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水质自动监测与常规监测结果对比分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了系统研究水质自动监测数据与常规监测数据间差异问题,选取15个运行多年的国家地表水水质自动监测站,对p H、溶解氧(DO)、高锰酸盐指数(COD_(Mn))、氨氮(NH_3-N)及总磷(TP)5项监测指标开展了站房外常规监测、站房内常规监测与自动监测的对比实验研究。通过分析监测结果之间相对误差、相对偏差、水质类别变化发现,站房内常规监测、站房外常规监测与自动监测结果之间误差较小;同时通过误差统计分析及直方图分析发现,地表水水质自动监测系统监测结果与站房外常规监测结果之间误差整体属于随机误差(偶然误差)。研究得到了水质自动监测与常规监测数据一致可比的结论,为水质自动监测数据的应用提供了实验基础。  相似文献   

苏州城区河道水质现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
跟踪了苏州城区内27个重点河流断面半年的监测数据,重点监测了溶解氧、氨氮、总磷、高锰酸盐指数4个富营养化指标。计算了各种污染物单因子污染指数、主要污染物分担率和平均污染指数,并对水质污染程度进行综合评价。结果表明,在苏州城区河道的27个重点监测断面中,大部分属于中度污染,水体的主要污染物为溶解氧、氨氮和总磷。分析了可能导致城区河道水体污染的主要原因,并提出治理建议。  相似文献   

以苏州河水质自动监测岸边站为例,根据近3年实际运行情况,从实样验收比对、连续运行比对等方面系统比较自动监测和实验室分析数据,深入探讨小型岸边站技术的稳定性和可靠性。结果表明:岸边站在线监测数据总体较为稳定,水温、溶解氧、p H、氨氮等监测结果和变化规律与实验室数据具有较好的相关性和一致性,其中,水温、p H、氨氮等指标均不存在明显差异,苏州河水质自动在线岸边站测定的数据真实可靠。加强自动站运维管理等可以进一步提高自动站数据质量。  相似文献   

影响中哈联合监测可比性的主要因素是由于中哈跨界河流联合监测分析方法和评价方法等方面不统一,因此导致监测结果存在差异。对双方联合监测数据进行实验室间相对平均偏差、数据显著性差异检验t检验、F检验和一元一次线性回归方程分析表明:只要双方采取共同措施,可以最大程度消除分析结果中存在的差异,特别是对超标项目提供论据,可以增加对跨界水体污染程度认知的一致性。  相似文献   

选取湖北省100个国控断面2019年1—12月手工和自动监测数据,采用因子分析和聚类分析相结合的方法对水质评价指标进行优化筛选,结果表明,高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、总磷、pH、溶解氧等5项指标可以代表湖北省地表水水质的主要影响因子,从而实现水质监测指标的降维。对手工和自动2种监测方式进行比对,证明自动监测pH、溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、总磷和氨氮5项水质评价指标的数据、评价结果与手工监测具有较强的一致性,用自动监测5项指标进行水质评价是合理、可行的,并能减轻手工监测的工作量。  相似文献   

运用方差分析法分析白城市月亮湖水库水质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用方差分析法中的相关系数法和SNK检验方法,分析了1998~2007年白城月亮湖水库中主要污染物的监测数据.结果显示,溶解氧与氨氮具有线性关系,与高锰酸盐指数正相关,pH值在10年中没有显著变化.  相似文献   

基于2001—2011年洪泽湖水质溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、总氮、氨氮和总磷长期定位监测数据,采用物元分析法研究洪泽湖渔业水质监测站位的优化布设。结果表明,用物元分析法将原来的21个监测站位优化为14个,监测点位优化后对监测结果无明显影响。  相似文献   

