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阐述了LM 9841B氮氧化物监测仪在使用过程中存在的问题,以及解决办法。  相似文献   

以国内监测系统在用的臭氧校准仪为二级传递标准对臭氧监测仪开展了实验室校准,通过计算单次校准所得校准曲线的斜率和截距,符合中国相关标准中关于臭氧监测仪的校准指标:多点校准所得校准曲线的斜率为0.95~1.05,截距为-5~5 nmol/mol。进一步对2台臭氧监测仪进行了稳定性测试,12个月内臭氧监测仪的斜率变化为0.976 05~1.008 42,截距变化为-0.669 00~0.577 93 nmol/mol,臭氧监测仪的斜率、截距均符合臭氧监测仪校准指标的要求。稳定性测试表明,TF 49i型臭氧监测仪和EC 9810型臭氧监测仪经校准后均可用于实验室内臭氧标准传递比对工作。实验中臭氧监测仪更换臭氧涤除器、仪器零件后校准曲线的斜率均有明显变化,建议更换耗材后需采用高浓度臭氧对臭氧监测仪进行饱和并再次校准。  相似文献   

通过对烟气监测仪器气路进行简单合理的改进,有效地消除了烟气高负压对监测仪的影响,使的监测仪能够适合任何压力状态下的烟气监测,尤其在高负压时,该方法有效的缩短响应时间,提高了监测准确度,改善监测现场环境。同时,该方法能减小监测仪的抽气泵工作阻力,延长监测仪使用寿命,也为将来烟气监测仪能够做得更便携、更经济提供强有力的技术支持。  相似文献   

浅析水质自动监测站水样的比对误差来源   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
厦门市环境监测站进行了水质自动监测仪与实验室分析间的实际水样比对实验,目的是保证两者间的分析结果具有一致性,使水质自动监测仪能提供准确、可靠的监测结果。  相似文献   

基于Zigbee技术的无线辐射监测系统可对众多辐射监测仪的监测数据进行实时采集和统计分析,无需布线,组网灵活。该辐射监测系统包括多台辐射监测仪及上位机监测平台。辐射监测仪负责测量辐射信息,并将辐射测量结果通过Zigbee模块发送出来。辐射监测平台负责接收辐射测量结果,并将数据在监测平台上进行显示和存储。对辐射监测仪和辐射监测系统进行测试,测试结果表明:辐射监测仪可对在环境本底的基础上增加0.1 μSv/h的γ辐射给出可靠报警;辐射监测系统可自动进行无线网络连接,整体运行稳定,数据采集准确,可实现对各个辐射监测仪监测数据的实时采集和存储。  相似文献   

水质氨氮在线监测仪广泛用于各类水体中氨氮的在线监测,随着我国水质氨氮减排工作的开展,污染源废水中氨氮浓度逐渐降低,目前市场上的水质氨氮在线监测仪是否适用于低浓度氨氮样品的在线监测成为广大环保工作者关心的问题。选取3种不同类型的水质氨氮在线监测仪分别进行低浓度标样和实际水样测试,并对结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

从仪器量程及温度、加热时间、溶液的酸度、校准试剂选择等实验条件方面对引起我国地表水自动监测站的高锰酸盐指数在线监测仪测定误差的原因进行了分析。由于高锰酸盐指数是一个条件性指标,实验条件对测定结果的影响较大,在线监测仪必须严格控制实验条件,其测定结果与手工方法才具有可比性。对仪器实验条件进行优化选择,对于保证高锰酸盐指数在线监测仪测定结果的准确性,更好地发挥水质自动站的预警监视作用有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

农村生活污水多以就地处理方式来治理,治理设施数目多而分散,人工采样监测不能实时连续,故水质在线监测仪在"点多面广"的分散性农村污水治理系统的应用显得必要而急迫。结合自主研发的自控系统与水质监测仪的应用与推进,水质在线监测仪在柯桥区农村生活污水处理终端得以推广应用,水质在线监测仪运行状况良好。  相似文献   

目前,国内应用较多的总有机碳自动监测仪是TOC 2000型总有机碳自动监测仪(法国Seres公司),它采用湿法氧化-红外吸收即紫外催化氧化-红外吸收法.今将该监测仪常见故障的处理方法作一介绍,供参考.  相似文献   

