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依据2010年4月至2011年12月多学科综合考察的结果,罗布泊野骆驼国家级自然保护区范围内共有种子植物28科76属130种,属于典型的荒漠植物区系;区内种子植物属的区系成分较为多样,其中北温带分布型比例最大,占总属的27.6%,其次为地中海区、西亚至中亚分布型占较大比重,优势种由古老成分组成,仅含1属的分布型共有5个(中国特有分布、东亚分布、热带亚洲(印度—马来西亚)、旧世界热带分布、东亚和北美间断分布)。保护区植物组成及区系特征也说明了保护区所处的特殊的自然地理位置、气候环境特点对该区植物地理分布的决定性影响。  相似文献   

基于2018—2021年太湖地区哨兵2号(Sentinel-2)卫星遥感影像和随机森林算法,结合植被敏感指数,开展太湖水生植被分布监测,综合分析了水生植被的时空变化特征,初步揭示了太湖水生植被的动态变化。结果表明,太湖水生植被分布面积有逐年上升的趋势,且年间变化具有明显的单峰型特征,表现为春季沉寂,夏季快速增长,秋季达到暴发期,冬季面积开始减退;太湖水生植被主要分布于东太湖、东部沿岸和贡湖,类型以沉水植被为主,其中浮叶植被主要分布于东太湖,挺水植被主要分布于东太湖沿岸的浅水区域;沉水植被主要分布于东部沿岸和贡湖;水生植被主要分布的东太湖水域,其水质总体优于太湖其他水域。  相似文献   

采用归一化植被指数、景观多样性指数、景观均匀度指数等技术指标,评价那棱格勒河下游绿洲的生态环境现状。结果表明:那棱格勒河下游绿洲区主要为中植被覆盖(覆盖度30%~60%)区域,占绿洲区总面积的42.83%;低植被覆盖类型(覆盖度10%~30%)和高植被覆盖类型(覆盖度60%)次之。极低植被覆盖(覆盖度10%)区域最少,占绿洲区总面积的3.96%。稀疏草地和荒漠为该区域的优势景观,自然生产力等级低,生态系统受外界干扰后难以恢复,极易发生退化与沙化,系统的恢复稳定性与阻抗稳定性都较弱。  相似文献   

为加速高盐胁迫下芒硝盐岩弃渣场植被生态修复,选取骄子山隧洞弃渣场及其周围环境区作为研究区,采用样地抽样调查法,从优势物种、群落结构、生物量、生物多样性等方面进行对比分析。结果表明:弃渣场土壤pH值为8.51~9.26,可溶性盐质量比在5.12 g/kg~38.45 g/kg之间,属高盐弱碱性土壤环境;弃渣场共发现植物17种,隶属9科16属,以草本植物为主,占总物种数的76.47%;弃渣场区植被生态修复以豆科、禾本科、菊科植物为主,占总物种数的64.71%;单位面积生物量和物种丰富度指数最大试验区均为有覆膜阻断客土区。试提出以构树+银合欢+草木樨+类芦+龙舌兰+葛为主的乔灌草植被配置模式进行植被生态修复。  相似文献   

基于遥感和像元二分模型的新疆植被覆盖度格局动态监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用MODIS归一化植被指数(NDVI)资料反演了2006—2015年新疆植被覆盖状况,获取不同时期的植被覆盖度图,并进一步分析了植被覆盖度变化的原因。结果表明:新疆植被覆盖度呈现北部高于南部、西部高于东部的分布特征,其中西部和西北部的山地森林、草地以及天山北坡绿洲农作物、草地区域植被覆盖情况最好。过去10年间,新疆植被覆盖度总体呈上升趋势,2015年植被覆盖度达到最高,为16.68%。生态恢复工程、降水和气温等是影响植被覆盖度变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

使用基于地形坡度的土壤侵蚀要素提取方法,选择大别山区商城县为研究区,利用TM/OLI和SPOT 5/GF-1数据得到植被覆盖度和土地利用类型图,并结合DEM数据生成的地形坡度因子,基于GIS/RS提取土壤侵蚀信息及其时空变化量。结果显示,研究区2011年和2016年的土壤侵蚀主要分布在南部中低山地区,以轻度侵蚀为主,分别占总侵蚀面积的81.13%和83.97%;土壤侵蚀主要发生在坡度为5°~25°的区域,且随着坡度增大土壤侵蚀越严重;耕地的土壤侵蚀最严重;2011—2016年间虽然大部分区域土壤侵蚀状况不变,但整体有所加重。  相似文献   

