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新疆喀什地区农村改水水质及水源卫生防护调查与评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解新疆喀什地区农村改水水质及水源卫生防护状况,对该地区不同改水形式与未改水的水质及水源卫生防护状况进行调查和监测。结果表明,与改水前比较,水质及水源防护卫生状况明显改善,不同水样的水质合格率和水质综合指数(WQI)分别是:池塘水3.3%和6.5,手压井水40.0%和1.3,深水井51.7%和1.0。结果还表明有必要加强对改水水源的卫生防护。  相似文献   

末梢水与其水源水的数据“倒挂”现象是影响居民饮水健康的安全隐患。基于末梢水数据“倒挂”现象在新闻报道、政府信息公开及相关调查研究中的表现形式,分析了引起末梢水数据“倒挂”的原因主要包括:监测采样、分析偏差,物理因素和化学、生物反应以及综合因素造成的污染等。提出,在饮用水水源方面,加强规范化管理,保持水源水水质合格并长期稳定;在水处理阶段,选择适宜且安全高效的水处理方式;在水管输送阶段,选择健康的管道材质并合理规划设计、维护输水管网体系;在饮用水使用阶段,加强用水宣传,让居民养成良好的健康用水习惯。从而逐渐消除末梢水数据“倒挂”现象,保障居民的饮水安全。  相似文献   

对南通市24座乡镇地表水厂以及199座乡镇地下水厂的水源水质状况进行了调查.结果表明,地表水水源地中有14座水厂达标,其取水量占地表水取水总量62.8%.水体中主要污染物是NH3-N、石油类、Imn.全市乡镇地下水厂饮用水源水质达标水厂为56座,其取水量占地下水取水总量的26.2%.全市地下水中主要污染物为NH3-N、...  相似文献   

生物活性炭纤维(BACF)是在生物活性炭的基础上,以活性炭纤维代替颗粒活性炭,用于处理微污染水中有机污染物。BACF技术作为一种新的水的深度处理工艺,结合了吸附与生物降解的双重效能,可以有效提高对原水的净化效果,同时也可以扩大水源水的取水范围,是一项先进的水处理技术。  相似文献   

南方某市水源水、自来水的致突变活性现状与改善对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用Ames试验方法评价现有水处理工艺与模拟水厂水处理工艺对水的致突变活性的控制效果。结果表明,水源水的致突变活性呈阳性,T(传统处理)工艺出水致突变活性进一步增强;BT(B为生物处理)工艺能使致突变活性降低,但仍为阳性;BTC(C为活性炭)、OBTC(O代表臭氧)组合工艺能有效去除和控制水中的致突物,使水的致突变活性转变为阴性反应。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市饮用水状况卫生监测分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了评价乌鲁木齐市居民饮用水卫生状况,对该市6个自来水厂的出厂水,末梢水和二次供水的水质及卫生设施进行监督监测。结果表明,该市居民供水水质基本符合国家生活饮水卫生标准规定,但末梢水和二次供水中余氯合格率偏低,分别为61.02%和45%。二次供水设施使用的防水材料均未按国家规定输涉及水产品卫生许可批件。  相似文献   

自动监测是环境监测技术发展的一个方向,这主要因为它能连续反映环境污染的动态变化和及时监测.还能减少或消除手工误差.提高恻定精度,担负大量样品的分析.本文简要介绍了水质监测系统的构成和水质自动监测分析技术的分类与特点以及该技术的进展,着重谈了水质自动监测在实施排污总量控制和在强化污染源监督监测与水源保护等应用中的必要性和迫切性等看法.并评论了对开展水质自动监测在认识上的两种片面观点.  相似文献   