大气中消耗臭氧层物质(ODS)及其替代物监测是科学评估履约成效的重要基础。美国等发达国家针对大气中ODS及其替代物开展了长期的网络化监测,中国相关监测起步相对较晚,基础比较薄弱。该文总结了发达国家大气中ODS及其替代物的监测经验,分析了中国的监测现状及存在的问题,提出了中国大气中ODS及其替代物监测的建议:明确监测目标,推进国家大气中ODS及其替代物监测网络建设;加快相关监测设备研发及方法研究进程,形成规范统一的监测技术体系;定期开展监测数据质量评价,加强综合分析利用。通过采取相应措施,逐步形成中国履行保护臭氧层国际环境公约的监测支撑能力。  相似文献   

基于Mann-Kendall趋势检验法和小波分析法,研究了汾河河津段2004—2013年高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、溶解氧含量时间序列的变化趋势和突变特性。结果表明:高锰酸盐指数和氨氮含量有显著下降趋势,溶解氧含量有显著上升趋势。高锰酸盐指数和氨氮含量在1、2月较大,8、9月较小;溶解氧含量在1、2月较大,6、7月较小。高锰酸盐指数含量在2004—2009年差异较大;氨氮含量在2004—2013年差异均较大;溶解氧含量在2010—2013年差异较大。  相似文献   

在发布空气质量周报工作中,我们发现了空气污染指数法与空气质量标准法评价结果的差异,建议选用合适的分级值,并重申了监测数据的有效性规定.开展污染事故监测的质量报告发布工作的基础研究,作好环境质量预测预报工作.将污染指数法推广应用到其它环境评价中.  相似文献   

A coupled three-dimensional hydrodynamic–ecological model was used for the assessment of water quality in Narva Bay during one biologically active season. Narva Bay is located in the south-eastern Gulf of Finland. Narva River with a catchment’s area covering part of Russia and Estonia discharges water and nutrients to Narva Bay. The ecological model includes phytoplankton carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus, chlorophyll a, zooplankton, detritus carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus, inorganic nitrogen, inorganic phosphorus and dissolved oxygen as state variables. Both the hydrodynamic and ecosystem models were validated using a limited number of measurements. The hydrodynamic model validation included comparison of time series of currents and temperature and salinity profiles. The ecological model results were compared with the monitoring data of phytoplankton biomass, total nitrogen and phosphorus and dissolved oxygen. The comparison of hydrodynamic parameters, phytoplankton biomass, surface layer total phosphorus and dissolved oxygen and near-bottom layer total nitrogen was reasonable. Time series of spatially mean values and standard deviations of selected parameters were calculated for the whole Narva Bay. Combining model results and monitoring data, the characteristic concentrations of phytoplankton biomass, total nitrogen and phosphorus and near-bottom dissolved oxygen were estimated. Phytoplankton biomass and total phosphorus showed seasonal variations, of 0.6–1.1 and 0.022–0.032 mg/l, respectively, during spring bloom, 0.1–0.3 and 0.015–0.025 mg/l in summer and 0.2–0.6 and 0.017–0.035 mg/l during autumn bloom. Total nitrogen and near-bottom oxygen concentrations were rather steady, being 0.25–0.35 and 2–6 mg/l, respectively. The total nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations show that according to the classification of Estonian coastal waters, Narva Bay water belongs to a good water quality class.  相似文献   

Water taken from the Crestuma-Lever dam on the Douro River was evaluated considering the Portuguese Decree-law no. 236/98 of 1st August, 1998. This paper presents the metrological characteristics, validation of analytical methodologies and the data obtained from seasonal samplings. The test parameters selected are: temperature, pH, chloride, conductivity, carbon dioxide, alkalinity, hardness, oxidability, dissolved oxygen, BOD5, total suspended solids, sulfide, phosphate, silica, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, sulfate, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper and zinc. From data analysis we can conclude that the water presented the following characteristics: a pH situated in the neutral zone; a median mineralization; a medium hardness; well oxygenated water; and a carbonate hardness exclusively due to bicarbonates. The temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, chlorides, sulfates, copper, zinc and BOD5 were compared with the legal limits presented in annexes XXI and I of Decree-law 236/98. The results relating to total hardness, nitrites, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, aluminium, sulfides and oxidability were compared with the legal values in annex VI as there are no limits relating to these parameters in annexes XXI and I.  相似文献   

