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论水污染物排放统计指标体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水污染物排放统计指标体系包括水污染物排放统计指标以及排放管理指标,统计对象主要是规模以上点源。实施统计的污染源的规模应当是全国统一的。统计指标区分为指标、主要参数和辅助参数,既便于理解也便于管理;将排放指标细化为污染源排放量、入河排放量和通量使得排放概念更加清晰,有利于水环境管理。对入河排放量和污染源排放量的比较,可以确定纳入统计范围的污染源的代表性,对通量和入河排放量的比较可以推断非点源污染物排放状况。以流域为单元的,以通量、入河排放量和污染源排放量为主要概念的排放统计管理方式,有助于提高流域水污染防治的确定性和一致性。  相似文献   

国家污染源监测数据管理系统构建   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对全国污染源监测数据管理和应用需求,设计了一套污染源监测数据指标集,分析了污染源排放达标评价对象及评价结果表征方法,突破了建立电子化排放标准库、数据录入全过程多层次质量控制等关键技术,并在需求分析、功能设计和技术方案选择的基础上,开发了覆盖国家、省、市3级应用的污染源监测数据管理信息软件平台,取得了很好的应用效果。  相似文献   

唐山市钢铁行业大气污染物排放清单建立   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以唐山市钢铁企业为研究对象,在收集已有排放源数据的基础上,基于排放因子和活动水平数据采用排放因子法估算了唐山市钢铁企业多个大气污染物的排放量,得到了符合空气质量模型要求的污染源输入数据,建立钢铁行业和主要防控因子污染源数据库。结合唐山市各县区的环境空气质量状况,利用GIS技术,将不同污染因子的排放进行空间分布,最终形成准确完善的多尺度、高时空分辨率大气污染源排放清单。研究介绍了符合中国特色的区域高分辨率大气排放源清单建立的方法体系,为京津冀地区区域大气污染联防联控及2020年大气污染物区域削减计划工作提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

天津市北辰区大气污染物小尺度精细化源排放清单   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以天津市北辰区空气站周边3 km为研究对象,基于拉网式实地调查,获得该地区2016年各类典型行业污染源详细的活动水平数据,以环境保护部发布的"清单编制技术指南"为参考,建立了2016年天津市北辰区空气站周边3 km大气污染源排放清单。结果表明:2016年天津市北辰区空气站周边3 km大气污染源的排放总量PM_(10)为431.28 t、PM_(2.5)为147.94 t、SO_2为48.67 t、CO为1 395.39 t、NO_x为469.52 t、VOCs为305.66 t;PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)的最大排放源是工地,贡献率分别为25.49%、15.16%;SO_2的最大排放源是散煤,贡献率为49.36%;CO和NO_x的最大排放源是道路机动车,贡献率分别为45.85%、53.89%;VOCs的最大排放源是制造业企业,贡献率为48.80%。天津市北辰区改善空气质量应从控煤、控尘、控车3个方面入手。  相似文献   

目前,对固定污染源废气中磷酸雾的检测并无统一的方法,相关含磷污染物的控制指标主要是磷化氢、单质磷以及五氧化二磷。在调研国内外分析方法及相关文献的基础上,通过对几种典型含磷污染源的实样测试,提出了固定污染源废气中磷酸雾的检测方法。结果表明,使用石英滤筒捕集固定污染源废气中的磷酸雾,采样效率可达98%以上。捕集到的总磷酸雾不仅包含磷酸,还包含磷酸盐以及含磷氧化物等,是一项综合指标。该指标能够反映含磷污染物的排放特征,可为未来此类污染物的排放控制提供依据。  相似文献   

比较了大气污染排放清单与环境统计报表的数据采集思路和方法,基于2016年京津冀大气污染传输通道"2+26"城市的排放清单和同年环境统计数据,采用配对样本t检验和相关分析,在总体、城市和行业层面,对SO_2、NO_x、VOCs等3项污染物排放指标的差异性和一致性进行了比较分析。研究结果表明,排放清单与环境统计数据有显著差异,多数情况下,排放清单数据高于环境统计,两者同时具有显著正相关,因此,差异为系统性偏差。建议加强环境统计与排放清单之间的数据共享、交互验证和相互融合,促进两者核算方法的共同完善,减少数据的多源冲突,最终建立一个统一的数据体系作为环境管理的决策依据。  相似文献   