为评价新疆喀什地区农村改水效益,我们按照国家农村饮用水水质的标准和分析方法,分析、计算出改水后饮用水中的细菌总数和大肠菌群下降了51.02%,集中式和分散式供水的水质综合指数(WQI)分别为改水前的15.38%和20.00%;分析与饮水有关的介水传染病(即霍乱、痢疾、肝炎、伤寒)的总发病率,改水后较改水前平均下降了61.18%,用水力资本法计算得出,减少上述疾病可能造成的经济损失639350元/g  相似文献   

目前,采用深井人工回灌来增加地下水补给量,对控制地下承压水位降落,缓和地面沉降,实施冬灌复用,都具有很好的效果和经济效益.但是,由于回灌水的水质差于地下水水质,会造成地下水质量下降,有些深井由于在污染源附近,受河道中污水的渗透,亦同样造成深井水的污染.地下水是宝贵的财富,保护地下水环境具有很重要的意义.为此,对深井人工回藻后的水质和污染源附近的深井水水质中的有机物的调查工作十分必要.本文调查A深井水厂属于开发地下水源的水厂,  相似文献   

近几年来连云港市环境监测中心站在加强饮用水源水质监测工作过程中,注重提高为领导决策和环境管理综合服务的质量和效能,在开展了城市空气质量周报之后,又适时地开展了饮用水源水质周报工作,深化了监测服务内容和形式,收到了良好的效果。连云港市位于沂沭泗水系下游,天然...  相似文献   

对2007-2013年乌鲁木齐市集中式饮用水源地水质监测数据进行综合分析,泉水型地下饮用水源地米东区三水厂受储水介质及当地地质化学结构的影响,溶解盐类常年超标,水质较差;湖库型地表水源地五、八水厂总磷浓度在个别年份存在一定程度的超标现象,且地表水源地中挥发性卤代烃类、硝基苯和酞酸酯类等有机项目及镍等重金属类检出率较高,存在一定程度的风险。对此提出了进一步完善水源地环境保护及合理开发优质水资源的对策建议,为首府饮用水源地的保护和相关研究工作提供依据。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to assess the risk of insufficient water supply posed by high-turbidity water. Several phenomena can pose risks to the sufficiency of a water supply; this study concerns risks to water treatment plants from particular properties of rainfall and raw water turbidity. High-turbidity water can impede water treatment plant operations; rainfall properties can influence the degree of soil erosion. Thus, water turbidity relates to rainfall characteristics. Exceedance probabilities are presented for different rainfall intensities and turbidities of water. When the turbidity of raw water is higher than 5,000 NTU, it can cause operational problems for a water treatment plant. Calculations show that the turbidity of raw water at the Ban-Sin water treatment plant will be higher than 5,000 NTU if the rainfall intensity is larger than 165 mm/day. The exceedance probability of high turbidity (turbidity >5,000 NTU) in the Ban-Sin water treatment plant is larger than 10%. When any water treatment plant cannot work regularly, its ability to supply water to its customers is at risk.  相似文献   

In urban cities, the environmental services are the responsibility of the public sector, where piped water supply is the norm for urban household. Likewise, in Beirut City (capital of Lebanon) official water authorities are the main supplier of domestic water through a network of piping system that leaks in many areas. Beirut City and its suburbs are overpopulated since it is the residence of 1/3 of the Lebanese citizens. Thus, Beirut suffers deficiency in meeting its water demand. Water rationing, as a remedial action, is firmly established since four decades by the Lebanese Water Authorities. Consumers resorted then to private wells to supplement their domestic water needs. Consequently, household water quality is influenced by external factors relating to well water characteristics and internal factors depending on the types of the pipes of the distribution network and cross connections to sewer pipes. These factors could result in chemical and microbial contamination of drinking water. The objective of this study is to investigate domestic water quality variation in Beirut City emerging form the aforementioned factors. The presented work encircles a typical case study of Beirut City (Ras Beirut). Results showed deterioration pattern in domestic water quality. The predicted metal species and scales within the water pipes of distribution network depended on water pH, hardness, sulfate, chloride, and iron. The corrosion of iron pipes mainly depended on Mg hardness.  相似文献   

