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论述了近年来国内在稀释测定生化需氧量(BOD5)中有关稀释倍数的研究成果;分析评价了一些确定稀释倍数的数理公式;总结了稀释法测定BOD5的基本要求。  相似文献   

指出了生化需氧量是反映水质受有机物污染程度的一项重要指标。根据实际分析工作经验,通过对稀释与接种法测定BOD5计算公式的推导,剖析和总结了用稀释与接种法测定水样BOD5的过程中,稀释水溶解氧、环境温度、稀释倍数、毒害物质、接种液等若干因素对测定结果准确性的影响。  相似文献   

五日生化需氧量测定中 ,稀释水用量大、要求高。设计下述方法制取稀释水 :空气依次通过滤膜、1 0 %硫代硫酸钠溶液、浓硫酸、稀释水。保证稀释水不被有机物、氧化物、还原物等污染。粉尘取样仪流量控制在 8L /min左右 ,曝气 90 min。采用此法制得稀释水其溶解氧浓度在 8.3~ 8.8mg/L之间 ,五日生化需氧量均小于 0 .2 mg/L,符合GB74 88- 87对稀释水的要求。五日生化需氧量测定中稀释水的制备@董兆鹏$烟台港环境监测站!山东烟台264000  相似文献   

环境监测中,五日生化需氧量测试结果的计算较为繁杂。当水体中有机物含量较高时,五日生化需氧量测试一般总要估算,或依据化学需氧量或总有机碳计算几个稀释倍数进行稀释、培养、测试。今将稀释倍数引入测试结果的计算公式,经过数学变换得出较为简捷的测试结果计算公式。  相似文献   

生化需氧量测定中接种液的制备和稀释倍数的确定是2个关键的步骤,本文提出一种可行的制备接种液的方法,根据实践经验,总结出一种稀释倍数计算方法,适合在实际分析中使用。  相似文献   

通过对“生化需氧量测定图解法及与标准法的比较”一文中优点与不足之处的比较,阐述了本文的观点,证明稀释比的确定是测定BOD5的关键。  相似文献   

五日生化需氧量是衡量水质中有机物质污染程度的一个重要指标,在测定过程中易受到水样的保存、温度和pH值、溶解氧、稀释水等因素的影响,导致检测结果出现误差。文章介绍了五日生化需氧量的测定方法、原理以及测定五日生化需氧量的影响因素,并提出相应的解决方法。  相似文献   

贾生元 《干旱环境监测》1997,11(1):46-46,51
通过对“生化需氧量测定图解法及标准法的比较”一文中优点与不足之比较的,阐述了本文的观点,证明稀释比的确定是测定BOD5的关键。  相似文献   

BOD5稀释倍数的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对稀释法测定生化需氧量(BOD5)稀释倍数探讨如下。1已知COD值对于初次测定成分复杂的工业废水,若已知COD(C)值,其α(BOD5/COD)一般在02~08之间,则BOD5=(02~08)COD根据《水和废水监测分析方法(第3版)》,BO...  相似文献   

生化需氧量测定中若干因素探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了生化需氧量的方法建立过程,指出测定生化需氧量时,除了温度对测定有影响外,pH值、无机盐类、微生物种类和数量、稀释度、硝化作用、缓冲剂,以及充分的营养和毒性物质的存在与否都会对测定结果有影响.  相似文献   

首衔正确估计出样品BOD5浓度范围,并测定稀释水的溶解氧,然后根据稀释倍数公式计算三个适当的稀释倍数,本方法省时,可靠,适用性强,能够确保BOD5样品分析一次成功。在BOD5样品中分析中具有广泛的应用价值。  相似文献   

A zonation technique for sediment samples based upon contaminant ratios of a series of samples is described. The technique is based on the fact that sediment samples of common origin will tend to have similar ratios of concentrations of trace pollutants such as heavy metals, PCBs, etc., despite dilution by variable amounts of inert materials such as silica or calcite. Comparison of these ratios between individual samples yields a matrix of similarity coefficients, which are then analyzed by a hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis procedure. Sediment samples of similar origin will tend to group together in a single cluster, whereas samples influence by unique factors such as transport patterns or proximity to point source discharges will appear as separate individual clusters. The results of application of this methodology to Great Lakes samples from Hamilton Harbour and Port Hope are presented.  相似文献   

