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指出风险管理和风险监测是环境管理和环境监测的新任务,阐述了有毒化学品环境管理的必要性,同时对风险管理的基本程序和主要内容进行了讨论,并列举了为风险管理服务的主要风险监测工作。  相似文献   

区域环境风险具有显著外溢性,跨界环境风险损害时有发生,区域环境风险管控的协作机制亟待探究。在系统分析了南京都市圈环境风险管控面临的新挑战的基础上,借鉴国内外环境风险管控协作机制的实践经验,从执法机制、信息共享、应急预警、环境监测以及生态补偿等方面,提出了南京都市圈建立环境风险管控协作机制的对策建议及其保障措施,为在都市圈一体化发展中实现生态环境安全水平同步提升,共建美丽都市圈提供思路。  相似文献   

流域环境风险评价研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析流域环境风险内涵的基础上,从研究内容和研究方法两个方面,综述了国内外流域环境风险评价研究现状。指出目前研究内容主要集中在流域水质健康风险评价、流域生态风险评价、地下水环境风险评价、突发事件和农业非点源污染的流域环境风险评价等方面,主要采用基于层次分析、突变理论或经验公式(数学模型)的研究方法。在此基础上讨论了目前研究存在的不足,并从复杂动态系统分析的角度提出了未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

水源地水污染风险等级判别方法及应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以广西柳州市柳南水厂水源地为研究对象,建立了水源地风险等级判别模型,模型主要考虑企业风险等级,以及风险影响后水源地水质超标倍数、水质超标持续时间、污染团到达时间等因子,模型参数根据调查及分析得到。通过风险判别模型,计算得到柳南水厂取水口的风险等级,为该区域进行环境风险管理提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

对于企业的环境风险管理,目前多侧重于风险发生后的应急机制的建立。探讨了如何拓展环境风险管理的思路,结合项目管理和企业管理的全过程,将环境风险管理细化并融入对企业日常的环境管理和企业自身的日常管理之中,减少管理成本,从环保部门和企业双方将环境风险的发生概率降低到最低程度,实现整体安全。  相似文献   

环境中药品和个人护理品的复合污染风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在环境中污染物常以混合物的形式存在,从而扩大或减小了其对环境和生物的效应。指出目前对药品和个人护理品(PPCPs)环境健康风险的研究多停留在单一物质表观层面,造成其风险值出现偏差。系统分析了PPCPs与有机和无机污染物之间的复合污染,提出加强复合污染毒性风险及致毒机理等方面的研究,为有效降低环境水体中PPCPs潜在的安全风险提供理论支持。  相似文献   

以多年来中国各行业突发环境事故统计数据为基础,选取了对于企业突发环境事件有重大影响的7个因子以及17个指标,采用指标因子分析法对其进行定量,应用层次分析法确定各因子的权重,从而确定企业环境风险水平值。基于"危险物质水平—企业环境风险水平—周边环境受体状况"体系,构建了环境风险源分级矩阵,形成了包括"环境风险源初筛","环境风险源分级"的两步工业园区环境风险源识别与分级方法。该方法提出的工业园区环境风险源识别与分级体系具有科学性和可行性,能为工业园区环境风险管理提供依据。  相似文献   

土壤重金属污染生态风险评价方法综述   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
生态风险评价是风险论与生态学、环境科学、地学等多种学科相互交叉的边缘学科.以土壤生态系统为对象,介绍了目前已有的几类重金属污染生态风险评价方法,包括概念模型法、数学模型法、指数法、形态分析法、植物培养法等.指出根据研究目的与污染特性选择适当的评价方法,可以为土壤生态风险管理提供科学信息.  相似文献   

