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铬酸钡间接原子吸收法测定水中硫酸盐时,样品的稀释倍数、盐度、酸度对测定结果影响较大.通过试验得出消除干扰的方法,使得测定结果准确、可信.  相似文献   

荧光法快速测定水中粪大肠菌群   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究荧光法测定水中粪大肠菌群的适用性,在6家实验室使用荧光法对粪大肠菌群的标准菌株和实际水样进行测定,并与多管发酵法进行比对。结果表明:6家实验室对标准菌株的监测结果均在误差范围内,实验室内相对误差为-2. 75%~1. 71%,准确度较高;对3个不同浓度实际水样进行精密度测定,实验室内相对标准偏差分别为1. 30%~3. 93%、1. 94%~4. 72%、1. 88%~4. 54%,实验室间的相对标准偏差分别为1. 14%、1. 59%、1. 72%,精密度较高;用荧光法与多管发酵法同时测定实际水样,2种方法测试结果线性相关性良好且变化趋势相同,对测试数据进行t检验,2种方法测试结果无显著差异。  相似文献   

微波消解-分光光度法测定土壤中的全硼   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了分光光度法测定土壤中的全硼时样品的微波消解方法.建立了合理的分析步骤.进行了微波消解条件的选择及测定结果精密度、准确度实验.实验结果为:消解完全仅需25min,相对标准偏差7.6%,其方法的加标回收率为98.4%~112%.结果表明,微波消解-分光光度法测定土壤中的全硼是一种快速、准确且低环境污染的方法.  相似文献   

通过对实际水样中NH3-N的测定结果的精密度及总不确定度检验,比较快速凯氏定氮法和纳氏试剂光度法测试结果,置信概率为95%.双侧DIXON检验、精密度和不确定度检验,结果表明,两方法测定结果之间不存在显著性差异,具有一致性.  相似文献   

中石化茂名乙烯公司各装置工业废水、清净废水通过12#线、11#线排入净化水车间处理后排海.在正常情况下,净化水车间12#线、11#线入口处水质油的测定结果分别为<200 mg/L和 7 mg/L.当水质油测定结果异常时,预示装置存在非正常排放,建立各装置原料、产品、特征污染因子谱图与现场废水谱图对比,可判断污油的来源.  相似文献   

用紫外分光光度法测定水中总氮时由于受到试剂质量、消化温度、消化时间、环境等因素的影响,往往使空白吸光值偏高,标准曲线线性和结果重现性差,直接影响测定结果.本文通过对上述因素的研究,提出保证测定质量的条件,找到消除干扰的方法.  相似文献   

X射线荧光光谱法测定土壤样品中铅的不确定度评定   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
用实例对X射线荧光光谱法测定土壤样品中铅的不确定度进行了评定.测量结果的不确定度由仪器综合稳定性、制样、标准物质、回归工作曲线、重复测量等所引入的不确定度分量组成.在对各个不确定度分量进行量化的基础上,通过合成得到测量结果的标准不确定度,再乘以95%置信概率下的扩展因子2,得到测量结果的扩展不确定度.  相似文献   

漯河市城市生态环境质量定量评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从自然生态环境质量、社会生态环境质量和经济生态环境质量3个方面构建了漯河市城市生态环境质量评价指标体系,采用层次分析法确定了各评价指标的权重值,借助综合评价模型计算了评价指标体系的综合指标值.并对城市生态环境质量现状进行了评价.结果显示,漯河市综合生态环境质量中等,其中,自然生态环境质量较好,社会生态环境质量中等,经济生态环境质量差.评价结果与定性评价结果相符,表明评价指标体系具有较强的科学性和实用性.依据评价结果,提出改善城市生态环境的对策和建议.  相似文献   

黄建  沈菁 《干旱环境监测》1992,6(3):185-187
地表水环境监测是以及时、准确地掌握地表水质量状况和发展趋势为目的.地表水环境监测结果表征了地表水的质量状况.我们对地表水进行评价时,往往不是用监测结果本身,而是用它的一些统计量.如平均值、百分数等.这样平均值的代表性就显得尤其重要.目前,地表水一年三期六次或八次采样所得监测结果的年均值(系算术平均值)是否具有代表性?对这个问题,本文将从以下几个方面  相似文献   

