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以某重金属矿区3个水域(a、b、c)作为研究区,采集Aster卫星传感器的遥感监测数据,再运用分光辐射光谱仪测定标准板与目标水体,计算目标水体的光谱反射率,分析各区域水体遭受重金属污染时的光谱反射特征,实现基于光谱分析的重金属污染废水遥感监测。结果表明:a区域内水体重金属污染程度由深水区向浅水区逐步增强,水体呈现出橙红色;b区域内水体重金属污染程度由浅水区向深水区逐步增强,水体呈现为棕红色;c区域内水体未受到重金属污染,整个区域内水体为铜绿色。该结果与现场采集的各区域水体遭受重金属污染的情况一致。  相似文献   

南沙河水体重金属污染特征及潜在生态危险评价   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
通过测定南沙河水体中重金属的含量,探讨重金属的分布特征,并采用地累积指数法和潜在生态危害指数法对沉积物中重金属污染程度和潜在生态危害进行了评价。结果表明,南沙河水体重金属的污染较轻,沉积物的重金属地累积指数分级在0~3之间,属于无污染至中度污染水平,各重金属的污染程度为Zn>As>Pb>Cu>Cr>Cd。沉积物重金属呈现由较轻到中等的生态风险,以Cd的生态风险为主。  相似文献   

文章对徐州市地表水体底泥重金属的污染特征进行了研究。对流经徐州市的四条主要河流和云龙湖的55个底泥采样点的重金属含量进行了测试,并采用单因子污染指数法进行了评价。结果表明,徐州市地表水体除云龙湖之外均不同程度地受到了重金属元素的污染。荆马河污染最为严重,其次是奎河、故黄河、京杭大运河。云龙湖的第五个采样点也受到了Hg的污染。污染元素的种类及污染程度与徐州市的产业结构密切相关。  相似文献   

杭州市钱塘江干支流水质多元统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用多元统计方法分析了杭州市钱塘江干支流上26个断面的水质监测指标。利用系统聚类分析方法将断面所在河流分为3组,与钱塘江流域污染空间分布现状基本一致。对各组水质的主成分分析表明,第1组河流水质以有机污染为主,水体中氮、磷营养盐浓度较高,水体污染程度较轻,污染来源相对单一;第2组河流水体受有机物、重金属、石油类等多个污染指标的影响,水体水质较第1组差,污染来源相对复杂;第3组河流水体既有一般有机污染,也有重金属、有毒有害物质的污染,水体水质污染严重。  相似文献   

李根  李文 《中国环境监测》2022,38(6):183-195
20世纪60年代以来,环境磁学以快速、灵敏、经济、无破坏性和信息量大等特点被广泛应用到环境污染研究中。笔者介绍了环境磁学应用于重金属污染监测的基本原理和优势,系统综述了其在大气,水体(湖泊、河流和海岸等)和土壤等环境重金属污染监测中的主要成果和最新进展,包括磁学参数可作为重金属污染物质代用指标,以及环境磁学在重金属污染分布特点和污染程度鉴定、重金属污染历史重建、重金属污染物运移追踪等方面的应用。提出了重金属污染磁性诊断研究还需要解决的问题,包括磁学参数多解性,其他环境过程(动力分选、吸附解吸和早期成岩等)的干扰和影响,磁性矿物与重金属物质赋存关系及多学科交叉研究等。  相似文献   

为探索贵州煤矿区表层水-沉积物中重金属的分布特征及来源,科学制定环境保护与污染治理措施,以新寨河为研究对象,在11个样点共采集66个表层水体和沉积物样品,通过对Cd、Pb、Cr、Zn、Cu、As、Hg、Fe、Mn等9种重金属元素进行分析,揭示其在新寨河的空间分布特征。同时,利用多指数法开展了有毒重金属元素污染状况评价,通过相关性分析和主成分分析解析了重金属的来源。结果表明,新寨河流域表层水体中,Fe、Mn点位超标率达100%。表层水中重金属元素的平均含量排序为Fe>Mn>Zn>Cu>Cr>As>Cd>Pb>Hg,而沉积物中重金属元素的平均含量排序则是Fe>Mn>Zn>Cr>Cu>As>Pb>Cd>Hg,表明新寨河表层水体和沉积物中重金属元素的空间分布存在一定差异。各重金属元素的内梅罗综合污染指数介于0.59~1.13之间,表明新寨河表层水体中重金属的污染程度达到轻微污染水平。单种重金属元素的潜在生态危害系数计算结果显示,90.91%和9.09%的沉积物样点分别被归类为轻微风险和中等风险。所有样点沉积物的潜在生态危害指数介于14.57~120.55之间(均值为72.08),表明新寨河沉积物的潜在生态风险较低。Cu、As在多个样点存在污染现象,需予以重点监控管理。新寨河流域重金属的来源可分为三大类:Cd、Pb、Cr、Zn、Cu为第一类,对应地表径流源;As、Fe、Mn为第二类,对应煤矿开采源;Hg为第三类,对应复合源。  相似文献   

