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于2022年9月,对长江流域饮用水水源地及重要国控断面共37个点位的16种邻苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)残留开展了监测调查及生态风险评估。结果显示,长江流域饮用水水源地和国控断面中检出的PAEs质量浓度为0.499~6.018 μg/L,其中,邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯(DIBP)、邻苯二甲酸二正丁酯(DBP)和邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP)为主要检出物质。不同地区的PAEs赋存水平呈现差异,其中湖南省饮用水水源地的PAEs检出浓度最高。此外,PAEs质量浓度与监测点位所在地区的人口数量和国内生产总值(GDP)存在一定的正相关性。生态风险评估结果表明,DBP处于低风险等级,DIBP对鱼类具有中、高风险影响;而DEHP生态风险水平最高,对藻类、甲壳类和鱼类均表现出中、高风险水平。已有文献研究比对分析发现,2009—2022年长江流域大部分地区的PAEs残留浓度随时间呈下降趋势,且饮用水水源地的PAEs质量浓度比地表水环境更低。研究结果可为长江流域饮用水水源地保护和地表水环境改善提供决策依据。  相似文献   

中国科学院土壤环境与污染修复重点实验室污染场地生态修复工程技术研发中心致力于研究污染场地定量健康与环境风险评估技术,在国际国内具有领先地位。中心人员主持过英国环保署(EA)及环境、食品与农村事务部(DEFRA)污染土地暴露评估软件(CLEA)的开发。  相似文献   

简述了PFASs在长江流域上、中、下游水环境中的空间分布格局和时间变化趋势,探讨了其生物蓄积效应、淡水生物毒性效应和生态风险评价。指出,PFASs广泛赋存于长江流域从上游至下游的干流和支流及湖泊之中,其平均值低于我国其他主要流域;PFOA在长江流域内环境浓度最高,而PFOS在近10年环境管控措施下浓度降至极低,PFBS、PFBA和PFHxA等短链物质正作为替代物使用,可能在未来出现升高趋势。长江流域内水生动物(包括食用鱼类)能够从环境中富集PFASs并通过食物链传输,在其血液、肌肉和内脏中蓄积。虽然目前长江流域生态风险评价表明PFASs总体上风险为低级,但局部高浓度地区仍可能对敏感生物造成基因表达受损等毒性效应。  相似文献   

对淮安市某垃圾填埋场土壤中13个采样点中典型重金属 Cr、Pb、As、Hg、Cd、Cu、Zn 的含量进行了调查,采用单因子污染指数、综合污染指数及 Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法评价了土壤中典型重金属对其所在环境的污染程度,对周围环境造成的潜在生态风险影响。结果表明,研究区域内重金属含量均未超过《土壤环境质量标准》(GB 15618-1995)二级标准。主要的潜在生态风险因子为 As,潜在生态风险因子大小顺序为 As>Hg>Cd>Cu>Cr>Pb>Zn。  相似文献   

将Hakanson提出的潜在生态风险指数法应用于垃圾填埋场及周边土壤重金属污染评价,扩充了评价因子,确定了各重金属的毒性系数及参比值。研究结果表明,评价区土壤中Hg的潜在生态风险较重,其后依次为Cd、As、Ni、Cu、Pb、Co、Cr、Mn和Zn。对污染场地的风险评估及生态修复有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

重金属生物有效性是评估重金属元素迁移性、生物可利用性和生态影响的关键参数。薄膜扩散梯度技术(DGT)是一种原位被动采样技术,因其具有原位富集性、形态选择性,可提供被监测物质在监测时间段内的平均浓度等优点,可作为生物对重金属摄取的模拟替代物对环境介质中重金属的生物可利用度进行预测,已被广泛应用于环境介质中重金属生物有效性的测定。研究主要介绍了DGT技术的原理、组成和特点,评述了其近年来在水体、土壤、沉积物中重金属生物有效态应用方面的新进展,提出了DGT技术未来要提高抗生物污染能力及寻找可与DGT技术联用的相关技术的观点。  相似文献   