为了探讨2009年入秋至2010年春,西南百年一遇大旱后城市降雨径流中重金属污染特性,对昆明市交通干道路面及路旁一处混凝土屋面的3次降雨径流进行了监测,研究了城区降雨径流中Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb、Fe、Mn、Cr的变化过程,分析了不同重金属之间、重金属与悬浮物(SS)之间的相关性。3次降雨径流中重金属质量浓度随降雨呈不同程度下降。大旱后的首次降雨径流重金属污染最严重,次日的降雨径流重金属污染最轻。降雨径流中各重金属均与SS在含量上明显相关,径流中的重金属主要以吸附在SS上的不溶态存在。屋面与路面径流中的大多数重金属具有良好的同源性。  相似文献   

新疆番茄酱企业生产废水处理利用方式探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,新疆番茄酱加工业得到了迅速发展,目前番茄酱的产销量已占全国的90%以上。与此同时,新疆番茄酱生产企业的废水排放量也大幅增加,大量未经处理的废水直接排放,已对当地的水环境构成严重的污染隐患。本文分析了新疆番茄酱企业生产废水的排放特征与目前排放出路的可行性,并结合新疆的自然地理条件及番茄酱企业的分布情况,着重探讨了土地处理这一适合新疆的废水利用方式,以期有利于新疆的环境保护和废水资源的循环利用。  相似文献   

Chloroform is one of the most frequently found anthropogenic groundwater contaminants. Recent investigations, however, suggested that chloroform in groundwater may also originate from a natural production in soils. As societies response to the occurrence of chloroform in groundwater may depend upon its origin as anthropogenic or naturally produced, test methods are needed to measure the potential of natural soil chloroform production. Field measurements of ambient air and soil air, and field and laboratory incubation studies were evaluated for measurement of relative soil chloroform production at a site with four different vegetation types (spruce forest, beech forest, grassland, and grain field) on comparable geological soil. All test methods showed varying soil production of chloroform with spruce forest soil being most productive and grain field soil being least productive. Field measurements of the ratio of soil air to ambient air chloroform concentrations exhibited the smallest difference between high production and low production areas, whereas laboratory incubation studies showed the largest difference. Thus, laboratory incubation studies are suggested as most efficient for estimating relative chloroform production in soil. The study indicated that soil samples should be tested not more than 14 days after sampling. Furthermore, it was found that potentially limiting compounds, such as chloride or nitrate, are not needed to be added in spike experiments to obtain reliable production results. However, it should be recognized that the processes of soil chloroform production are not known yet in all details. Other factors than those studied here may affect the test methods for soil chloroform production too.  相似文献   

Coastal regions are potential zones for production of methane which could be governed by ecological/environmental differences or even sediment properties of a niche. In order to test the hypothesis that methanogenesis in most marine sediments could be driven more by proteins than by carbohydrates and lipid content of labile organic matter (LOM), incubation experiments were carried out with sediments from different environmental niches to measure methane production. The methane production rates were examined in relationship to the sediment biochemistry, i.e., carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. The gas production measured by head space method ranged from 216 ng g(?-1) day(?-1) in the mangrove sediments to 3.1 μg g(?-1) day(?-1) in the shallow Arabian Sea. LOM ranged from 1.56 to 2.85 mg g(?-1) in the shallow Arabian Sea, from 3.35 to 5.43 mg g(?-1) in the mangrove estuary, and from 0.66 to 0.70 mg g(?-1) in the sandy sediments with proteins contributing maximum to the LOM pool. Proteins influenced methane production in the clayey sediments of shallow depths of the Arabian Sea (r = 0.933, p < 0.001) and mangrove estuary (r = 0.981, p < 0.001) but in the sandy beach sediments, carbohydrates (r = 0.924, p < 0.001) governed the net methane production. The gas production was more pronounced in shallow and surface sediments and it decreased with depth apparently governed by the decrease in lability index. Thus, the lability index and protein content are important factors that determine methane production rates in these coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

The study of changes in land use has been included lately in territorial processes in order to optimize future management decisions. The different functions that the territory plays (production, aesthetic, and natural functions, etc.) make planning choices more difficult. This work focuses on the selection and combination of a set of indicators to analyze the variables through which the changes occur in the land used in viticulture for wine production. The proposed approach makes use of the Geographic Information System (GIS) in the development of a map of land use scenario. It is applied to a case study through a model involving cellular automata (CA) implemented with maps of suitability for viticulture and Markov chains. The use in this case of the CA is aimed at validating the scenario map in order to deduce the variables and the orientations of the farmers in the field of wine production.  相似文献   

