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基于双指标多等级的土壤重金属生态风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用土壤中重金属的全量和有效态双重指标,建立基于多等级综合评估的土壤中重金属生态风险评价模型,将联合概率曲线法引入土壤评价模型,分析重金属暴露浓度与毒性数据的概率分布,考察重金属对土壤生物的毒害程度,从而确定土壤中重金属对于生态系统的风险。建立从简单到复杂的多等级综合评价方法,表征重金属的污染等级、浓度效应、多种重金属污染物的协同效应、不同重金属的毒性效应和土壤对不同重金属污染物的敏感性。选择典型地区采集有代表性的土壤样品,测定不同重金属的总量和有效态,验证评价模型的实用性和评价分级的合理性。旨在解决土壤重金属风险评价的方法学问题,为土壤环境质量管理提供支持。  相似文献   

一、影响因素及其数值化 影响土壤环境背景值丰度的成土因素通常归结为六大类:气候、成土母质与母岩、生物有机体、地形、时间和人类活动。与它们相联系的土壤环境背景值的影响因素和理化性质,通过本课题的工作,已掌握了十一个。这十一个成土影响因素或主或次,或多或少,代表了公认的六大成土因素的大量信息,分析它们和各个土壤环境背景值元素之间的关系,找出主要影响因素,对于探索土壤环境背景值的分异规律,对于绘制土壤背景值图件以及研制土壤环境背景值专家系统,都有着决定性的意义。而进行多元统计分析的技术关键,是影响因素的数值化。  相似文献   

通过对临夏市南龙镇罗家湾村土壤环境质量的监测,对该村土壤环境中理化指标、无机污染物、有机污染物等环境因子进行分析与评价。南龙镇罗家湾村土壤环境质量评价分级为无污染,需要继续保持土壤环境的清洁,做好污染防治工作,分析与评价参照标准为《土壤环境环境质量评价标准》(GB15618-1995)二级标准。  相似文献   

综述了国内对土壤生态环境健康的研究进展,总结了传统土壤环境监测技术的不足,介绍了土壤生态环境健康监测技术,包括植物、动物、微生物等生态监测方法,旨在通过对各项技术的比较,了解各项监测技术对土壤健康监测和评价现状。对土壤生态环境健康监测与评价技术的发展趋势进行展望,提出未来需要对土壤生态健康监测技术进行标准化和定量化;开展多生物指标联合监测;结合遥感和物联网技术扩大土壤时空监测尺度,形成完整的土壤生态环境健康监测与评价体系,为环境管理部门有效监测土壤生态环境提供依据。  相似文献   

简述了水环境中合成酚类抗氧化剂(SPAs)及其代谢产物,SPAs对鱼类的急性毒性效应、发育毒性效应及机制、内分泌干扰毒性效应和机制,以及代谢过程和产物毒性预测。指出,为准确实现对SPAs及其代谢物的化学品管理及生态风险评估,未来研究应聚焦于对合成酚类抗氧化剂及其代谢物在水生生物体内的分布及浓度检测,为该类化合物的生物富集和生物转化研究提供更多的背景资料;开展对SPAs潜在毒性分子机制的研究,并建立起分子水平上的毒理学效应与个体乃至种群水平上的不良后果之间的联系;探究并完善SPAs的代谢机制,并对现已明确的代谢产物(如BHT-Q)开展毒性效应评价。  相似文献   

中国土壤环境调查、评价与监测   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
介绍了近半个多世纪以来中国土壤环境调查情况,对20世纪50年代、80年代全国土壤调查情况进行了描述,阐述了2006年以来全国土壤污染状况调查情况。结合土壤环境现状、土壤监测与评价存在的问题,对未来中国土壤监测规划进行了展望。提出了确定土壤环境监测国控点,构建国家土壤环境监测网,落实土壤环境例行监测的监测思路,以进一步推进土壤环境监测和保护。  相似文献   

江西省地区土壤环境质量评价标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、制定地区性土壤环境质量评价标准的必要性 土壤环境问题越来越被人们关注,原有的矿山、化工等对环境有较大影响的企业,需要对周围环境质量不断进行评价。采取有效措施,防止和减少环境的污染。新建设的工矿企业,必须对环境污染方面,作出预测和评价。近些年来,有关土壤环境污染的纠纷时有发生,要对土壤环境  相似文献   

