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造纸行业是废水污染物减排重点行业。以2011—2014年全国环境统计调查数据为基础,对不同规模造纸企业废水治理运行费用和绩效进行了分析,对COD、氨氮排放强度及减排潜力进行了对比。结果表明,不同规模企业污染治理与排放特征存在差异,大中型企业产排污强度低,废水治理投入大;若造纸行业企业全部达标排放,COD排放量在2014年水平上减排21.4%~47.2%,氨氮排放量降低27.7%。  相似文献   

在对纺织染整企业集聚、环境位置敏感的两个典型区域调研的基础上,通过类似重金属标准和毒性类比、排污治理情况及水体底泥中锑含量的分析、水环境承载力和允许排放浓度计算等技术论证,提出环境敏感地区纺织染整工业锑的排放限值按不同排放情形可分别设定为0.1 mg/L和0.05 mg/L。工程实例表明,采用基于聚合硫酸铁混凝沉淀法的高低浓度废水分质处理技术可满足排放限值要求,且经济成本可接受。  相似文献   

分析和统计的86家印染工业企业当中,废水总排口中的总锑超标率为25.6%,质量浓度0.050 mg/L以下较低排放浓度所占比例最大,达62.8%。印染废水锑排放源主要有涤棉和涤纶化纤类布料的染色、印花工艺废水,碱减量工艺废水等,工业液碱、废酸以及硫酸铝污水处理剂等原料当中含锑浓度较高。印染废水经污水处理厂集中纳管深度处理后,锑排放浓度较低,锑去除效率最高达到88.0%,大大降低了环境地表水体锑污染的风险。  相似文献   

为掌握“十三五”期间湖南省资江流域锑污染的总体情况和变化趋势,采用数据统计分析方法对2016—2020年该流域水质锑变化特征进行研究,同时分析锑污染时间变化趋势和空间分布情况。结果表明,“十三五”期间,资江流域锑污染整体有较明显改善,尤其资江干流下游益阳市内的锑污染明显减轻,由2016年的超标率100%到2020年全部实现达标,各断面锑的质量浓度最大降幅达55.5%。资江支流中,2020年邵水断面锑质量浓度年均值较2018年下降了13.1%。资江流域的娄底、邵阳和益阳市均采取了一系列锑污染防治措施,使得资江流域锑污染整体有较明显改善。但资江支流中邵水和平溪江污染最重断面锑质量浓度年均值仍有超标,建议“十四五”期间加强流域内涉锑企业和历史遗留污染的治理,力争尽早实现资江全流域水质的全面达标。  相似文献   

正为了最大限度减少工业企业排放的铊、锑污染物对水环境的影响,江苏省 9 月 1 日起实施《钢铁工业废水中铊污染物排放标准》《纺织染整工业废水中锑污染物排放标准》。铊元素以微量形式广泛存在于矿石中,所以钢铁行业在冶炼过程中会产生少量含铊废水,但目前钢铁行业国家污染物排放标准中无铊污染物排放限值要求。江苏省确定钢铁工业废水中,铊污染物在车间或生产设施废水排口的排放限值为  相似文献   

黄金湿法冶炼工艺会产生大量的废水,文章选取一个典型的黄金湿法冶炼企业,对其生产过程中的废水以及废水处理流程中各环节的水样进行分析,探讨废水来源、现有工艺处理效果、不足及改进途径,为黄金湿法冶炼过程中的废水治理提供依据。  相似文献   

分析了国内外锑标准的研究现状,总结了工业废水锑排放标准的制订原则,并以太湖流域某湖泊水体为例,介绍了工业废水锑排放标准限值的制订流程。通过建立环境容量模型,计算区域水体允许纳污量,推算出在上游来水为极端最枯流量、枯水年平均流量、平水年平均流量情形下,研究区域内相关企业允许排放到水体中的锑质量浓度分别为19.10μg/L、28.47μg/L、48.92μg/L。考虑最不利情形,兼顾锑污染处理的技术经济可行性,建议直排点源及印染废水集中式污水处理厂的出水锑质量浓度标准限值为20μg/L。  相似文献   

晴隆锑矿和煤矿矿集区岩溶地下水环境质量评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锑是环境中广泛分布、具有慢性毒性和潜在致癌性的典型毒害重金属,是一种新兴的全球性环境污染物。过去对锑的地球化学行为研究较多,但对岩溶地下水的环境质量影响的研究较少。选择锑矿和煤矿分布广泛的贵州晴隆县境内龙摆尾地下河为研究对象,对研究区的地表水和地下水的水化学特征和污染特征进行研究,以《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749—2006)和《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)中的Ⅲ类标准值为评价标准对该地区水质予以评价。结果表明:在锑矿未开采情况下,第四系碧痕营组地下水中锑的浓度较高,平均值为1.55μg/L,最高为6.32μg/L;锑、砷的迁移受氧化还原条件的控制;岩溶地下水整体来说水质符合生活饮用水标准,但碧痕营组水中锑、锰超标,龙潭组中节理裂隙水存在pH、锰超标情况;而煤矿开采污染的地表水中锰、铁的污染具有普遍性,含量均超过地表水环境质量标准的限值,且超标倍数较大。因此,该研究区岩溶地下水可直接作为饮用水源,而碧痕营组和龙潭组中地下水须做处理后才可饮用。  相似文献   

