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为了提高废水监测中的准确度,针对不同的水样往往需要对《水和废水监测分析方法(第四版)》和各种标准分析方法中的其预处理方法进行适当的变更,并列出了一些监测项目的预处理改进方法.  相似文献   

酶抑制法检测蔬菜中的有机磷农药   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对新型酶抑制检测蔬菜中有机磷农药残留量的方法进行了研究,介绍了胆碱酯酶的提取、纯化方法,以及用粗酶和纯酶检测蔬菜中有机磷农药残留量的测定效果,确定了最佳实验条件。对样品的预处理方法进行了改进,得出该法的检测限为1mg/L,对甲基对硫磷等几种常用农药的加标回收率为90.4%~112%,相对标准偏差为1.06%~9.83%,表明三项评价指标均符合全国农药残留科研协作组对农药残留分析方法的基本要求。  相似文献   

针对地表水中6价铬监测预处理锌盐沉淀分离法不足之处,提出了预处理物改进方法。  相似文献   

农药残留检测技术进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了近年来的环境残留农药检测的方法与进展,包括样品的预处理、净化、定性及定量检测方法.同时着重介绍了超临界流体萃取、超声波萃取样等品预处理领域中的前沿技术等.  相似文献   

沸石在净水过程中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验采用活化沸石去除水中大肠杆菌、苯酚、氯仿和阴离子表面活性剂.结果表明:沸石去除大肠杆菌效果显著,去除率高达99.9%,滤速对去除效果有一定影响.同时,对是否采用活化剂进行预处理及活化剂种类对沸石吸附容量影响做了进一步研究。  相似文献   

异烟酸-吡唑啉酮光度法测定氰化物的方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了用次氯酸钠代替氯胺 T为活性氯试剂进行测定的方法 ,比较了这两种试剂对测定条件、结果的影响 ,且对蒸馏预处理方法进行了改进 ,并提出了在蒸馏预处理及异烟酸 -吡唑啉酮分光光度法测定过程中的注意事项  相似文献   

废水中硫化物分析预处理方法的改进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在加热条件下打开大气采样器,调节好流量,利用负压把硫化氢由反应瓶抽至吸收管内,然后按标准方法对吸收液进行分析。本法优化条件为水浴温度70°C~75°C;流量0.5ml/min;抽气时间20min。分析结果:标准偏差0.21;变异系数1.4%;加标回收率95%。结果优于标准方法,缩短预处理时间,操作简便,不需要氮气,成本低。适于各种含硫化物废水的测定预处理。废水中硫化物分析预处理方法的改进@林颖$梧州市环境监测站!广西梧州543002  相似文献   

氨氮测定中水样混凝沉淀预处理的改进陈淑贞(福建连江县环境监测站,连江350500)改取100ml水样于100ml比色管,加10%ZnSO4溶液1ml混匀后加24%NaOH溶液0.2ml,使pH为10.5,这时浓度>10mg/LCa-CO3的水样可自然...  相似文献   

苯胺测定中蒸馏预处理程序改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苯胺测定中蒸馏预处理程序改进张向东,李峰(滨州地区环境保护监测站256614)苯胺类化合物的测定方法按文献[l]操作。在实践中,我们对该法的预蒸馏处理进行了改进。对色泽较深,含酚量较高的水样,苯胺的测定均通过蒸馏处理,并规定在蒸出原水样的80%体积后...  相似文献   

不同蒸馏预处理操作对直接光度法测挥发酸的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同蒸馏预处理操作对直接光度法测挥发酸的影响王俊荣(山东滨州地区环境监测站,滨州256614)改进后方法:量取50ml水样于蒸馏瓶中,用磷酸溶液调节至pH4(溶液呈橙红色),加入1.0ml10%硫酸铜溶液,加数粒玻璃珠,再加25ml无酚水,加热蒸馏至...  相似文献   

The assessment of marine pollution due to metals was made for surficial sediments sampled from 20 sites along Mediterranean coast of Egypt. The samples were dried, acid digested and analyzed for leachable and total heavy metal contents (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (air–acetylene) with deuterium background correction. Evaluation of the heavy metals pollution status was carried out using enrichment factors (EFs), the effect range-low (ERL) and the effect range-median (ERM). The study showed high concentrations of Cd, Co, Pb, Ni and moderate concentrations of Cr, Cu and Mn were contaminated in the sediments of studied sites. The results of Spearman correlation, factor and cluster analysis of the heavy metals analyzed in the collected sediment were discussed. The main source of contamination is the offshore oil field and industrial wastes, which arise due to the ineffective and inefficient operation equipments, illegal discharge and lack of supervision and prosecution of offenders.  相似文献   