综述了生物炭在土壤中的老化机制及主要影响因素方面的研究进展,指出生物炭的理化性质和结构表征在土壤中发生变化是其老化机制,生物炭的特性、土壤特性和环境条件等因素共同影响着生物炭的老化。总结了老化生物炭在土壤中对重金属吸附的影响,生物炭在老化过程中理化性质和结构表征的变化影响了生物炭-土壤体系对重金属的吸附,并且吸附能力因老化方式和重金属不同而存在差异。提出了开展多种重金属共存条件下老化生物炭的吸附效果和机理研究、针对生物炭田间实际老化过程对土壤重金属的吸附行为开展季节性和多年长期观测研究,以及对生物炭修复的重金属污染土壤在生物炭老化过程中可能造成的环境和健康风险开展综合、长期的跟踪研究与评估等展望。  相似文献   

土壤中重金属形态的化学分析综述   总被引:45,自引:2,他引:45  
土壤中重金属的赋存形态决定其在土壤中的迁移性、生物可利用性以及毒性.土壤中重金属形态的化学分析法是依据不同浸取能力的提取剂分别提取出与土壤颗粒有着不同结合力的化学形态并测定其浓度而建立起来的.文章对土壤重金属形态分析中选用的提取试剂以及分析流程进行了综述,比较了各种试剂和方法的优缺点.同时对形态分析的土壤样品的前处理方式进行了简要概述.  相似文献   

化工园区污水特征分析及生物毒性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对天津市某化工园区9个主要污染企业及总排放口的废水进行监测分析,测定了12项水质常规指标和8项重金属指标,采用主成分分析法和生物毒性测试对化工区废水的水质进行了综合评价。结果表明,水质指标中大部分常规项目(如COD、氨氮和重金属含量)在多数企业污水中都符合排放标准,总氮、总磷污染较重,其中磷的污染最严重,最高超标23.83倍;影响污水性质的第一主成分为氯化物、电导率、全盐量和Cr,第二主成分为溶解氧、悬浮物、氨氮、总氮、总磷和As;废水具有一定的生物毒性,且不同化工企业之间毒性差异较大。水质化学测定的结果和生物毒性程度有一定相关性,但也存在差异,应该结合两者综合评价水质污染特征。  相似文献   

环境监测是水生态健康监测与评估的重要环节,基于物理、化学监测的传统水质监测通常仅能提供独立的数据信息,不能全面、直观地反映水环境状况。基于生物等生命体导向的水生态监测通过生物对环境的响应,能够直接反应复杂水体状况,在水环境健康监测与评估中占据重要地位。基于病原微生物、指示生物介绍了生物监测中的常规生物指标,总结了包括藻类、无脊椎动物和鱼类在内的常见指示生物在不同类型污染水体中的环境指示作用。从生物毒性效应出发介绍了常用的毒性效应测试方法、分析了污染物在不同生物学水平的响应,从而指明生物毒性效应在水环境健康评估中的发展优势。再从生态完整性角度阐述了生态完整性评价的一般方法和新兴分子生物学技术在水生态健康评估中的应用。重点指出环境毒理学和分子生物学在水环境监测的优势,以期为更加科学精确地进行水生态健康监测预警提供支撑。  相似文献   

在对纺织染整企业集聚、环境位置敏感的两个典型区域调研的基础上,通过类似重金属标准和毒性类比、排污治理情况及水体底泥中锑含量的分析、水环境承载力和允许排放浓度计算等技术论证,提出环境敏感地区纺织染整工业锑的排放限值按不同排放情形可分别设定为0.1 mg/L和0.05 mg/L。工程实例表明,采用基于聚合硫酸铁混凝沉淀法的高低浓度废水分质处理技术可满足排放限值要求,且经济成本可接受。  相似文献   

