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我国中西部地区幅员辽阔,拥有丰富的生物和矿产资源。随着西部大开发战略的实施以及我国“十五”计划和2010年远景发展目标的提出,西部的发展越来越成为世人瞩目的焦点,如何利用中西部地区丰富的土地资源,以实现该地区农业的可持续发展是本文关注的话题。提出了中西部地区土地资源的基本特点及其制约经济发展的客观原因,并提出了保护和开发中西部地土地资源的几种可行性手段。  相似文献   

北疆部分区域土壤pH、可溶性总盐及有机质含量调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对北疆4个区域土壤的pH、可溶性总盐及有机质含量状况进行了调查和评价。监测结果表明,调查区的pH为7.20-10.58,多属于碱性至强碱性土壤;可溶性总盐量为0.012%。12.834%,多属于中度盐渍化土壤;土壤表层有机质含量为0.16%-21.09%,1-6级土壤均含有机质,总体水平相对较低,但山区土壤中有机质含量较高。部分农田存在土壤次生盐渍化重、肥力低的问题。古尔班通古特沙漠中的风沙土等具有盐渍化轻、肥力低的特点。  相似文献   

利用锡林浩特市周边3个时期(2005,2009和2015年)的Landsat系列遥感影像,采用监督分类及人机交互解译的方法,将研究区土地利用类型分为露天采场、剥离区、排土场、矿山工业场地、农用地、城市建设用地和草地7类,对土地利用和土地覆被变化(Land-Use and Land-Cover Change,LUCC)进行分析。结果表明,草原区露天煤矿开发对草原生态系统扰动剧烈,采矿作业区(露天采场、剥离区、排土场、矿山工业场地)的面积及占比呈上升趋势,草地的面积及占比不断减少;土地利用变化转移矩阵表明,采矿扰动因素中,排土场对LUCC影响较大,对排土场进行有效复垦,可减缓生态环境破坏速度,对保护脆弱的草原生态系统具有重要意义;提出草原露采煤炭区LUCC的遥感监测可以准确反映矿区土地利用变化的动态过程和发展趋势,为矿区生态重建提供科学支持。  相似文献   

地下水资源不但存在着污染的途径与受污染的危害,同时它还与生态环境息息相关,影响着方方面面。在地下水补给地表水方面,促使了河流和湖泊的形成与发展,引起土壤的沼泽化、盐渍化、土地沙化和进一步发展的沙漠化与气候干化,影响了植被的生长以及区域性的地面沉降等诸多方面。 1.地下水与河流的关系 河流的特征可由它的补给水源来确定。河流的补给源主要可以分为三种类型:①以冰雪融水为补给源的;②以雨水和  相似文献   

塔里木河下游土地覆盖动态变化分析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
利用80-90年代的TM影响数据,借助GIS分析了新疆塔里木河下游典型生态调查区内土地利用/土地覆盖现状及动态变化,并对塔河下游土地开发效果进行了对比分析。结果显示,耕地和城镇居住住用地的增加完全来源于对草地的开垦和对荒漠胡杨林的占用。同时,由于沙化、盐咸化等自然因素的影响和因对水资源的不合理利用所产生的土壤次生盐渍化的共同作用,控制着区内生态环境不断恶化的总体态势。  相似文献   

土壤盐渍化已成为影响图木舒克地区农业生产与生态环境的重要因素。本文以0~150 cm深度范围内土壤和地下水为研究对象,利用实际野外调查与数据统计分析的方法,研究得出:①强盐渍化主要分布于距离河流与渠道较远的地下水浅埋深区域,在纵向上表层聚盐现象明显,盐渍土类型随着土壤层深度加大从亚氯-亚硫酸盐渍土变为亚硫酸盐渍土。②土壤易溶盐含量与地下水化学类型在平面分布上吻合程度较高、与潜水矿化度呈正的高度相关性、与潜水埋藏深度呈负的中度相关性、沿潜水径流方向各层土壤盐渍化减弱。③当地下水埋深较浅时,潜水通过毛细管将易溶盐带入土壤表层,形成表层土壤盐渍化;地下水埋藏较深时,易溶盐分会随着降水淋滤和灌溉冲洗不断降低,地表盐渍化减弱。中、轻度盐渍化区域应控制灌溉用水矿化度,重度盐渍化及盐土区域可在建立排水系统的基础上采用泡田洗盐法。  相似文献   

对垦区农业环境影响较突出的水污染状况,土壤次生盐渍化及土地沙化等环境问题进行研究分析,认为:垦区农业环境生态保护要兼顾垦区内外,绿洲内制约农业经济发展的重要问题仍然是水资源合理利用和土壤沙漠化问题,城市生态要严格控制工业废水的排放。  相似文献   