对某典型电子废弃物拆解园区排放的废气以及周边土壤中的重金属进行监测分析。结果显示,拆解过程中排放的重金属总量由高到低依次为:锡(Sn)、铬(Cr)、镍(Ni)、铅(Pb)、铜(Cu)、锑(Sb)、锰(Mn)、砷(As)、镉(Cd)、汞(Hg);从处理工艺来看,几个主要拆解工序均有重金属排放,排放量由高到低依次为:加热烤板、火法冶炼、塑料造粒和湿法冶炼工序。园区周边土壤中的Hg、Cd、Cu、Pb平均质量分数超过珠三角土壤污染风险筛选值。相关性和主成分分析结果表明,Pb、Cu、Cd、Ni、Zn等重金属来源于电子废弃物拆解过程,包括废水排放、大气干湿沉降和固体废弃物随意堆放等途径,Cr可能主要来源于成土母质,Hg有电子废弃物之外的其他来源。土壤生态风险评价结果表明,该区域属于很强生态风险,其中Cd和Hg对生态危害的贡献率达到91.6%。土壤环境容量评价结果表明,该区域仅有As和Cr的土壤现存容量较大,Zn和Ni的土壤现存环境容量较小,已达到警戒值,其余重金属均处于超载状态。该地区土壤重金属污染状况须引起足够重视,应尽快制定管控治理措施。  相似文献   

为了准确评估厌氧-缺氧-好氧(A2/O)处理工艺对废水毒性的削减效率,采用斑马鱼胚胎急性毒性实验、发光细菌急性毒性实验和小鼠L929细胞毒性实验进行测试,结合理化指标,通过毒性当量(TU)法、平均毒性(AvTx)法、毒性指数(TxPr)法、最敏感测试(MST)法和潜在生态毒性效应(PEEP)法对常州市6家污水处理厂(生活污水、综合废水、化工废水、制药废水)进水和出水的生物毒性进行了评价。结果表明,斑马鱼胚胎的毒性敏感程度最高,3种受试生物的毒性评价结果具有较好的一致性。理化达标的污水处理厂出水仍存在一定的生物毒性效应,出水毒性较大的是综合污水处理厂,排入受纳水体后可能会对周围的生态环境产生潜在的生态风险。A2/O处理工艺对各污水处理厂进水的毒性削减较好,其中对制药废水的毒性削减最高,AvTx、TxPr、MST和PEEP的毒性削减率分别为99.45%、99.64%、99.48%和69.66%。与AvTx、TxPr、MST法相比,PEEP法能够更综合地评价废水毒性。  相似文献   

综述了工业废水毒性的化学评估方法、生物毒性评估方法、毒性鉴定评估(TIE)程序以及效应引导的毒物鉴别分析(EDA)中污染物提取、分离、毒性测试、致毒物质识别等技术。指出,工业废水毒害风险评估方法正逐渐向化学分析与生物毒性测试相结合的关键致毒物质鉴别方法转变,便捷、高通量是致毒物质鉴别技术的发展方向,质谱技术及替代定性监测技术的发展将提供更为准确、便捷的致毒物质鉴别方法,为工业废水潜在风险防控提供依据。  相似文献   

土壤/沉积物生态风险评价方法技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,生态风险评价受到越来越多的重视,而有关方法的探讨还很欠缺.本文详细介绍了灾害商法、酸性挥发性硫化物、生物-土壤/沉积物-累计-因数法、风险评估编码、潜在生态风险指数法等生态风险评价的方法和技术,并讨论了生态风险评价模型.  相似文献   

Environmental risk assessments are necessary to understand the risk associated with enhanced oil recovery (EOR) solutions and to provide decision support for choosing the best technology and implementing risk-reducing measures. This study presents a review of potentially relevant environmental/ecological risk assessment (ERA) guidelines and, based on this review, proposes an initial suggestion of an ERA framework for understanding the environmental impacts from EOR solutions. We first shortlist the important elements necessary for conducting an ERA of EOR solutions from the selected guidelines. These elements are then used to build the suggested ERA framework for produced water discharges, drilling discharges and emissions to air from EOR solutions, which is the primary objective of the present study. Furthermore, the emphasis is placed on identifying the knowledge gaps that exist for conducting ERA of EOR processes. In order to link the framework with the current best environmental practices, a review of environmental policies applicable to the marine environment around the European Union (EU) was conducted. Finally, some major challenges in the application of ERA methods for novel EOR technologies, i.e. uncertainties in the ERA due to lack of data and aggregation of risk from different environmental impacts, are discussed in detail. The frameworks suggested in this study should be possible to use by relevant stakeholders to assess environmental risk from enhanced oil recovery solutions.  相似文献   