Combining genotoxicity/mutagenicity tests and physico-chemical methodologies can be useful for determining the potential genotoxic contaminants in soil samples. The aim of our study was to evaluate the genotoxicity of soil by applying an integrated physico-chemical-biological approach. Soil samples were collected at six sampling points in a Slovenian industrial and agricultural region where contamination by heavy metals and sulphur dioxide (SO2) are primarily caused by a nearby power plant. The in vitro alkaline version of the comet assay on water soil leachates was performed with Caco-2 and HepG2 cells. A parallel genotoxicity evaluation of the samples was performed by Ames test using Salmonella typhimurium and the Tradescantia micronucleus test. Pedological analyses, heavy metal content determination, and different physico-chemical analyses, were also performed utilizing standard methodology. Water leachates of soil samples were prepared according to standard methods. Since only a battery of biotests with prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms or cells can accurately estimate the effects of (geno)toxicants in soil samples and water soil leachates, a combination of three bioassays, with cells or organisms belonging to different trophic levels, was used. Genotoxicity of all six water soil leachates was proven by the comet assay on both human cell lines, however no positive results were detected by bacterial assay, Ames test. The Tradescantia micronucleus assay showed increase in micronuclei formation for three samples. According to these results we can assume that the comet assay was the most sensitive assay, followed by the micronucleus test. The Ames test does not appear to be sensitive enough for water soil leachates genotoxicity evaluations where heavy metal contamination is anticipated.  相似文献   

为了准确评估厌氧-缺氧-好氧(A2/O)处理工艺对废水毒性的削减效率,采用斑马鱼胚胎急性毒性实验、发光细菌急性毒性实验和小鼠L929细胞毒性实验进行测试,结合理化指标,通过毒性当量(TU)法、平均毒性(AvTx)法、毒性指数(TxPr)法、最敏感测试(MST)法和潜在生态毒性效应(PEEP)法对常州市6家污水处理厂(生活污水、综合废水、化工废水、制药废水)进水和出水的生物毒性进行了评价。结果表明,斑马鱼胚胎的毒性敏感程度最高,3种受试生物的毒性评价结果具有较好的一致性。理化达标的污水处理厂出水仍存在一定的生物毒性效应,出水毒性较大的是综合污水处理厂,排入受纳水体后可能会对周围的生态环境产生潜在的生态风险。A2/O处理工艺对各污水处理厂进水的毒性削减较好,其中对制药废水的毒性削减最高,AvTx、TxPr、MST和PEEP的毒性削减率分别为99.45%、99.64%、99.48%和69.66%。与AvTx、TxPr、MST法相比,PEEP法能够更综合地评价废水毒性。  相似文献   

大型蚤在线生物监测系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,世界范围内突发性废水泄漏事件频发,在引起人们对水质问题恐慌的同时,也促进了饮用水在线监测与早期污染预警系统的发展。生物监测可以对污染环境下多污染物的联合毒性进行有效评估,具有传统化学监测所不具备的优点,已成为判定水质是否对水生生物存在影响、是否符合人类安全饮用的有效依据和手段。介绍了大型蚤在线生物监测系统的多通道流通生物测试室和生物传感器系统,并对世界范围内的研究与应用情况做了研究综述。目前,采用大型蚤作为指示生物的在线监测系统已在饮用水水质监测方面成功实现,但其在工业废水接管过程中毒性评估和早期预警的研究和应用上尚有不足,有待更加深入地探讨与研究。  相似文献   

