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A new all season passive sampling system for monitoring O3 in the atmosphere has been developed in the laboratory and validated in the field. The unique features for this system include a newly designed passive sampler and a rain shelter, which allow the passive sampler to be installed in the field facing downwards. An equation associated with meteorological parameters is used to calculate the passive sampling rates. This system has been extensively tested in the lab (temperature from –18 to 20°C, relative humidity from 13 to 81%, and wind speed from 0.5 to 150 cm/s) and validated in the field in climates of all seasons. The accuracy of the ozone concentrations in the atmosphere obtained with the use of the new passive sampling system was higher than 85% compared to those obtained with continuous ozone analyzers. The new ozone passive sampling system can be used to measure ambient O3 concentrations ranging from 3 ppb to 1000 ppb based on one-day exposure and 0.1 ppb to 140 ppb for a monthly exposure period. It is also reasonable to conclude that the new passive sampling system can be used for eight-hour exposure study because of the low field blanks and high sampling rates.  相似文献   

通过区域空气质量模型CAMx对大连市2015年8月近地面臭氧(O_3)污染进行模拟,探讨了O_3及其生成前体物(NOx和VOCs)的来源,O_3生成控制区,并根据敏感性分析结果对前体物排放的控制效果进行了定量评估。结果表明:本地NOx排放对大连地区的NOx浓度贡献占90%以上,本地VOCs排放对大连地区的VOCs浓度贡献占80%以上,而本地NOx和VOCs排放对大连地区O_3浓度贡献仅占29%;大连市整体上为VOCs控制区,控制VOCs能有效降低O_3污染,还能有效削减O_3的峰值浓度;通过敏感性分析结果计算得出,削减大连本地工业源VOCs和民用源VOCs能够有效降低大连地区O_3浓度,削减10%的工业源VOCs能使市区O_3平均浓度降低2%左右,削减10%的民用源VOCs能使大连市区平均O_3浓度降低1%左右。建议NOx与VOCs削减比例为1∶2,对大连市O_3和PM2.5污染进行协同控制。  相似文献   

This study concentrated on the effects of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOC) emissions on ozone (O3) in an area of the Eastern Spain on June 12, 1997, a day characterised by sea breeze. Simulation of meteorology was performed with the three-dimensional model ADREA-I. Comparisons of the model results with observations have revealed overall a good agreement in temperature and wind velocity. Two runs were performed with UAM-IV for the photochemical calculations. The first simulated the effects of the anthropogenic emissions only (run A) and the second the combined effects of anthropogenic and biogenic emissions, (run B). Comparisons of the model O3 concentrations with measurements showed a general agreement with the experimental data. Discrepancies between the calculated results and the observations during the early morning hours could be attributed to inaccuracies in nitrogen oxides (NOx) from the anthropogenic emissions inventory. Comparisons between runs A and B yielded differences up to 30% in the morning, over inland areas. It was deduced that the inclusion of BVOC in total emissions could result in an increase or decrease of tropospheric O3, depending on the available amounts of anthropogenic emissions.  相似文献   

While moving towards a flux-based approach, exposure-based ozone metrics are still a practical measure for summarising ambient air quality. Ozone hourly concentrations for the period 2000–2004 from sites in the Mediterranean Italy (≤600 m a.s.l.) were examined to define the O3 summary statistic in the area, and to determine how O3 exposure indices correlate to each other. Thirty-four of the most common O3 exposure metrics were calculated. The results show that background O3 pollution in Italy exceeds the European and North American standards. The exceedances of the target value, information and alert thresholds set by the 2002/3/CE Directive should encourage Italy to take the appropriate measures to reduce the risk. All the O3 exposure indices, except the maximum permissible ozone concentration (MPOC) for forests, point to the potential for negative effects on vegetation and human health across Italy. As indices evaluated significantly correlated with each other, we suggest use of the most biologically meaningful metric when summarizing air quality information.  相似文献   

The present study showed a possibility to use phenotypic and proteomic responses in rice plants as an in vivo biomarker to detect higher concentrations of ambient ozone (O3). The investigation was done on two cultivars of Indian rice using open top chambers ventilated with charcoal filtered air, ambient air, ambient air with 10 ppb O3 exposure and ambient air with 20 ppb O3 exposure at a rural site of Varanasi, India. Results showed that the magnitude of O3 induced specific type of foliar injury directly depends on the duration and concentration of O3 exposure. Even the internal protein profile of injured and normal leaf demonstrated a differential expression, which directly indicates towards the molecular basis of plant’s response against O3.  相似文献   

