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广州白云国际机场飞机大气污染物排放分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据收集到的2008-2012年广州白云国际机场航班起降次数,参考《珠江三角洲非道路移动源排放清单开发》飞机污染物估算方法及排放因子,计算出此期间机场飞机大气污染物排放量,并与2010-2012年广州市机动车污染物排放情况对比。结果表明:飞机大气污染物排放量随客运量的增长呈逐年上升趋势,而与机动车排放相比,飞机大气污染物排放量较小,故现阶段仍应以机动车作为移动源污染控制的重点。  相似文献   

根据对酸雨现状及十年变化趋势分析,苏州市十年间酸雨污染程度总体呈上升趋势,在全省亦处于前列。环境空气中二氧化硫、二氧化氮是造成酸雨的主要污染因子。从气象条件、能源消耗、污染源排放、产业结构等影响因素对酸雨污染变化原因及其与经济发展间的关系进行系统分析得出,苏州市酸雨污染总体形势不容乐观。  相似文献   

机场大气环境的影响评价——以广州白云机场为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本报告对白云机场在终端容量营运水平下的大气环境影响与美国国际机场进行了类比分析,并采用点源求和法的线源模式对进场路汽车、飞机起降在高峰小时、D类稳定条件下引起的NOx、CO浓度增值进行预测计算,得出白云机场终端容量营运水平飞机与汽车尾气排放的NOx、CO尚能使四周居民的地面一次浓度符合国家大气环境质量二级标准的要求,对四周居民区的影响是较小的。  相似文献   

一、前言 通观日本的大气污染状况就可以知道,目前是以二氧化硫、二氧化氮、一氧化碳、光化学含氧化合物以及悬浮颗粒物等为指标,制定旨在保护人们健康所期望达到的标准(即环境标准)。 在上述这些污染物中,二氧化硫、一氧化碳的污染状况已逐年得到改善,达标情况也一直良好。至于二氧化氮,由1970年开始,全国有15个监测站一直在进行监测。从这些站测得的年平均浓度值可以发现,1979年以后,二氧化氮含量稍有下降。然而,近年来,二氧化氮浓度却逐年增加:1985年增加0.024ppm,  相似文献   

为了解蚌埠市环境空气中PM_(2.5)的来源,于2017年8月18日—9月18日,在百货大楼和高新区站点,利用单颗粒物气溶胶飞行时间质谱仪开展PM_(2.5)在线源解析。结果表明,百货大楼点位ρ(PM_(2.5))高于高新区点位,轻度污染比例(4.2%)明显高于高新区点位(0.8%),出现了中度污染(0.3%);SPAMS的PM_(2.5)质谱图显示百货大楼点位PM_(2.5)中K~+、Na~+特征明显,高新区点位HSO_4~-、NO_3~-、NO_2~-等无机信号较为明显;2个点位NO_3~-、NO_2~-、NH_4~+离子颗粒数占总颗粒数的百分比明显较高,且高新区点位NO_3~-、HSO_4~-离子数占比要明显高于百货大楼点位,燃料燃烧、工业工艺源、农田氮肥施用是其主要的人为污染源;2个点位PM_(2.5)成分主要为元素碳,分别占比42.4%,40.6%;污染时段,ρ(PM_(2.5))快速上升,除受本地机动车尾气源和燃煤源累积影响外,百货大楼点位扬尘源排放增加,高新区点位扬尘源和工业工艺排放源增加;2个点位机动车尾气源均为首要污染源,分别占比29.5%和30.9%,其次为燃煤源(24.3%和24.7%),扬尘源占比分别为22.9%和20.8%。  相似文献   