为了研究在线离子色谱法测定大气PM2.5中NH4^+、NO3^-、SO4^2-的不确定性来源,探讨了标准曲线的浓度范围及浓度梯度设置对离子浓度结果的影响,并对标准曲线设定方案进行了优化。结果表明:不同浓度范围的标准曲线对于NH4+的浓度结果有较大的影响,存在1. 87%~14. 91%的偏差,对于NO3^-、SO4^2-的影响较小,相对偏差分别为2. 94%和2. 82%;非均匀布点和均匀布点标准曲线定量NH4+的结果存在4. 15%~4. 25%的偏差,对于NO3^-和SO4^2-,相对偏差分别为0. 10%和5. 99%。对于二次拟合的NH4^+,在样品浓度波动较大时,可以将样品划分为低浓度范围和高浓度范围,分别选用低浓度段标准曲线和高浓度段标准曲线,以期得到更合理的浓度结果。  相似文献   

大气环境中O_3测试方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
靛蓝二磺酸钠(IDS)浓度对O3的吸收效率影响很大,增加IDS的浓度将增大IDS与O3的碰撞概率,因此,用一支单层玻板吸收管就能测定大气中的O3,其吸收效率可达100%。  相似文献   

We introduce a generalized form of the common first-order (exponential) decay model, that has potential utility for describing contaminant declines in environmental applications, particularly when declines are a mixture of many underlying processes. The exponent on contaminant concentration is left as a free parameter allowing the order of the reaction to be determined by the data. The mixed-order model is more flexible than models with the exponent determined a priori, facilitating an improved fit to observed behavior. We demonstrate the utility of this model, and compare it to two other models, by estimating PCB concentration declines in Lake Michigan fishes.  相似文献   

比色法测定水中微量三氯杀螨醇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用比色法测定水中微量三氯杀螨醇的浓度。首先用正己烷萃取浓缩水中的三氯杀螨醇,比较了加入不同量的去离子水,不同浓度、不同量的NaOH,不同的反应显色温度和反应时间以及吡啶用量等对体系吸光度的影响。得出最佳的显色条件:0.2ml去离子水,0.1ml质量浓度为45%的NaOH溶液,与2.0ml吡啶混合,于100℃水浴中反应3.0min,反应液在4000r/min离心2.0min,取出反应液在530nm处测定吸光度值。此方法的标准工作曲线相关系数为0.9914,方法的绝对检出限为0.2μg三氯杀螨醇。样品加标回收率为83.7%~114.1%,相对标准偏差小于10%。  相似文献   

采用气袋采样-GCMS分析法测定大气中丙醛等5种醛类恶臭物质,对Tedler等5种不同材质采样袋进行适用性研究。结果表明,Tedler 2号采样袋对低浓度醛类回收率影响最小,低浓度醛类在其中能稳定存放12 h,在PVDFs采样袋中低浓度醛类须在6 h内测定,高浓度醛类在Tedler 2号采样袋和PVDFs采样袋中能较稳定地保存24 h,24 h内的回收率在78%以上。  相似文献   

The paper presents a study into air borne respirable dust (ARD) concentration at various workplaces in two open cast chromite mines of Sukinda chromite belt, India. One of these mines is mechanised and the other one is semi-mechanised. The study has been conducted in three phases and ARD concentration has been measured at various workplaces in both the mines. Apart from the determination of ARD concentration, the dust samples collected on filter papers were analysed for hexa-valent chromium by colorimetric method and Cr(VI) direct absorption measurement. In addition, the particle size ranges in ARD have been determined by using cascade impactor fitted onto high volume samplers and laser guided particle size analyser. The paper finally presents a comparison between ARD concentration vis-à-vis the presence of hexa-valent chromium concentration in collected samples of both mechanised and semi-mechanised mines.  相似文献   