河口湿地大型底栖动物是重要的初级消费者,对于维持河口湿地生态系统结构和功能具有重要作用。中国南北不同气候带的河口湿地因具有独特的温盐条件,形成了不同的底栖动物群落。根据已有研究分析发现,中国河口湿地底栖动物存在明显的潮汐分带规律和南北温度分区差异。潮上带:盐度<6‰的华北暖温带河口以昆虫纲占优势,伴生环节动物和软体动物;盐度<2‰的亚热带季风区河口以甲壳纲占优势,出现水生昆虫幼虫;盐度为0‰~5‰的亚热带-热带河口以多毛纲为主,伴生甲壳纲和软体动物。潮间、潮下带:华北暖温带河口由节肢动物的昆虫纲过渡到甲壳纲,高潮带以甲壳纲占优势,伴有多毛纲和少量软体动物;潮间带中低潮滩5‰~25‰盐度范围内以软体动物为主,仅伴生种存在差异。亚热带季风区河口盐度2‰~5‰的中低潮滩以甲壳纲和软体动物占优势,在潮下带盐渍藻类区主要分布软体动物和部分甲壳纲。亚热带-热带河口盐度7.5‰~21‰的秋茄群落和盐度11‰~15‰的桐花树群落中均以甲壳纲和多毛纲为主,伴生腹足纲、寡毛纲和棘皮动物;盐度8.8‰~17.5‰的白骨壤群落中以腹足纲占优势,伴生甲壳纲、多毛纲和棘皮动物。目前针对中国河口海岸最北端鸭绿江口的调查研究较少,且对河口潮下带的研究多集中于长江口范围,其余河口潮下带则多并入海洋底栖动物的调查研究,缺乏针对潮下带的专门分析,因此需加强中温带鸭绿江口不同潮带底栖动物的调查,并增加各海岸河口潮下带的底栖动物针对性调查,以期明确河口冲淡水对底栖动物类群及分布的影响。  相似文献   

基于TM影像的桂林市植被覆盖时空动态监测与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以西部地区中等规模城市——桂林市为例,利用1991、2006年两期TM卫星影像数据,在对原始数据预处理的基础上,提取归一化植被指数(NDVI)。依据混合像元二分模型,生成桂林市所辖5城区的两期植被覆盖度监测分类图像,对区域植被覆盖状况进行时空动态变化分析。结果表明,1991年~2006年间,城市植被覆盖区面积总体呈现下降趋势;在划分的3类植被覆盖类型中,低植被覆盖区面积减少幅度最为明显,中、高植被覆盖区面积有不同程度增长;低植被覆盖区主要分布在城市建成区与一些村镇外围区域,中、高植被覆盖区集中分布在城市远郊地带。此外,随着城市化的迅速发展,城乡各类建设用地面积不断增加,城市边缘地带的绿色植被正逐步被人工景观所取代。  相似文献   

山东省生物多样性试点评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以县级行政区域为评价单元,利用现有文献资料和补充调查数据,按照《区域生物多样性评价标准》(HJ 623—2011)规定的评价指标和方法,评价了山东省120个县级行政区域的生物多样性状况,分析了生物多样性状况空间分布规律。评价结果表明:山东省县级行政区域生物多样性指数在23.27~40.24之间变化,县级行政区域生物多样性状况分为"中"和"一般",分别占山东省土地总面积的55.8%和44.2%。鲁中南山地丘陵区和鲁东丘陵区的生物多样性状况好于黄河三角洲、鲁西北和鲁西南平原区。  相似文献   