上海市秋季典型PM2.5污染过程数值预报分析   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
基于2012年10月上海出现的一次典型PM2.5污染案例,验证评估上海市空气质量数值预报系统Model-3/CMAQ预报性能,采用过程分析技术,定量评估不同大气物理化学过程对上海代表性点位PM2.5浓度变化的作用规律。结果表明:Model-3/CMAQ模式系统能较好地反映PM2.5的浓度变化趋势与特点。对于上海市区点位(徐汇上师大)和东南部点位(奉贤海湾和浦东惠南),PM2.5浓度上升主要受本地源排放影响,其贡献比例超过40%,其次是区域大气传输作用的影响。对于西北部点位(崇明监测站和青浦淀山湖),区域大气传输是PM2.5浓度上升的主要原因,贡献比例超过70%,其次是源排放。各点位PM2.5浓度的主要去除途径均为大气传输,贡献比例均超过70%,其次是干沉降。气溶胶过程对PM2.5主要起二次颗粒物生成的作用,特别是市区及东南部点位,贡献比例较西北部点位更高。  相似文献   

全国火电厂二氧化硫污染现状及其控制对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
火电行业飞速发展的同时引发了二氧化硫的大量排放。文章在总结全国火电厂二氧化硫排放现状的基础上提出,火电厂二氧化硫是全国二氧化硫排放大户,其排放量占全国工业二氧化硫排放量的42%,且有逐年递增的趋势,而其去除率却一直保持一个较低的水平;大型火电厂又是电厂中二氧化硫的排放大户,且主要集中在广东、江苏、河北、山东、河南等几个省,这几个省应成为火电厂二氧化硫排放的重点监控对象。文章最后提出了电厂减排二氧化硫的几点对策和建议。  相似文献   

以南京市为温室气体监测区域,以2021年1月和7月作为冬、夏季的代表,利用拉格朗日粒子扩散模型(LPDM)和K均值(K-Means)聚类算法对南京市已有的高塔点位进行筛选,研究温室气体监测点位布设最优位置。通过计算不同点位的城市CO2贡献度,最终确定了冬季和夏季各8个温室气体监测建议点位。结果表明,通过聚类算法筛选出的监测站点选址能对南京市大部分城区的温室气体排放具有相对最大的覆盖范围和较高的敏感性,能够有效反映出南京市CO2排放量的梯度变化,对南京市不同时空尺度上的温室气体排放达到相对最好的监测效果。  相似文献   

截止 2 0 0 0年年底 ,江苏省 13个省辖市的 34个子站全部建立了空气自动监测系统 ,并编报全省自动监测空气质量周报 ,项目有二氧化氮、二氧化硫和可吸入颗粒物。同时 ,省内另有 14个县级市的 2 2个子站也建立了同样系统。这些系统的建立为实现全省城市空气质量日报打下了良好的  相似文献   

于2019年8—9月,采用大气预浓缩-气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC-MS)对泰州市3个监测点位环境空气中57种挥发性有机物(VOCs)进行分析,并开展了VOCs组成特征、臭氧生成潜势(OFP)、VOCs来源及健康风险评价研究。结果表明:3个点位环境空气中φ(VOCs)范围为1.3×10^(-9)~46.9×10^(-9),平均值为8.5×10^(-9)。烷烃在VOCs中所占比例最大。各点位φ(VOCs)平均值依次为:工业园区>公园路>天德湖公园。公园路点位VOCs中苯系物受汽车尾气排放影响较大,天德湖公园和工业园区点位除了受汽车尾气排放影响,还受到有机溶剂和涂料的挥发影响,主要受本地污染主导。OFP中贡献最大的物质为乙烯,OFP值为5.5μg/m^(3),其次为烷烃。健康风险评价结果显示,各点位VOCs非致癌类风险均较低,处于安全范围内。各点位夏季环境空气中苯对人体均具有一定致癌风险。  相似文献   

