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被动采样监测环境空气中SO 2和NO 2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用自主研制的采样管开展环境空气中SO2和NO2的被动采样监测.结果表明,被动采样监测结果与自动监测结果高度相关,经回归方程修正后,两者的结果没有显著性差异,被动采样的采样和分析产生的误差得以消除.  相似文献   

在环境监测工作中,采样是重要步骤,一些先进国家的环境保护机构对发展水中痕量污染物的富集采样技术极为重视,自动采样器(装置)得到广泛应用.美国国家环保局(EPA)下属的辛辛那提环境监测与支持实验室编著的《水与废水采样及样品保存手册》一书,专门介绍了一些自动采样器,认为自动采样器的使用为进行环境污染监测和筛选环境水样中的优先监测物和致突变物质,提供了方便,使过去因工作量大而无法广泛开展的工作成为可能.采样器以及采样技术的发展水平反映了一个国家环境监测水平.  相似文献   

环境空气中细菌总数和霉菌总数监测方法的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
分别对环境空气中细菌和霉菌监测的不同采样仪器、采样方式、培养条件的结果进行对比分析,并进行差异显著性检验.结果表明,FA-1型和FA-2型采样器的采样结果无显著性差异;细菌和霉菌监测的采样时间以5min为最佳;细菌的培养以48h、37℃±1℃为优,霉菌的培养为96h、28℃±1℃为宜;对实验结果进行精密度检验,均达到了质量控制的要求.  相似文献   

酸雨监测手工采样的可靠性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前国内对降雨采样方法有两种:一种是人工收放采样器,即手工采样;另一种是随着降雨和雨止,自动开启和闭合的自动采样器,即自动采样.为了加强现场质控,搞好酸雨监测,我们将手工采样与自动采样作了同步对比试验.对手工采样的可靠性作了探讨.1 试验部分1.1 试验仪器对比:自动降雨采样器是利用水的导电性而设计的,当降雨时,雨水进入两金属片空隙间,接通电路,使自动采样器的罩盖打开,开始采样,当雨止后,金属片间雨水在较短时间内会自动滴落而断开,罩盖便自动闭合;而手工采样只是用医用搪瓷缸作为雨样收集器,每当降雨时将雨  相似文献   

简述了废水自动采样器应用现状。根据废水自动采样器性能指标要求,分析了自动采样器在验收和使用过程中应当重视的几个因素。并通过系列的比对、调查,对机器采样和手工采样可能引起监测结果有所偏差的几个方面进行了探讨,提出了解决这些偏差的一些方法和建议。  相似文献   

环境空气质量不同监测方法的对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在对环境空气质量的监测中,有些城市存在着人工采样实验室测定和连续自动监测系统监测并行的情况。为考察这两种方法监测结果的异同,于夏季连续20d和冬季连续15d进行了对比监测。监测项目为SO2,NO2和PM10。在对比监测中采取了质量控制措施。对人工采样实验室测定进行了综合采样器流量校正,现场空白样和全程序平行样测定;在自动监测系统中,对SO2,NO2监测仪器作零点,标点校正,PM10监测仪作K0校正。对所测得的209个日均值进行了统计分析,结果表明:SO2,PM10两方面测定结果方差相同,NO2两种方法在冬夏两季方差间均有显著性差异;夏季SO2,PM10,冬季NO2两种方法监测结果一致;冬季SO2,PM10,夏季NO2两种方法监测结果有显著性差异;样品浓度水平及天气状况对两种方法测定结果的差异亦产生较大的影响。  相似文献   

在空气质量自动监测系统中,TSP大流量采样器长年安装在各子站,无人值守。由于各种原因,有时出现不该采样时的误启动,从而降低了仪器的使用寿命。为此对其电路进行了改善。改进了可控硅电路,加装了自锁电路,使仪器在没有采样膜时自行锁定不运转,延长了仪器的使用寿命。  相似文献   

