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降雨对坡面产沙及土壤养分流失的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究天然降雨条件下坡面产沙及土壤养分流失的变化规律,根据当地不同的种植模式,在野外标准径流小区进行试验.结果表明,采用玉米顺垄耕作坡面产沙量同I30关系最为密切,产沙量随I30的增大而增多;采用玉米横垄的耕作方式时,坡面产沙量同降雨量和降雨强度没有明显的变化规律.降雨量对径流中土壤养分流失量的影响不明显,而径流中土壤...  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐河流域浅层地下水防污性能评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地下水防污性能的评价是确定地下水资源保护措施是否可行的关键。本文根据乌鲁木齐河流域浅层地下水水文地质状况,采用DRASTIC模型,选取包气带岩性、厚度与结构、地形作为评价因子,在乌鲁木齐河流域地下水污染现状评价的基础上,用模糊综合评判法评价了地下水防污性能,从而为乌鲁木齐河流域地下水污染防治提供了依据。  相似文献   

昌吉市属干旱区,生态环境脆弱,区域大规模的地下水利用已使平原区地下水埋深大幅下降。昌吉市北、中部荒漠区,地下水天然补给微弱、基本无地表水灌溉入渗补给,生态环境较为脆弱,地下水开采相对较大,对环境负面影响及危害程度相对较大。加强地下水监测与保护管理措施,为合理开发利用地下水资源,遏制地下水环境进一步恶化,防止新的地下水环境问题出现,对切实保护好地下水资源、从而了解地下水时空分布和动态变化规律,适时制定相应对策,对地下水资源的可持续利用具有实际意义。  相似文献   

地下水资源不但存在着污染的途径与受污染的危害,同时它还与生态环境息息相关,影响着方方面面。在地下水补给地表水方面,促使了河流和湖泊的形成与发展,引起土壤的沼泽化、盐渍化、土地沙化和进一步发展的沙漠化与气候干化,影响了植被的生长以及区域性的地面沉降等诸多方面。 1.地下水与河流的关系 河流的特征可由它的补给水源来确定。河流的补给源主要可以分为三种类型:①以冰雪融水为补给源的;②以雨水和  相似文献   

降雨特征对合流制排水系统径流污染负荷的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对昆明主城区典型合流制排水系统10次降雨径流过程水质水量的监测,计算次降雨污染负荷,并采用M(V)曲线和初期冲刷系数方法对降雨特征与次降雨污染、初期冲刷负荷之间的关系进行探讨。结果表明:10次降雨事件径流污染负荷存在明显的差异,SS、COD、TP和TN的次降雨污染负荷平均值分别为21.5 kg/hm~2、16.9 kg/hm~2、0.3 kg/hm~2、3.9 kg/hm~2;降雨量、最大雨强和平均雨强与次降雨污染负荷及初期冲刷强度呈显著正相关,是影响其初期冲刷的重要水文参数;降雨历时和前期晴天与次降雨污染负荷和初期冲刷强度没有相关性,二者对次降雨污染负荷和初期冲刷无明显影响。  相似文献   

以沧州地区的地下水、土壤和小麦中的氟元素为研究对象,探讨氟元素在地下水、土壤和小麦等不同介质中的含量、空间分布与来源成因。通过绘制各介质中氟元素分布图,获得氟元素在各介质中不同深度的含量及水平空间上的分布特征。结果显示,当地深层地下水氟含量平均为2.25 mg/L,高于浅层地下水的平均值0.80 mg/L;深层和浅层土壤氟含量接近,平均值分别为557.18、569.20 mg/kg;小麦中的氟含量最高值为0.96 mg/kg,当地小麦氟含量均低于国家标准限值(1.0 mg/kg)。根据氟元素的分布特点分析,当地深层地下水与土壤的氟元素来源一致,而不同于浅层地下水中的氟;小麦的氟元素分布受浅层土壤氟影响较大。  相似文献   

原广州氮肥厂地块地下水环境质量评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对原广州氮肥厂遗留地块浅层地下水环境质量进行调查与评价。结果表明,其整个地块浅层地下水被污染,特别是硫酸车间和造气车间为地下水污染最重区域。主要污染项目为Mn、NH3-N、亚硝酸盐、Fe、总硬度、IMn、SO2-、F-。提出,在作土壤开挖、修复和新建工程项目过程中,工程施工排水应处理后方可排放,以减少对周围环境水体的影响;建筑工人应避免直接接触地下水,施工时佩带手套,做好保护措施,减少皮肤暴露。  相似文献   

