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对贵阳市不同功能区在不同季节大气PM_(2.5)中多环芳烃(PAHs)进行了采样观测,利用UVD和FLD双检测器串联HPLC法分析了16种优控PAHs。结果显示,在贵阳市主城区PM_(2.5)中PAHs有检出,5个采样点全年ρ(∑PAHs)为4. 44~114 ng/m~3,平均值为24. 96 ng/m~3,其值呈现出夏季最低冬季最高的特征,各个功能区在不同季节ρ(PAHs)不同,大小趋势也不同;四季PAHs单体中均以4-6环为主,占ρ(∑PAHs)的68%以上; PAHs来源解析结果显示,贵阳市大气PM_(2.5)中PAHs来源具有明显的季节特征,春、夏和秋季主要来源是石油燃烧排放,兼有少量的生物质燃烧排放,冬季PAHs主要来源是燃煤和石油燃烧排放。PM_(2.5)中PAHs毒性评价结果表明,贵阳市大气中PAHs的春季、夏季和秋季健康风险较小,冬季健康风险较大。四季各功能区ρ(Ba P)大部分均低于《环境空气质量标准》(GB 3095—2012)规定限值(2. 50 ng/m~3),但冬季除背景点外,其他监测点均超标,最大超标倍数为3. 80倍。  相似文献   

采用气相色谱-质谱法,于2016年9月和12月对南京市2个典型地区大气中16种多环芳烃(PAHs)的质量浓度进行分析,并开展了PAHs组成特征、来源解析及人体健康风险评价研究。结果表明,工业区(六合区)和生活区(江宁区)大气(气态和可吸入颗粒态)中16种PAHs的质量浓度分别为914.82和712.27 ng/m~3,苯并[a]芘毒性等效浓度分别为274.1和309.84 ng/m~3,且呈现冬季高、秋季低的特征。比值法源解析结果表明,燃煤污染是六合区PAHs污染主要来源,而江宁区主要表现为交通污染。人体健康风险评价结果表明,六合区和江宁区人群通过大气吸入PAHs的超额致癌风险分别为5.17×10~(-5)和5.85×10~(-5),均略高于可接受水平10~(-6)。  相似文献   

2012年12月4日—11日,使用微孔均匀撞击式采样器(MOUDI)连续7 d采集广东省韶关市3个环境空气监测点气溶胶样品,采用GC/MS测定包括美国国家环保局(USEPA)优控多环芳烃(Σ16PAHs)在内的17种PAHs的浓度水平,并分析Σ16PAHs的粒径分布特征和来源。结果表明:韶关市冬季气溶胶颗粒中Σ16PAHs的质量浓度为17.29 ng/m3~23.97 ng/m3;Σ16PAHs集中在1.0μm~3.2μm的积聚态和粗颗粒中,呈单峰分布特征;比值参数分析显示,韶关市大气颗粒物中PAHs主要来自燃煤和汽车尾气的排放。  相似文献   

杭州市大气细颗粒物PM_(2.5)中多环芳烃含量特征研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
按季节对杭州市大气细颗粒物PM2.5中16种多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量在2006年进行了为期一年(样本数n=47)的测定分析.研究表明,杭州市大气PM2.5中PAHs总浓度为40.66ng/m3,以中环或高环为主,分别占总PAHs的32.23%和47.6%;云栖点位(位于风景名胜区内)PM2.5中PAHs浓度高于朝晖点位(位于商业居民混合区);季节变化呈现春季高,秋季低的特点;PM2.5中苯并[a]芘等效毒性(BEQ)为4.50;PM2.5中PAHs的来源不是单一的.  相似文献   

在克拉玛依市中心城区布设4个采样点,在供暖期和非供暖期分别同步采集4个点位大气中不同粒径的颗粒物,采用HPLC进行分析并计算2个采样期内PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)中多环芳烃(PAHs)的浓度和种类。结果表明:中心城区供暖期PM_(10)中PAHs浓度为56.19 ng/m3,PM_(2.5)中PAHs浓度为48.85 ng/m3;中心城区非供暖期PM_(10)中PAHs浓度为18.86 ng/m~3,PM_(2.5)中PAHs浓度为14.53 ng/m~3。不同采样期PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)中PAHs浓度变化趋势相同,均为供暖期明显大于非供暖期。中心城区供暖期大气颗粒物吸附的PAHs以4环以下的组份为主,非供暖期则是5~6环的高环数组份偏多。分析结果表明克拉玛依市中心城区供暖期颗粒物中PAHs来源于燃煤排放叠加机动车排放,与中心城区集中供热锅炉关系密切;非供暖期则是以机动车排放污染为主。  相似文献   

