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城市生活垃圾可生物降解有机质成分的测定   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
卫生填埋是我国现阶段最主要的城市生活垃圾处理方式,定量分析城市生活垃圾可生物降解有机质成分对于研究填埋垃圾的厌氧降解过程具有重要意义.通过一系列常规化学试验,利用抽提差重法、比色法及灼烧差重法,依次测定了垃圾中含水率,挥发分与灰分,脂肪类,易水解物与半纤维素,腐植酸,难水解物、不水解物与纤维素,木质素与固体残渣等成分,为入场垃圾可生化性评价及降解过程中固相成分变化的动态监测提供了一种简便快速的测定方法.  相似文献   

随着环境保护事业的不断发展,环保项目专项资金逐年增加,对项目资金管理提出了更高的要求.但是,我们在对项目资金审计监督时发现,基层事业单位目前的项目资金管理,还存在许多不容忽视的问题,增强项目支出预算的管理理念尤其重要.本文结合部门、单位的实际,着重探讨加强项目支出预算的管理途径及方法,进一步提高财政资金使用效益和社会效益,促进公共财政体系的建立和完善.  相似文献   

人民日报海外版消息7月中旬,2 000 t产自上海的地沟油将被荷兰航空加工成航空生物煤油,供飞机使用。据悉,荷兰人吃油不多,地沟油原料不足,他们一年对地沟油的需求量为12万t。而今年6月,荷兰航空的"废弃油"航班已开始执飞洲际航线。荷兰人的创举令人大开眼界,无数公众期待中国地沟油也能"上天"。据了解,这一技术问题,在中国并不是太大问题,相关专家也早就提出将中国地沟油加工成航空用油的建议。而且,地沟油还可以用来加工成生物柴油,这在中国有更大的  相似文献   

一直以来,生活垃圾焚烧炉烟尘项目监测和金属元素颗粒物项目监测,样品的采集都是分开进行的,而且样品分析时,各金属元素样品也是分别消解,这样操作不但花费时间长,而且还浪费滤筒、试剂等资源.  相似文献   

顶空气相色谱法测定水中丙烯腈的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立了水中丙烯腈的顶空气相色谱测定法,对水中的丙烯腈进行顶空提取后,采用HP-INNOWAX色谱柱分离,用气相色谱FID检测器进行分析,以保留时间定性,外标法定量。结果表明,在0.024~2.400mg/L线性范围内,其线性方程为Y=69.56X-0.3123,相关系数为0.9997,检出限为0.020mg/L;对自来水和水源水水样进行加标回收试验,相对标准偏差为1.24%~2.99%,平均回收率为101%~105%。该方法操作简便、出峰快、灵敏度高,具有良好的准确度和精密度,适用于饮用水及其水源水的检测。  相似文献   

走和谐发展的生态文明之路   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,坚持以人为本,全面、协调、可持续发展,统筹人与人、人与自然关系,走具有中国特色生态文明的现代化道路,是实现全面建设小康社会宏伟目标的必然选择.  相似文献   

地表水泥沙与总磷测定值的相关性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为研究总磷与泥沙之间的质量浓度关系,采集了三峡库区7个断面的地表水样品,通过筛分、滤膜过滤等方式,分离了水样中不同粒径的泥沙,得到含不同泥沙质量浓度的水样,并同步分析了水样中泥沙和总磷的质量浓度.结果表明,在丰水期,总磷主要来源于泥沙中吸附的有机磷和无机磷,而溶解态磷较少.泥沙与总磷质量浓度可以用线性关系和对数关系模拟,泥沙是影响地表水中总磷测定结果的主要原因之一.  相似文献   

环境空气质量分析的实践与探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以丹东市环境空气质量分析为例对当前采用的环境空气质量分析方法的优缺点进行了评述,指出采用全市多点位平均值分析环境空气质量具有一定缺欠,它们的均值会平滑掉重污染点的监测峰值,反映不出城市应有的污染来;应把对重污染点的监测值的分析作为重点,辅以全市多点位的平均值,分析环境空气污染特征、变化规律,进而查找其污染原因,提出可行的减少或消除环境空气污染的措施和办法。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地荒漠区工程建设与水土流失的关系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆北部的准噶尔盆地的荒漠地区是生态环境脆弱地区,环境极易遭到破坏,随着建设项目的增加,由于工程建设引起的水土流失现象也逐渐增多.目前对该问题的研究尚需深入.本文通过对准噶尔盆地荒漠地区工程建设与水土流失的关系的分析,并借鉴其它地区的经验,指出新疆北部的荒漠地区由于环境脆弱,各类工程均可引发水土流失, 工程建设引起的水土流失也能影响工程本身的安全,工程建设应采取措施,防止水土流失,促进环境保护与经济发展.  相似文献   

