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于2010年6月—10月每月对青木关地下河水进行监测,利用15N同位素技术并结合水化学指标,分析地下河的水化学特征以及硝态氮来源的时空变化特征。结果表明,地下河出口丁家龙洞硝态氮质量浓度(5.08 mg/L)比入口天池2号点(0.842 mg/L)高6倍多。天池2号点处δ15N为-0.705%~+0.706%,主要受到人造化肥和天然土壤矿化的有机氮的影响,总体变化幅度不大,地下水受外界影响较小。出口丁家龙洞处的δ15N为-2.15%~+3.78%,平均值为+1.01%,总体值高,且变化幅度大。  相似文献   

以沧州地区的地下水、土壤和小麦中的氟元素为研究对象,探讨氟元素在地下水、土壤和小麦等不同介质中的含量、空间分布与来源成因。通过绘制各介质中氟元素分布图,获得氟元素在各介质中不同深度的含量及水平空间上的分布特征。结果显示,当地深层地下水氟含量平均为2.25 mg/L,高于浅层地下水的平均值0.80 mg/L;深层和浅层土壤氟含量接近,平均值分别为557.18、569.20 mg/kg;小麦中的氟含量最高值为0.96 mg/kg,当地小麦氟含量均低于国家标准限值(1.0 mg/kg)。根据氟元素的分布特点分析,当地深层地下水与土壤的氟元素来源一致,而不同于浅层地下水中的氟;小麦的氟元素分布受浅层土壤氟影响较大。  相似文献   

于2013年—2014年通过野外调查和盆栽试验的方法,采集江苏省境内典型农田耕作层(0~20 cm)土壤及其对应点位的水稻/小麦籽粒,分析其中的ω(Cd)(全量、0.01 mol/L CaCl_2提取态含量和0.05 mol/L CaCl_2提取态含量),及Cd在土壤—谷物籽粒系统中的迁移转化特征。结果表明,水稻籽粒(糙米)中ω(Cd)与土壤p H值呈负相关,与0.01 mol/L CaCl_2提取态含量呈正相关,且相关性在0.01水平下显著,而糙米中ω(Cd)与土壤中Cd总量以及土壤中的ω(有机质)的相关性较弱;麦粉ω(Cd)与0.01 mol/L CaCl_2提取态含量、土壤中总ω(Cd)和土壤ω(有机质)呈显著正相关,而面粉中ω(Cd)与土壤p H值的相关性较弱,说明淹水可以有效降低水稻对Cd的吸收。  相似文献   

在田间试验条件下,考察不同钝化材料对农田Cd轻度污染水稻修复效果及稻麦轮作后第二年水稻修复后效。结果表明,在轻度Cd污染农田中,各钝化材料处理均能不同程度降低土壤有效态Cd含量和水稻籽粒中Cd含量。其中,在钝化材料施用当季和稻麦轮作后第二季水稻中修复效果最好的处理为中量纳米材料处理和石灰配施中量纳米材料处理,这两种处理对土壤有效态Cd含量降低率分别为50.94%和47.15%,对水稻籽粒中Cd含量降低率分别为73.74%和69.41%。  相似文献   

采集重庆3个典型岩溶地区113个地下水样品,利用人体暴露风险系数法对16种优先控制多环芳烃(PAHs)饮水途径健康风险进行评价。结果表明:地下水中PAHs、致癌PAH和BaP的质量浓度分别为200 ng/L~2 638 ng/L、未检出~362 ng/L和未检出~62.7 ng/L,其中南川区地下水中BaP质量浓度为45.1 ng/L,已超过《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749—2006)的水质要求。PAHs污染水平为南川区老龙洞流域青木关流域,与国内其他岩溶地区地下水相比,处于较高污染水平。人群的致癌风险(ILCR)为5×10~(-10)~2.80×10~(-5),其中南川区ILCR10~(-6),具有潜在致癌风险;非致癌类PAHs饮水途径健康风险处于10~(-11)~10~(-9)水平,远低于USEPA规定的阈值1。  相似文献   

对2006—2019年赣江水体及水库丰水期-枯水期的总氮(TN)、氨氮(NH3-N)、硝态氮(NO-3-N)和总磷(TP)浓度变化和分布特征进行分析。将赣江按河谷地形和河道特征划分为上游、中游、下游3段;根据水流来源将赣江划分为章水、桃江、湘水、贡水、泸江、赣江干流。结果显示:桃江TN质量浓度在2011年枯水期取得最大值8.26 mg/L;章水TP质量浓度在2007年枯水期取得最大值0.18 mg/L,整个赣江丰水期-枯水期的TP质量浓度在0.02~0.18 mg/L范围内浮动,变化幅度较小;章水NH3-N浓度在2008年枯水期取得最大值1.86 mg/L,而在2017—2019年NH3-N的浓度基本处于0.5 mg/L以内,达到《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)Ⅲ类水质标准。万安水库和峡江水库对总氮的滞留率,丰水期分别为24.26%、17.44%,枯水期分别为21.36%、16.60%;对总磷的滞留率,丰水期分别为24.78%、19.05%,枯水期分别为33....  相似文献   

