市"三磷"企业总磷产生量也较大。工业源总磷治理存在污水处理设施建设和现有治理能力不足的问题。四川、江苏、湖南等地的生活源总磷排放量较大,贵州、江西、云南等地的人均总磷排放量较高。长江经济带上游流域、地区生活污水处理率、总磷去除率较低。建议加强工业源涉磷企业监管和治理力度,强化上游地区生活污水处理设施建设和提标改造,减少总磷污染。  相似文献   

基于中国2015年环境统计重点调查工业企业的逐台工业锅炉数据,分析了中国重点调查工业企业工业锅炉的现状、能源消耗、污染排放及治理水平等。统计数据分析表明:在能源消耗和废气污染物产生排放量上,燃煤工业锅炉占85%以上;燃煤工业锅炉规模越小,其烟粉尘排放强度越大;超过一半以上工业锅炉烟粉尘直排,烟粉尘去除率虚高;工业锅炉相对集中在东北、华北少数几个大省及热力、化工等少数几个重污染行业。对工业锅炉污染治理提出治理对策建议。  相似文献   

统计2012年10月和11月浦东机场飞机机型和航班架次,根据各类飞机起降的污染物排放设计工作参数,估算出2012年浦东机场飞机起降时排放的NO2、SO2、CO和HC的估算值。利用浦东新区13个空气监测子站二氧化氮和二氧化硫数据绘制等值线图。结果显示,机场所在的江镇点位和祝桥点位二氧化氮浓度变化受飞机影响很大,而飞机排放的二氧化硫对两个点位的影响可以忽略不计。建议采用改进飞机滑行路线、探讨征收飞机碳排放税等措施减少飞机尾气排放对空气质量的影响。  相似文献   

通过调查与分析苏州市重点监控行业企业VOCs的产生和排放特征,调研典型企业,重点关注其涉及VOCs产生的工艺环节、原辅材料、排放浓度。结果表明:苏州市涉及VOCs排放企业行业众多,尤其以电子信息最多,其次为塑料橡胶制品行业、石油化工行业、纺织印染行业等。重点监控VOCs排放企业使用了大量有机溶剂,生产工艺中涉及VOCs排放的环节多,排放的VOCs种类多、成分复杂,具有行业特征。  相似文献   

Commercial cooking emissions are important air pollution sources in a heavily urbanized city. Exhaust samples were collected in six representative commercial kitchens including Chinese restaurants, Western restaurants, and Western fast-food restaurants in Hong Kong during peak lunch hours. Both gaseous and particulate emissions were evaluated. Eight gaseous and twenty-two particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were quantified in this study. In the gaseous phase, naphthalene (67-89%) was the most abundant PAH in all of the exhaust samples. The contribution of acenaphthylene in the gaseous phase was significantly higher in emissions from the Chinese restaurants, whereas fluorene was higher in emissions from the Western cooking style restaurants (i.e., Western restaurants and Western fast-food restaurants). Pyrene is the most abundant particulate PAH in the Chinese restaurants (14-49%) while its contribution was much lower in the Western cooking style restaurants (10-22%). Controlled cooking conditions were monitored in a staff canteen to compare the emissions from several different local cooking styles, including deep frying, steaming, and mixed cooking styles (combination of steaming and frying). Deep frying produced the highest amount of total gaseous PAHs, 6 times higher than the steaming. However, steaming produced the highest particulate emissions. The estimated annual gaseous PAH emissions for the Chinese restaurants, Western restaurants, and Western fast-food restaurants were 255, 173, and 20.2 t y(-1) whereas 252, 1.9, and 0.4 t y(-1) were estimated for particulate phase PAH emissions. The study provides useful information and estimates for PAH emissions from commercial cooking exhaust in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