The interaction effects of abiotic processes in the production of phytoplankton in a coastal marine region off Cochin are evaluated using multiple regression models. The study shows that chlorophyll production is not limited by nutrients, but their physiological regulations (responses to nutrients, pH, temperature and salinity) are mainly responsible for the increased biological production. The model explaining 77% of variability for chlorophyll a production is indicative of preconditioning of the coastal waters. The phytoplankton production is found to be sensitive to the environment, which varies seasonally. Further, the study suggests that supply of organic matter and grazing of zooplankton (not included) would improve the model efficiency. Despite this, the good agreement in the computed and measured chlorophyll a values shows that step-up multiple regression model is a useful tool to understand the influence of environmental variables on the production of phytoplankton in these coastal waters.  相似文献   

通过调研2018年四川省37条水泥生产线活动水平数据,结合企业污染治理技术,分析该省水泥工业的主要大气污染物排放水平。结果表明:2018年四川省水泥行业SO2、NOx、PM2.5和PM10的排放量分别为1.2万t、5.5万t、3.9万t和6.5万t,其不确定性主要来自污染物的产生系数和去除效率。四川省水泥生产企业各工序排放的颗粒物、SO2和NOx浓度总体上均低于现行标准,部分工序颗粒物超标主要受布袋的去除效率影响。  相似文献   

为追溯铁链厂生产废水总排口中检出氰化物的原因,从生产工艺、废水组成、废水处理工艺、所用物料以及分析方法等环节一一进行分析,最终发现氰化物是发黑工艺过程中物料发生化学反应而产生的,通过调整工艺路线,彻底解决了氰化物污染问题。  相似文献   

通过调查与分析苏州市重点监控行业企业VOCs的产生和排放特征,调研典型企业,重点关注其涉及VOCs产生的工艺环节、原辅材料、排放浓度。结果表明:苏州市涉及VOCs排放企业行业众多,尤其以电子信息最多,其次为塑料橡胶制品行业、石油化工行业、纺织印染行业等。重点监控VOCs排放企业使用了大量有机溶剂,生产工艺中涉及VOCs排放的环节多,排放的VOCs种类多、成分复杂,具有行业特征。  相似文献   

利用我国31个省会(省府)城市、直辖市站点大气污染物数据,对全国主要城市2020年新冠疫情管控期间以及复工复产后的大气污染状况进行统计学分析。结果表明:叠加疫情管控影响,相比往年,2020年春节假期前后全国主要城市整体上PM10、NO2、SO2、CO平均质量浓度降幅分别达到22.46%、60.13%、13.71%、17.64%;疫情管控期间全国主要城市PM2.5与PM10偏相关系数为0.952,PM2.5与SO2、NO2、CO的偏相关系数分别为0.705、0.791、0.831。复工复产初期相较疫情管控期间仅有NO2平均质量浓度上升;随着复工复产进程深入,PM10、SO2、NO2平均质量浓度则均有大幅度上升。采暖区SO2和CO平均质量浓度在疫情管控期分别为非采暖区的2.6倍及1.6倍,两大区域在复工复产后各大气污染物质量浓度变化情况有所差异,也反映出采暖区与非采暖区的大气污染情况的不同。  相似文献   

In a recent publication, we discussed and presented a semi-empirical phytoplankton primary production model. In the present paper, our main purpose is to determine how the algorithms of a primary production model change when different values of specific absorption coefficient by phytoplankton are used in the model. A new version of our earlier model was quantified for this purpose. Differences between the previous and the new models are as follows: (a) the spectra of the specific absorption coefficient of light by phytoplankton differ in the new model from those used in the previous model, and (b) the quantification of the new model brings about a change in the parameters of the algorithm for the quantum yield of carbon fixation. We compared the results of primary production profiles obtained by the new model with those measured in situ and also with the values obtained by the previous model. Due to an adequate choice of quantification parameters, both the old and new models give rather close values of phytoplankton primary production. In the present study, the computational algorithms of both models have been automated. The resulting programs calculate the temporal–spatial variability of phytoplankton primary production, providing hourly values from morning to evening, daily sums, and monthly sums. The input of a table of initial parameters and selected depths produces rapid calculations of the model's results, which are given as vertical profiles of primary production and areal values.  相似文献   

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