The soil quality of remediated land is altered and this land consequently exerts unexpected biological effects on terrestrial organisms. Therefore, field evaluation of such land should be conducted using biological indicators. Algae are a promising new biological indicator since they are a food source for organisms in higher soil trophic levels and easily sampled from the soil. Field evaluation of soil characteristics is preferred to be testing in laboratory conditions because many biological effects cannot be duplicated during laboratory evaluations. Herein, we describe a convenient and rapid algae-soaked disc seeding assay for assessing soil quality in the field based on soil algae. The collection of algae is easy and rapid and the method predicts the short-term quality of contaminated, remediated, and amended farm and paddy soils. The algae-soaked disc seeding assay is yet to be extensively evaluated, and the method cannot be applied to loamy sand soil in in situ evaluations. The algae-soaked disc seeding assay is recommended for prediction of soil quality in in situ evaluations because it reflects all variations in the environment. The algae-soaked disc seeding assay will help to develop management strategies for in situ evaluation.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll derivatives are getting widespread acceptance among the researchers as natural photosensitizers for photodynamic control of pests and disease vectors; however, rare attention has been given to evaluation of their toxicity to non-target organisms in the environment. This perspective article highlights that chlorophyll derivatives may not be as safe as believed and can possibly pose risk to non-target organisms in the environment. We invite the attention of environmental biologists, particularly ecotoxicologists, to contribute their role in making the application of chlorophyll derivatives more environmentally friendly and publicly acceptable.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to characterize soils from industrial sites by combining physicochemical, microbiological, and ecotoxicological parameters and to assess the suitability of these assays for evaluation of contaminated sites and ecological risk assessment. The soil samples were taken from long-term contaminated sites containing high amounts of heavy metals (sites 1 and 2) or petroleum hydrocarbons (site 3) located in the upper Silesia Industrial Region in southern Poland. Due to soil heterogeneity, large differences between all investigated parameters were measured. Microbiological properties revealed the presence of high numbers of viable hetrotrophic microorganisms. Soil enzyme activities were considerably reduced or could not be detected in contaminated soils. Activities involved in N turnover (N mineralization and nitrification) were significantly (P?<?0.05) higher in samples from the metal-contaminated sites than in samples from the hydrocarbon-contaminated site, whereas the opposite was observed for phosphatase activity. The Microtox test system appeared to be the most appropriate to detect toxicity and significant differences in toxicity between the three sites. The Ostracodtoxkit test was the most appropriate test system to detect toxicity in the hydrocarbon-contaminated soil samples. Correlation analysis between principal components (obtained from factor analysis) determined for physicochemical, microbiological, and ecotoxicological soil properties demonstrated the impact of total and water-extractable contents of heavy metals on toxicity.  相似文献   

The present study evaluates the toxicity of 34 propargylic alcohols, including primary, primary homo-, secondary, and tertiary alcohols, based on their effects on phytoplankton. A closed-system algal toxicity test was applied because the closed-system technique presents more realistic concentration-response relationships for the above compounds than the conventional batch tests. The green alga, Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, was the test organism and final yield and growth rate were chosen as the test endpoints. Among all the propargylic alcohols tested, 1-pentyn-3-ol is the most toxic compound with its EC50 equal to 0.50 mg L(-1), which can be classified as a "R50" compound (very toxic to aquatic organisms, EC50/LC50 < 1 mg L(-1)), following the current practice for classification of chemicals in the European Union (EU). There are several other compounds including 2-decyn-1-ol, 3-decyn-1-ol, 1-hexyn-3-ol, 3-butyn-2-ol, and 3-hexyne-2,5-diol, which deserve more attention for their possible adverse impact on the aquatic environment, because these alcohols can be classified as "R51" compounds (toxic to aquatic organisms, EC50/LC50 between 1 and 10 mg L(-1)). Compared to the base-line toxicity relationship (narcosis QSAR) derived previously, tertiary propargylic alcohols can be identified as nonpolar narcotic chemicals, while secondary alcohols and primary alcohols with low molecular weight generally exhibit obvious excess toxicity in relation to the base-line toxicity. Finally, quantitative structure-activity relationships were established for deriving a preliminary estimation of the toxicity of other propargylic alcohols.  相似文献   

Pulp and paper mill effluents may cause harmful effects to the aquatic environment due to the combined influence of physical factors, toxic compounds, and nutrient enrichment. In the present study, the effectiveness of secondary treatment in reducing the toxicity of an elemental chlorine-free bleached-kraft pulp mill effluent was evaluated. To characterize the toxicity of the effluent, before and after the implementation of secondary treatment, a battery of tests with organisms bearing different functions at the ecosystem level was used, namely Vibrio fischeri (5-min luminescence), Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (72-h growth), Lemna minor (7-day growth), Daphnia magna (21-day reproduction and 24-h postexposure feeding), Chironomus riparius (9-day growth), and Danio rerio (28-day growth). For the effluent sample collected before the implementation of secondary treatment, P. subcapitata was the most sensitive organism followed by V. fischeri and D. magna, and no toxic effects were observed toward the other organisms. For the effluent sample collected after the implementation of secondary treatment, the effluent caused no toxic effects on any of the tested species. The present results demonstrated not only that secondary treatment efficaciously reduced effluent toxicity toward the selected test organisms but also the usefulness of a battery of tests to characterize the toxicity of pulp mill effluents.  相似文献   

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