利用自制被动采样装置,在2011年秋冬季对南京市部分地区室内空气中5种气态多环芳烃(PAHs)(萘、苊烯、苊、芴、菲)进行了为期100d的连续采样检测,被动采样器的采样速率为0.012m3/d,5种PAHs的回收率在63%~105%之间,方法检出限在1.1~2.4ng范围内。结果表明,南京市5处不同室内环境空气中萘的浓度最高,占总量的90%以上。室内环境空气中5种PAHs的总浓度为230~1564ng/m3。住宅内人体对5种PAHs的暴露速率为479~560ng/h。  相似文献   

于2018年1,7和11月对苏北灌河口典型介质中多环芳烃(PAHs)的污染现状进行了调查。采用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)对水样、沉积物、植株和生物样品中16种PAHs富集组成特征及生态风险进行分析。结果表明,水相,悬浮颗粒物和沉积物中PAHs平均值均为枯季(1 998 ng/L, 2 987 ng/g, 1 056 ng/g)高于洪季(1 698 ng/L, 630 ng/g, 558 ng/g);不同季节水相、悬浮颗粒物和沉积物中均以2+3环PAHs为主;水相中苯并[a]蒽(BaA)、[艹屈](CHR)、苯并[b+k]荧蒽(B[b+k]FA)质量浓度高于美国环保署(US EPA)推荐的水质量标准,悬浮颗粒物和沉积物中芴(FL)和菲(PHE)对水生生物可能存在不利影响;互花米草和芦苇的落叶效应使得沉积物中PAHs质量分数高于光滩;芦苇根系沉积物和互花米草根系沉积物中PAHs的组成差异较大;成熟期(11月)蟹体内PAHs平均质量分数远高于生长期(7月),蟹体内更易富集低环数(2+3环)PAHs。  相似文献   

通过对鞍山市(1个工业区、2个工业区周边、3个居住区、1个对照点)2015年1月采暖期大气PM_(2.5)中多环芳烃(PAHs)的监测,采用BaP当量致毒系数TEF,分析了鞍山市大气PM_(2.5)中典型PAHs毒性当量分布特征。研究表明,鞍山市大气PM2.5中工业区及工业区周边Ba P毒性当量浓度要远高于居住区和对照点,污染物主要由4~6环的PAHs组成,很强致癌BaP当量浓度为9.351~38.59 ng/m3。  相似文献   

淮南市秋季大气可吸入颗粒物中多环芳烃的污染特征分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
2007年秋季在淮南市五个采样点采集大气可吸入颗粒物样品,用色谱-质谱法分析多环芳烃中16种优控污染物.结果显示,交通区PAHs浓度最高;PAHs以四环为主,二环所占比例最小;PM10与ΣPAHs成显著正相关关系,与苯并[a]芘成显著正相关;采用比值法对准南市PM10中的PAHs进行来源分析,得到PAHs主要来源于交通源及燃煤排放.  相似文献   

重庆市春季不同功能区PM10中多环芳烃的污染特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
2012年4月在重庆市4个不同功能区连续10 d同步采集了大气PM10环境样品,利用气相色谱-质谱法分析测定美国环保局16种优控多环芳烃(PAHs).结果显示,在重庆主城区PM10中检测到16种优控PAHs,总浓度(∑PAHs)范围为31.68~ 189.31 ng/m3,平均浓度为108.05 ng/m3.各个功能区大气PM10中PAHs总浓度存在明显差别:交通区(沙坪坝七中)154.47 ng/m3>工业区(大渡口区政府)132.92 ng/m3>居民区(南岸工商大学)105.58 ng/m3>对照区(缙云山风景区)39.16 ng/m3.根据典型污染来源中PAHs的特征比值综合判断,重庆市春季大气中PM10主要来源于燃煤和交通污染的混合源.  相似文献   