介绍了南京市环境监测中心站近年来在拓展监测能力,提升监测现代化水平,优化资源配置,加强队伍建设,强化制度建设,实施目标管理等方面采取的举措,指出在我国环境保护发生历史性转变的关键时期,环境监测站应在社会、经济、环境的协调发展中,充分发挥为管理服务的前瞻性、监测信息上报的及时性及实施环境决策的支持性作用,积极推进环境监测事业持续发展.  相似文献   

It has been assumed that the feeding habits of animals predispose the composition of the microbial biota living in their intestinal tracts. Here we show that in arthropods and vertebrates the presence of methanogenic bacteria requires a quality of the host that is under phylogenetic rather than dietary constraint: competence for intestinal methanogenic bacteria is a primitive-shared character among reptiles, birds, and mammals, and a shared-derived trait of millipedes, termites, cockroaches and scarab beetles. The presence of methanogenic bacteria seems to be a prerequisite for the evolution of anatomic specializations of the intestinal tract such as hindguts, caeca or rumina, and it is likely that it also has consequences for the reproductive strategies of the animals.Methanogenic animals contribute to atmospheric methane by their breath and faeces. Because the status as either methane-producer or non-producer is shared by most species belonging to a higher taxonomic unit, it is possible to calculate methane emissions that are characteristic for whole taxa. In combination with ecological field data on the biomass it is possible to arive at estimates concerning the global contributions by animals.The demonstration of a genetic basis for the symbiosis between methanogens and animals will allow new approaches for the reduction of methane emission by domestic animals.  相似文献   

Flow and Pollutant Dispersion in Street Canyons using FLUENT and ADMS-Urban   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is devoted to the study of flow within a small building arrangement and pollutant dispersion in street canyons starting from the simplest case of dispersion from a simple traffic source. Flow results from the commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code FLUENT are validated against wind tunnel data (CEDVAL). Dispersion results from FLUENT are analysed using the well-validated atmos pheric dispersion model ADMS-Urban. The k − ε turbulence model and the advection-diffusion (AD) method are used for the CFD simulations. Sensitivity of dispersion results to wind direction within street canyons of aspect ratio equal to 1 is investigated. The analysis shows that the CFD model well reproduces the wind tunnel flow measurements and compares adequately with ADMS-Urban dispersion predictions for a simple traffic source by using a slightly modified k − ε model. It is found that a Schmidt number of 0.4 is the most appropriate number for the simulation of a simple traffic source and in street canyons except for the case when the wind direction is perpendicular to the street canyon axis. For this last case a Schmidt number equal to 0.04 gives the best agreement with ADMS-Urban. Overall the modified k − ε turbulence model may be accurate for the simulation of pollutant dispersion in street canyons provided that an appropriate choice for coefficients in the turbulence model and the Schmidt number in the diffusion model are made.  相似文献   

This study aims in linking the biophysical and socioeconomic data base layers with the technical coefficients or simulation models for agri-production estimates and land use planning under normal and extreme climatic events, and exploring the resource and inputs management options in village Shikohpur, Gurgaon district located in the northwest part of India. The socioeconomic profile of Shikohpur is highly skewed with mostly small and marginal farmers. Though the areas under wheat in Shikohpur are increasing, the productivity is declining or remaining stagnant over the years. Most of the area during kharif season (June-September) remains fallow. Pearl millet based cropping systems (pearl millet-mustard and pearl millet-wheat) are predominant. Soils are mostly loamy sand to sandy loam with average of 70-80% sand content. Organic C content in soil is less than 0.3%, due to high prevailing temperature with little rainfall and also intensive agriculture followed in this region. Though the annual average seasonal rainfall in Gurgaon did not have much variation over the years, occurrence of extreme climate events has increased in the last two decades. The crop intensity is low and the water table is declining. Water and nitrogen production functions were developed for the important crops of the region, for their subsequent use in scheduling of the inputs. InfoCrop, WTGROWS and technical coefficients were used for crop planning and resource management under climate change and its variability, extreme events, limited resource availability and crop intensification. These will help in disseminating necessary agro-advisories to the farmers so that they will be able to manipulate the inputs and agronomic management practices for sustained agricultural production under normal as well as extreme climatic conditions.  相似文献   

This paper has been presented at a meeting of the National Research Council in February 1995, in Perugia, Italy. This is a preview of that which is to be the final product of the study: a manual for evaluating the environmental impact of pig-breeding farms. The most important issues in the environment-hog production relationship are discussed. After that, some elements for a sustainable swine production are focused. To solve the pig-breeding/environment conflict is not an easy task. The challenge is to find the right compromises, adopting all possible technologies for minimizing the impact on the environment. Since the first problem is the risk of water pollution due to manure, it is important to study the best solutions from the viewpoint of the watershed, taking into account the interactions and synergies occurring in the drainage system, and especially for the communities at the lower part of the basin. Therefore it becomes more and more of an absolute necessity to plan and manage resources using the watershed as a reference.Prof. Paolo Abbozzo is the Scientific Head of the CNR-RAISA Monodisciplinary Group of the Institute of Estimo Rurale e Contabilità at the University of Perugia; Dr. Antonio Boggia is a teaching/research assistant and Dr. Mauro Brunetti is CNR scholarship holder at the same Institute.  相似文献   

