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以"1.20"嘉陵江铊浓度异常事件应急监测为例,阐述了《重特大突发水环境事件应急监测工作规程》在应急监测工作中的应用。通过实例分析了应急监测全过程中的监测方案编制、样品采集安排、监测实验室设置、监测方法选择、监测结果报送、污染趋势预测以及应急状态终止等内容,结果表明《重特大突发水环境事件应急监测工作规程》能够指导应急监测工作顺利开展,该案例可为相关突发水环境事件的现场处置和应急监测工作提供技术参考。  相似文献   

突发性环境污染事故应急监测质量保证体系的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
结合北京市环境保护监测中心应急监测质量保证工作的经验,提出了应急监测质量保证体系的构成、运行和质量保证措施.强调了加强应急监测质量保证工作,尤其是日常的质量保证工作,定期进行应急监测演习及案例分析,是做好应急监测工作,实现应急监测数据快速性、准确性、可靠性、代表性、时效性的重要保证.  相似文献   

通过总结环境应急监测工作的一般要求和实际经验,分析了不同应急工作的特点,将应急监测工作进行分类。对各类环境应急监测的特点、要求进行了分析。从主要内容、术语规范、表征方式等方面对各类应急监测报告技术进行了提炼与总结,针对应急监测报告的常见问题,提出了具体解决方案。  相似文献   

环境应急监测准备及其保障   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
环境突发性事故应急监测工作包括日常的应急监测准备和应急事故监测两部分内容,做好应急监测日常工作,对于及时、准确、有效地开展应急监测工作十分重要。  相似文献   

加强突发性环境污染事故的应急监测   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为做好突发性环境污染事故的应急监测准备,必须制定出一套确实可行的应急监测工作程序,以便能够快速、准确地进行应急监测。1建立应急监测组织明确岗位职责突发性环境污染事故的应急监测站长要亲自抓,组成应急监测小组,制定出应急监测工作程序,明确监测人员职责,做...  相似文献   

2019年3月21日,盐城市响水县陈家港化工园区的江苏天嘉宜化工有限公司发生爆炸事故,江苏省环境监测力量于事故发生后第一时间奔赴现场开展应急监测。通过收集和整理事故发生后环境应急监测工作的详细开展过程、事故现场污染物浓度变化数据,评估了事故应急处置期间污染物对周边环境的影响情况;通过对应急监测的工作措施进行简要分析,总结了应急监测工作在突发性环境污染事件中的作用与影响;指出该事故中监测机构应急监测技术能力的瓶颈和不足,并从根本上为提高应急监测能力提出建议。  相似文献   

河流砷污染事件的应急监测响应与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
应急监测是突发性环境污染事故处理的前提和关键。介绍丁大沙河含砷废水污染事件的应急监测工作,提出应急监测的方案和方法,应急响应监测对象和范围布设科学,方案调整及时,为迅速正确进行污染事件处理提供了科学快速的技术支持。并从建立应急监测网络,加强领导、强化监测队伍能力建设及加强污染源监控等方面,阐述了做好突发性环境污染事故应急监测工作的建议。  相似文献   

做好突发性污染事故应急监测的几点看法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从建立完善的危险源档案及预警方案,合理配置设备、建立应急监测网络,加强领导、强化监测队伍能力建设及制定详细的应急监测工作程序四个方面,阐述了如何才能做好突发性环境污染事故的应急监测工作。  相似文献   

介绍了大沙河含砷废水污染事件的应急监测工作,监测对象和范围布设科学,应急监测方案调整及时,监测数据准确性和代表性好,监测报告针对性强、时效性好,为污染事件处理工作提供了优质快速的技术支持。  相似文献   

环境应急监测在环境污染事故处理中的作用越来越重要。以2015年河南省环境应急演练为例,结合新乡市的实际情况,分析了当前环境应急监测中存在的问题,对应急监测的准备工作和监测过程提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

环境应急监测管理体系研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
从环境应急监测制度建设和突发性环境事件应急预案两个方面就环境应急监测管理体系问题进行了论述。在制度建设方面主要介绍了环境应急事件应注意的几个问题及解决办法,从环境主管部门、企业、人员、装备及应对的方式方法等几个方面提出了自己的想法和观点。在突发性环境事件应急预案方面主要介绍了应包含的内容、制订要求及演练过程。  相似文献   

阐述了当前我国大型危险化工企业危险源监测及预警系统建设的现状与不足,以泰州梅兰集团为例,提出了大型危险化工企业危险源监测及预警系统的建设目标及原则,应急预警处置系统的主要内容、标准与要求。  相似文献   

噪声测量过程中蝗受背景噪声的影响,而对于突发性背景噪声因其重现性差,实际操作上的“非同时性”给背景噪声的测量结果及修正均带来一些失准问题。为此对突发性背景噪声的校正问题提出初步建议。  相似文献   