采用文献计量方法,利用CiteSpace软件对Web of Science核心合集中2004—2020年以"Greenhouse Gases Monitoring"为主题词检索到的2 514篇文献进行可视化分析,从时间分布、国际合作、研究机构合作、研究领域、共被引分析和关键词分析等方面,揭示该领域的发展动态、研究实力分布、热点前沿等。结果表明:2004—2020年温室气体监测研究领域的发文数量总体呈现上升趋势,在全球应对气候变化的重大事件时间节点发文数量增幅较大;该领域发文量较多的国家和机构皆以发达国家为主,发展中国家中中国居首位,国家、机构合作关系紧密;温室气体监测研究涉及的学科领域较广,环境科学与生态学、环境科学、工程为排名前3位的学科领域,2010年后研究逐步拓展到建筑学、影像学、计算机科学、经济学等领域;该领域的研究知识基础主要聚焦温室气体浓度监测、来源去向、影响因素及变化趋势分析,温室气体监测技术方法研究及应用,以及森林、农业土壤碳汇研究等方面;通过不同时段关键词分析发现CO2、CH4和N2O一直是温室气体监测研究的重点对象,关注视角逐渐转向多因素、多领域、多技术、多方法、多策略研究。基于分析结果和中国实际,提出今后一段时期中国温室气体监测领域的研究重点和工作方向。  相似文献   

北京市主要水污染物排放特征及水质改善对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
污染排放信息是环境决策的重要依据。分析了北京市水环境质量的现状,基于最新源排放清单,解析北京市当前主控污染物COD、氨氮排放的结构特征和空间特征,以期为北京市开展基于流域综合治理的水污染控制和水环境管理提供依据。按照工业源、农业源、生活源和集中处理设施的环境统计口径,2013年,COD、氨氮的排放构成分别为2.7%、37.1%、35.0%、25.3%和1.5%、20.1%、54.8%、23.6%。其中,农业源中畜禽养殖排放是主要来源,COD、氨氮总排放分别占农业源总排放量的94.7%和87.0%。在北京市五大水系中,北运河流域排放量最大,COD、氨氮排放量分别占全市总排放量的53.3%和57.4%。为改善北京市水环境质量,建议从加快污水处理厂提标改造、推动面源污染治理、加强水利联通、合理规划城市规模布局等4个方面入手。  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate the potential of greywater availability in Muscat Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman, to establish a methodology for greywater quantity estimation, to test greywater quality in order to assess reuse potential, and to examine public acceptance for reuse.Total fresh water consumption and greywater generation from different household sources were measured by water meters in five selected households during summer and winter. Additionally, a survey was designed and conducted in five administrative areas of Muscat Governorate, with the objective of testing a methodology for estimating greywater generation potential in these areas. Collected data were compared with that used by the Ministry of Housing, Electricity and Water, Sultanate of Oman. The survey covered a total of 169 houses and 1,365 people. Greywater samples were collected and analyzed from showers, laundries, kitchens and sinks in some of these households to determine their water quality parameters. Statistical analysis results indicated that there is no significant variance in the total fresh water consumption between data used by the ministry and those measured and estimated during this study, highlighting the applicability of the tested method. The study concluded that the average per capita greywater generation rate is 151 Lpcd. Greywater production ranged from 80 to 83% of the total fresh water consumption and most of the greywater is generated from showers. Further, 55 to 57% of the greywater generated in a typical Omani household originated from the shower, 28 to 33% originated from the kitchen, 6 to 9% originated from laundry, and 5 to 7% originated from sink, which constitutes approximately 81% of the total fresh water consumption. The physical, chemical, and biological analyses of the grab samples revealed that greywater contains significant levels of suspended solids, inorganic constituents, total organic carbon, chemical and biochemical oxygen demands, total Coliforms and Escherichia Coliform bacteria. The public acceptance survey illustrated that approximately 76% of the respondents accepted the reuse of greywater for gardening, 53% for car washing and 66% for toilet flushing.  相似文献   

Metals and radionuclide levels in marine birds of the Aleutians are of interest because they are part of subsistence diets of the Aleut people, and can also serve as indicators of marine pollution. We examined geographic and species-specific variations in concentrations of radionuclides in birds and their eggs from Amchitka, the site of underground nuclear tests from 1965 to 1971, and Kiska Islands (a reference site) in the Aleutians, and the levels of lead, mercury and cadmium in eggs. In 2004 we collected common eiders (Somateria mollissima), tufted puffins (Fratercula cirrhata), pigeon guillemot (Cepphus columba) and glaucous-winged gulls (Larus glaucescens) from Amchitka and Kiska, and eggs from eiders and gulls from the two island. We also collected one runt bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) chick from both Amchitka and Kiska Islands. For most species, the levels of radionuclide isotopes were below the minimum detectable activity levels (MDA). Out of 74 cesium-137 analyses, only one composite (gulls) was above the MDA, and out of 14 composites tested for plutonium (Pu-239, 240), only one exceeded the MDA (a guillemots). Three composites out of 14 tested had detectable uranium-238. In all cases, the levels were low and close to the MDAs, and were below those reported for other seabirds. There were significant interspecific differences in metal levels in eggs: gulls had significantly higher levels of cadmium and mercury than the eiders, and eiders had higher levels of lead than gulls. There were few significant differences as a function of island, but eiders had significantly higher levels of cadmium in eggs from Kiska, and gulls had significantly higher levels of mercury on Kiska. The levels of cadmium and mercury in eggs of eiders and gulls from this study were above the median for cadmium and mercury from studies in the literature. The levels of mercury in eggs are within the range known to affect avian predators, but seabirds seem less vulnerable to mercury than other birds. However, the levels of mercury are within the action levels for humans, suggesting some cause for concern if subsistence Aleuts eat a large quantity of eggs.  相似文献   