Traditional approaches for benchmarking drinking water systems are binary, based solely on the compliance and/or non-compliance of one or more water quality performance indicators against defined regulatory guidelines/standards. The consequence of water quality failure is dependent on location within a water supply system as well as time of the year (i.e., season) with varying levels of water consumption. Conventional approaches used for water quality comparison purposes fail to incorporate spatiotemporal variability and degrees of compliance and/or non-compliance. This can lead to misleading or inaccurate performance assessment data used in the performance benchmarking process. In this research, a hierarchical risk-based water quality performance benchmarking framework is proposed to evaluate small drinking water systems (SDWSs) through cross-comparison amongst similar systems. The proposed framework (R WQI framework) is designed to quantify consequence associated with seasonal and location-specific water quality issues in a given drinking water supply system to facilitate more efficient decision-making for SDWSs striving for continuous performance improvement. Fuzzy rule-based modelling is used to address imprecision associated with measuring performance based on singular water quality guidelines/standards and the uncertainties present in SDWS operations and monitoring. This proposed R WQI framework has been demonstrated using data collected from 16 SDWSs in Newfoundland and Labrador and Quebec, Canada, and compared to the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment WQI, a traditional, guidelines/standard-based approach. The study found that the R WQI framework provides an in-depth state of water quality and benchmarks SDWSs more rationally based on the frequency of occurrence and consequence of failure events.  相似文献   

A water quality model (MERES) is applied in the multi-purpose reservoir of Plastiras in Greece. The model was calibrated with limited field data using the standard trial and error procedure; next, it was applied for four scenarios of reservoir operation, which correspond to four values of minimum water levels (MWL). Model results were combined with landscape aesthetics to establish a “safe” MWL in the reservoir. MWL was proposed to be +784 m, a value that ensures a very good water quality by retaining the reservoir in the status of “a little beyond oligotrophic” and a very good quality of landscape with an acceptable area of dead zones; it also ensures an annual release of 127.5 hm3 of water within a reliability level of 90%. This quantity can be considered as acceptable from the water supply point of view.  相似文献   

中国21世纪城市供水新概念--分质供水   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合我国城市一直使用的统一给水方式已与当前水资源紧缺,用水多样化,人们饮用水质质化的状况极不适应的情况,提出对传统的给水方式进行改革的最适宜方式是分质供水。  相似文献   

The water quality of the Vrgorska Matica River   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The article presents the results of investigations carried out on the 42 km long Vrgorska Matica River, which flows through the 15 km long Vrgorsko polje (polje = field) which covers an areaof 3000 ha, and is at 24 m a.s.l., located in Southern Croatia.It covers the years 1997–2000 after this field had been reclaimed for agricultural use.The purpose of the investigations was to evaluate the influence of the Vrgorska Matica River which is part of the catchment areaof the Trebizat River, on the water quality in Modro Oko Lakeand Prud Spring, which are used for water supply and are locateddownstream of the Vrgorska Matica River on the right bank of theNeretva River.The water quality was evaluated by using the quality index basedon the following nine parameters: temperature, mineralization, corrosion coefficient, K = (Cl + SO4)/HCO3, dissolvedoxygen, BOD5, total N, protein N, total phosphorus and totalcoliform bacteria (100 mL)-1 (MPN coli (100 mL)-1) for which concentrations C 95 are calculated. After completingthe nine parameters the results of C 95 were recorded andtransferred to the score table to obtain the q-value. The q-value used is an attempt to quantify environmental factors which would otherwise be qualitative. For each parameter the q-value was multiplied by a weighting factor based upon the relative significance of the parameter. The nine resulting scores values were then added to arrive at an overall water quality index (S95).According to this index the water can be classified into four categories. The first category, according to the Croatian Water Classification Act (Official Bulletin No. 77,1998), includes ground and surface waters used for drinking or in the food industry either in its natural state or after disinfection, and surface water used for raising high-quality species of fish, ranging from 85–100 scores; the second category includes waterused in its natural state for swimming and recreation, sports orfor other species of fish and the treated water used for drinkingand other industrial purposes ranging between 70–85 scores. Thethird category includes water used in industry with no specific requests upon water quality and in agriculture ranging from 50–70 scores; the fourth category includes water used only afterbeing treated in areas with water shortage which is less than 50 scores.According to results obtained by investigations, the water of theVrgorska Matica River and Prud Spring falls into the second (II)category, while water from the Modro Oko Lake belongs to the first (I) category. This means that the Matica River water does not influence the water quality of the Modro Oko Lake. This lakewater quality is influenced by the Rastoka Matica River from theRastoko polje which is located upstream from the Vrgorska MaticaRiver. This has been proved by dyeing tests.  相似文献   