The strategy for decreasing volatile organic compound emissions in Mexico has been focused much more on tailpipe emissions than on evaporative emissions, so there is very little information on the contribution of evaporative emissions to the total volatile organic compound inventory. We examined the magnitudes of exhaust and evaporative volatile organic compound emissions, and the species emitted, in a representative fleet of light-duty gasoline vehicles in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City. The US “FTP-75” test protocol was used to estimate volatile organic compound emissions associated with diurnal evaporative losses, and when the engine is started and a journey begins. The amount and nature of the volatile organic compounds emitted under these conditions have not previously been accounted in the official inventory of the area. Evaporative emissions from light-duty vehicles in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City were estimated to be 39 % of the total annual amount of hydrocarbons emitted. Vehicles built before 1992 (16 % of the fleet) were found to be responsible for 43 % of the total hydrocarbon emissions from exhausts and 31 % of the evaporative emissions of organic compounds. The relatively high amounts of volatile organic compounds emitted from older vehicles found in this study show that strong emission controls need to be implemented in order to decrease the contribution of evaporative emissions of this fraction of the fleet.  相似文献   

Given the rapid industrialization and urbanization of China, environmental problems have gradually become major constraints that hinder its sustainable economic development. Moreover, China's pollution abatement and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions have been severely affected by pressures coming from domestic environmental appeals and international environmental diplomacy. By using integrated data from the Chinese Industrial Enterprise and the Chinese Enterprise Environmental Survey and Reporting databases, this study constructs comprehensive indicators of pollutant discharge intensity and carbon emissions index at the enterprise level and uses the panel fixed effect model, Kaya identity, and mediation effect model to assess the effects of environmental regulations on pollution abatement and collaborative emissions reduction from the micro-perspective. Results show that these regulations can abate the pollution emissions of Chinese industrial enterprises and verify the effectiveness of environmental policies. These regulations can also efficiently reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of enterprises through pollution abatement. In other words, environmental regulations facilitate a collaborative emissions reduction of pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions from enterprises. Such collaborative emissions reduction effect is also influenced by the energy structure and consumption of enterprises. This paper presents empirical evidence and policy basis for further improving China's environmental regulation policy system and achieving coordinated progress in China's economic development and environmental governance.  相似文献   

简述了全国机场的主要分类。根据近几年对各类型机场开展验收监测的实际情况及经验,指出了不同类型机场面临的主要环境问题;对机场项目验收中干线及以上规模机场飞机噪声污染、尾气排放,支线机场生态保护、中水回用、不同类型机场飞机噪声监测等问题进行了分析;就完善机场项目环保管理问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

基于2017年濮阳市第二次全国污染源普查数据,采用聚类分析和核密度分析的方法对濮阳市行业结构特征、工业污染集聚特征进行了分析。结果表明,濮阳市支柱行业为石化行业,工业总产值占比36.92%,远高于其他行业;非金属矿物制品企业数量最多,污染物排放总量最高;颗粒物排放量占濮阳市工业污染源排放总量的33%,占比最高;非金属矿物制品业与石油、煤炭及其他燃料加工业是濮阳市废气污染物的主要来源,石油、煤炭及其他燃料加工业与农副产品加工业是濮阳市废水污染物的主要来源;濮阳市产业集聚区是污染物产排的重要区域,其污染物产生量占濮阳市污染物产生总量的95.49%,污染物排放量占濮阳市排放总量的63.05%。而非产业集聚区的污染物排放量占濮阳市排放总量的36.95%,是精准治污的重点。针对濮阳市产业结构和产业布局现状,提出,重新整合辖区非金属矿物制品业,继续做强石化行业,兼顾发展污染物排放强度低的行业;挖掘产业集聚区减排潜力,建设绿色产业集聚区是经济与环境协调发展的重要途径;非产业集聚区企业应因地制宜,政策引导,发挥中小企业自主能动性,提升环境质量。以期为濮阳市产业布局调整提供技术支持。  相似文献   

The performance of a power based fuel consumption and exhaust emissions model for spark ignition vehicles has been evaluated using a large Australian database derived from testing a wide range of in-use cars on a chassis dynamometer. It was also applied to results of on-road fuel consumption measurement using a "floating" car which was driven back and forth on hilly roadways in Sydney with a length of 8.6 km. The model is found to predict the fuel consumption well over the standard drive cycles and also for the floating car. Average exhaust emissions were also well predicted, but, as would be expected, vehicle-to-vehicle correlation is impossible due to the well-known high variability of emissions between nominally identical vehicles.  相似文献   

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