选择某炼油厂污水总排口水跃区断面 ,安装采样器探头 ,进行采样器与人工同步采样 ,实验室分析得 2 3组监测数据。 1误差分析 :设人工采样为真值 ,采样器采样视为测定值 ,则 :相对误差 =测定值 -真值真值 × 1 0 0 %  结果表明 ,石油含量在 1 0 mg/L以下的 1 2组数据误差范围在 - 5.3%~ 2 3.9% ,采样器采样低1 5.4 % ;含油量比较高的 1 1组数据误差范围在 0~ 2 5.0 % ,采样器采样低 1 3.5%。经相关分析和 t检验 ,两组测定值无显著性差异 ,采样器代替人工采样完全可行。污水自动采样器代替人工采样的可行性分析@荆万钧$抚顺市环境监测站!…  相似文献   

目前 ,很多环境监测站已采用 2 4h连续采样监测代替了过去的季五日采样法。连续采样监测系统由空气自动连续采样器、总悬浮颗粒物 (TSP)采样器和辅助风机 (主要是采样管道引风机和采样亭排气扇 )组成。空气连续采样器设有时控系统 ,可以根据要求随时启停 ,TSP采样器无隔日采样控制系统 ,辅助风机则经常出现仪器停止采样后继续运转的情况。对此 ,今利用空气连续采样器的时控系统 ,增加一个CJ1 0 - 5型交流接触器 ,实现了对采样系统所有设备的控制 ,使之都能按要求启停 ,从而节约了用电量 ,减少了风机的不必要运转。现采用的是HB -…  相似文献   

博物馆室内微环境中碱性气体的被动采样方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
针对博物馆微环境中的碱性污染气体-氨气,采用自行研制的被动采样器,建立了一套适合博物馆馆藏文物保存环境中氨气含量分析的被动采样-离子色谱检测方法,应用于博物馆的实地采样分析,通过与主动法采样对照,获得了被动采样器在博物馆微环境中氨的吸收系数,从而获得采样点空气中氨气的浓度,为博物馆文物保存环境监测提供了可行方法。  相似文献   

The manual and semi-automatic methods for the measurement of total gaseous mercury in ambient air have been compared in a field trial for the first time. The comparison results have shown that whilst the expected random scatter is present, there was no significant systematic bias between the two methods, whose operational differences have also been outlined and analysed in this work. Furthermore it has been observed that because variation in instrument sensitivity is largely random in nature there is little effect on the results of the comparison if the period between instrument calibrations is altered. When the manual and semi-automatic methods are compared according to guidelines produced by the European Commission the results presented here, taken together with other supporting evidence, strongly suggest that the two methods are equivalent.  相似文献   

Policy instruments have been initiated for addressing the severe problem of extensive construction equipment emissions (CEE) by governments around the world. Advanced and developing-economy promoters with distinctive background and constraints present differences in the development of CEE reduction policy instruments. However, there is little research looking into the evolving trends, lessons and accumulated experiences in the development of CEE reduction policy instruments. This study conducts a holistic review and analysis on the development of CEE reduction policy instruments from a global perspective. Three groups of policy instruments are identified, including the mandatory administration policy instrument (PI-A), the economic incentive policy instrument (PI-B), and the voluntary participation policy instrument (PI-C). Comparative analysis of CEE reduction policy instruments is conducted between advanced and developing-economy promoters. The results of this study show that both advanced and developing-economy promoters overwhelmingly prefer to adopt PI-As. Developing-economy promoters may not have sufficient resources for implementing PI-Bs and PI-Cs. Advanced-economy promoters have devoted more efforts to developing PI-Bs and PI-Cs. This research also suggested that a mixture of PI-As, PI-Bs and PI-Cs works better, and policy instruments should be selected considering the context of promoters. This research aims to promote experience-sharing between policymakers and provide them with significant insights for formulating more effective CEE reduction policy instruments.  相似文献   