Between 2000 and 2006, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and the University of New Hampshire collected water quality samples at 25 to 40 stations per year in a 56.5-km2 estuary as part of the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Coastal Assessment program. Due to the high density of stations, probabilistic statistics for the estuary could be calculated with low uncertainty. The proportions of the estuary exceeding thresholds in each year were calculated for temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a, nitrogen as nitrate and nitrite, nitrogen as ammonium, phosphorus as orthophosphate, total suspended solids, and fecal coliform bacteria. These values were tested for trends over time and correlations with climate variables. The same statistical tests were applied to monthly grab sample data from a representative station in the estuary. The outcomes of the statistical tests on the two datasets were compared to determine if they provided similar information to coastal managers. Trends and correlations were equally likely to be detected using the probability-based data and the fixed station data, but the results were different for the two datasets. The differences were likely due to the distributed nature of the probability-based sampling design, which places stations in all sections of the estuary. In addition, expressing the probabilistic datasets as estimated proportions reduced variability in volatile parameters, such as bacteria, relative to the grab sample dataset. It will be important to develop tools to rectify trends from probability-based surveys with fixed station monitoring to provide clear information to managers.  相似文献   

Water quality of rivers, natural lakes, and reservoirs in developing countries is being degraded because of the contaminated inflows. There is a serious need for appropriate water quality monitoring for future planning and management of clean water resources. Quality of water in Rawal Lake Pakistan has been investigated in this paper. Flows from the upstream of Rawal Lake and its surrounding villages are highly polluted. Lake water quality parameters like pH, turbidity, alkalinity, calcium, nitrite, sulfate, biological oxygen dissolved, dissolved oxygen, chloride, total dissolved solids (TDS), and coliforms were investigated. Samples of water from different locations of Korang River were collected and tested. Most of the data was collected by field sampling and field visits. However, long-term information was taken from different departments. Statistical parameters (standard deviation, maximum, minimum, mean, mode, kurtosis, skew, and Euclidean distance) of variables were determined. A distinct parameter based on the difference of the maximum value the variable and maximum allowable value of that variable defined by World Health Organization was used for analysis. Grouping and clustering of elements was made on the basis of this parameter. Trend of increasing or decreasing of values of variables over a long time was also taken into account for grouping the variables. It was concluded that the concentration of seven contaminants was higher as compared to the permissible limits under environmental standards. These variables need immediate attention. The environmentally bad conditions of Rawal Lake can only be rectified by appropriate lake environmental supervision, watershed management, and implementation of environmental legislation.  相似文献   

研究了城市地铁产生的二次辐射噪声测量现状及评价方法,依据现行地铁二次辐射噪声监测相关标准,对城市地铁产生的二次辐射噪声进行测量,将JGJ/T 170—2009、GB 50118—2010和GB/T 50355—2018中规定的限值与地铁二次辐射噪声的特征频谱、环境影响评价以及噪声限值进行了对比分析。结果显示,现行标准限值在执行中存在一定的不完善之处,需要根据实测数据重新分析评价标准的适用性、准确性和合理性。结合当前噪声管理的社会需求,提出了声级增量和特征频谱增量的概念,并将分析结果与现行标准值进行了比较分析,表明声级增量和特征频谱增量能更好地反映二次辐射噪声的影响,对于地铁二次辐射噪声标准的制修订具有参考价值。  相似文献   

欧洲大气颗粒物标准及监测体系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以欧洲环境空气质量及清洁空气指令为基础,从标准限值、监测点位布设、监测方法等多个方面,对欧洲大气颗粒物标准及监测体系进行了综合阐述。由极限值、目标值、暴露浓度限值、评价上限和下限等构成的标准限值体系协同作用,将欧洲大气颗粒物浓度控制在一定范围内;大气颗粒物监测点位布设方法遵循基本布设原则和最少点位数及AEI计算要求的详细规定;在颗粒物监测方法上,参比方法和等效方法并存,近年多种方法的应用情况也有所变化。通过对欧洲大气颗粒物标准及监测体系的综述,以期为中国大气颗粒物监测管理提供先进思路和技术参考。  相似文献   