为掌握东营市化工聚集区地下水受有机污染的总体程度,对该市三县两区96个调查点位的地下水TOC进行了监测。结果表明:化工聚集区地下水TOC质量浓度分布范围为1.5~19.6 mg/L,87.5%的数据集中在2~10 mg/L区段,其中2~4 mg/L的区段数据最密集,数据分布呈对数正态分布。受区域内外部因素共同影响,地下水超标率和异常值比率分别达到62.5%和18.8%,且由南向北呈明显上升趋势;存在浓度均值超标和异常突变数据的化工聚集区数量分别占调查总量的75%和62.5%。地下水TOC受环境地质分布影响显著,黄泛平原区比山前平原区污染范围和程度更高;河口区和广饶井罐区分别是东营市和广饶县地下水污染最严重的地区,广饶县西北部是东营市地下水TOC水质最好的地区。  相似文献   

选取昆明翠湖不同功能区表层沉积物,分析其氮的赋存形态与质量比分布特征,探讨上覆水、间隙水与沉积物各指标间的响应关系及污染现状分析评价。结果表明:翠湖表层沉积物总氮(TN)质量比为564 mg/kg~4 602 mg/kg,且沿水流方向增大;可转化态氮(TTN)含量变化差异性较小,以强氧化剂可提取态氮(SOEF-N)和强碱可提取态氮(SAEF-N)为主;上覆水溶解氧(DO)、氧化还原电位(ORP)、p H值、TN和间隙水p H值、氮盐、COD及沉积物氮赋存形态对翠湖表层沉积物中各形态氮的含量分布与变化存在响应关系。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市郊区蔬菜污染现状调查及评价涉及上市量大,又易受到污染的九种蔬菜。调查项目主要是大白菜、黄瓜、西红柿中对人体危害性较大的砷、汞、总铬、镉、铅的含量和有机磷农药残留量,此外还包括上述三种蔬菜中的硝酸盐氮和亚硝酸盐氮以及莴笋、小萝卜、芹菜、菠菜、小白菜、韭菜中的硝酸盐氮的含重。调查结果表明,蔬菜中的砷、汞、镉、总铬和铅的含量在10~(-9)-10~(-7)克/克范围内,有机磷农药残留量为  相似文献   

采用便携式气相色谱法测定石油污染地地下水中苯、乙苯和二甲苯,通过试验选择出测定的最佳色谱条件和适宜内标物,并对样品平衡时间、NaCl用量、取样后VOA瓶中液-气体积比等条件进行优化。试验表明,该方法在0 mg/L~2.00 mg/L范围内线性良好,相关系数均0.98;方法检出限为0.05 mg/L~0.15 mg/L。用该方法和吹扫捕集-气相色谱/质谱联用法同时测定实际水样,两种方法测定结果具有良好的一致性。  相似文献   

三峡水库干流氮和磷含量的季节变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
三峡水库成库后对6个水平断面、4个垂直断面采样分析,对水体水质参数、不同化学形态N以及不同物理形态P的水平分布和垂直分布进行了研究。研究结果表明,成库后TP、NH3-N、NO2--N、NO3--N、IN含量范围分别在0.06~0.34、0.01~0.72、0.002~0.100、0.76~2.09、0.855~2.52 mg/L。TP分布为丰水期>平水期>枯水期,受悬浮物沉降的影响,TP在水库区域含量低于上游区。枯水期、平水期水体中TP以可溶解态为主,丰水期以颗粒态为主。NO2--N、NO3--N、IN含量均为平水期>枯水期>丰水期。水体中IN以NO3--N为主,占IN70%~90%。NO2--N比例最低,占IN3.5%以下。表明水体虽受成库影响流速减缓,但水体依然有较强的自净能力。垂直分布上,TP、IN在3个层次变化不显著,未出现分层现象。各采样站点TP、NO3--N、IN通量和流量有显著相关。  相似文献   