官厅水库重金属污染状况调查研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为确保北京市饮用水源安全,2007年对官厅水库中重金属进行了筛选性调查.采用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS),对官厅水库枯水期和丰水期水体中的金属元素含量进行了全面的分析.监测结果表明,水库在丰水期砷含量偏高,整体水质状况良好,重金属污染程度轻微.  相似文献   

黄河口的水质、底质污染及其变化   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
分析了2001年在黄河口附近所取的3处水样和3处泥样中污染物的含量,并与历史数据进行了比较.利用<地表水环境质量标准>(GB3838-2002)和美国国家海洋大气管理局(NOAA)水体泥沙质量标准等分别对水体和底泥中的重金属(砷)和氮磷污染进行了评价.认为黄河口的水污染严重,主要污染物为汞和氮;泥沙污染尚不严重,但污染物的增长率高;水体中较高的氮含量和泥沙中氮含量的迅速增高可能会对渤海湾的富营养化情况产生影响.  相似文献   

洪泽湖溧河洼水生植物体内重金属调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对洪泽湖溧河洼区域的水生植物进行了Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr和Cd等重金属元素的污染调查与监测分析,结果表明:水生植物对重金属元素的吸收与积累反映了环境中的重金属污染水平,不同水生植物对各种重金属元素的吸收富集状况具有相对一致性,即Zn>Cu>Cr>Pb>Cd。水生植物对各种重金属元素的平均富集系数大小顺序为:Cd>Cu>Zn>Cr>Pb,这与各元素迁移性强弱的顺序也是相一致的,Cd、Cu、Zn等各元素较易为植物所吸收,而Pb的移动性较差。大部分水生植物根部的重金属含量比茎叶部分高。研究表明:可以从中筛选出具有高富集作用的植物,作为修复水体或土壤重金属污染的实验植物,为植物修复作用的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

生物综合毒性分析仪的毒性测试方法及适用范围研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
比较研究了三种常用便携式生物综合毒性分析仪测定重金属及有机污染的灵敏度,初步提出了仪器使用注意事项及建议使用范围。结果表明,基于生物发光原理的Toxscreen-II和Deltatox仪器对重金属污染敏感,Toxscreen-II测得Hg、Cr(VI)、As的EC50值分别为0.0082、0.07、4.41mg/L;基于化学发光原理的Eclox对有机污染敏感,Eclox的EC50(苯酚)为1.21mg/L。鉴于综合毒性分析仪中等毒性检测限高于我国地表水标准限值,建议该类仪器更适用于环境污染事故中污染水体的毒性初筛判定。  相似文献   

环境地球物理在污染场地调查中的现状及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
简述了国内外对不同污染场地调查环境地球物理方法的研究现状及成果,指出了目前存在的问题.针对污染场地调查污染深度浅、污染浓度低的特点,提出了建立重金属污染在浅层迁移的数学物理模型和提高设备检测精度的必要性.对环境地球物理方法在环境领域的应用进行了展望.  相似文献   

通过对金昌市区范围内74处土壤的取样研究分析,结果表明:Cd、Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn5种重金属平均含量均超过当地土壤背景值,其中以Cu和Ni最为显著,其平均含量分别达到430mg/kg和361mg/kg;5种重金属变异系数均较大,其中Cu和Ni变异系数达到了11.5%和12.3%,属强变异性;采用克立格最优内插法得到金昌市表层土壤重金属含量的空间分布图,发现Cu和Ni呈局部污染态势,矿业开采和金属冶炼加工等工业活动是Cu和Ni最大的污染源;Pb、Zn和Cd在整个研究区域内都有积累,工矿活动和交通运输是金昌市Pb、Zn和Cd的共同污染源。潜在生态危害评价结果表明,该地区重金属污染已构成中度生态危害。  相似文献   