固体废物由于其自身特殊的理化特性和在产生、排放以及存贮过程中存在着的随机和非随机不均匀性,使得欲采集有“代表性”的样品要比采集大气、水质样品困难得多,如果采样误差大,无论怎样降低采样误差,也很难对污染物有一个正确评价.由此可见,降低采样误差至关重要.1.采样方法带来的采样误差在污染源的固体废物采样过程中,要根据污染物的不同的产生排放形式和采样目的选择  相似文献   

主要污染物排放总量控制(以下简称总量控制)是我国“九五”期间的两项重要污染控制措施之一。这项措施的实施,就是要在2000年,将全国的污染物排放总量控制在1995年的水平上。污染物排放总量控制是以污染物排放量作为控制的指标,它需要以污染源监视性监测的结...  相似文献   

通过对特定海域的生活污水、工业废水、农业排水和水产养殖业排水的污染源调查,统计4类污染源的污染物排放总量及污染分担率;给出了调查结论,并根据海域的污染特征提出了相应的污染防治对策。  相似文献   

建立了沈阳市污染物总量监测的网络系统,确定了各污染源的监测频次和数据的上报制度,江总方式和统计范围,计算出污染物排放总量权重,及时掌握污染排放变化,切实国总量控制管理服务,并使监测信息在网络中运行,使各级环保部门共享监测成果。  相似文献   

This article proposes a new economic efficiency indicator for measuring and analyzing the income opportunities for companies operating in the collection, transport and treatment of municipal solid waste, while also taking into account the environmental perspective. Specifically, the followed approach is based on a mixed economic and environmental perspective, with a focus on the income advantage stemming from the exploitation of secondary raw materials obtained from differentiated waste. To pursue this scope, an indicator at the company level is preliminarily identified; then, a systemic indicator is introduced by implementing an aggregation of the individual ones. The adopted methodological tool is of the rank-size type, which is particularly appropriate for inferring insights at the system level from empirical data at single company level. To validate the indicator and apply it to real data in the sector of interest, an empirical analysis is conducted on a group of Italian waste management companies. It is shown that the indicator can be a useful tool for generating valuable information for waste management companies and policy-makers, who are responsible for defining policies and programs that make the overall waste management system more sustainable, thus materializing environmental and social benefits.  相似文献   

Five profiles of a 15-year-old bank containing over three weeks composted municipal solid waste were characterized by means of different parameters habitually applied in waste management (loss on ignition, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, NH(4)-N, pH), and in addition by humic acid determination, FTIR spectroscopy and thermal analysis. Stabilization processes are revealed by humic acid contents. Over the 15 year period organic matter had developed in various ways. Highest humic acid contents were found at 0.5 m below the surface. Below 1.0-1.5 m anaerobic conditions dominated causing a strong decline of humic acid concentrations. Despite similar contents of organic matter at 0.5 m and at 3.0 m organic matter quality differed. These differences were verified by infrared spectroscopic investigations and thermal analyses (differential scanning calorimetry DSC). The spectral pattern of 15-year-old profile samples (municipal solid waste including the biogenic fraction) was compared to current municipal solid waste and abandoned landfill materials. Current municipal solid waste samples comprised different degradation stages from fresh materials to stabilized waste, suitable for landfilling according to Austrian standards. Municipal solid waste originating from abandoned landfills closed in the seventies represented stable material. Principal component analysis was performed to detect similarities and differences. It is evident that the profile samples constitute a particular group in between municipal solid waste and abandoned landfill material. Some differences can be attributed to the divergent composition of municipal solid waste in the eighties when the organic fraction was not separated. Otherwise, landfill materials from the seventies with the same composition regarding the organic fraction were deposited together with construction waste. Heat flow curves (DSC profiles) of municipal solid waste, representing different decomposition stages, illustrate the development of enthalpies and reveal the status of the profile samples. It is evident that mechanical-biological pretreatment leads to a faster stabilization of waste organic matter.  相似文献   