Concentrations of PM10 particulates have been compared to the concentrations of oxides of nitrogen and sulphur dioxide at the fourteen Automatic Urban Monitoring Network (AUN) sites operating during 1993, 1994 and 1995 using fully ratified data.Factors which are considered include diurnal variations in concentrations of the various substances, ratios between concentrations of PM10 and the other substances and differences between relationships in summer and winter and between weekdays and weekends. In addition temporal patterns of concentrations are considered. Variations between different cities is demonstrated. Differences in the seasonal size distribution are identified. It is shown that there is a good degree of consistency in concentrations of PM10 across urban areas at background locations and that there is evidence for long range transport of PM10.  相似文献   

Dermal exposure to pesticides is one of the main sanitaryproblems which greenhouses workers face. With the dual aimsof establishing both the body part that receives the greatestexposure and the variable that has greatest influence on this exposure level, 22 pesticide application trials were performed. Trials were carried out in different greenhouse vegetable crops,using different pesticides and different spray diameters from the spray gun. In order to determine dermal exposure, the wholebody method was used. Pieces of the applicator suit were subject to an extraction procedure and their pesticide contentdetermined using GC-NPD analysis. Multivariate analysis were applied to the data obtained. Principal component analysis showed that all trials produced a high exposure level on lowerleft leg and lower right leg. Cluster analysis distinguished between three sample groups. The most and the least affectedparts were clearly distinguished. Discriminant analysis indicated that the thin drop size of the spray gun is responsible for both the differences between groups and the minimum or maximum exposure level measured on the applicatorsuit. Therefore, selecting the variables, lower legs and thindrop size, is considered fundamental in designing programs formonitoring pesticide exposure.  相似文献   

A complete statistical analysis of meteorological and air pollution data was carried out in the ‘Campo de Gibraltar’ region (in the South of Spain) from 1999 to 2002. This is a heavy industrialized area where, up to date, very few air pollution studies have been made. The main objectives of the study presented here have been the characterization of the meteorological and (gaseous and particulate) air pollution conditions in the area, and the relations between them. Multivariate statistical techniques, such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), have been applied to the data. The results show that air quality in the area is highly dependent on meteorological conditions such as wind persistence and direction, dispersion capability of the atmosphere, and humidity content. On average, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide air pollution, mainly caused by fuel-oil combustion and traffic, respectively, is not very high. However, an important number of exceedences of the limits established by the EU Directive 1999 for PM10 (particulate matter with a diameter less than 10 μm) have been observed in some points of the area. A significant percentage of these exceedences (about 22% on average) are likely caused by African dust intrusions, which usually take place from May to August. From gaseous and particulate air correlations, it seems that anthropogenic activities contribute with about 19% on average.  相似文献   

Remote sensing of local environmental conditions is not accessible if substrates are covered with vegetation. This study explored the relationship between vegetation spectra and karst eco-geo-environmental conditions. Hyperspectral remote sensing techniques showed that there were significant differences between spectral features of vegetation mainly distributed in karst and non-karst regions, and combination of 1,300- to 2,500-nm reflectance and 400- to 680-nm first-derivative spectra could delineate karst and non-karst vegetation groups. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) successfully assessed to what extent the variation of vegetation spectral features can be explained by associated eco-geo-environmental variables, and it was found that soil moisture and calcium carbonate contents had the most significant effects on vegetation spectral features in karst region. Our study indicates that vegetation spectra is tightly linked to eco-geo-environmental conditions and CCA is an effective means of studying the relationship between vegetation spectral features and eco-geo-environmental variables. Employing a combination of spectral and spatial analysis, it is anticipated that hyperspectral imagery can be used in interpreting or mapping eco-geo-environmental conditions covered with vegetation in karst region.  相似文献   