Increased use of nitrogenous fertilizers in the intensively cultivated rice (Oryza sativa)?Cwheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system (covers a 13.5-ha m area in South Asia) has led to the concentration of nitrates (NO3-N) in the groundwater (GW) in Haryana State of India. Six districts from the freshwater zone were selected to identify factors affecting NO3-N enrichment in GW. Water and soil samples were collected from 1,580 locations and analyzed for their chemical properties. About 3% (26,796, and 10,588 ha) of the area was estimated to be under moderately high (7.5?C10 mg l???1) and high (>10 mg l???1) risk categories, respectively. The results revealed that NO3-N was 10?C50% higher during the pre-monsoon season than in the monsoon season. Nitrate-N decreased with the increase in aquifer depth (r 2?=?0.99). Spatial and proximity analyses using ArcGIS (9.2) revealed that (1) clay material in surface and sub-surface texture restricts N leaching, (2) piedmont and rolling plains act as an N sink, and (3) perennial rivers bring a dilution effect whereas seasonal rivers provide favorable conditions for NO3 ? enrichment. The study concludes that chemical N fertilizers applied in agro-ecosystems are not the sole factor determining the NO3 in groundwater; rather, it is an integrated process governed by several other factors including physical and chemical properties of soils, proximity and type of river, and geomorphologic and geographical aspects. Therefore, future studies should adopt larger area (at least watershed scale) to understand the mechanistic pathways of NO3 enrichment in groundwater and interactive role of the natural drainage system and surrounding physical features. In addition, the study also presents a conceptual framework to describe the process of nitrate formation and leaching in piedmont plains and its transportation to the mid-plain zone.  相似文献   

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is supplied with drinking water fromboth desalinated sea water and treated groundwater sources. Sampleswere analysed for NO3 from selected deep and shallow wells, two locations within the city's six groundwater treatment plants, thedesalinated sea water and distribution network. Average nitrateconcentrations (as NO3) were 8.2 and 15.8 mg/L for deep andshallow well waters, respectively. The average nitrate concentrations (asNO3) in the groundwater treatment plants influent waters and thefinal product water were 16.2 and 8.5 mg/L, respectively. Due toblending of the plants' product water with the desalinated sea water, theaverage network nitrate concentration was 4.4 mg/L. The scheduledwater interruption does not seem to cause any appreciable change in thenitrate levels in the distribution network.  相似文献   

Water with high nitrate concentration (NO3 ) is unfit for human consumption, especially when its concentration exceeded the threshold limit (50 mg/l) recommended by the health authorities such as the World Health Organization (WHO). In Jordan, there is a great concern for determination and monitoring organic and inorganic pollutants that may reach groundwater. Nitrate is highly mobile and present in domestic, agricultural and industrial waste in Jordan, and thus this study focused initially on nitrate as both a contaminant of concern and as an indicator of potential groundwater contamination. The present study determined the extent of nitrate contamination in groundwater in the study area and examined the likely sources of NO3 . A total of 248 groundwater samples were collected from 16 wells in different sites of Al-Hashimiya area, Zerqa Governorate, Jordan, and investigated for NO3 concentrations. Moreover, measurements of temperature, electrical conductivity and pH were carried out in the field. Analysis was carried out according to the methods described by the American Public Health Association (APHA). Results showed that there was a dramatic increasing in NO3 concentrations from the year 2001 to 2006 for some selected wells in the present study. NO3 concentration in 2006 was ranged from 10 to 330 mg/l with an average of 77 mg/l. Overall, groundwater had elevated nitrate concentration with 92% of the samples containing more than 20 mg/l NO3 , indicating the influence of human activities. This study has shown that there is a strong correlation between the nitrate concentration and the wastewater effluents as a source of pollution.  相似文献   

为深入研究闽江口富营养化机制,于1985—2021年在闽江入海断面开展了水质监测。采用结合局部加权回归散点平滑法(LOWESS)的季节性肯达尔检验(SK检验)对断面溶解无机氮(DIN)及其各组分浓度变化趋势进行分析,同时结合水文资料对入海通量进行估算。结果表明:DIN浓度范围为0.728~3.140 mg/L,在37年间整体呈上升趋势,但不显著。各组分中NO2-N和NH3-N浓度分别呈显著和极显著下降趋势,而NO3-N浓度呈极显著上升趋势。DIN组分中NO2-N和NH3-N比重不断减小,而NO3-N比重不断增大,目前已成为DIN的主要组成部分。DIN入海通量范围为3.59×104~14.85×104 t,在37年间缓慢增加,其各组分入海通量长期变化趋势同浓度变化类似。从长期来看,DIN及其各组分浓度的变化趋势主要受流域环境变化及下游福州市含氮废水排放影响,而在短期则受台风、降水等一些突发环境事件的影响较大。  相似文献   