建立了全自动石墨消解-电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定染整企业废水中总锑的测定方法。结果表明,锑的质量浓度在0~10 mg/L范围内线性关系良好,R值为0.999 5,方法检出限和测定下限分别为0.003和0.012 mg/L,相对标准偏差(RSD)为0.17%~2.6%,加标回收率为96.1%~103.8%。该方法操作简单、分析快速,符合技术规范要求。  相似文献   

基于环境统计数据分析了长江经济带工业源和生活源总磷污染及治理特征。结果表明,2016—2019年,长江经济带工业源和生活源总磷排放量总体下降,但占全国比例逐年增加。工业源涉磷企业主要分布在江苏、浙江、四川、湖北等省,主要涉及纺织、农副食品、化工、电镀等行业;下游的南通、苏州、宁波、绍兴和杭州等城市"三磷"企业总磷产生量也较大。工业源总磷治理存在污水处理设施建设和现有治理能力不足的问题。四川、江苏、湖南等地的生活源总磷排放量较大,贵州、江西、云南等地的人均总磷排放量较高。长江经济带上游流域、地区生活污水处理率、总磷去除率较低。建议加强工业源涉磷企业监管和治理力度,强化上游地区生活污水处理设施建设和提标改造,减少总磷污染。  相似文献   

An analysis of the household refrigeration sector and the foams sector investigates how Chinese enterprises have adopted cleaner technologies involving substitutes for ozone depleting substances (ODSs), such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). The performance of the household refrigeration sector in reducing ODS consumption has been superior to that of the foams sector, even though required technology changes are relatively simple for the foams sector. There are two explanations for this outcome. First, market demand matters. The influence of the global market, multinational corporations, intense (and occasionally misleading) advertising about non-CFC products, and severe competition for consumers caused China's principal refrigerator manufacturers to adopt non-CFC production technologies. Similar incentives did not exist for enterprises in the foams sector. Second, industrial structure matters. The foams sector includes a large number of small enterprises with limited financial and technical capability and weak access to information and technology, and these factors obstructed technological change. In general, assistance from the Multilateral Fund established under the Montreal Protocol has motivated enterprises to shift to ODS reduction technologies, but complex and lengthy procedures for accessing the Multilateral Fund, difficulties in finding appropriate suppliers of non-CFC technologies, and insufficient financial and technical capabilities of many enterprises have slowed down this shift. Our results provide a foundation for making changes in international assistance programs and China's strategies for CFC reduction.  相似文献   

基于污染物检测特征信息结合区域产业结构、企业布局等信息构建了大气污染物指纹系统,通过污染物检测特征信息构建的第一级指纹数据库实现了对大气特征污染物的识别和污染物应急处置措施的推送;通过污染源行业及其排放的特征污染物信息构建的第二级指纹数据库实现了产排污行业的溯源;通过企业及其产排污信息,结合气象条件构建的第三级指纹数据库实现了对产排污企业的溯源。基于大气污染物指纹数据库的污染溯源技术为突发环境污染事故中污染物质的识别和污染源的追踪提供了新途径。实际应用验证表明,大气污染物指纹系统污染溯源响应快速、识别精准,实现了大气污染物从监测、溯源到应急处置的全过程无缝衔接。  相似文献   

通过调查与分析苏州市重点监控行业企业VOCs的产生和排放特征,调研典型企业,重点关注其涉及VOCs产生的工艺环节、原辅材料、排放浓度。结果表明:苏州市涉及VOCs排放企业行业众多,尤其以电子信息最多,其次为塑料橡胶制品行业、石油化工行业、纺织印染行业等。重点监控VOCs排放企业使用了大量有机溶剂,生产工艺中涉及VOCs排放的环节多,排放的VOCs种类多、成分复杂,具有行业特征。  相似文献   

通过对攀西区域安宁河流域的7个断面底泥以及该区域17家典型涉重金属工业周边土壤进行环境质量状况调查和生态风险评价,结果显示,底泥中6种重金属砷、铬、铅、镉、汞和钒含量在凉山州境内特别是冕宁县断面含量最高,污染最重,攀枝花境内米易县部分含量较低;底泥中铅、镉和砷等出现了中重度污染,且钒和铬含量、砷和镉含量之间分别呈极显著和显著相关,同源性特征明显,土壤中镉超标范围最广,超标程度最重且呈面状重度风险,钒和汞超标范围较大,汞出现较重风险,其余为低度风险。  相似文献   