水质生物监测是水生态环境质量管理的重要内容,构建实用性强的生物指数有助于推动中国的水质生物监测工作。根据江苏、浙江、辽宁、江西和湖南等省份的溪流与河流湖泊共计839个底栖动物数据,将中国已有的底栖动物科级分类单元水质敏感性分值打分表扩充和修订至159个科。采用统计法分别构建了符合中国可涉水水体(溪流等)和不可涉水水体(河流、湖泊等)底栖动物分值指数(Chinese Macroinvertebrate Score Index,CMSI)和底栖动物平均分值指数(Average Chinese Macroinvertebrate Score Index,ACMSI)及水质评价等级体系。CMSI和ACMSI与总氮、总磷、高锰酸盐指数和溶解氧之间Pearson相关性显著,表明研究构建的CMSI和ACMSI是可以反映水质变化的。建议通过实践进一步验证CMSI和ACMSI的可靠性和实用性。  相似文献   

研究依据测定不确定度的基本理论和ISO 21748:2017《采用重复性、再现性和正确度评估测量不确定度的导则》,提出了基于中国环境监测分析方法标准多家实验室验证中已获得的数据计算合成标准不确定度的方法,将方法标准中规定的重复性、再现性等指标与合成标准不确定度进行了衔接。分析了近年发布的6项水质监测分析方法标准中钴、铬、钼、钛等4种金属元素的相对合成标准不确定度,结果表明:被测量的浓度是影响方法标准测量不确定度的重要因素。对于火焰原子吸收分光光度法(FAAS)和石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法(GAAS),样品浓度为方法标准测定下限3倍左右时,测定结果的相对标准不确定度可保持在15%以下;对于电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES),样品浓度为方法标准测定下限3~5倍时,测定结果的相对标准不确定度为12%~17%;对于电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS),钛元素浓度为测定下限3倍左右时,相对标准不确定度在15%以下,而钴、铬、钼的浓度在测定下限40~100倍以上时,相对标准不确定度在15%以下。6项方法标准可分别用于《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)以及22项水污染物排放标准钴、铬、钼、钛的达标监测。  相似文献   

针对高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)和氨氮(NH3-N)标准溶液(以下简称液标)制造商、浓度水平和使用情况进行调研,根据调研结果选择常用的7个品牌CODMn液标和9个常用NH3-N液标品牌开展量值比对和质量评价研究,匿名采购129支液标经盲样编码后采用《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)推荐标准进行分析测定,计算和评定测定结果的不确定度,以En法进行量值比对评价。研究表明,NH3-N液标量值均满意,CODMn测试中的加盖操作会使测定结果偏高,按照证书要求操作时CODMn液标量值合格,未按照液标证书中要求进行液标样品前处理测定会造成测定结果的偏离,影响评价结果。建议监测人员合理选用和规范使用环境用液标,加强环境用液标的选购和管理,确保检测过程得到有效控制。  相似文献   

就国际河流相邻国家用水特点,分析我国与俄罗斯在地表水用于生活饮用水和农田灌溉水2个方面的水质标准进行对比分析,具体分析这2个标准在两国之间的总体差异和具体指标差异。分析的总体结论是俄罗斯的水质标准在项目分类、具体评价指标方面比我国丰富,具体指标的限值要稍严于我国标准。针对两国水质标准的不同,分析在国际河流开发利用中可能导致的冲突及这种差异对我国的影响,并从社会经济发展需求、水资源开发及相关政策关注重点等方面揭示两国水质标准存在差异的原因,为有效解决由于水质标准差异导致的争端提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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