In response to the recent focus by the U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency on bioassessment of lakes, a multimetric index was developed for New Jersey lakes and reservoirs using benthicmacroinvertebrates. Benthic samples were collected fromreference and impaired lakes with muck and intermediate sedimentsin central and northern New Jersey during summer 1997. We used astepwise process to evaluate properties of candidate metrics andselected five for the Lake Macroinvertebrate Integrity Index(LMII): Hilsenhoff Biotic Index (HBI), percent chironomidindividuals, percent collector-gatherer taxa, percentoligochaetes/leeches, and number of Diptera taxa. We scoredmetrics as the fraction of the best expected value (based on allsites) achieved at a site and summed them into the LMII. Evaluation of the LMII showed that it discriminated well betweenreference and impaired lakes and was strongly related to severalpotential stressors. Chemical and physical gradients distinguished between reference and impaired lakes, and the LMIIsummarized these gradients well. The LMII corresponded stronglywith land use, but some lakes with more urban land use stillachieved high scores. Based on a power analysis, the ability ofthe LMII to detect differences in condition was sensitive to thenumber of samples from each lake.  相似文献   

A new Swiss TIMES (The Integrated MARKAL–EFOM System) electricity model with an hourly representation of inter-temporal detail and a century-long model horizon has been developed to explore the TIMES framework’s suitability as a long-term electricity dispatch model. To understand the incremental insights from this hourly model, it is compared to an aggregated model with only two diurnal timeslices like in most MARKAL/TIMES models. Two scenarios have been analysed with both models to answer the following questions: Are there differences in model solutions? What are the benefits of having a high number of timeslices? Are there any computational limitations? The primary objective of this paper is to understand the differences between the solutions of the two models, rather than Swiss policy implication or potential uncertainties in input parameters and assumptions. The analysis reveals that the hourly model offers powerful insights into the electricity generation schedule. Nevertheless, the TIMES framework cannot substitute for a dispatch model because some features cannot be represented; however, the long model time horizon and integrated system approaches of TIMES provide features not available in conventional dispatch models. The methodology of the model development and insights from the model comparison are described.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the contamination of the Swarzedzkie Lake and generate elemental distribution patterns 18 elements have been determined in samples of water, taken just above the bottom sediments. Analyses were carried out using two instrumental techniques - ICP-OES and ICP-MS. Two main sources of contamination were identified - diffuse pollution from agriculture and stormwater from the town. Three separate groups of elements were distinguished using cluster analysis and two groups using principal component analysis. These three groups are characterized as geogenic elements (Ag, As, Mg and Sb), elements supplied by the agricultural catchment (Ca, Mn, Sr, Na, K and Al) and elements originated from the urban contamination (Ni, Cr, Cu, Fe, V, Ba, Zn and Pb). PCA differentiated the above group of urban elements from the rest, originated from diffuse sources, with exception of alluminium, which was situated between two distinguished groups.  相似文献   

Marginal abatement cost (MAC) curves, relationships between tonnes of emissions abated and the CO2 (or greenhouse gas (GHG)) price, have been widely used as pedagogic devices to illustrate simple economic concepts such as the benefits of emissions trading. They have also been used to produce reduced-form models to examine situations where solving the more complex model underlying the MAC is difficult. Some important issues arise in such applications: (1) Are MAC relationships independent of what happens in other regions?, (2) are MACs stable through time regardless of what policies have been implemented in the past?, and (3) can one approximate welfare costs from MACs? This paper explores the basic characteristics of MAC and marginal welfare cost (MWC) curves, deriving them using the MIT Emissions Prediction and Policy Analysis model. We find that, depending on the method used to construct them, MACs are affected by policies abroad. They are also dependent on policies in place in the past and depend on whether they are CO2-only or include all GHGs. Further, we find that MACs are, in general, not closely related to MWCs and therefore should not be used to derive estimates of welfare change. We also show that, as commonly constructed, MACs may be unreliable in replicating results of the parent model when used to simulate GHG policies. This is especially true if the policy simulations differ from the conditions under which the MACs were simulated.  相似文献   

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