Industrial enterprises constitute a major portion of the world’s economy, as well as a large proportion of a country’s businesses and total employment. In Turkey, industrial enterprises are underdeveloped in terms of knowledge, skill, capital, and particularly accessing and benefiting from the advantages provided by modern information and communication technologies. Aluminum manufacturing has been reported to be the largest industry in Turkey with respect to production volumes and application fields. However, aluminum production is known to be an important contributor to environmental pollution, and the relative contribution of other related enterprises to the total industrial environmental impact is unknown. Environmental pollution sources can typically be classified into three categories: gaseous emissions, solid wastes, and wastewaters. The types of wastes produced by aluminum production vary based on the process line used, the variety of target products produced, and the production capacity of a given plant. As the capacities of facilities grow, the type and amount of waste become more variable. Therefore, the primary objective of this study is to determine the priority of each waste type in aluminum manufacturing industries. This study was conducted in the Industrial Zone of Kayseri in Turkey. Three different facilities that range in size from large to small based on their production volume, plant capacity, and variety of production are selected for this study. The priority of waste types was determined by combining the AHP and PROMETHEE II multicriteria decision methods. While wastewater was categorized as having the highest priority in large facilities, solid waste was determined to be the highest priority in medium and small facilities.  相似文献   

通过多角度调研发现,越来越多的社会化环境监测机构(以下简称社会化机构)投入环境监测行业,且社会化机构的营收、数量、人均产值逐年上升,表明该行业正处于蓬勃发展期且规模效应显著,社会化机构做大做强更有利于其发展。目前,多数社会化机构属于小微企业,近3年的技术人员流动率高达50%,使得社会化机构需在人员要素上投入更多精力与成本,同时也增大了管理部门的监管难度。结合以上调查结果,提出把人员作为重要考量要素,以信息共享为前提,充分发挥联合监管的优势,对各社会化机构采取分级分类的动态监管模式。  相似文献   

A virtuous cycle of the green technology innovation (GTI) system (GTIS) can not only effectively serve GTI subjects in the system but also fully improve green manufacturing and reduce environmental pollution. The essence of the GTIS evolution of manufacturing enterprises (MEs) under multi-agent cooperation (MEUMAC) is encouraged by governments and led by MEs, which jointly promote the process of GTIS from low-end to high-end through interaction with universities, research institutions, supply chains, intermediaries and consumers. MEs cooperate with multiple GTI subjects to continuously improve the GTI level of MEUMAC, and the subsystems of the GTIS interact and coordinate dynamically. To promote the upgrade of the GTIS under multi-agent cooperation, the dynamic co-evolution mechanism of the GTIS needs to be explored. Innovation process is a value chain that transforms from knowledge creation to product promotion based on the innovation value chain. Based on system theory, this process can be solved through five parts: input, processing, output, feedback and upgrade. The structure and evolution path of the GTIS were analysed based on the innovation value chain theory and system theory. Logistic symbiotic response system is a typical system with self-organization characteristics, and the development law of the GTIS of MEUMAC is similar with the symbiotic system. Hence, an evolution model based on a Logistic model was constructed to determine state and control variables. The results show that the evolution of the GTIS of MEUMAC is the spatial advancement and temporal evolution of the system under the action of internal and external subjects, which is ultimately manifested as the process of the GTI performance output. The operation status of green technology is a key factor in the dynamic co-evolution of the GTIS of MEUMAC, which is the order parameter of the system. Environmental regulation policies (ERPs) have a strong positive incentive effect on the dynamic co-evolution of the GTIS of MEUMAC. Regarding the current ERPs, the effect intensity of different policies is command regulation, market regulation, public participation regulation and voluntary action regulation. The results of this study not only help MEs to optimize the implementation process of the GTIS and provide practical guidance to formulate ERPs but also extend the theoretical system of co-evolution and enrich the innovation value chain theory.  相似文献   

本文根据多年从事监测工作的体会和对各类监测站的调查研究,评述了当前地方监测工作和行业、企业监测工作中存在的一些问题,提出了用切实运转的监测网来深化和开拓监测工作的建议,并对监测网的组建和运转作了较为可行的建议和设想。  相似文献   

回顾了国内外企业环保信用评价发展历史,指出与国外相比,我国企业环保信用评价起步较晚,目前各地区评价标准主要以监管性指标和处罚决定为依据,其中以监管性指标评价较全面但操作繁琐,以处罚决定评价更为客观但对中小型企业监管力度较低。提出,我国企业环保信用评价体系还需要进一步优化,统一评价标准,完善动态评价机制,增强企业与责任人的关联,以促进社会信用体系向更为完备的方向发展。  相似文献   

唐山市钢铁行业大气污染物排放清单建立   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以唐山市钢铁企业为研究对象,在收集已有排放源数据的基础上,基于排放因子和活动水平数据采用排放因子法估算了唐山市钢铁企业多个大气污染物的排放量,得到了符合空气质量模型要求的污染源输入数据,建立钢铁行业和主要防控因子污染源数据库。结合唐山市各县区的环境空气质量状况,利用GIS技术,将不同污染因子的排放进行空间分布,最终形成准确完善的多尺度、高时空分辨率大气污染源排放清单。研究介绍了符合中国特色的区域高分辨率大气排放源清单建立的方法体系,为京津冀地区区域大气污染联防联控及2020年大气污染物区域削减计划工作提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

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