A highly significant second-order polynomial relation between SO(2) emissions and SO(4)(2-) concentrations during 1970-2000 (r(2)= 0.80, p= <0.001), and a linear relation between NO(x) and NO(3)(-) concentrations during 1991-2000 (r(2)= 0.67, p= 0.004) in bulk precipitation were found for the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH based on emissions from a 24 h, back-trajectory determined source area. Earlier periods (1965-1980) for SO(2)ratio SO(4)(2-) and longer periods (1965-2000) for NO(x)ratio NO(3)(-) had poorer linear relations, r(2)= 0.03, p= 0.51 and r(2)= 0.22, p= 0.004, respectively. Methodology by the US Environmental Protection Agency for calculating emissions data during this period has changed significantly and frequently, making trend analysis difficult. Given the large potential for errors in estimating emissions and to a lesser extent, deposition, the robust relations between SO(2) emissions and SO(4)(2-) concentrations in bulk precipitation at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest show that careful, long-term measurements from a single monitoring site can provide sound and reasonable data on trends in air pollution.  相似文献   

The Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council (YTV) is responsible for air quality monitoring in the Helsinki area. Air quality has been monitored periodically since the late 1950s. An automatic SO2 monitoring network was constructed in 1975 and TSP measurements were added in 1978. Since then the network has been expanded and currently five automatic multicomponent stations form the basis of the network monitoring SO2, NO, NO2, CO, PM10 and O3 concentrations. Manual TSP and PM10 measurements are also conducted. Mobile monitoring units are also being used as well as special measurement campaigns. The effects of air pollution on nature are studied in bioindicator monitoring. An air quality index is used in order to inform the public of the current air quality situation. Changes in air quality are reflected in monitoring strategy. SO2 concentrations have decreased in the past two decades. Annual averages in 1995 were at or below 5 µg/m3. Traffic is the major source for pollutants even though catalytic converters have lowered traffic emissions somewhat. The highest annual average NO2 concentration at an urban site was 49 µg/m3 in 1995, and there has been no clear change in NO2 levels. There has been a decreasing trend in CO concentrations. Maximum annual TSP and PM10 averages in 1995 were 92 and 32 µg/m3, respectively. The highest average lead concentration was 0.01 µg/m3. Elevated concentrations are experienced from time to time. During the spring daily TSP and PM10 concentrations can go up to around 300 and 150 µg/m3, respectively. This is caused by resuspension mainly due to street sanding. Also a major winter NO2 episode occurred in December 1995. The highest hourly NO2 concentrations reached 400 µg/m3.  相似文献   

The main objective of the present investigation is to study the temporal and spatial variations of the quality of ambient air in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis (KW) test showed significant spatial variations and interactions of spatial-temporal among five mobile monitoring stations for 11 air pollutants. The Mann Whitney (MW) test demonstrated the seasonality of spring over winter for the PM(10), PM(2.5), NO(2), CO and p-xylene, the seasonality of winter over spring for O(3), and no significant seasonal variation for NH(3), benzene, SO(2), toluene and H(2)S. It is concluded that emissions from automobile exhaust, industrial and developmental projects are responsible for the spatial air pollution, and that air temperature is the controlling factor for the seasonal variations.  相似文献   

简述了全国机场的主要分类。根据近几年对各类型机场开展验收监测的实际情况及经验,指出了不同类型机场面临的主要环境问题;对机场项目验收中干线及以上规模机场飞机噪声污染、尾气排放,支线机场生态保护、中水回用、不同类型机场飞机噪声监测等问题进行了分析;就完善机场项目环保管理问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

依据上海市浦东新区2010—2015年2个代表性采样点的142份监测数据,对降水中的化学组成及各组分间的相关性进行了分析。结果表明,监测期间单次降雨的pH值为3.85~6.09,平均值为5.09,属硫酸型/硝酸型复合污染酸雨。其中SO_4~(2-)和NO_3~-为主要离子,平均值分别为4.55和3.31 mg/L。通过SPSS统计分析得出,人类生活和生产过程以及海洋源是浦东新区大气降水化学组分的主要来源,但仍存在不同的区域特征。  相似文献   

为了解浦东新区建区以来的环境空气质量,浦东新区环境保护监测站对1994年-2001年环境空气中主要污染物监测结果进行了分析:SO2,NOx,TSP的质量浓度和分指数结果相比较,TSP占有最大权重,处于污染主导地位,其主要污染源为工业粉尘,烟尘,机动车排放的尾气,建筑施工及道路交通产生的尘污染。  相似文献   