近岸海域水质自动监测规范化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为规范近岸海域水质自动监测,基于近岸海域水质监测要求和质控要求、近岸海域水质自动监测系统特点和近岸海域水质自动监测运行的经验,开展了近岸海域水质自动监测规范化研究,编制了《近岸海域水质自动监测技术规范》(HJ 731—2014),规范了近岸海域水质自动监测系统建设、设备选择、系统验收、日常管理、维护和校准、质量保证和质量控制、数据有效性和上报、监测报告等方面的工作。有利于在标准方法基础上,使中国近岸海域水质自动监测系统的监测数据准确、可靠、可比,有利于近岸海域水质自动监测系统在日常监测中更好地发挥作用。  相似文献   

Monitoring of impacts of floods in river valleys of dryland regions has become important with the onset and threats of desertification and is likely to become even more vital with predictions of increased effects of climate and land use change. It is also needed in order to conform to requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive. Monitoring in such regions sets particular challenges. This paper explains a system of low-cost monitoring of changes in morphology, vegetation and sediment cover in channels and valley floors of ephemerally flowing streams. It has been applied in SE Spain for 10 years and has proved very effective. In particular, the use of simple crest-stage recorders for measuring flow height and the use of real-time differential GPS for rapid and accurate survey and for relocating points have proved very valuable. Part of the monitoring is focused on the interaction of plants and channel processes. Small changes in and around vegetation associated with flow events have been detected by a combination of quadrat surveys and cross-profiling of the channel. A range of flow events has been measured over the period of monitoring, demonstrating their differing effects and the varying sensitivity and responsiveness of different sites. The sporadic occurrence of flood events in such an environment means that a strategy of monitoring several sites and of continuation over many years has great benefits.  相似文献   

A standard framework is presented as an underlying model for the discounting debate. Views and proposals for the techniques and rates of discounting are assessed. Alternative modeling frameworks for studying intergenerational equity issues are evaluated with the result that the basic insights they provide do not differ very much. Results from model experiments involving different discount rate proposals show that fudging the discount rate does not lead to efficient climate policy. Three major clusters of opinions are identified regarding the applicability of cost-benefit analysis to the climate change problem and the appropriate discount rate to use. It is concluded that under some very special circumstances the cost-benefit rule should be abandoned and cost-effective strategies implying standard discount rates should be sought to reach clearly defined and justified environmental targets. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Acid deposition-induced drinking water degradation is discussed with respect to the geographical extent of and the potential for dealing with possibly adverse human health impacts. Qualitative evidence from the northeastern United States and Sweden strongly suggests the existence of a linkage between these two environmental concerns. It is argued that water treatment and reduction of acid rain as solutions to the problem of water toxicity need closer evaluation. More research into the causal link is warranted since the addition of human health impacts to acid rain's environmental insults could have a significant bearing on discussions relating to acid rain controls.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is operated by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research and is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

碳减排是当前国际政治、经济和环境保护战略斗争的新领域。昌吉州的碳减排工作在新疆具有一定的示范意义,昌吉州目前所排放的二氧化碳主要来自于燃煤、建筑取暖、农业生产及居民生活等方面。现阶段可通过发展循环经济、走可持续发展道路,加强节能减排和植树造林,提倡节约、减少浪费,发展绿色生态农业,积极开发清洁能源,发展新能源等方式来发展低碳经济,降低昌吉州的二氧化碳排放量,为国家减少碳排放的战略目标做出自己的贡献。  相似文献   

Inverse modeling technique based on nonlinear least square regression method (LSRM) is developed for the identification of aquatic source and transport parameters. Instantaneous line source release model in two-dimensional domain and continuous point source release model in three-dimensional domain are used for the purpose. Case studies have been carried out for both types of releases to illustrate their application. Error analysis has been carried out to identify the maximum error that can be tolerated in the input concentration data used in the inverse model and to specify the minimum number of sampling points to generate such input data. The LSRM is compared with the well-established correlation coefficient optimization method for instantaneous line source release model, and good comparison is observed between them. The LSRM is used to quantitatively estimate the releases of different radionuclides into the Pacific Ocean which has resulted due to the discharge of highly radioactive liquid effluent from the affected Daiichi Nuclear Power Station at Fukushima in Japan. The measured concentrations of these radionuclides in seawater samples collected from two sampling points near Fukushima are used for the estimation. The average release works out to be 1.09?×?1016 for 131I, 3.4?×?1015 Bq for 134Cs, and 3.57?×?1015 Bq for 137Cs. Very good agreement is observed between the releases estimated in this study and those estimated by other different agencies.  相似文献   

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