This article reviews the literatureon the use of mosses for monitoring atmospheric metalpollution. It discusses the nature of mosses, themechanisms for moss uptake of metals from the air andwet precipitation, the various forms in which mossesare used for this purpose, and cases in which mosseshave been used for monitoring local hot spots ofpollution, and regional patterns of metal pollution.Also highlighted are the questions of uptake of metalsfrom the substrates, interspecies differences, and acomparison of the effectiveness of mosses with otherindicator materials, among other issues.  相似文献   

Metal concentrations in deciduous tree leaves from urban areas in Poland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Accumulation of metals in deciduous tree foliage fromurban areas in western-south Poland was monitored duringthe vegetation season of 2000 year. Concentrations of Al,Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, Ti and Znwere measured in birch, willow, linden and maple leavesusing the ICP-AES method. Seasonal variations of metalconcentrations and their relations with sampling sitewere investigated. The most dynamic accumulation of Al,Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb was observed for examined species. Thehighest differences in element concentrations forinvestigated sites were found for Ba, Cd, Mn and Ni.Interelement correlations were investigated. In allfoliar samples synergistic relationships between Al–Crand Ca-Sr were found. Statistically significant negativecorrelations were observed only for Cd and Ti in birch leaves.  相似文献   

用AQUA800辨别分析仪同时测定地面水中的氨、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、氯化物、正磷酸盐、总硬度和硅酸盐,是一种简便、迅速、准确、可靠的测定方法,样品无需预处理,精密度试验其变异系数分别为1.24%、2.18%、2.02%、2.67%、2.35%、3.57%、4.78%,加标回收率分别为103.5%、101.0%、95.0%、99.2%、97.6%、101.5%、98.0%,方法检测限分别为氨0.022mg/L,硝酸盐0.015mp/L,亚硝酸盐0.002tug/L,氯化物0.47mg/L,正磷酸盐0.015mg/L,总硬度17.6mg/L,硅酸盐0.55mg/L,能满足地面水中辨别分析仪同时测定氨、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐点化物、正磷酸盐、总硬度和硅酸盐分析测定的要求。  相似文献   

We examined the levels of cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury, and selenium in four species of birds near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia in January, 1996. Molted contour feathers were collected from silver gull, Larus novaehollandiae (Royal National Park and downtown Sydney), sulphur-crested cockatoo, Cacatua sulphurea (Blue Mountains, Royal National Park, and Sydney), Australian white ibis, Threskiornis molucca (Sydney), and rock dove Columba livia (Royal National Park and Sydney). We tested the null hypothesis that there were no species or locational differences in metal levels. There were significant species differences in all metals, with rock doves having the highest levels of cadmium, chromium, lead, and manganese, and silver gulls having the highest levels of mercury and selenium. Metal levels were generally low in cockatoos, and were lowest in those from the Royal National Park. For silver gulls, cadmium, lead, and chromium levels were highest at Sydney, and there were no locational differences in manganese, mercury, and selenium levels. For rock doves, cadmium, chromium and manganese were higher in Sydney, and there were no locational differences in lead, mercury, and selenium. Overall, cadmium and chromium levels were significantly higher in Sydney than in the Royal National Park for all species, and there were no locational differences in mercury levels. Although the levels of most metals in feathers from these Australian birds were within the ranges reported worldwide, lead levels in ibises and rock doves were among the highest reported worldwide, suggesting a cause for concern.  相似文献   