选取臭氧(O3)污染高发的7月为夏季典型月,采用自动观测设备,从前体物VOCs的浓度水平及O3生成潜势(OFP),前体物、气象因素与O3相关性等多方面研究了衡水市O3污染影响因素,并剖析了一次典型的O3污染过程,以期为衡水市夏季O3污染防治提供科学参考。研究结果表明:衡水市VOCs主要组分浓度占比为烷烃 > 烯烃 > 芳香烃 > 乙炔,主要组分对总OFP的贡献为烯烃 > 芳香烃 > 烷烃 > 乙炔;O3与前体物VOCs、NO2存在负相关性,与温度存在正相关性;相对湿度低于48%时,O3和相对湿度呈负相关性,相对湿度高于48%时,O3和相对湿度呈正相关性;气团中VOCs化学组成稳定性较低,平均VOCs最大增量反应活性(MIR)较低,为4.855gO3/gVOCs;衡水市7月2—4日重度污染过程受本地生成和区域传输叠加影响。  相似文献   

京津冀区域臭氧污染趋势及时空分布特征   总被引:15,自引:11,他引:4  
为研究京津冀区域的臭氧(O_3)污染情况及其时空分布特征,对2013—2015年京津冀区域13个城市80个国家环境空气监测点位的监测数据进行了统计分析。结果表明:2013—2015年,京津冀区域O_3污染状况整体呈加重趋势,其中2014年污染状况最为严重。13个城市中O_3污染最严重的城市为北京和衡水,连续3年均超标,且处于上升态势中。区域内不同城市O_3污染趋势并不相同。京津冀区域O_3浓度变化呈明显的季节变化特征,春末和夏季的O_3污染最严重。O_3-8 h(臭氧日最大8 h均值)年均值的高值区主要分布在北京中北部、承德和衡水等,2013—2015年第90百分位O_3-8 h的高值区均集中分布在北京。O_3的浓度峰值时间要晚于NOx2~5 h。O_3在春、夏季呈单峰分布,白天15:00左右出现最大值,在秋、冬季浓度较低,全天波动不大。  相似文献   

中国城市臭氧的形成机理及污染影响因素研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国城市臭氧(O_3)污染问题日趋严重。O_3主要来源于汽车尾气及工业排放氮氧化合物(NO_x)和挥发性有机物(VOCs)光化学反应生成,少部分来自于平流层的向下传输。文章介绍了城市O3形成机理研究情况,概述了中国城市臭氧污染浓度特征及气象因子、气候变化、前体物等影响因素研究进展情况,并对未来研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Air pollution affects forest health through atmospheric deposition of acidic and nitrogen compounds and elevated levels of tropospheric ozone (O3). In 1985, a monitoring network was established across Europe and various research efforts have since been undertaken to define critical values. We measured atmospheric deposition of acidity and nitrogen as well as ambient levels of O3 on 12, 13, and 14 plots, respectively, in the framework of the Swiss Long-Term Forest Ecosystem Research (LWF) in the period from 1995 to 2002. We estimated the critical loads of acidity and of nitrogen, using the steady state mass balance approach, and calculated the critical O3 levels using the AOT40 approach. The deposition of acidity exceeded the critical loads on 2 plots and almost reached them on 4 plots. The median of the measured molar ratio of base nutrient cations to total dissolved aluminium (Bc/Al) in the soil solution was higher than the critical value of 1 for all depths, and also at the plots with an exceedance of the critical load of acidity. For nitrogen, critical loads were exceeded on 8 plots and deposition likely represents a long-term ecological risk on 3 to 10 plots. For O3, exceedance of critical levels was recorded on 12 plots, and led to the development of typical O3-induced visible injury on trees and shrubs, but not for all plots due to (1) the site specific composition of O3 sensitive and tolerant plant species, and (2) the influence of microclimatic site conditions on the stomatal behaviour, i.e., O3 uptake.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in open top chamber during rabi seasons of 2009–10 and 2010–11 at the research farm of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi to study the effect of tropospheric ozone (O3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) interaction on yield and nutritional quality of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.). Mustard plants were grown from emergence to maturity under different treatments: charcoal-filtered air (CF, 80–85 % less O3 than ambient O3 and ambient CO2), nonfiltered air (NF, 5–10 % less O3 than ambient O3 and ambient CO2 ), nonfiltered air with elevated carbon dioxide (NF?+?CO2, NF air and 550?±?50 ppm CO2), elevated ozone (EO, NF air and 25–35 ppb elevated O3), elevated ozone along with elevated carbon dioxide (EO?+?CO2, NF air, 25–35 ppb O3 and 550?±?50 ppm CO2), and ambient chamber less control (AC, ambient O3 and CO2). Elevated O3 exposure led to reduced photosynthesis and leaf area index resulting in decreased seed yield of mustard. Elevated ozone significantly decreased the oil and micronutrient content in mustard. Thirteen to 17 ppm hour O3 exposure (accumulated over threshold of 40 ppm, AOT 40) reduced the oil content by 18–20 %. Elevated CO2 (500?±?50 ppm) along with EO was able to counter the decline in oil content in the seed, and it increased by 11 to 13 % over EO alone. Elevated CO2, however, decreased protein, calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, and sulfur content in seed as compared to the nonfiltered control, whereas removal of O3 from air in the charcoal-filtered treatment resulted in a significant increase in the same.  相似文献   

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