为了解某再生铅企业厂区土壤和浅层地下水重金属污染状况,采集了96个土壤样品和4个地下水样品,定量分析了其Pb,Cd,As的含量及空间分布特征,探讨企业生产对环境造成的影响。结果表明,该区域土壤中Cd、As、Pb超标率分别为67.0%,35.1%,11.7%,在厂区呈现局部富集现象,最大值是土壤背景值的几十倍乃至数千倍;在垂直方向上由于Pb,Cd,As在土壤中迁移率较低,其值随深度增加呈总体下降趋势;该区域地下水中Pb,Cd,As值远低于地下水质量标准值。  相似文献   

通过分析降水化学成分,探讨黄山景观区域降雨的微量元素化学组成特征及其来源。结果表明,降雨中微量元素含量呈现明显的季节性变化,主要受到降雨量、pH值、风向及溶解有机质等因素影响。来源分析和贡献估算结果表明,降雨中Mn、Cu、Pb、Cd、Ni、Co等元素受燃煤和交通污染排放的影响显著,贡献率均在98%以上;土壤源和人为源对Fe的贡献率分别为76. 9%、23. 1%,对Ti的贡献率为22. 8%、77. 2%; Sr主要受海洋源(28. 3%)和人为源(70. 5%)双重影响。  相似文献   

该文利用模糊数学和灰色理论的相关知识,根据地下岩溶水系统水化学动态特征和污染机理以及水文地质条件自身特点建立了地下岩溶水环境质量评价数学模型;并验证此模型,对西龙河峄山断层带水源地的地下岩溶水环境质量进行了综合评价。评价结果表明:该岩溶水系统大部分地区地下水的环境质量状况较好,局部地段较差,且地下水环境质量的分布特征与区域水文地质条件及水源地补给排泄关系具有较好的相关性。此结论与运用加权均值型指数评价法得到的结论相同,这说明此模型的建立是合理的,评价结果是完全可靠的。  相似文献   

One hundred and two white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) stands were studied in the Sub-boreal Spruce zone of British Columbia and were quantitatively classified into seven soil moisture regimes (moderately dry, slightly dry, fresh, moist, very moist, wet, and very wet) according to actual/potential evapotranspiration ratio, depth to gleyed layer or prominent mottling, and depth to groundwater table. The delineated soil moisture regimes demonstrated strong relationships with the composition of understory vegetation and white spruce foliar nutrients and site index. These relationships implied that the three differentiating characteristics used in the classification provided a good estimation of growing-season soil water supply. In addition to soil moisture regimes, three soil aeration regimes (adequate, restricted, and deficient) were delineated according to presence or absence of gleyed horizons and groundwater table, slope gradient, and soil texture. These soil aeration regimes helped in explaining the variation in white spruce site index, especially on water-surplus sites. Thus, an integrated classification of soil moisture-aeration regimes was proposed to explain the effect of soil moisture and aeration on white spruce productivity.The results of this study gave further evidence that soil moisture and aeration regimes, differentiated on the basis of climatic data and soil morphological properties, are useful measures of soil moisture and aeration conditions in sub-boreal forest soils.  相似文献   

