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经对具有一定本底氨氮浓度水样在不同浓度梯度的余氯作用下 ,水样稳定 4~ 6小时后对其进行 NH3 - N、NO-2 - N,NO-3 - N浓度分析 ,得出三氮随不同余氯浓度的变化曲线。由变化曲线可以看出 ,水中余氯浓度在 0 .51~ 1 .35mg/ L之间 ,三氮的转化呈锐势 ,当余氯浓度≥ 1 .35mg/ L时 ,三氮浓度基本趋于稳定状态 ,而氨氮转化过程的中间产物 NO-2 - N在水中余氯浓度≥ 0 .51 mg/ L时 ,几乎不存在。表明 ,在可行性余氯浓度范围内 (水中余氯浓度不超标 ) ,水中加氯能快速有效地促进氮的硝化 ,尤其对水中亚硝酸盐的抑制是极为有效的。水中加氯…  相似文献   

用正交试验确定游离性余氯最佳测定条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在用DPD光度法测定水中余氯时,对水样的pH值、显色时间、显色剂用量和反应温度进行了研究,通过正交试验系统地分析了各因素影响测定结果准确性的程度,并获得最佳的反应条件,表明在该条件下测定水中余氯的准确性优于其他条件下测定的结果。  相似文献   

溴百里酚蓝测定水中余氯的方法研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
提出了测定水中余氯的一个新方法.余氟将溴百里酚蓝氧化而褪色,在碱性介质中为蓝色.λmax=616nm,ε=9.17×104L/mol·cm.检出限(4.6SD)为0.6mg/L.用于测定自来水中余氯,相对标准偏差为1.76%,加标回收率为97.22%~104.2%.  相似文献   

甲基红分光光度法测定水中余氯   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出了以甲基红褪色光度法测定水中的余氯。在酸性介质中,余氯使甲基红褪色,最大吸收波长524nm,摩尔吸光系数=1.25×104L/mol·cm。余氯质量浓度在0 0mg/L~1mg/L范围内遵守比耳定律。对甲基红混合溶液的加入量以及样品溶液褪色后其吸光值的稳定性等作了条件试验,并与DPD分光光度法进行了对比测定,两种方法测定结果基本一致。  相似文献   

论述了气相色谱法测定水中微量多氯联苯及有机氯农药的方法步骤,该方法灵敏度、准确度均能达到微量分析的要求.整个测定过程需60min,所测组分共15种,检出限在1~8ng/L范围内.  相似文献   

采用DPD分光光度法测定水中的游离余氯,验证了用高锰酸钾替代氯制剂配制标准溶液的有效性,方法在0 mg/L~0.800 mg/L范围内符合朗伯-比尔定律,检出限为0.01 mg/L。使用次氯酸钠标准体系和高锰酸钾标准体系分别测定废水样品及其加标样,并用硫酸亚铁铵滴定法作比对验证,结果显示3种方法具有可比性。  相似文献   

碘化钾-淀粉试纸法测定余氯   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于余氯对碘化钾的氧化作用和碘淀粉反应,本文提出了测定余氯的碘化钾-淀粉试纸法。研究了最佳测试条件,用于测定医院污水中的余氯,获得满意结果。测量范围为1.0-10.0mg/L。  相似文献   

用N-(1-萘基)—乙二胺光度法测定水中亚硝酸盐氮,对有颜色和悬浮物的待测水样需加入氢氧化铝悬浮液作预处理以排除干扰。在实际配制氢氧化铝悬浮液中,加入55mL氨水,量太少,几乎没有沉淀。若所加氨水稍有过量,便又生成大量的氢氧化铝,需用水反复洗涤,至洗涤液中不含亚硝酸盐。这个过程常常要用大量的水和花费几小时时间不停地洗涤,才能达到要求,耗时费力。今发现用氢氧化锌取代氢氧化铝,能很好地解决这一问题。即在100mL水样中,  相似文献   

余氯在pH6.5条件下与PADA发生显色反应,本文根据稳定悬浮颗粒对光的吸收行为研究选择波长测定水体中余氯,实验证明在450~515nm波长范围内任意选择两波长比色按照推导公式和模型计算余氯浓度,测定方便结果准确,且计算模型稳定,几乎不受操作环境影响。适合于废水和天然水的监测。  相似文献   

系统研究了反应时间、水温、显色剂的用量及pH对游离性余氯测定的影响,优化选择最佳测定条件为控制水样pH<8,水温25℃,显色剂用量2.5 ml,加入显色剂后立即比色测定游离性余氯。在此条件下,测定3种生活饮用水游离性余氯,回收率为96.7%~99.8%,测定结果与《生活饮用水标准检验法》(GB 5750-85)中37.3滴定法颇为一致。  相似文献   

源水氯化消毒目前仍是广泛而经济的消毒方法。消毒过程可产生三氯甲烷、一溴二氯甲烷和二溴一氯甲烷等挥发性卤代烃类污染物,这些物质对人体具有潜在危害。对此,本文采用静态顶空气相色谱法对克拉玛依市居民自来水中的三卤甲烷进行了定性定量检测和评价,经质谱定性自来水中存在三氯甲烷、一溴二氯甲烷和二溴一氯甲烷。对28个水样的检测结果表明,克拉玛依市自来水中的三氯甲烷、一溴二氯甲烷和二溴一氯甲烷均符合国家生活饮用水标准。  相似文献   

水中硫化物不稳定,最好是现场即时测定。本文旨在研究现场快速测定水中的硫化物。本研究运用比色分析的朗伯-比尔定律和真空工艺设计,将复杂繁琐的实验室测试方法和操作程序有机的融合在测试管中。该测试管具有快速、简便和价格低廉等特点,测定范围0.1~10mg/L。  相似文献   