基于GIS空间分析技术结合CA Markov预测模型,对安宁河流域2000—2018年的土地生态安全进行动态评价及预测。结果表明:安宁河流域土地生态安全指数由北向南递增,垂直差异显著;研究期内预警和风险总占比由27.72%下降至23.84%,良好和安全面积总占比由46.11%上升至51.49%;2000—2018年安宁河流域土地生态安全综合指数呈上升趋势,土地生态发展态势良好;预测结果显示,流域土地生态安全状况将持续好转。安宁河流域土地生态安全虽然总体水平有较大提高,但仍须加强对生态环境的治理力度,推进土地生态安全的可持续发展。  相似文献   

1 前言1 990年~ 1 995年 ,研究人员对美国中西部上游地区 6个不同地点的整体湿汞沉积物进行了每周一次的监测。其监测结果为 :湿汞的年平均沉积量为 7 4μg/(m2 ·a) ,它既体现了这段时间地域之间的重大差异 ,又说明了这段时间里普遍存在着的增长趋势 ,即年平均增长率 8%  相似文献   

为研究2000—2015年丹江湿地国家级自然保护区及其内外生态状况变化和保护成效,基于高分1号数据生产的2m高分辨率遥感影像数据对丹江湿地国家级自然保护区2015年人类活动状况进行分析,基于30 m分辨率的4期TM遥感影像生产的土地覆被数据和基于Modis遥感影像生产的植被覆盖度数据,对淅川县、丹江湿地国家级自然保护区及其核心区的土地覆被状况、土地覆被转类指数及其土地覆被转类途径的主导程度和3个相关区域范围内的生态系统质量以及不同区域土地覆被变化的主要变化原因进行分析。结果表明,保护区核心区的格局和质量在该区域处于最优,且土地覆被变化状况也以核心区转类指数最高;丹江湿地国家级自然保护区内的主要人类活动影响为耕地,其次包括居民点、采石场、养殖场; 15年间,保护区内外土地覆被均呈现转好趋势,但是保护区内变化优于保护区外,保护区核心区优于整个保护区,且转好的主导因素均是耕地变为湿地; 15年间植被覆盖度变化较小。  相似文献   

Understanding spatial variability of dynamic soil attributes provides information for suitably using land and avoiding environmental degradation. In this paper, we examined five neighboring land use types in Indagi Mountain Pass - Cankiri, Turkey to spatially predict variability of the soil organic carbon (SOC), bulk density (BD), textural composition, and soil reaction (pH) as affected by land use changes. Plantation, recreational land, and cropland were the lands converted from the woodland and grassland which were original lands in the study area. Total of 578 disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were taken with irregular intervals from five sites and represented the depths of 0-10 and 10-20 cm. Soil pH and BD had the lower coefficient of variations (CV) while SOC had the highest value for topsoil. Clay content showed greater CV than silt and sand contents. The geostatistics indicated that the soil properties examined were spatially dependent to the different degrees and interpolations using kriging showed the dynamic relationships between soil properties and land use types. The topsoil spatial distribution of SOC highly reflected the changes in the land use types, and kriging anticipated significant decreases of SOC in the recreational land and cropland. Accordingly, BD varied depending on the land use types, and also, the topsoil spatial distribution of BD differed significantly from that of the subsoil. Generally, BD greatly decreased in places where the SOC was relatively higher except in the grassland where overgrazing was the more important factor than SOC to determine BD. The topsoil spatial distributions of clay, silt, and sand contents were rather similar to those of the subsoil. The cropland and grassland were located on the very fine textured soils whereas the woodland and plantation were on the coarse textured soils. Although it was observed a clear pattern for the spatial distributions of the clay and sand changing with land uses, this was not the case for the silt content, which was attributed to the differences of dynamic erosional processes in the area. The spatial distribution of the soil pH agreed with that of the clay content. Soils of the cropland and grassland with higher amounts of clay characteristically binding more cations and having higher buffering capacities had the greater pH values when compared to the soils of other land uses with higher amounts of sand naturally inclined to be washed from the base cations by the rainwater.  相似文献   