In developing countries, several old municipal solid waste dumps (unlined landfills) exist adjacent to large cities, releasing contaminants to the underlying aquifer, thus posing the hazard of groundwater contamination. These uncontrolled waste dumps need to be prioritized in terms of the groundwater contamination hazard posed by them, so that necessary control and remedial measures can be undertaken in a phased manner. This paper presents a time-dependent system for evaluating groundwater contamination hazard rating of municipal solid waste dumps. The system is based on source–pathway–receptor relationships and evaluates the relative value of hazard posed by a site over its entire leaching life, on a scale of 0–1,000. The system parameters have been selected based on literature and expert opinions. The Delphi technique is used to derive the relative importance weights of the system parameters. The proposed system is compared with six selected existing hazard rating systems. The comparison, made by way of score range analysis, shows that the proposed system exhibits a much wider range of hazard scores for various scenarios of site conditions, and hence the proposed system is more sensitive to varied site conditions. The application of different systems to six municipal solid waste dumps located in four cities of India shows that, whereas the existing systems individually produce clustered scores and return the same rank to more than one site, the proposed system produces significantly varying scores and return different ranks to different sites. This demonstrates that the proposed system improves decision making and makes a better basis for prioritization of municipal solid waste dumps for adopting control and remedial measures.  相似文献   

Disposal of untreated municipal solid waste leads to gaseous emissions as well as liquid degradation products. In situ aeration is an emerging means for remediation of abandoned landfills. It aims at an accelerated mineralization and stabilization of waste organic matter and thus reduces significantly the emission potential of the site. In order to prove the success of the technique, evaluation of the biological stability of the aerated material has been suggested. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) provides comprehensive information on the chemical composition of solid waste samples. Different stages of organic matter degradation are reflected by changes in the infrared spectral pattern. In the present study the feasibility of applying FT-IR for assessment of the stability of waste material derived from abandoned landfills and for in situ aeration process control was investigated. Waste samples derived in the course of pilot-scale and lab-scale aeration experiments were characterized by FT-IR (4000-400 cm(-1), KBr-technique, transmission mode) and a set of conventional parameters describing biological stability. The occurrence of distinct indicator bands was correlated with chemical and biological waste properties using 206 solid waste samples. Visual spectra interpretation was found to be appropriate in proving a reduced emission potential of initially rather reactive waste (respiration activity over 4 days (RA(4)) > 7 mg O(2) g(-1) DM) during aeration. Furthermore, cluster analysis was applied successfully to differentiate between original and aerated waste samples, even for rather stable material (RA(4) < 7 mg O(2) g(-1) DM), when visual spectra interpretation was limited.  相似文献   

通过对美国、欧盟和日本的固体废物定义和范围,以及已完成的固体废物鉴别实例的研究,指出固体废物鉴别的关键点在于产生来源分析。提出依据产生来源,固体废物可以分为丧失原有使用价值的物质、生产过程中产生的副产物类物质、环境治理和污染控制过程中产生的物质、其他类物质4大类。如果待鉴别物质的产生来源属于该4大产生来源中的任何一类,则其属于固体废物。  相似文献   