三峡水库干流氮和磷含量的季节变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
三峡水库成库后对6个水平断面、4个垂直断面采样分析,对水体水质参数、不同化学形态N以及不同物理形态P的水平分布和垂直分布进行了研究。研究结果表明,成库后TP、NH3-N、NO2--N、NO3--N、IN含量范围分别在0.06~0.34、0.01~0.72、0.002~0.100、0.76~2.09、0.855~2.52 mg/L。TP分布为丰水期>平水期>枯水期,受悬浮物沉降的影响,TP在水库区域含量低于上游区。枯水期、平水期水体中TP以可溶解态为主,丰水期以颗粒态为主。NO2--N、NO3--N、IN含量均为平水期>枯水期>丰水期。水体中IN以NO3--N为主,占IN70%~90%。NO2--N比例最低,占IN3.5%以下。表明水体虽受成库影响流速减缓,但水体依然有较强的自净能力。垂直分布上,TP、IN在3个层次变化不显著,未出现分层现象。各采样站点TP、NO3--N、IN通量和流量有显著相关。  相似文献   

The USDA Forest Service Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) program indicators, including forest mensuration, crown condition classification, and damage and mortality indicators were used in the Cadillac Brook and Hadlock Brook watershed forests at Acadia National Park (ANP) along coastal Maine. Cadillac Brook watershed burned in a wildfire in 1947. Hadlock Brook watershed, undisturbed for several centuries, serves as the reference site. These two small watersheds have been gauged and monitored at ANP since 1998 as part of the Park Research and Intensive Monitoring of Ecosystems Network (PRIMENet). Forest vegetation at Hadlock Brook was dominated by late successional species such as Acer saccharum, Fagus grandifolia, Betula alleghaniensis, Acer rubrum and Picea rubens. Forest vegetation at Cadillac Brook, on the other hand, was younger and more diverse and included those species found in Hadlock as well as early successional species such as Betula papyrifera and Populus grandidentata. Differences in forest species composition and stand structure were attributed to the severe wildfire that affected the Cadillac Brook watershed. Overall, the forests at these ANP watersheds were healthy with a low percentage (相似文献   

Concerns about rapid tropical deforestation, and its contribution to rising atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, increase the importance of monitoring terrestrial carbon storage in changing landscapes. Emerging markets for carbon emission offsets may offer developing nations needed incentives for reforestation, rehabilitation, and avoided deforestation. However, relatively little empirical data exists regarding carbon storage in African tropical forests, particularly for those in arid or semi-arid regions. Kenya's 416 km(2) Arabuko-Sokoke Forest (ASF) is the largest remaining fragment of East African coastal dry forest and is considered a global biodiversity hotspot (Myers et al. 2000), but has been significantly altered by past commercial logging and ongoing extraction. Forest carbon storage for ASF was estimated using allometric equations for tree biomass, destructive techniques for litter and herbaceous vegetation biomass, and spectroscopy for soils. Satellite imagery was used to assess land cover changes from 1992 to 2004. Forest and thicket types (Cynometra webberi dominated, Brachystegia spiciformis dominated, and mixed species forest) had carbon densities ranging from 58 to 94 Mg C/ha. The ASF area supported a 2.8-3.0 Tg C carbon stock. Although total forested area in ASF did not change over the analyzed time period, ongoing disturbances, quantified by the basal area of cut tree stumps per sample plot, correlated with decreased carbon densities. Madunguni Forest, an adjoining forest patch, lost 86% of its forest cover and at least 76% of its terrestrial carbon stock in the time period. Improved management of wood harvesting in ASF and rehabilitation of Madunguni Forest could substantially increase terrestrial carbon sequestration in the region.  相似文献   

Declining forest health has been observed during the past several decades in several areas of the eastern USA, and some of this decline is attributed to acid deposition. Decreases in soil pH and increases in soil acidity are indicators of potential impacts on tree growth due to acid inputs and Al toxicity. The Cherry River watershed, which lies within the Monongahela National Forest in West Virginia, has some of the highest rates of acid deposition in Appalachia. East and West areas within the watershed, which showed differences in precipitation, stream chemistry, and vegetation composition, were compared to evaluate soil acidity conditions and to assess their degree of risk on tree growth. Thirty-one soil pits in the West area and 36 pits in the East area were dug and described, and soil samples from each horizon were analyzed for chemical parameters. In A horizons, East area soils averaged 3.7 pH with 9.4 cmolc kg???1 of acidity compared to pH 4.0 and 6.2 cmolc kg???1 of acidity in West area soils. Extractable cations (Ca, Mg, and Al) were significantly higher in the A, transition, and upper B horizons of East versus West soils. However, even with differences in cation concentrations, Ca/Al molar ratios were similar for East and West soils. For both sites using the Ca/Al ratio, a 50% risk of impaired tree growth was found for A horizons, while a 75% risk was found for deeper horizons. Low concentrations of base cations and high extractable Al in these soils translate into a high degree of risk for forest regeneration and tree growth after conventional tree harvesting.  相似文献   