气溶胶与降尘中多环芳烃的含量分布研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
通过广东省茂名市区四个不同功能点大气气溶胶和降尘中多环芳烃的含量分布研究发现 :1、气溶胶中优控多环芳烃大大高于降尘中的含量 ,为降尘的 5.97~ 1 9.3倍 ;以石化厂区为例 ,非优控多环芳烃在气溶胶中的相对含量更高 ,为降尘的 2 4 .7倍。2、气溶胶中优控多环芳烃和非优控多环芳烃的分布为随分子量增加而含量增高的趋势 ,但降尘中优控多环芳烃的高含量相对集中于萤蒽至苯并 (b)萤蒽之间。3、不同功能区由于排放源的差别所表现出的气溶胶和降尘中优控多环芳烃总量及总量比值、部分强致癌和致癌物含量及含量比值均存在差异。4、对气溶胶和降尘中多环芳烃研究可以对降尘中非优控多环芳烃降解和溶解量进行估算。以石化厂区为例 ,降尘中非优控多环芳烃比原始含量已减少76%。  相似文献   

Atmospheric particulate and gaseous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) samples were collected from an urban area in Dokki (Giza) during the summer of 2007 and the winter of 2007–2008. The average concentrations of PAHs were 1,429.74 ng/m3 in the particulate phase, 2,912.56 ng/m3 in the gaseous phase, and 4,342.30 ng/m3 in the particulate + gaseous phases during the period of study. Dokki has high level concentrations of PAH compounds compared with many polluted cities in the world. The concentrations of PAH compounds in the particulate and gaseous phases were higher in the winter and lower in the summer. Total concentrations of PAHs in the particulate phase and gaseous phase were 22.58% and 77.42% in summer and 36.97% and 63.03% in winter of the total (particulate + gaseous) concentrations of PAHs, respectively. The gaseous/particulate ratios of PAHs concentration were 3.43 in summer and 1.71 in winter. Significant negative correlation coefficients were found between the ambient temperature and concentrations of the total PAHs in the particulate and gaseous phases. The distribution of individual PAHs and different categories of PAHs based on aromatic ring number in the particulate and gaseous phases during the summer and winter were nearly similar, indicating similar emission sources of PAHs in both two seasons. Benzo(b)fluoranthene in the particulate phase and naphthalene in the gaseous phase were the most abundant compounds. Diagnostic concentration ratios of PAH compounds indicate that these compounds are emitted mainly from pyrogenic sources, mainly local vehicular exhaust emissions. Health risks associated with the inhalation of individual PAHs in particulate and gaseous phases were assessed on the basis of its benzo(a)pyrene equivalent concentration. Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene and benzo(a)pyrene in the particulate phase and benzo(a)pyrene and benzo(a)anthracene in the gaseous phase were the greatest contributors to the total health risks. The relative mean contributions of the total carcinogenic activity (concentrations) of all PAHs to the total concentrations of PAHs were 29.37% and 25.15% in the particulate phase and 0.76% and 0.92% in the gaseous phase during the summer and winter, respectively. These results suggest that PAHs in the particulate phase in the ambient air of Dokki may pose a potential health risk.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are organic pollutants derived from pyrolysis and pyrosynthesis processes. Industrial activity, motor vehicle emission, and domestic combustion are the main sources of PAHs in the urban atmosphere. In this work, samples collected during the day and night in the urban area of Sarajevo are analyzed separately for gaseous and particle-bound PAHs; the possible origin of PAHs at the receptor site was suggested using different methods applied to the solid phase and to the total PAHs (gaseous + particulate phase). Finally, the risk level in Sarajevo associated to the carcinogenic character of the studied PAHs has been assessed. The result of this study suggests that (a) the total PAH concentrations were higher than those reported in other European cities; (b) the PAH daytime concentrations are higher than nocturnal concentrations: the sum of the PAH day/night ratios is 1.52 (gas) and 1.45 (particle phase); (c) stationary combustion and traffic were suggested to be the main sources of PAHs; (d) the average particle-bound benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) concentration (5.4 ng/m3) is higher than EU target annual value (1 ng/m3); and (e) PAH cancer risk exceeds the carcinogenic benchmark level recommended by the EPA mainly due to BaP during both the day and night periods.  相似文献   