Groundwater recharge and available groundwater resources in Chithar River basin, Tamil Nadu, India spread over an area of 1,722 km2 have been estimated by considering various hydrological, geological, and hydrogeological parameters, such as rainfall infiltration, drainage, geomorphic units, land use, rock types, depth of weathered and fractured zones, nature of soil, water level fluctuation, saturated thickness of aquifer, and groundwater abstraction. The digital ground elevation models indicate that the regional slope of the basin is towards east. The Proterozoic (Post-Archaean) basement of the study area consists of quartzite, calc-granulite, crystalline limestone, charnockite, and biotite gneiss with or without garnet. Three major soil types were identified namely, black cotton, deep red, and red sandy soils. The rainfall intensity gradually decreases from west to east. Groundwater occurs under water table conditions in the weathered zone and fluctuates between 0 and 25 m. The water table gains maximum during January after northeast monsoon and attains low during October. Groundwater abstraction for domestic/stock and irrigational needs in Chithar River basin has been estimated as 148.84 MCM (million m3). Groundwater recharge due to monsoon rainfall infiltration has been estimated as 170.05 MCM based on the water level rise during monsoon period. It is also estimated as 173.9 MCM using rainfall infiltration factor. An amount of 53.8 MCM of water is contributed to groundwater from surface water bodies. Recharge of groundwater due to return flow from irrigation has been computed as 147.6 MCM. The static groundwater reserve in Chithar River basin is estimated as 466.66 MCM and the dynamic reserve is about 187.7 MCM. In the present scenario, the aquifer is under safe condition for extraction of groundwater for domestic and irrigation purposes. If the existing water bodies are maintained properly, the extraction rate can be increased in future about 10 % to 15 %.  相似文献   

This study applied a method of the rotated empirical orthogonal functions to directly decompose the space-time groundwater level variations and determine the potential recharge zones by investigating the correlation between the identified groundwater signals and the observed local rainfall records. The approach is used to analyze the spatiotemporal process of piezometric heads estimated by Bayesian maximum entropy method from monthly observations of 45 wells in 1999-2007 located in the Pingtung Plain of Taiwan. From the results, the primary potential recharge area is located at the proximal fan areas where the recharge process accounts for 88% of the spatiotemporal variations of piezometric heads in the study area. The decomposition of groundwater levels associated with rainfall can provide information on the recharge process since rainfall is an important contributor to groundwater recharge in semi-arid regions. Correlation analysis shows that the identified recharge closely associates with the temporal variation of the local precipitation with a delay of 1-2 months in the study area.  相似文献   

The environmental fate and movement of herbicides widely used for weed control in corn are assessed for a deep loess soil in southwestern Iowa. Beginning in the early 1980s, the herbicide-based weed control program emphasized the application of atrazine (ATR) or cyanazine (CYN) and metolachlor (MET) for both broadleaf and grass control. Between 1992 and 1995, concentrations of ATR, desethylatrazine (DEA), desisopropylatrazine (DIA), CYN and MET were measured in rainwater, both shallow and deep vadose zone water, and well water. Results show that the frequency of herbicide detections and the range and distribution of occurrences are dependent upon both landscape position and temporal inputs of recharge water from rainfall. Generally, DIA was observed more frequently and in higher mean concentration in well water than DEA, while DEA was observed more frequently than DIA in vadose zone groundwater. A chromatographic analogy is suggested to explain the occurrence patterns observed for both parent herbicide and degradation products within the unsaturated zone water. Analysis of rainwater samples collected during this time also revealed low concentrations of ATR, CYN and MET, with the timing of the detections indicative of non-local transport. Results show that the deep loess soil conducts both water and agricultural chemicals relatively rapidly and as such represents a production system which is vulnerable to contamination of shallow groundwater by herbicide-derived chemicals. Results also illustrate the importance of including major herbicide degradation products in water resource impact assessment studies.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the response of groundwater level and well yields in the Halacli aquifer to climate variations in Central Anatolia, Turkey. The Halacli aquifer is a typical aquifer due to its vulnerability to the climate variations. The aquifer is shallow and its recharge area is small. The waters from rains and snow melts can rapidly infiltrate down to the groundwater body because the vadose zone is thin and formed from coarse material. Therefore, the groundwater system responds to the short-term recharges by raising its level. Although any exploitation did not occur, the groundwater levels have declined from 1989 to 1997. However, the groundwater levels began rising when the exploitation started in the summer of 1998. After the year 2000, although the amount and duration of yearly exploitation was constant, fluctuations of water level continued. Fluctuation of groundwater levels and well yields bewilders the water users and imperils the sustainable water management in the study area and also in arid and semi-arid regions of Turkey. In order to overcome this problem, behavior of groundwater level and discharges of the wells must be recorded and the water users must be informed about the current conditions and the possible trend in the future of the system.  相似文献   