Processes of deforestation, known to threaten tropical forest biodiversity, have not yet been studied sufficiently in East Africa. To shed light on the patterns and causes of human influences on protected forest ecosystems, comparisons of different study areas regarding land cover dynamics and potential drivers are needed. We analyze the development of land cover since the early 1970s for three protected East African rainforests and their surrounding farmlands and assess the relationship between the observed changes in the context of the protection status of the forests. Processing of Landsat satellite imagery of eight or seven time steps in regular intervals results in 12 land cover classes for the Kakamega–Nandi forests (Kenya) and Budongo Forest (Uganda) whereas ten are distinguished for Mabira Forest (Uganda). The overall classification accuracy assessed for the year 2001 or 2003 is similarly high for all three study areas (81% to 85%). The time series reveal that, despite their protection status, Kakamega–Nandi forests and Mabira Forest experienced major forest decrease, the first a continuous forest loss of 31% between 1972/1973 and 2001, the latter an abrupt loss of 24% in the late 1970s/early 1980s. For both forests, the temporally dense time series show short-term fluctuations in forest classes (e.g., areas of forest regrowth since the 1980s or exotic secondary bushland species from the 1990s onwards). Although selectively logged, Budongo Forest shows a much more stable forest cover extent. A visual overlay with population distribution for all three regions clearly indicates a relationship between forest loss and areas of high population density, suggesting population pressure as a main driver of deforestation. The revealed forest losses due to local and commercial exploitation further demonstrate that weak management impedes effective forest protection in East Africa.  相似文献   

We examined the levels of cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury, and selenium in four species of birds near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia in January, 1996. Molted contour feathers were collected from silver gull, Larus novaehollandiae (Royal National Park and downtown Sydney), sulphur-crested cockatoo, Cacatua sulphurea (Blue Mountains, Royal National Park, and Sydney), Australian white ibis, Threskiornis molucca (Sydney), and rock dove Columba livia (Royal National Park and Sydney). We tested the null hypothesis that there were no species or locational differences in metal levels. There were significant species differences in all metals, with rock doves having the highest levels of cadmium, chromium, lead, and manganese, and silver gulls having the highest levels of mercury and selenium. Metal levels were generally low in cockatoos, and were lowest in those from the Royal National Park. For silver gulls, cadmium, lead, and chromium levels were highest at Sydney, and there were no locational differences in manganese, mercury, and selenium levels. For rock doves, cadmium, chromium and manganese were higher in Sydney, and there were no locational differences in lead, mercury, and selenium. Overall, cadmium and chromium levels were significantly higher in Sydney than in the Royal National Park for all species, and there were no locational differences in mercury levels. Although the levels of most metals in feathers from these Australian birds were within the ranges reported worldwide, lead levels in ibises and rock doves were among the highest reported worldwide, suggesting a cause for concern.  相似文献   

Within the European intensive forest monitoring programme, the native vegetation on permanent Level II plots has been monitored for visible ozone injuries. The main purpose of the programme is to assess the potential risks for the forest vegetation and the natural ecosystems at the intensive monitoring plots. During the first years of the programme the surveys were qualitative, reporting only the number and the name of the symptomatic species in selected Light Exposed Sampling Site. In 2003 a new plot design was tested, based on the distribution of a number of miniplots along the edge of the forest, so as to obtain quantitative findings about the occurrence and distribution of the symptoms. The problems that still persist are related to: (i) the forest edge assessed for ozone symptoms may have a different floristic composition from the Level II plot itself; (ii) the anthropic pressure and the disturbances affecting the forest edge alters the floristic composition; (iii) the variability of the plant composition in the forest edge, which makes comparability difficult between different sites; and (iv) the evaluation of symptoms in several species that have not yet been experimentally tested. Further difficulties are due to the fact that symptoms observed in the field are often aspecific and cannot, therefore, be attributed solely to the phytotoxic action of ozone. To improve the effectiveness of the European programme, it is necessary: (i) to individualise and select common sensitive plant species for homogeneous ecological regions; (ii) to enhance experimental activities to test the sensitivity of a large number of plant species.  相似文献   