以我国干旱区典型内陆湖泊流域——新疆艾比湖流域为研究区,对其平原区1990--2005年的景观格局动态变化特征进行了研究。结果表明,1990--2005年,研究区农田、湿地及人居地景观的面积增加,其中以农田景观的面积增加量最大;而林地、草地、沙地、戈壁和盐碱地景观的面积呈减少趋势,其中草地、盐碱地和林地景观面积减少较多;各景观类型中以盐碱地、林地、草地和戈壁的转出率较高,而以农田、人居地的转入率较高;研究区景观组份构成没有大的变化,戈壁依然是研究区景观的基质。景观格局变化对区域生态环境的影响主要表现为:农田斑块数量和面积的增加,加大了区域水资源利用压力;林地、草地斑块面积减少,使得平原区绿洲遭受风沙的危害性增大;沙地、戈壁和盐碱地面积减少,使绿洲不同区域生态环境呈现不同变化特征;湿地斑块面积略有增加,对减少艾比湖流域沙尘危害较为有利。  相似文献   

There has been increasing concern in highlands of semiarid Turkey that conversion of these systems results in excessive soil erosion, ecosystem degradation, and loss of sustainable resources. An increasing rate of land use/cover changes especially in semiarid mountainous areas has resulted in important effects on physical and ecological processes, causing many regions to undergo accelerated environmental degradation in terms of soil erosion, mass movement and reservoir sedimentation. This paper, therefore, explores the impact of land use changes on land degradation in a linkage to the soil erodibility, RUSLE-K, in Cankiri–Indagi Mountain Pass, Turkey. The characterization of soil erodibility in this ecosystem is important from the standpoint of conserving fragile ecosystems and planning management practices. Five adjacent land uses (cropland, grassland, woodland, plantation, and recreational land) were selected for this research. Analysis of variance showed that soil properties and RUSLE-K statistically changed with land use changes and soils of the recreational land and cropland were more sensitive to water erosion than those of the woodland, grassland, and plantation. This was mainly due to the significant decreases in soil organic matter (SOM) and hydraulic conductivity (HC) in those lands. Additionally, soil samples randomly collected from the depths of 0–10 cm (D 1) and 10–20 cm (D 2) with irregular intervals in an area of 1,200 by 4,200 m sufficiently characterized not only the spatial distribution of soil organic matter (SOM), hydraulic conductivity (HC), clay (C), silt (Si), sand (S) and silt plus very fine sand (Si + VFS) but also the spatial distribution of RUSLE-K as an algebraically estimate of these parameters together with field assessment of soil structure to assess the dynamic relationships between soil properties and land use types. In this study, in order to perform the spatial analyses, the mean sampling intervals were 43, 50, 64, 78, 85 m for woodland, plantation, grassland, recreation, and cropland with the sample numbers of 56, 79, 72, 13, and 69, respectively, resulting in an average interval of 64 m for whole study area. Although nugget effect and nugget effect–sill ratio gave an idea about the sampling design adequacy, the better results are undoubtedly likely by both equi-probable spatial sampling and random sampling representative of all land uses.  相似文献   

China’s Grain-For-Green Policy (GFGP) of returning marginal cropland to forest or grassland is one of the most important large-scale initiatives to combat land degradation in its ecologically vulnerable regions. In order to maintain and increase crop production from decreasing areas of cropland, substantial spatio-temporal changes in agrochemical inputs have occurred, which have strongly influenced the ecological and environmental status of land in China. Based on the agrochemical inputs (chemical fertilizer, pesticide, plastic sheeting, and agricultural diesel oil) at the provincial level between 1993 and 2009, cluster analysis and gravity center modeling were used to trace these spatio-temporal changes. A regional comparative study was also undertaken to investigate the changes in the relative size of agrochemical inputs in the eastern, central, and western regions of China. It was found that the agrochemical inputs increased considerably at the nation level after the GFGP, which in order of increasing rate were: plastic sheeting > agricultural diesel oil > pesticide > chemical fertilizer. The gravity centers of agrochemical inputs moved substantially towards the northwest or west during the latter period of GFGP and regional comparative analysis showed that the agrochemical inputs increased substantially in the western region between 2004 and 2009. The ecological degradation caused by the expansion of the area devoted to crop production in the western region and the potential risk of agricultural non-point pollution caused by the increasing agrochemical inputs are the main factors restricting this area’s sustainable development.  相似文献   

Inter-annual dynamics of grassland yield of the Three Rivers Headwaters Region of Qinghai–Tibet Plateau of China in 1988–2005 was analyzed using the GLO-PEM model, and the herbage supply function was evaluated. The results indicate that while grassland yield in the region showed marked inter-annual fluctuation there was a trend of increased yield over the 18 years of the study. This increase was especially marked for Alpine Desert and Alpine Steppe and in the west of the region. The inter-annual coefficient of variation of productivity increased from the east to the west of the region and from Marsh, Alpine Meadow, Alpine Steppe, Temperate Steppe to Alpine Desert grasslands. Climate change, particularly increased temperatures in the region during the study period, is suggested to be the main cause of increased grassland yield. However, reduced grazing pressure and changes to the seasonal pattern of grazing could also have influenced the grassland yield trend. These findings indicate the importance of understanding the function of the grassland ecosystems in the region and the effect of climate change on them especially in regard to their use to supply forage for animal production. Reduction of grazing pressure, especially during winter, is indicated to be critical for the restoration and sustainable use of grassland ecosystems in the region.  相似文献   