The rapidly developing Asian countries may face threatening environmental contamination, that however remains largely unassessed. We studied persistent trace elements in three wetlands, Poyang Lake, relatively unpolluted, and Tai Lake, and Pearl River Delta, selected as hotspots of pollution in Central China. We adopted as indicator the Little Egret, a widespread colonial waterbird, and during 1999 and 2000 we collected and analysed the same samples as for a parallel study we conducted in Pakistan, e.g. eggs, body feathers of chicks, prey spontaneously regurgitated by the chicks, and sediments at the areas most used by foraging egrets. The levels of trace-metals at our three study areas were similar, or within the range, of those found in the few other studies for East Asia, with few exceptions. The concentrations of the various elements were below the threshold that may affect the survival or reproduction of the birds, and even the highest concentrations relative to background, i.e. Se in eggs, and Hg in feathers at Pearl Delta, do not pose toxic hazards. In sediments, the levels of trace elements were lower than the critical levels assumed for contaminated soil, except for alarming high levels of As at Poyang. These results do not confirm our expectation, that Poyang was relatively uncontaminated, while Tai and Pearl were polluted. Although trace metal concentration differed significantly among the three study areas, these differences were minor and were not consistent among elements and samples. The bioaccumulation ratios from sediments through prey, feather and egg, were consistent with our previous findings for Pakistan. Only Hg exhibited high bioaccumulation, while Se and Zn had low accumulation, and the other elements no accumulation. This reasserts that feathers of predators such as egrets, may be more sensitive indicators of environmental contamination for the elements subject to bioaccumulation, whereas the sediments or the organisms low in the food chain are better indicators for the other elements.  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate the potential of greywater availability in Muscat Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman, to establish a methodology for greywater quantity estimation, to test greywater quality in order to assess reuse potential, and to examine public acceptance for reuse.Total fresh water consumption and greywater generation from different household sources were measured by water meters in five selected households during summer and winter. Additionally, a survey was designed and conducted in five administrative areas of Muscat Governorate, with the objective of testing a methodology for estimating greywater generation potential in these areas. Collected data were compared with that used by the Ministry of Housing, Electricity and Water, Sultanate of Oman. The survey covered a total of 169 houses and 1,365 people. Greywater samples were collected and analyzed from showers, laundries, kitchens and sinks in some of these households to determine their water quality parameters. Statistical analysis results indicated that there is no significant variance in the total fresh water consumption between data used by the ministry and those measured and estimated during this study, highlighting the applicability of the tested method. The study concluded that the average per capita greywater generation rate is 151 Lpcd. Greywater production ranged from 80 to 83% of the total fresh water consumption and most of the greywater is generated from showers. Further, 55 to 57% of the greywater generated in a typical Omani household originated from the shower, 28 to 33% originated from the kitchen, 6 to 9% originated from laundry, and 5 to 7% originated from sink, which constitutes approximately 81% of the total fresh water consumption. The physical, chemical, and biological analyses of the grab samples revealed that greywater contains significant levels of suspended solids, inorganic constituents, total organic carbon, chemical and biochemical oxygen demands, total Coliforms and Escherichia Coliform bacteria. The public acceptance survey illustrated that approximately 76% of the respondents accepted the reuse of greywater for gardening, 53% for car washing and 66% for toilet flushing.  相似文献   

Levels of heavy metals are usuallyhigher in adult than young birds because they eatlarger, more contaminated prey, or because they havehad longer to accumulate metals in their tissues.Further, levels of contaminants are usually less inbirds nesting on remote, offshore islands than inbirds breeding closer to mainland areas that areurbanized and industrialized. We examined the featherlevels of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese,mercury, and selenium in adult sooty terns (Sterna fuscata), gray-backed terns (Sterna lunata), and brown noddy (Anous stolidus, and adult and young white terns (Gygis alba, fromMidway Atoll, and in adult and young sooty terns andadult brown noddy from Manana Island, Hawaii (chicksof other terns were not available). We tested andrejected the null hypotheses that metal levels are notsignificantly different among species, ages, andlocations. Despite their small size, adult white ternshad the highest levels of lead, arsenic and tin. Brownnoddies had the highest levels of cadmium, chromium,manganese, and selenium. Sooty and white terns had thehighest levels of mercury. Sooty tern adults hadsignificantly higher levels of cadmium, mercury, andselenium than young, while young had significantlyhigher levels of arsenic and manganese. White ternadults had significantly higher levels of selenium andtin than young, while young had higher levels ofcadmium and mercury than adults. Except for mercury,there were significant inter-location differenceswithin species in all heavy metals. Contrary toexpectation, where the differences were great, metalsgenerally were higher in the feathers of terns andnoddies from Midway than from Manana.  相似文献   

Geochemical study of groundwater from a structurally deformed granitic terrain near Hyderabad (India) was carried out to understand and evaluate the hydrogeochemical processes and quality of groundwater. Several trace elements (Fe, Mn, Be, Al, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Sr, Mo, Cd, Sb, Ba, Pb, U) along with major ions and minor elements were precisely estimated in shallow and drilled wells to know the suitability of water for drinking and irrigation purposes. Analytical data shows that pH and major ion chemistry in dug wells and bore wells do not vary significantly, while some trace elements (Fe, Mn, Al, Be, Co, Pb, U and Zn) vary in dug wells and bore wells, which can be attributed to differential mineral weathering and dissolution/precipitation reactions along fractures/joints. Although the water is not potable, it was found to be suitable for irrigation with little danger in the development of harmful level of exchangeable sodium. It is inferred that the chemical composition of the groundwater in this region is likely to have its origin from silicate weathering reactions and dissolution/precipitation processes supported by rainfall and groundwater flow.  相似文献   

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