An understanding of the behavior of the groundwater body and its long-term trends are essential for making any management decision in a given watershed. Geostatistical methods can effectively be used to derive the long-term trends of the groundwater body. Here an attempt has been made to find out the long-term trends of the water table fluctuations of a river basin through a time series approach. The method was found to be useful for demarcating the zones of discharge and of recharge of an aquifer. The recharge of the aquifer is attributed to the return flow from applied irrigation. In the study area, farmers mainly depend on borewells for water and water is pumped from the deep aquifer indiscriminately. The recharge of the shallow aquifer implies excessive pumping of the deep aquifer. Necessary steps have to be taken immediately at appropriate levels to control the irrational pumping of deep aquifer groundwater, which is needed as a future water source. The study emphasizes the use of geostatistics for the better management of water resources and sustainable development of the area.  相似文献   

This article discusses the generation and migration process of nitrate-N pollution in shallow groundwater caused by agricultural nonpoint source pollution in the catchment area of Shitoukoumen Reservoir in northeast China. By monitoring the shallow groundwater nitrate-N in the low-water period, the normal season, and high-flow period in the study area for a year, it was found that the nitrate-N concentration in the shallow groundwater of this area had a seasonal variation in both spatial and time distribution. In the time distribution, the peak value appeared in July, the high-flow period, and the valley value appeared in April, the low-water period, and showed a significant correlation with the time distribution of fertilization rate and rainfall. In the spatial distribution of nitrate-N pollution, when the distribution in shallow groundwater was analyzed separately in the three different periods (low-water period, the normal season, and high-flow period) and the discipline transference and enrichment of nitrate-N pollution in shallow groundwater was determined, this indicated that the region in the southeast study area where runoff conditions were better was less contaminated, and the region where runoff conditions were poor, as well as the region along the river were seriously polluted. The nitrate-N concentration in shallow groundwater was distributed mainly along the path of groundwater flow and was excreted in the drainage region. This showed that the spatial distribution of nitrate-N concentration in the shallow groundwater of the entire region was mainly controlled by the groundwater flow system. At the same time, in the middle and lower reaches of the study area, the seasonal changes in the recharged–excreted relationship between groundwater and river caused seasonal differences in the spatial distribution of nitrate-N pollution in groundwater. The combined effects of the groundwater mobility and the surface river resulted in a poor correlation between the groundwater nitrate-N concentration and land-use types. Only in the plain area where there was little influence from groundwater runoff and the surface river did the groundwater nitrate-N concentration correlate with land-use types. The spatial and time distribution of nitrate-N concentration in the shallow groundwater of the study area was impacted by agricultural nonpoint source pollution, the groundwater flow system, and the surface river and formed a concentration response system which uses basins as a unit.  相似文献   

Geographic information system (GIS) has become one of the leading tools in the field of hydrogeological science that helps in assessing, monitoring, and conserving groundwater resources. Groundwater is a finite resource, which is being overexploited due to increase in demand over the years leading to decrease in its potentiality. In the present study, DRASTIC model has been used to prepare groundwater vulnerable zone in hard rock aquifer of granitic terrain. The main objective is to determine susceptible zone for groundwater pollution by integrating hydrogeological layers in GIS environment. The layers such as depth of aquifer, recharge, aquifer yield, soil type, topography, vadose zone, and transmissivity are incorporated in the DRASTIC model. The final output of the map shows that around 60% of the area falls under low to no risk of pollution zone. The high risk of pollution zones are mostly present towards the margin of southeastern periphery. The lower part of the basin as well as small area on northern side falls under moderate risk of pollution zone. For the assessment of groundwater pollution zone, 24 groundwater samples have been collected from different vulnerable zones. The chemical analysis of sample shows that the southeastern margin of basin has relatively high concentration of nitrate as compared to other parts of the basin. It is present in high pollution zone as well as moderate pollution zone. The present model can be used for assessment and management of groundwater.  相似文献   

以珠海金鼎工业园这一典型的滨海工业园为研究对象,对比分析了工业园建成后不同时期(2005—2007与2015—2022)园区地下水环境监测数据与稳定氢、氧、氮等多种环境同位素数据,探讨了该园区浅层地下水水质时空演变特征,分析了园区地下水水质的超标问题与诱因,并识别了园区地下水、主要离子与无机氮等成分的来源,明确了该浅层含水层特征指标对海水入侵的指示,为滨海工业园区地下水污染的管控提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

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