呼和浩特学生尿中1—羟基芘的抽样分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用反相高压液相色谱对呼市小学生及对照点草原牧民尿中的1-羟基芘进行测定,同时测定两地区大气颗粒物及空气中多环芳烃的含量。结果表明,市区小学生尿中1-羟基芘的浓度采暖季节高于非采暧季节;且显著高于对照点的浓度;尿中1-羟基芘的浓度与空气中全态多环芳烃(PAHs)的代表化合物芘或BaP有很好的正相关。  相似文献   

This paper reports the PAHs levels in the atmosphere of an urbanised industrial site of India. A high-resolution capillary gas chromatograph with a mass spectrometric detector (HRCGC-MS) and a high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) equipped with a fluorescence detector were used for the identification and quantitation of PAHs. The atmospheric levels of PAHs were higher (4.66 ng/m3 yearly average) than most of the concentrations previously reported in the literature. Indian sites were found more contaminated with potently carcinogenic: four and above ringed PAHs. Based on a good correlation between the levels of lead, vanadium, BaP and BghiP, the vehicular emission appears to be a major source of the PAHs. Further, the higher levels of observed PAHs could be attributed to the vertical distribution of the aerosols, the preference of the PAHs for the particulate phase and the greater availability of the substrate in the atmosphere for their sorption. This paper also discusses the need for development of a PAHs monitoring protocol and related health effect studies in developing countries such as India.  相似文献   

天津城郊土壤中PAHs含量特征及来源解析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以天津市郊环城四区为研究对象,系统采集了环城四区95个表层土壤样品,利用高效液相色谱仪对16种PAHs进行分析测定,结果表明,西青、东丽、津南和北辰土壤中16种PAHs的总量范围分别为62.6~1 994.9、36.1~4 074.7、20.1~2 502.5、22.1~707.7μg/kg;平均含量分别为445.8、841.8、509.5、242.5μg/kg。四区中都以高环多环芳烃为主,西青、东丽、北辰和津南高环多环芳烃分别占多环芳烃总比例的45.4%、42.2%、38.8%和38.7%。空间分析的结果表明,靠近天津市市区样点土壤中多环芳烃的含量要明显高于远离市区土壤中多环芳烃的含量。利用环数PAHs的相对丰度和比值法对天津市郊环城四区土壤中多环芳烃的污染来源进行了解析,研究区土壤监测样点的PAHs主要来自燃烧源,少部分来自石油类来源或几种污染源的共同复合累加的作用。  相似文献   

通过运用GC-MS方法对3家润滑油生产企业废酸油渣中的54种挥发性有机物(VOCs)和16种多环芳烃(PAHs)进行定性及定量分析。结果表明,54种VOCs有12种被检出,检出率为22.2%,其中1,2,4-三甲苯在75个样品中均有检出,检出率为100%。54种VOCs质量分数为ND~12.5 mg/kg,其中质量分数较高的化合物为苯(0.6~11.9 mg/kg)、萘(1.0~12.5 mg/kg)、1,2,4-三甲苯(0.5~10.2 mg/kg)。16种PAHs有12种被检出,检出率为75%,其中萘、菲、芘、苯并[a]蒽和■在58个样品中均有检出,检出率为100%。16种PAHs质量分数为2~2 160 mg/kg,其中质量分数较高的化合物为■(25~2 160 mg/kg)、芘(10~207 mg/kg)、苯并[a]蒽(5~108 mg/kg)。同一个企业不同油样之间的VOCs和PAHs检出种类和质量分数存在明显差异,各目标物质量分数与总量之间并不完全相关,这与油源、生产工艺以及样品的风化程度有关。客观上,大部分样本存在不均匀性,因此桶装废酸油渣样品检测应关注采样环节,应根据样品特点采集足够的样本数,保证测定结果真实可靠。  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for quantification of sixteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in tea and coffee samples of Mumbai City with the help of reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography with UV-VIS detector. This method is based on liquid–liquid extraction followed by clean up with C-18 cartridge. Concentration of total PAHs in different brands of tea and coffee samples varied from 18.79 to 31.37 μg/L and from 16.47 to 18.24 μg/L, respectively. Mean concentration of total PAHs was 27.56 μg/L in tea and 17.20 μg/L in coffee. Recoveries at different concentration levels were higher than 68% in samples of tea and coffee. Detection limit was found to be low (0.0006 ng) for anthracene and highest (0.174 ng) for naphthalene with relative standard deviation between 0.4%–7%.  相似文献   

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