The concentration of uranium has been assessed in drinking water samples collected from different locations in Bathinda district, Punjab, India. The water samples are taken from hand pumps and tube wells. Uranium is determined using fission track technique. Uranium concentration in the water samples varies from 2.23± 0.05 to 87.05± 0.29 μg/L. These values are compared with safe limit values recommended for drinking water. The uranium concentration in almost all drinking water samples is found to be more than the safe limit. Analysis of some heavy metals viz. Zn, Cd, Pb and Cu in water is made. The concentration of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine and total hardness along with the pH value and conductivity of the water samples are measured. Some of the samples show stunningly high values of these parameters.  相似文献   

The seasonal variations of the chemical budget of ions were determined from the hydrochemical investigation of the groundwater. Though the effect of monsoon does not change the order of abundance of cations, but it does change the concentration of various ions and it is found that there was a considerable change in the case of all major ions. The unique characteristic of the ground water is the linear relationship among the principal ions. Hydrochemical characteristics of ions in the groundwater were studied using 1:1 equiline diagrams. The nature of the water samples were determined using the piper diagram. The correlation studies and R-mode factor analysis were carried out on the various groundwater parameters. The study of factor scores reveals the extent of influence of each factors on the overall water chemistry at each sampling stations. The trace metal concentration in the water was determined. The quality of the groundwater in the study area has been assessed using Percent sodium, SAR and Wilcox diagrams. The groundwater results of the premonsoon shows the dominance of excessive evaporation, silicate weathering and anthropogenic activities whereas in postmonsoon, dilution predominates over that of other factors.  相似文献   

用氯仿多次萃取高浓度挥发酚,可提高试样中待测组分的萃取率,其测定结果准确度令人满意。  相似文献   

The amount of pollution from nonpoint sources flowing in the streams of the Wujiang River watershed in Guizhou Province, SW China, is estimated by a geographic information system (GIS)-based method using rainfall, surface runoff and land use data. A grid of cells of 100 m in size is laid over the landscape. For each cell, mean annual surface runoff is estimated from rainfall and percent land use, and expected pollutant concentration is estimated from land use. The product of surface runoff and concentration gives expected pollutant loading from that cell. These loadings are accumulated going downstream to give the expected annual pollutant loadings in streams and rivers. By dividing these accumulated loadings by the similarly accumulated mean annual surface runoff, the expected pollutant concentration from nonpoint sources is determined for each location in a stream or river. Observed pollutant concentrations in the watershed are averaged at each sample point and compared to the expected concentrations at the same locations determined from the grid cell model. In general, annual nonpoint source nutrient loadings in the Wujiang River watershed are seen to be predominantly from the agricultural and meadow areas. The total annual loadings through the outlet of the watershed are 40,309 and 2,607 tons for total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP), respectively.  相似文献   

中纬度平流层臭氧深度侵入是造成对流层至近地面臭氧浓度突增的原因之一。筛选春夏季臭氧浓度升高时段的高分辨率大气再分析数据ERA5,以位涡值的下沉趋势分析了对流层顶折叠位置及变化过程;以AIRS数据反演了臭氧浓度、一氧化碳浓度和相对湿度的垂直廓线,并估计了其分布及相关性;以近地表污染物浓度变化、HYSPLIT模型后向轨迹分析结果证实了臭氧侵入气团的运移轨迹和局地效应;通过激光雷达监测结果观测臭氧垂直浓度分布,确定了臭氧浓度最大值所处高度,判定了受影响近地点的浓度升高时刻;以边界层高度变化、气象条件分析结果及当地与周边城市地面监测数据的逐小时变化情况等综合信息,进行了区域确认和近地面影响判定。通过以上数值综合分析,对城市地区受平流层臭氧深度侵入影响的过程和具体时间进行了详细再现,可为排除非人为排放因素导致的近地表臭氧浓度增加提供回溯分析,为臭氧污染防控决策提供依据。  相似文献   

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