化工企业拆迁场地健康风险评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着城市的发展,越来越多的工业企业逐步搬迁出主城区,遗留下的场地将会用作商业或居住用地,对这些拆迁场地如不加强环境管理,可能会对公众健康造成危害。以化工企业拆迁场地为例,按照危害识别、暴露评估、毒性评估、风险表征4个步骤,介绍了健康风险评价的一般方法,着重介绍了"危害识别"步骤中对于化工企业拆迁场地环境调查方面的方法与注意事项。最后指出了我国在污染场地健康风险评价方面的不足,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

环境风险地图基于地理信息系统(GIS)对信息和数据的空间分析,通过各种风险评估或预测模型,将评估的结果以空间方式展示出来.由于环境风险地图直观、信息量大的优点,有助于环境风险管理以及突发事件的应急反应和实时决策.对风险地图种类作了概述,总结风险制图中需注意的问题以及国内外风险地图的应用研究以及发展情况.  相似文献   

Traditionally, environmental decision analysis in subsurface contamination scenarios is performed using cost–benefit analysis. In this paper, we discuss some of the limitations associated with cost–benefit analysis, especially its definition of risk, its definition of cost of risk, and its poor ability to communicate risk-related information. This paper presents an integrated approach for management of contaminated ground water resources using health risk assessment and economic analysis through a multi-criteria decision analysis framework. The methodology introduces several important concepts and definitions in decision analysis related to subsurface contamination. These are the trade-off between population risk and individual risk, the trade-off between the residual risk and the cost of risk reduction, and cost-effectiveness as a justification for remediation. The proposed decision analysis framework integrates probabilistic health risk assessment into a comprehensive, yet simple, cost-based multi-criteria decision analysis framework. The methodology focuses on developing decision criteria that provide insight into the common questions of the decision-maker that involve a number of remedial alternatives. The paper then explores three potential approaches for alternative ranking, a structured explicit decision analysis, a heuristic approach of importance of the order of criteria, and a fuzzy logic approach based on fuzzy dominance and similarity analysis. Using formal alternative ranking procedures, the methodology seeks to present a structured decision analysis framework that can be applied consistently across many different and complex remediation settings. A simple numerical example is presented to demonstrate the proposed methodology. The results showed the importance of using an integrated approach for decision-making considering both costs and risks. Future work should focus on the application of the methodology to a variety of complex field conditions to better evaluate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

以《建设项目环境风险评价技术导则》(HJ/T 169—2004)、《危险化学品重大危险源辨识》(GB 18218—2009)为依据,确定环境风险分析的研究线路,对评价单元进行风险识别,确定事故源项与风险因素。运用火灾、爆炸、毒性指标评价法(蒙德法)对环境风险进行评价,根据相关设计资料,选取各个参数,最后定量分析出单元的环境风险状况,提出针对性的管理措施,把风险降到最低。  相似文献   

以应急监测为例,介绍了环境监测站实施风险管理的基本思路。提出通过明确环境信息、建立风险准则、开展风险评估、实施风险应对等过程,开展系统性的风险管理,实现对各种风险的有效防范和控制。建议建立相应的组织机构和兼职的风险管理队伍,及时监督和检查风险管理流程运行状况,并在管理体系中加入风险管理要素,确保风险应对计划有效执行,实现持续改进。  相似文献   

简述了基层环境监测业务风险管理现状及存在的问题,对业务风险管理的认识程度不高,业务风险管理的系统性不强,缺少环境监测业务风险管理指导性文件。提出,应树立正确的环境监测业务风险理念,建立环境监测业务风险管理组织机构,健全与监测工作紧密结合的业务风险管理体系,优先监控风险高的环境监测工作,大力培养风险管理人才。  相似文献   

简述了江苏沿江化工园区存在的环境风险,分析了园区区位特征和产业结构矛盾、监控预警体系及应急保障体系等方面存在的问题。提出应加强环境应急队伍建设,完善监控预警体系,强化应急预案管理,提升应急处置能力,以降低环境风险,维护区域环境安全。  相似文献   