Water ecosystems are threatened by accidental spills of pollution. Rapidity and trueness of information gathering the biological impact of accidental pollution is crucial for the efficiency of the minimisation of possible deterioration of ecosystems and for success in detecting the source of pollution. Due to the randomised occurrence of accidental spills the only way to quickly detect hazardous situations is to perform continuous monitoring of surface water quality. The current situation in the field of early warning in the International Odra (Oder) River basin is not satisfactory. The actual number of monitoring stations and list of routinely continuously monitored parameters are not able to meet the needs of sensitive and rapid detection of biological impact of accidental pollution spills. An effort to change this unfavourable situation was the reason for the offer survey, selection and a model operation of a commercially produced biological monitoring device. This apparatus was located on the border-line profile on the territory of the Czech Republic and represented the first and only one tool of continual biological monitoring of surface water quality in the International Odra (Oder) River Basin. The selected apparatus was the Daphnia Toximeter produced by the firm bbe Moldaenke (Kiel, Germany). This device exploited for rapid detection of changes of biological quality of surface water evaluation of behavioural response of monitoring organisms??daphnids. Five years of model operation proved its suitability for early warning purposes. The apparatus was reliable in function and sensitive enough to detect the deterioration of the biological quality of the river water. The given examples document its applicability not only for detection of accidental spills but also of illegal emissions of pollution, which are very often toxic.  相似文献   

突发性水环境污染事故监测点的布控技术   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
针对四种不同情况的突发性水环境污染事故,提出了相应的监测思路。通过举例,对应急监测中的监测点位布控程序和技术进行了探讨,以求在最短的时间内查明污染源  相似文献   

The traditional approach of coupling estimates of human exposures to individual chemicals with laboratory studies of the toxicity of the chemicals as the basis for quantitative assessments of risk is not adequate when considering problems near hazardous waste sites. For example, there are (a) too many chemicals and mixtures involved, (b) containment uncertainties, and (c) future exposure problems associated with groundwater and soil contamination. Among the items to be considered in expanding the dimensions of risk assessment methodologies of the past are (a) identification of chemical groups or of dominant toxic chemicals of principal concern and the likely man-made as well as natural pathways for environmental migration, (b) the role of biological monitoring in addition to traditional monitoring approaches, and (c) the coupling of monitoring data with past, current, and future population activity patterns and with epidemiological and other health data.Monitoring data is a key in risk assessments since there is little likelihood that materials balances or modelling will provide authoritative information concerning exposure levels. The use of monitoring data from control areas and from nationwide baseline surveys in developing comparative risk assessments is particularly important. Finally, recent experience provides us with a number of practical guidelines for designing and carrying out monitoring programs that will provide authoritative and useful data. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** AZ802019 00002  相似文献   

《突发性污染事故中常见危险品档案库》研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研制建立了《突发性污染事故中常见危险品档案库》,从 1档案库的内容—— 1 3 0 0余种化学危险品六个方面的信息和环境保护相关信息 ,2档案库的计算机实现技术两大方面进行了研究和开发 ,并制成了《突发性污染事故中常见危险品档案库》光盘。该档案库是对化学危险品引起的突发性污染事故进行快速处理的技术信息支持库 ,是为环境管理、环境监测、环境监察、环境卫生、化学危险品管理等行业的管理和技术人员提供的实用工具软件  相似文献   

This paper illustrates a step-by-step approach for evaluating chemical monitoring data in air and deposition and for prioritizing chemicals to be included in long-term air monitoring programs. The usability of the method is shown by application to data generated within the Swedish screening program. The suggested prioritization approach uses a novel methodology by combining empirical data on occurrence in air and deposition with publicly available quantitative structure activity relationship estimation tools that predict atmospheric persistence and bioaccumulation. A selection tree is presented, which may be used by regulatory bodies to prioritize chemicals for long-term air monitoring. A final ranking list is presented proposing a prioritization order for inclusion in monitoring programs. Based on the suggested strategy, the chemicals identified as most relevant to include in Swedish long-term monitoring programs were short-chain chlorinated paraffins(C10-C13), perfluorooctane sulfonate, octachlorostyrene, hexabromocyclododecane, hexachlorobenzene, pentachloroanisole, decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane, pentachlorobenzene, 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorobenzene, hexachlorobutadiene, dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane, perfluorodecane sulfonate, 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene, and pentabromophenol.  相似文献   

Thousands of chemicals are on the market, but only in a few exceptional cases is it known where these chemicals remain in the environment and what effects they are able toexert in correlation to their environmental concentration. In addition to monitoring the actual concentrations of chemicals in the environment, it is necessary to establish an environmental specimen banking program which will, in the future, make possible the retrospective monitoring of chemicals. The feasibility of such a program is being studied in a joint U.S.-German pilot project. The German project is described here, including its organizational structure, technical and scientific considerations, and methods of specimen selection.  相似文献   

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