The human health risk assessment (HRA) paradigm is being used as a basis for developing ecological risk assessment (ERA). The modification of the HRA paradigm to ERA will be most useful in an ecotoxicological sense, to assess the effect of hazards to single indicator species and populations, rather than to ecosystems. However, even for single species and population assessments, there are major differences in HRA and ERA. One such difference derives from the HRA tenet that human impairment at any age is important, and that each individual is important. For ERA, individuals are less important, and it is the population and its survival and interactions that are of concern. One exception is in the case of endangered species where every individual is critical because of its potential impact on survival and genetic diversity of the species. We suggest that ERA must take into account the relative reproductive value of the potentially impacted individuals in assessing hazards. This will involve adding additional steps to evaluate the value of the individual to current population levels, assessing reproductive value, and assessing recovery potential. Although ecologists recognize the importance of these factors, we suggest that they should be integral parts of ecological risk assessment.  相似文献   

Based on a review of available models for ecological risk estimation, most are site-specific and their applications are limited. However, general models, which can be easily adapted to other sites, remain few, in addition, they are simple and associated with significant uncertainties. In this paper, an approach is introduced for an ecological risk assessment (ERA) model that can be modified for site-specific conditions. Using computer simulation as a screening tool for ecological risk assessment can assist environmental managers and policy decision-makers in the planning and implementation of potentially highly focused assessments and remediation, should the ERA dictate the need. The model was integrated with a Windows-based interface and interactive database management system (DBMS) as a user-friendly software package. In addition, based on trophic sources, a food web has been integrated into the framework of the DBMS. In an effort to evaluate the model, a case study was implemented to characterize the effects on an ecosystem of replacing electroplated chromium coatings with sputtered tantalum at U.S. Army Yuma and Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Potential exposure pathways included ingestion, inhalation, and dermal absorption for terrestrial animals; root and foliar uptake for plants; and direct absorption for aquatic species. Overall, results showed that the most significant exposure resulted from molybdenum and hexavalent chromium, which posed higher risks to select aquatic and terrestrial species at both sites. On the other hand, tantalum (with vanadium as the surrogate) resulted in the least risk to all receptors within the studied areas. A sensitivity analysis demonstrated that soil-water distribution coefficients have a significant impact on the results. Based on the results, neither molybdenum nor chromium are recommended as a coating in gun barrels, and further study would be essential to address any affected firing range area. Tantalum is recommended for use, although for those species receiving a slight adverse risk, field investigations that include receptor sampling maybe necessary once soil/sediment and water sampling validates projected concentrations.  相似文献   

A tiered approach consisting of several probabilistic options was used to refine aquatic ecological risk assessment (ERA) of individuals and mixture of various Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) detected in Jiangsu reach of Huaihe River, China. The tiered approach ranged from determined Hazard Quotient (HQ) to Joint Probability Curve and Monte Carlo simulation based HQ-distribution. The results from all levels of ERA methods in the tiered framework are consistent with each other. The results show that Endrin, o,p'-Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane (DDT), alpha-Endosulfan and beta-Endosulfan posed clear ecological risk; p,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDD, Aldrin, Heptachlorepoxide and Methoxychlor posed potential risk; while Hexachlorocyclohexanes, Heptachlor, Dieldrin and Hexachlorobenzene posed negligible risk. Further, based on the concept of total equivalent concentration, combined ecological risk caused by the mixture of all detected OCPs was calculated, and it proved to be significantly higher than the risk caused by any individual OCP. Despite inevitable uncertainties in current ERA, a comprehensive tiered approach can help to get a more credible result of risks of individuals and mixture of hazardous pollutants and screen the major risk pollutants contributing to the combined ecological risk.  相似文献   

某铀尾矿库周围农田土壤重金属污染潜在生态风险评价   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为能够定量评价铀尾矿库周围农田土壤重金属污染程度及其潜在生态危害性,采用Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法对土壤中重金属进行综合污染评价。结果表明,铀尾矿库周围部分农田土壤中重金属Cd、Ni、As、Cu、Hg、Zn含量存在积累和超标情况,尤以Cd的污染最严重,Ni、As次之;Pb、Cr含量能够满足标准限值要求。潜在生态风险评价结果显示,铀尾矿库周围农田土壤重金属潜在生态风险较高,主要潜在生态风险因子为Cd,其次是Hg、As,Cr、Pb、Ni、Cu、Zn并不构成潜在生态风险。铀尾矿库周围农田土壤中较高水平的Cd在构成环境污染的同时,也构成了较严重的生态危害,应加强对重金属Cd、Hg的生态风险防治。  相似文献   

土壤重金属污染生态风险评价方法综述   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
生态风险评价是风险论与生态学、环境科学、地学等多种学科相互交叉的边缘学科.以土壤生态系统为对象,介绍了目前已有的几类重金属污染生态风险评价方法,包括概念模型法、数学模型法、指数法、形态分析法、植物培养法等.指出根据研究目的与污染特性选择适当的评价方法,可以为土壤生态风险管理提供科学信息.  相似文献   