张家界国家森林公园地表水污染综合分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
随着旅游业的快速发展,张家界国家森林公园水环境保护、水污染治理及水资源利用问题已成为张家界旅游可持续发展中突出的问题.文章利用大量监测数据,对公园地表水污染状况进行模糊数学法综合评价,进行污染特征与污染规律分析,从而提出严格控制排污,科学规划水资源、严格控制景区客流量等对策及建议,以期为张家界国家森林公园水环境保护及张家界旅游业的持续健康发展提供决策参考.  相似文献   

National parks are used worldwide as a means to protect the ecological integrity of unique ecosystems. Dilek National Park in western Turkey is a protected habitat for several endangered and severely threatened species. Thirty-seven water and 59 sediment samples were collected and analyzed for pesticides at two different sampling depths. The park is contaminated with 16 different organochlorine pesticides, with more pesticides detected in sediments than in water. The most prevalent pesticides in the 30–60-cm depth were DDT (69.5% of the samples), heptachlor (62.3%), a-endosulfan (55% of samples), and endrin (37%). Lindane isomers were present, but at <30% of the sediment samples. These pesticides could be a long-term contamination source that enters the food web used by the very species the park is trying to protect.  相似文献   

A demonstration project in Oregon examined the feasibility of combining Federal environmental monitoring surveys. An integrated approach should remove duplication of effort and reduce the possibility of providing apparently conflicting information to policy makers and the public. Data collection teams made photo interpretation measurements and on-site soil/vegetation/animal observations at locations that were selected from the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA), National Forest System (NFS) Region 6, and National Resource Inventory (NRI) surveys in a six-county area in Northern Oregon. The project demonstrated the feasibility of conducting a combined FIA/NFS/NRI survey and suggests an approach that will preserve the utility of the critical historical information from these surveys. We suggest a framework for estimating the extent of forest and range land that explains FIA/NRI differences and provides a common basis for both surveys. We suggest indicator and protocol criteria that will allow consistent national and regional estimates over all vegetation types, and stress the importance of including measurement repeatability in the design of the combined survey.  相似文献   

Episodes of large-scale transport of airborne dust and anthropogenic pollutant particles from different sources in the East Asian continent in 2008 were identified by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration satellite RGB (red, green, and blue)-composite images and the mass concentrations of ground level particulate matter. These particles were divided into dust, sea salt, smoke plume, and sulfate by an aerosol classification algorithm. To analyze the aerosol size distribution during large-scale transport of atmospheric aerosols, aerosol optical depth (AOD) and fine aerosol weighting (FW) of moderate imaging spectroradiometer aerosol products were used over the East Asian region. Six episodes of massive airborne dust particles, originating from sandstorms in northern China, Mongolia, and the Loess Plateau of China, were observed at Cheongwon. Classified dust aerosol types were distributed on a large-scale over the Yellow Sea region. The average PM10 and PM2.5 ratio to the total mass concentration TSP were 70% and 15%, respectively. However, the mass concentration of PM2.5 among TSP increased to as high as 23% in an episode where dust traveled in by way of an industrial area in eastern China. In the other five episodes of anthropogenic pollutant particles that flowed into the Korean Peninsula from eastern China, the anthropogenic pollutant particles were largely detected in the form of smoke over the Yellow Sea region. The average PM10 and PM2.5 ratios to TSP were 82% and 65%, respectively. The ratio of PM2.5 mass concentrations among TSP varied significantly depending on the origin and pathway of the airborne dust particles. The average AOD for the large-scale transport of anthropogenic pollutant particles in the East Asian region was measured to be 0.42 ± 0.17, which is higher in terms of the rate against atmospheric aerosols as compared with the AOD (0.36 ± 0.13) for airborne dust particles with sandstorms. In particular, the region ranging from eastern China, the Yellow Sea, and the Korean Peninsula to the Korea East Sea was characterized by high AOD distributions. In the episode of anthropogenic polluted aerosols, FW averaged 0.63 ± 0.16, a value higher than that in the episode of airborne dust particles (0.52 ± 0.13) with sandstorms, showing that fine anthropogenic pollutant particles contribute greatly to atmospheric aerosols in East Asia.  相似文献   

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