Abandoned landfills and dumps, where untreated waste materials were deposited in the past, are a main anthropogenic source of relevant gaseous emissions. The determination of stability is a crucial target in the context of landfill risk assessment. FTIR spectroscopy and simultaneous thermal analysis in association with multivariate statistical methods were applied to landfill materials in order to get information on the kind of waste and its reactivity. The spectral and thermal patterns are fingerprints of the material. Industrial waste and the material from a 5-year-old reactor landfill were distinguished from the defined classes of mechanically-biologically treated ("MBT") waste and 30 to 40-year-old stable landfills containing municipal solid waste and construction waste ("LF") by a classification model based on soft independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA). Degradation experiments were carried out with the fresh material originating from one MBT plant that was subjected to aerobic and anaerobic conditions in lab-scale reactors. These samples were compared to samples of one reactor landfill and to the landfill fraction from the MBT plant to demonstrate the efficiency of the biological pretreatment before final disposal. Prediction models that are based on spectral or thermal characteristics and the corresponding reference analyses were calculated by means of a partial least squares regression (PLS-R). The developed models of the biological oxygen demand (BOD) and the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were based on spectral data, the models of the total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) were based on thermal data (heat flow profiles and mass spectra of combustion gases). Preliminary results are discussed. The enthalpy of the materials decreases with progressing mineralization, whereas the enthalpy of the remaining organic matter increases. The ratio of the enthalpies was used as an indicator of stability. Selected samples comprising old landfills, a recent reactor landfill, MBT landfills and MBT materials were classified according to the calculated ratios.  相似文献   

一直以来,固体废物非法转移和倾倒等环境违法行为是固体废物管理实践中的首要突出问题。究其原因,根本在于法律对于固体废物产生者的义务和责任只局限于自身,在实践中产生者并不关注固体废物转移后的利用处置状况。新修订的《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》(以下简称《固废法》)确立了工业固体废物产生者连带责任制度,力图从源头减少或避免固体废物非法转移和倾倒事件,倒逼固体废物产生者采取有效措施治理固体废物污染。笔者从固体废物产生者的双重身份入手,深入辨析其中的权利义务关系,阐释产生者连带责任的法律基础和根本原理。从《固废法》关于连带责任关系的法律规定出发,进一步解析产生者义务和受托者义务,并具体分析了连带责任的法律适用。  相似文献   

The estimation of nitrous oxide emissions is complicated by the high degree of uncertainty on the emission factors involved and by the limited acquaintance with all significant nitrous oxide sources. A potentially important source for which emission data are lacking is the sewage system transporting waste water from human activities. For this study an experimental measurement campaign has been carried out on waste water sampled at different sewage treatment plants. The nitrous oxide developing from the water samples was monitored by means of gas chromatography. The methodological analysis was based on the concentration/time curves obtained. Our results indicate that the formation of nitrous oxide from the waste water matrices results from microbiological denitrification. We deduced tentative emission factors for the waste water types studied.  相似文献   

In present study focus has been given on estimating quality and toxicity of waste with respect to heavy metals and its impact on groundwater quality, using statistical and empirical relationships between different hydrochemical data, so that easy monitoring may be possible which in turn help the sustainable management of landfill site and municipal solid waste. Samples of solid waste, leachate and groundwater were analyzed to evaluate the impact of leachates on groundwater through the comparison of their hydrochemical nature. Results suggest the existence of an empirical relationship between some specific indicator parameters like heavy metals of all three above mentioned sample type. Further, K/Mg ratio also indicates three groundwater samples heavily impacted from leachate contamination. A good number of samples are also showing higher values for and Pb than that of World Health Organization (WHO) drinking water regulation. Predominance of Fe and Zn in both groundwater and solid waste samples may be due to metal plating industries in the area. Factor analysis is used as a tool to explain observed relation between numerous variables in term of simpler relation, which may help to deduce the strength of relation. Positive loading of most of the factors for heavy metal clearly shows landfill impact on ground water quality especially along the hydraulic gradient. Cluster analysis, further substantiates the impact of landfill. Two major groups of samples obtained from cluster analysis suggest that one group comprises samples that are severely under the influence of landfill and contaminated leachates along the groundwater flow direction while other assorted with samples without having such influence.  相似文献   

基于GPS、GPRS、GIS地理3G综合技术,设计城市固体废物综合监管系统,实现对固体废物从收集到再利用全过程的监督管理。该系统由申报信息系统、地面控制系统、处置保障系统、综合分析系统、应急指挥系统和线上“淘宝”系统组成,在固体废物收集站点采集的数据上传至综合分析系统,经分析与匹配后相关信息发布在线上“淘宝”交易平台,平台为买卖双方提供资源配置方案,也为管理部门的宏观调控提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

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