Natural capital in ecology and economics: an overview   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Brundtland Commission report, Our Common Future, defined sustainable development as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of futuregenerations to meet their own needs. Although the idea of sustainable development has been widely accepted, it has proveddifficult to identify and implement policies and practices thatpromote sustainable economic growth. Some economists, environmental scientists and policy analysts believe that they can transform the consensus about sustainability into manageablepractices. They propose to accomplish this feat with a set of new ideas about the relationships between the economy and theenvironment offered under the banner of 'natural capital'. An ideal account of natural capital would be one or more standard measures or models that would allow the direct comparison of environmental goods, like forests, fresh water and clean air, with economic goods, like money, capital and productivity. By bringing economic science and environmental science to an objective common ground, a natural capital model has the potentialto provide a concrete means of comparing the economic and ecological costs and benefits of particular policies and programmes. This paper offers a survey and analysis of several new contributions to the formation of the natural capital concept from economists, ecologists, policy analysts, biometricians, foresters and a philosopher. The paper concludes that existingmicroeconomic theory may be 'ungreenable', if it is not reformulated. While macroeconomic approaches to natural capitalhave been more successful, they share the limitation that ecosystems and species are valued solely in monetary terms. These problems are taken to suggest that the development of a successful natural capital model may require economic theory tobe recast to include non-monetary social preferences and values.  相似文献   

为研究苔藓植物在重金属污染中的监测作用及其对重金属的富集能力,调查了贵州省喀斯特山区高峰村卡林型金矿苔藓植物的种类,并对该金矿区各生境中的苔藓植物优势种及基质进行Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb、Hg、As测定分析。利用检测数据,通过相关性分析和富集系数完成本次研究。在采集到的169份苔藓标本中,发现苔藓植物12科26属50种,优势科为丛藓科和真藓科,生活型以矮丛集型为主。该金矿2个开采点的苔藓植物科、属、种的相似性系数分别为58. 82%、55. 56%和27. 59%。2个开采点的苔藓植物与其基质的重金属含量呈现良好的正相关性,其中硬叶净口藓Cd和Zn的相关系数为0. 973和0. 892,属于显著正相关;各生境中的优势苔藓植物对Cd的富集能力最强,其中羽枝青藓和硬叶净口藓对Cd强烈富集,富集系数为16. 52和5. 58。当地硬叶净口藓对Cd和Zn污染有明确指示作用。  相似文献   

总结了江苏生物多样性保护管理工作取得的主要进展、典型做法及有益经验,分析了生物多样性现状特点,针对法规制度亟需加强、典型生境连通较差、基础能力尚显薄弱、物种入侵不容忽视、开发矛盾仍未根治等问题,提出,完善生物多样性管理政策制度、优化保护空间格局、加大自然生态系统保护修复、深化生物多样性本底调查评估、构建多级生物多样性观测网络、加强入侵物种监督管理、探索生物多样性可持续利用机制、提升生物多样性保护宣贯力度等对策建议,以期为新时期江苏生物多样性保护策略的制定提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The San Francisco Estuary Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances (RMP) began in 1993 and is sponsored by 74 local, state, and federal agencies and companies through their discharge or Bay use permits. The RMP monitors water, sediment, toxicity, and bivalve bioaccumulation at 25 sites in the Bay that are considered to represent "background" conditions. Several major environmental issues have been identified by the RMP. Polychlorinated biphenyls and mercury were often above water quality guidelines, and often occurred in fish tissues above U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) screening values. Concentrations do not appear to be decreasing, suggesting continuing inputs. Episodes of aquatic toxicity often occurred following runoff events that transport contaminants into the Bay from urbanized and agricultural portions of the watershed. Sediment toxicity occurred throughout the Bay, and has been correlated with concentrations of specific contaminants (chlordanes, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons) at some locations; mixtures of contaminants were probably also important. Since the RMP does not monitor all ecosystem components, assessments of the overall condition of the Bay cannot be made. However, in terms of contamination, the RMP samples suggest that the South Bay, and North Bay sites are moderately contaminated.  相似文献   

Metal concentrations in deciduous tree leaves from urban areas in Poland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Accumulation of metals in deciduous tree foliage fromurban areas in western-south Poland was monitored duringthe vegetation season of 2000 year. Concentrations of Al,Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, Ti and Znwere measured in birch, willow, linden and maple leavesusing the ICP-AES method. Seasonal variations of metalconcentrations and their relations with sampling sitewere investigated. The most dynamic accumulation of Al,Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb was observed for examined species. Thehighest differences in element concentrations forinvestigated sites were found for Ba, Cd, Mn and Ni.Interelement correlations were investigated. In allfoliar samples synergistic relationships between Al–Crand Ca-Sr were found. Statistically significant negativecorrelations were observed only for Cd and Ti in birch leaves.  相似文献   

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