以某金属冶炼企业原址用地土壤为研究对象,采用单因子污染指数法、地累积指数法、潜在生态危害指数法探讨土壤As污染累积、潜在生态风险和空间分布特征。结果表明:研究区土壤采样点位超标率为98.85%,2.5~14.0 m深度范围土壤As污染较重、潜在生态风险较高,尤以6.0~10.0 m深度范围内相对最高。从As污染成因看,0~1.0 m深度范围土壤As污染主要受企业生产活动影响;1.0~14.0 m深度范围土壤As污染除受企业生产活动影响外,还与大量回填的含As较高的硫铁矿渣、极强碱性土壤环境、土壤渗透性有关。从As污染空间分布特征看,垂直方向上As污染浓度在0~10.0 m深度范围内随深度增加呈升高趋势,地表10.0 m以下随深度增加呈下降趋势。水平方向上,地表以下5.0、10.0、12.0 m剖面深度处As污染羽分布随深度增加呈增大趋势,12.0 m以下呈减小趋势。土壤As污染分层评价结果与地表以下特定剖面深度处土壤As污染评价结果一致性较好,土壤As污染较重的区域潜在生态风险亦相对较高。可见,采用单因子污染指数法、地累积指数法、潜在生态危害指数法综合评价土壤As污染与潜在生态风险,具有较高的可靠性。  相似文献   

将土壤中重金属浓度以区间形式表示,运用土壤重金属生态风险分析模型得出风险区间。为区分风险等级并引入区间数排序法,建立了一种基于不确定性的区间数排序法的土壤重金属污染风险评价模型。运用该模型对不同研究区域土壤重金属生态风险和同一研究区域土壤中不同重金属生态风险进行分析。结果表明,A采样区的风险最大,其区间排序向量为0.275 5,区间向量排序为ABDEC,与内梅罗综合污染指数排序结果一致。区间数排序法考虑到评价过程中的不确定性,避免主观因素的影响。因此,土壤重金属生态风险量化结果更加客观直观,为风险管理提供较为精确的理论依据。  相似文献   

As organisms are typically exposed to chemical mixtures over long periods of time, chronic mixture toxicity is the best way to perform an environmental risk assessment (ERA). However, it is difficult to obtain the chronic mixture toxicity data due to the high expense and the complexity of the data acquisition method. Therefore, an approach was proposed in this study to predict chronic mixture toxicity. The acute (15 min exposure) and chronic (24 h exposure) toxicity of eight antibiotics and trimethoprim to Vibrio fischeri were determined in both single and binary mixtures. The results indicated that the risk quotients (RQs) of antibiotics should be based on the chronic mixture toxicity. To predict the chronic mixture toxicity, a docking-based receptor library of antibiotics and the receptor-library-based quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) model were developed. Application of the developed QSAR model to the ERA of antibiotic mixtures demonstrated that there was a close affinity between RQs based on the observed chronic toxicity and the corresponding RQs based on the predicted data. The average coefficients of variations were 46.26 and 34.93 % and the determination coefficients (R 2) were 0.999 and 0.998 for the low concentration group and the high concentration group, respectively. This result convinced us that the receptor library would be a promising tool for predicting the chronic mixture toxicity of antibiotics and that it can be further applied in ERA.  相似文献   

Bioassays as well as biochemical responses (biomarkers) in ecosystems due to environmental stress provide us with signals (environmentally signalling) of potential damage in the environment. If these responses are perceived in this early stage in ecosystems, the eventual damage can be prevented. Once ecosystem damage has occurred, the remedial action processes for recovery could be expensive and pose certain logistical problems. Ideally, “early warning signals” in ecosystems using sensing systems of biochemical responses (biomarkers) would not only tell us the initial levels of damage, but these signals will also provide us with answers by the development of control strategies and precautionary measures in respect to the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). Clear technical guidelines or technical specifications on monitoring are necessary to establish and characterise reference conditions for use in an ecological status classification system for surface water bodies. For the Ecotoxicological Risk Assessment (ERA) of endocrine effects we used an approach of the exposure – dose – response concept. Based on the “Ecototoxicological Classification System of Sediments” that uses pT-values to classify effects in different river systems, we transferred the bio-monitoring data to the five-level ecological system of the WFD. To understand the complexity of the structure of populations and processes behind the health of populations, communities and ecosystems an ERA should establish links between natural factors, chemicals, and biological responses so as to assess causality. So, our ecological monitoring assessment has incorporated exposure & effects data.  相似文献   

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