Drinking water treatment typically uses strong oxidants such as chlorine which are capable of converting Cr(III) to Cr(VI). The rates and extent of Cr(III) oxidation by chlorine are not well established. Cr(III) oxidation experiments were therefore conducted in distilled deionized water and New York City tap water dosed initially with Cr(III) and supplemented with sodium hypochlorite to increase free chlorine residual. Reaction progress was monitored using capillary electrophoresis which quenched reactions and allowed for quantification of Cr(VI). Three different forms of Cr(III) were used as reactants: a Cr(III) nitrate salt, Cr(III)-EDTA, and Cr(III) hydroxide. Rates of Cr(VI) production for all three forms of Cr(III) were rapid, on the order of hours. However, oxidation rates slowed and a plateau in Cr(VI) concentrations was reached. This resulted in less than 100% conversion of Cr(III) to Cr(VI) even at relatively high chlorine doses (10 to 100 mg L(-1) as Cl(2)). The loss of free chlorine due to a non-Cr chlorine demand, the precipitation of Cr(III) to Cr(OH)(3)(s), and the partial oxidation of Cr(III) to intermediate oxidation states (i.e. Cr(IV) and Cr(V)) were examined and eliminated as possible explanations for this behavior. Consumption of chlorine via reaction with intermediate oxidation states of Cr is therefore offered as a possible explanation for the plateau in Cr(VI) concentrations.  相似文献   

A method is described whereby dielectrophoresis of algal cells is used to perform rapid water quality analysis, specifically detecting the presence of CuSO4. The dielectric collection spectrum of the fresh water alga Selenastrum capricornutum was determined for a range of concentrations of CuSO4 from 25 mg L(-1) to 0.25 mg L(-1) for exposure times of 15 min and 18 h. In all cases increasing the concentration of CuSO4 reduced cell collection, but a step reduction was observed in collection between 2 mg L(-1) and 5 mg L(-1). This method has potential for forming a rapid, low-cost test for water quality with broad specificity and significantly reduced analysis time compared to current methods.  相似文献   

建立了游离氯和总氯样品保存方法。用氢氧化钠溶液作为固定剂,现场固定含有游离氯和总氯的水样,使水样pH>12。结果表明,样品经4℃低温避光保存,5 d内测定,测量结果没有显著变化,方法检出限(以Cl2计)为0.004mg/L,加标回收率为96.7%~104%。  相似文献   

为方便地表水中总微囊藻毒素(TMCs)的预警监测,探究提取MC-LR、MC-RR、MC-YR的不同快速前处理方法,建立同时测定3种TMCs的煮沸-过滤-UPLC-MS/MS法。该方法在0.006μg/L~50.0μg/L范围内线性良好,方法检出限为0.006μg/L~0.010μg/L,实际水样3个质量浓度水平的加标回收率为88.6%~108%,6次测定结果的RSD为2.6%~9.4%。  相似文献   

The optimization of chlorine dosage and the number of booster locations is an important aspect of water quality management in distribution networks. Booster chlorination helps to maintain uniformity and adequacy of free residual chlorine concentration, essential for safeguarding against microbiological contamination. Higher chlorine dosages increase free residual chlorine concentration but generate harmful by-products, in addition to taste and odor complaints. It is possible to address these microbial, chemical, and aesthetic water quality issues through free residual chlorine concentration. Estimating a water quality index (WQI) based on regulatory chlorine thresholds for microbial, chemical, and aesthetics criteria can help engineers make intelligent decisions. An innovative scheme for maintaining adequate residual chlorine with optimal chlorine dosages and numbers of booster locations was established based on a proposed WQI. The City of Kelowna (BC, Canada) water distribution network served to demonstrate the application of the proposed scheme. Temporal free residual chlorine concentration predicted with EPANET software was used to estimate the WQI, later coupled with an optimization scheme. Preliminary temporal and spatial analyses identified critical zones (relatively poor water quality) in the distribution network. The model may also prove useful for small or rural communities where free residual chlorine is considered as the only water quality criterion.  相似文献   

将样品中的颗粒物分离出来后,向样品中加入适量硝酸银,除去生成的氯化银沉淀,再将预先分离的颗粒物合并到水样中,混匀后测定。经过这样处理,既去除了水样中的Cl-,又保留了水样中原来的组份,保证了COD测定结果的准确性。  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in minimizing the chlorine residual in Japan because of increasing complaints about a chlorinous odor in drinking water. However, minimizing the chlorine residual causes the microbiological water quality to deteriorate, and stricter control of biodegradable organics in finished water is thus needed to maintain biological stability during water distribution. In this investigation, an acceptable level of assimilable organic carbon (AOC) for biologically stable water with minimized chlorine residual was determined based on the relationship between AOC, the chlorine residual, and bacterial regrowth. In order to prepare water samples containing lower AOC, the fractions of AOC and biodegradable organic matter (BOM) in tap water samples were reduced by converting into biomass after thermal hydrolysis of BOM at alkaline conditions. The batch-mode incubations at different conditions of AOC and chlorine residual were carried out at 20°C, and the presence or absence of bacterial regrowth was determined. The determined curve for biologically stable water indicated that the acceptable AOC was 10.9 μg C/L at a minimized chlorine residual (0.05 mg Cl2/L). This result indicated that AOC removal during current water treatment processes in Japan should be significantly enhanced prior to minimization of the chlorine residual in water distribution.  相似文献   

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