Personal monitoring methods for the determination of hourly integrated concentrations of NO2 and SO2 in ambient air have been developed. Triethanolamine (TEA)-impregnated C18 Sep-Pak cartridges were used to collect NO2 and SO2 simultaneously. After sampling, NO2 and SO2 as their nitrite, nitrate, sulfite and sulfate analogues were stripped from the cartridges with a solution of 5% methanol in distilled, deionized water (DDW) and then determined by ion chromatography. Laboratory tests were conducted to evaluate the sampling rate, collection and recovery efficiencies, breakthrough volumes, absorption capacity, interference and sample stability on the cartridge during storage. NO2 and SO2 detection limits of 0.3 and 0.4 ppb respectively for 1 h samples were obtained. Recoveries for both NO2 and SO2 exceeded 85%.  相似文献   

Political and economical transition in the Central and Eastern Europe at the end of eighties significantly influenced all aspects of life as well as technological infrastructure. Collapse of outdated energy demanding industry and adoption of environmental legislation resulted in seeming improvements of urban environmental quality. Hand in hand with modernization the newly adopted regulations also helped to phase out low quality coal frequently used for domestic heating. However, at the same time, the number of vehicles registered in the city increased. The two processes interestingly acted as parallel but antagonistic forces. To interpret the trends in urban air quality of Prague, Czech capital, monthly averages of PM(10), SO(2), NO(2), NO, O(3) and CO concentrations from the national network of automated monitoring stations were analyzed together with long term trends in fuel consumption and number of vehicles registered in Prague within a period of 1992-2005. The results showed that concentrations of SO(2) (a pollutant strongly related to fossil fuel burning) dropped significantly during the period of concern. Similarly NO(X) and PM(10) concentrations decreased significantly in the first half of the nineties (as a result of solid fuel use drop), but remained rather stable or increased after 2000, presumably reflecting rapid increase of traffic density. In conclusion, infrastructural changes in early nineties had a strong positive effect on Prague air quality namely in the first half of the period studied, nevertheless, the current trend in concentrations of automotive exhaust related pollutants (such as PM(10), NO(X)) needs adoption of stricter measures.  相似文献   

In present study horizontal and vertical distribution of traffic-related pollutants (CO and SO(2)) within the street canyons in (CO and SO(2)) Varanasi, India was monitored. The results showed that average horizontal profiles of traffic-related pollutant concentrations within street canyon at leeward side were approximately same as that of windward side. However, the vertical concentration of both the pollutants decreases with height above the ground and study indicated that CO and SO(2) concentrations at different heights below the roof showed clear vertical self-gradient. CO and SO(2) concentration decreased with height and the minimum value occurred at the roof. It was concluded from the observed results that pollutants from vehicular exhaust emissions in the street canyon of Varanasi were evenly distributed. This result may be due to the fact that wind vortices are not formed. Therefore, urban planners can use this type of streets so that there is proper ventilation and dispersal of pollutants.  相似文献   

Emissions of NOx and SO2 were monitored in the presence of ammonia liquor in a 0.09 m2 and 2 m high stainless-steel fluidized-bed combustor. Experiments were carried out at 2 m/s fluidizing velocity, 40% excess air, and 870 °C bed temperature. Ammonia liquor with 7% ammonia by weight was injected into the freeboard of the combustor 52 cm above the distributor through a water-cooled injector. A 65 : 34 primary/secondary air ratio was maintained throughout the investigation. Approximately 70% of NO and 20% of SO2 was reduced at an NH3/NO molar ratio of 2 : 1, respectively. However, a higher reduction in SO2 emissions (62%) was achieved at a very high NH3/NO molar ratio of 7 : 1. These experiments showed that ammonia addition did have a significant effect in SO2 reduction if injected in an excess amount. The injection of ammonia liquor combined with staged combustion was found to be very effective in reducing NOx emissions. A reduction of about 50% was achieved at an NH3/NO molar ratio of 0.6 : 1 which is also coupled with a very low level of ammonia in the flue.  相似文献   

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