Metals have been central to the development of human civilisation from the Bronze Age to modern times, although in the past, metal mining and smelting have been the cause of serious environmental pollution with the potential to harm human health. Despite problems from artisanal mining in some developing countries, modern mining to Western standards now uses the best available mining technology combined with environmental monitoring, mitigation and remediation measures to limit emissions to the environment. This paper develops risk screening and prioritisation methods previously used for contaminated land on military and civilian sites and engineering systems for the analysis and prioritisation of chemical risks from modern metal mining operations. It uses hierarchical holographic modelling and multi-criteria decision making to analyse and prioritise the risks from potentially hazardous inorganic chemical substances released by mining operations. A case study of an active platinum group metals mine in South Africa is used to demonstrate the potential of the method. This risk-based methodology for identifying, filtering and ranking mining-related environmental and human health risks can be used to identify exposure media of greatest concern to inform risk management. It also provides a practical decision-making tool for mine acquisition and helps to communicate risk to all members of mining operation teams.  相似文献   

Based on a review of available models for ecological risk estimation, most are site-specific and their applications are limited. However, general models, which can be easily adapted to other sites, remain few, in addition, they are simple and associated with significant uncertainties. In this paper, an approach is introduced for an ecological risk assessment (ERA) model that can be modified for site-specific conditions. Using computer simulation as a screening tool for ecological risk assessment can assist environmental managers and policy decision-makers in the planning and implementation of potentially highly focused assessments and remediation, should the ERA dictate the need. The model was integrated with a Windows-based interface and interactive database management system (DBMS) as a user-friendly software package. In addition, based on trophic sources, a food web has been integrated into the framework of the DBMS. In an effort to evaluate the model, a case study was implemented to characterize the effects on an ecosystem of replacing electroplated chromium coatings with sputtered tantalum at U.S. Army Yuma and Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Potential exposure pathways included ingestion, inhalation, and dermal absorption for terrestrial animals; root and foliar uptake for plants; and direct absorption for aquatic species. Overall, results showed that the most significant exposure resulted from molybdenum and hexavalent chromium, which posed higher risks to select aquatic and terrestrial species at both sites. On the other hand, tantalum (with vanadium as the surrogate) resulted in the least risk to all receptors within the studied areas. A sensitivity analysis demonstrated that soil-water distribution coefficients have a significant impact on the results. Based on the results, neither molybdenum nor chromium are recommended as a coating in gun barrels, and further study would be essential to address any affected firing range area. Tantalum is recommended for use, although for those species receiving a slight adverse risk, field investigations that include receptor sampling maybe necessary once soil/sediment and water sampling validates projected concentrations.  相似文献   

Environmental risk refers to the possibility of environmental pollution events caused by natural causes or human activities. Environmental risks are transmitted through environmental media and can have destructive effects on human society and the natural environment. Understanding the current status and characteristics of environmental risks can effectively prevent and control environmental risks, which is essential for establishing the safety of ecological systems. Although many scholars have studied the environmental risk characteristics of different enterprises or regional scales and proposed corresponding control methods. However, the study of environmental risk characteristics in the national scale is still insufficient, which affects the accuracy of large-scale environmental impact assessment (EIA) and is not conducive to the formulation of the large-scale environmental management system. This paper attempts to use spatial statistical methods and geographically weighted regression (GWR) models to study the temporal and spatial evolution trends of environmental events in China and the spatial correlation characteristics of influencing factors and environmental events in different regions. The research results show that the focus of China's environmental risk is continuously shifting. At present, environmental pollution incidents are concentrated in the western region, and their spatial correlation with influencing factors varies from region to region. Spatial statistical analysis can help us understand the spatial characteristics of risk and identify the interrelationships of environmental risks in different areas. Therefore, spatial statistical analysis can provide a scientific basis for macro decision-making of large regional EIA and environmental risk management. In the future, it is recommended that the focus of environmental events in different regions should be different to reduce the risk of environmental events in China.  相似文献   

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