大连市中心城区地下水“三氮”污染分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
依据《地下水质量标准》(GB/T 14848-1993),对大连市中心城区2006-2010年地下水"三氮"监测资料进行分析。结果表明,"三氮"的检出率(最高为100%)和超标率(最高为58.8%)都较高,其中亚硝酸盐氮超标显著。氨氮浓度各年均值均超标,呈波动变化;亚硝酸盐氮浓度各年均值均超标,并呈上升趋势;硝酸盐氮各年均值波动变化,总体呈上升趋势。除2009年以外,其他4年中丰水期的硝酸盐氮浓度都比枯水期高;除2007年外,其他4年中的丰水期氨氮浓度都比枯水期低。"三氮"最高浓度值主要出现在中心城区周边区域。  相似文献   

The present study deals with detailed hydrochemical assessment of groundwater within the Saq aquifer. The Saq aquifer which extends through the NW part of Saudi Arabia is one of the major sources of groundwater supply. Groundwater samples were collected from about 295 groundwater wells and analyzed for various physico-chemical parameters such as electrical conductivity (EC), pH, temperature, total dissolved solids (TDS), Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, CO3 ?, HCO3 ?, Cl?, SO4 2?, and NO3 ?. Groundwater in the area is slightly alkaline and hard in nature. Electrical conductivity (EC) varies between 284 and 9,902?μS/cm with an average value of 1,599.4 μS/cm. The groundwater is highly mineralized with approximately 30 % of the samples having major ion concentrations above the WHO permissible limits. The NO3 ? concentration varies between 0.4 and 318.2 mg/l. The depth distribution of NO3 ? concentration shows higher concentration at shallow depths with a gradual decrease at deeper depths. As far as drinking water quality criteria are concerned, study shows that about 33 % of samples are unfit for use. A detailed assessment of groundwater quality in relation to agriculture use reveals that 21 % samples are unsuitable for irrigation. Using Piper’s classification, groundwater was classified into five different groups. Majority of the samples show Mix-Cl-SO4- and Na-Cl-types water. The abundances of Ca2+ and Mg2+ over alkalis infer mixed type of groundwater facies and reverse exchange reactions. The groundwater has acquired unique chemical characteristics through prolonged rock-water interactions, percolation of irrigation return water, and reactions at vadose zone.  相似文献   

Environmental monitoring of leachate quality from an open municipal solid waste dumping site in Tunceli, Turkey was studied in this research. The most commonly examined pollution parameters were determined on a seasonal basis. The annual average 5-day biological oxygen demand (BOD5) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) values of station points were measured as 70 and 425 mg/L, respectively, and also the average BOD5/COD ratio (a measure of biodegradability) was calculated as 0.20. The low ratio of biodegradability and slightly alkaline pH values in the leachate samples indicated that the site was characterized by methanogenic conditions. The mean ammonium-nitrogen (NH4 +-N) and corresponding phosphate (orthophosphate) values were assayed as 70 and 11 mg/L, respectively. The average solids content in the leachates was measured as 4,681 mg/L (total solids) and 144 mg/L (suspended solids). Very low concentrations of iron, manganese, copper, and zinc in the leachate samples were found and the concentration of cadmium was measured below detection limits. Excessive amount of nutrients and high organic and inorganic pollutant content in the leachates pose serious pollution potential to the environment. Since no drainage system or bio treatment exists in this open dumping site, high permeability of natural soil at the site and in the surrounding area and very fractured and crackled rocks under natural soil are indicators of high groundwater pollution potential in this site.  相似文献   

The study aims to establish denitrification potential of the Northern Arabian Gulf (NAG), as nitrogen critically affects the ocean productivity, obliterates acidity, oxidative capacity and radiative transfer capability of atmosphere. The experimental study was conducted by taking cores from intertidal zones from two different sites in North and South, referred as sites N and S; representing two distinct environmental milieu. The experiment was conducted in controlled laboratory conditions simulating the tidal cycles. Multiple cores were taken and loaded with seawater with different N concentrations, the redox potential was established for each condition. Redox potential was significantly lower at 10?cm depth compared to the surface in all cores (P?<?0.001). The redox potential at surface and at 10?cm depth was significantly lower at site S compared to site N (P?<?0.001; F?=?714.2), suggesting anaerobic sediments at site S. Effects of nitrate spiked seawater on denitrification under nonflooded and flooded conditions at the two sites were also studied. Three-way ANOVA analysis indicated that site, nitrate concentration, and flooding had significant main and interactive effects on the rate of denitrification. The results suggest that under ambient nitrate concentrations (0.03?mg NO3-N?l?1), 6.3?±?2.1?g NO3-N?ha?day can be denitrified by inter-tidal zone sediments. At a nitrate concentration of 1?mg NO3-N?l?1, 92?±?16?g NO3-N?ha?day may be denitrified whilst at a very high nitrate load of 10?mg NO3-N?l?1, the sediments may attain a rate of denitrification close to 404?±?78?g NO3-N?ha?day.  相似文献   

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