讨论了烟气格曼数与监测时间选择和计算取值方面存在的问题。认为在一个加煤燃烧周期内按一定间隔时间取值,然后取量大值与平均值之和和1/2作为监测结果有一定意义。并提出了一个表达方式,时时-林格曼数B=1/TΣ(n,i=1)。  相似文献   

A new model is proposed for estimating horizontal dilution potential of an area using wind data. The mean wind speed and wind direction variation are used as a measure of linear and angular spread of pollutant in the atmosphere. The methodology is applied to monitored hourly wind data for each month of 1 year for wind data collected at Vadodara, Gujarat and monthly dilution potential is estimated. It is found that there is a gradual variation of horizontal dilution potential over a year with limited dilution during post monsoon period i.e., October and November and a high dilution in pre monsoon period i.e., May and June. This information can be used to design air quality sampling network and duration of sampling for source apportionment study. Air pollutant sampling during high dilution period can be carried out for identifying urban and rural dust and wind blown dust from mining activity. Air pollutant sampling during low dilution period can be carried out for capturing large amount of particulate matter from anthropogenic sources like elevated stack of furnace.  相似文献   

Emission rate formulae for surface iron ore mining activities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study was carried out at three surface iron ore mines to determine the total suspended particulate emission rate and to develop the formula for the emission rate of various surface iron ore mining activities. The study covered various mining activities and locations including waste loading and unloading, iron ore loading and unloading, screening plant, exposed waste dump, stock yard, exposed pit surface, transport road and haul road. A set of 10 formulae was developed to calculate the total suspended particulate emission rate of various surface iron ore mining activities. The emission of gaseous pollutants (sulphor dioxide and oxides of nitrogen) was also evaluated but was found negligible for various mining activities, and emission rates were determined for overall mine only. The developed formulae were validated with the measured emission data at another surface iron ore mine. The accuracy of the activity-wise emission rates calculated using the developed formulae was found to vary from 92 to 97% of actual field measurement data. The developed formulae for determination of emission rate from various surface iron ore mining activities will help in predicting air quality status through air quality modelling and designing effective mitigative measures for sensitive areas during the planning stage of a proposed mine.  相似文献   

提出采用三点比较式臭袋法测定污染源臭气样品时,可能出现因初始稀释倍数设定过高而无法准确计算结果的情况,单一的初始稀释倍数无法适用于同一批样品和低浓度样品.建议取消判定师的初步嗅辨试验环节,直接从第一级稀释倍数开始嗅辨试验,低浓度样品转为环境空气样品分析,同时实行嗅辨员分级制度.  相似文献   

石莹 《干旱环境监测》1994,8(3):160-162
探讨了一种简便的医院污水BOD测定中样品稀释倍数的推算方法。首先测定CODCr值,由CODCr值除以系数8,即获得稀释倍数C=CODCr/8。结果表明,该法仅需配制一个稀释比,省时省力,并具有可靠性好,准确度高,适应性强等优点。适用于各种医院污水中BOD的分析监测。  相似文献   

假定样品经过培养后耗氧率达55%;推导出BOD5稀释倍数K=BOD5/4.4,由稀释程度规定推导出BOD5稀释倍数K=(BOD5-1)/4.0两种方法K基本相同,标准样品,工业废水经上述方法稀释后,测定结果比较满意,尤其对工业废水测定,既缩短了分析时间,又降低了测定误差。  相似文献   

以原子荧光法测定水中砷为例,探讨了实验室盲样考核浓度预判及稀释方法.分析了3个砷盲样考核实例,归纳了“直接稀释法”“系列稀释法”“最大稀释法”3种方法,分别适用于盲样浓度范围窄、适中、宽3种情况,检测人员可根据考核机构给定的浓度范围合理选用.  相似文献   

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