This investigation conducted a full-scale survey the drinking water distribution system in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan. The aim was to investigate whether the distribution system was capable of maintaining high water quality from the water treatment facilities through to the end user. The results showed that the distribution system can maintain high water quality, except for suitable chlorine residuals. The authors plotted chlorine residual contour maps to identify areas with low chlorine residuals, helping them prioritize sections that must be flushed or renewal. The contour maps also provide sufficient and clear information for locating booster chlorination stations. Contour maps enable water facilities to identify how water quality decays in the distribution systems and the locations of such decay. Water quality decay can be caused by properties of pipeline materials, hydraulic conditions, and/or biofilm thickness. However, understanding the exact reasons is unnecessary because the contour maps provide sufficient information for trouble-shooting the distribution systems.  相似文献   

The goals of environmental legislation and associated regulations are to protect public health, natural resources, and ecosystems. In this context, monitoring programs should provide timely and relevant information so that the regulatory community can implement legislation in a cost-effective and efficient manner. The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) of 1974 attempts to ensure that public water systems (PWSs) supply safe water to its consumers. As is the case with many other federal environmental statutes, SDWA monitoring has been implemented in relatively uniform fashion across the United States. In this three part series, spatial and temporal patterns in water quality data are utilized to develop, compare, and evaluate the economic performance of alternative place-based monitoring approaches to current monitoring practice. Part II: Several factors affect the performance of monitoring strategies, including: measurable objectives, required precision in estimates, acceptable confidence levels of such estimates, available budget for sampling. In this paper, we develop place-based monitoring strategies based on extensive analysis of available historical water quality data (1960-1994) of 19 Iowa community water systems. These systems supply potable water to over 350,000 people. In the context of drinking water, the objective is to protect public health by utilizing monitoring resources to characterize contaminants that are detectable, and are close to exceeding health standards. A place-based monitoring strategy was developed in which contaminants were selected based on their historical occurrence, rather than their appearance on the SDWA contaminant list. In a subset of the water systems, the temporal frequency of monitoring for one ubiquitous contaminant, nitrate, was tailored to patterns in its historical occurrence and concentration. Three sampling allocation models (linear, quadratic, and cubic) based on historic patterns in peak occurrence were developed and evaluated. Random and fixed-interval sampling strategies within the context of such models were also developed and evaluated. Strategies were configured to incorporate a variety of options for frequency and number of samples (depending on budget and the desired precision in estimate of peak concentrations).  相似文献   

水环境质量综合评价的新模型   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
为检验已订的水环境质量评价标准的合理性,解决各单项水质指标的评估结果的不相容性问题,提高水质等级模型的分辨率,提出了一种新的水质评价模型-逻辑斯谛曲线(LOG)模型,它的水质等级是连续的实数值;根据LOG模型的参数值可以分析各水质指标值对水质等级的影响程度,从而检验原订水质等级标准的合理性;并给出了基于实码遗传算法的LOG建模的实施方案.实例研究说明,这套方案是实用的和通用的,在其它环境质量综合评价中也具有广泛的应用价值.  相似文献   

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