以1989—2016年玛纳斯河流域TM/OLI遥感影像为数据源,利用混合像元分解技术,计算玛纳斯河流域草地总覆盖度和裸沙面积。在此基础上通过监测年与基期年的比较,计算草地覆盖度相对基期年的减少率和裸沙面积相对基期年的增加率两个监测指标,依据《天然草地退化、沙化、盐渍化的分级指标》(GB 19377—2003),对计算出的两个指标分别进行沙化等级评定和赋值,将两种评定结果相综合来监测草地沙化。结果表明,玛纳斯河流域近30年来荒漠草地沙漠化总体呈现先增加后降低的趋势。分析表明,玛纳斯河流域草地沙化是人为和自然因素双重作用的结果。  相似文献   

Soil degradation has caused various problems on the planet. Human disturbance and land use changes always negatively affect soil quality. In this study, we used a modified soil quality index (SQI) to assess soil quality under differing degrees of human disturbance and land use. The alpine grasslands were studied at different levels of degradation [i.e., severely degraded grassland, heavily degraded grassland, moderately degraded grassland, and non-degraded grassland (NDG)] in a case study conducted in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) to test the feasibility of using the SQI. Fifteen chemical, physical, and biological soil parameters were measured in each type of grassland. Significant variations in SQI were found across the different types of grasslands according to severity of human disturbance and changes in land use. Urease, the ratio of microbial biomass nitrogen to total nitrogen, proteinase, and soil organic carbon were found to be the most important indicators for assessing soil quality. NDG had a higher SQI than the other three types of grasslands. It was concluded that SQI is effective for assessing the soil quality of alpine grasslands in the QTP. The intensity of human disturbance had a negative effect on soil quality in the QTP.  相似文献   

Water is a limiting factor to plant growth in Horqin Sand Land of China. Knowledge of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (K sat) is of importance because K sat influences soil evaporation and water cycling at various scales. In order to analyze the variation of K sat along with sand types and soil depths, and its relationship with soil physiochemical properties, six typical lands were chosen, including mobile dune, fixed dune, pine woodland, poplar woodland, grassland, and cropland, and K sat was measured in situ by Guelph Permeameter at each type of land. Soil bulk density, organic matter content, and soil particle size distribution were determined in parallel with K sat measurement. The results showed that (1) The averaged K sat was decreased in the order: mobile dune > fixed dune > pine woodland > poplar woodland > grassland > cropland; changes in K sat varied considerably as soil depth increased, e.g., the changes of K sat along with soil depth in fixed dune was fitted by exponential model, but it was fitted by parabola model in the pine woodland and grassland. (2) The K sat values of fixed dune and mobile dune were varied considerably among three slope positions (dune top, windward slope, and leeward slope). (3) The relationships of K sat and soil physiochemical property revealed that soil bulk density, organic matter content, and coarse sand fraction (2~0.1 mm) were the key factors affecting K sat in Horqin Sand Land. Compared with clay and silt content proportion, sand fraction in this region showed a more significant positive correlation with K sat.  相似文献   

利用地理信息系统技术,在空间数据库平台的支持下,对四川省20世纪90年代中期到2000年间的草地动态变化特征、草地动态变化的背景特征及其空间分布特征进行了分析。研究表明,净增草地部分主要来源于耕地,净减草地部分的主要去向是林地。总体上,净增草地面积3812公顷,净增草地部分主要是在轻度土壤侵蚀区、中度土壤侵蚀区、剧烈土壤侵蚀区和强度土壤侵蚀区,坡度等级5、6和1的区域,环境等级5、6、4和1的区域;净减草地部分主要是在微度土壤侵蚀区和极强土壤侵蚀区,坡度等级3、2和4的区域,环境质量等级7和8的区域。净增草地的区域为川西北高原、丘陵和川西南山区,净增草地面积的前四个地州市是遂宁市、泸州市、巴中地区和广安市,净减少草地的区域为盆周山地和平原,净减少草地面积的前四个地州市是广元市、绵阳市、达川市和宜宾市。  相似文献   

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