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北运河流域河流沉积物中氮磷污染物释放规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京市北运河流域属于典型缺水型城市纳污河流,沉积物释放的氮磷污染物已成为阻碍水环境质量持续改善的主要因素。利用自制环形水槽,对不同流速下沉积物中氮磷的动态释放规律进行研究,结果表明,静态条件下,沉积物中氨氮平均释放速率1 136 mg/(m~2·d),磷酸盐平均释放速率为145 mg/(m~2·d),在流速0.05 m/s的缓流水体中,氨氮平均释放速率为1 408 mg/(m~2·d),而磷酸盐平均释放速率为125 mg/(m~2·d)。流速增加会显著促进氮素的硝化作用,使水体中氨氮浓度降低,硝酸盐氮浓度上升。同时,流速增加导致水体中颗粒物含量增加,促进磷吸附行为,水体中磷酸盐浓度下降。  相似文献   

三峡水库干流氮和磷含量的季节变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
三峡水库成库后对6个水平断面、4个垂直断面采样分析,对水体水质参数、不同化学形态N以及不同物理形态P的水平分布和垂直分布进行了研究。研究结果表明,成库后TP、NH3-N、NO2--N、NO3--N、IN含量范围分别在0.06~0.34、0.01~0.72、0.002~0.100、0.76~2.09、0.855~2.52 mg/L。TP分布为丰水期>平水期>枯水期,受悬浮物沉降的影响,TP在水库区域含量低于上游区。枯水期、平水期水体中TP以可溶解态为主,丰水期以颗粒态为主。NO2--N、NO3--N、IN含量均为平水期>枯水期>丰水期。水体中IN以NO3--N为主,占IN70%~90%。NO2--N比例最低,占IN3.5%以下。表明水体虽受成库影响流速减缓,但水体依然有较强的自净能力。垂直分布上,TP、IN在3个层次变化不显著,未出现分层现象。各采样站点TP、NO3--N、IN通量和流量有显著相关。  相似文献   

丹江口水库流域氮素时空分布特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为全面了解丹江口水库流域氮素污染状况,对库区26个点位及10条主要入库河流入库口处的表层水样进行了丰水期、平水期、枯水期采样与监测,探讨了氮素时空分布特征。入库口总氮检出范围为1.31~10.96 mg/L,其中泗河和神定河入库口总氮最高。总氮为库区水质主要限制因子,年均总氮质量浓度为1.13~2.71 mg/L;汉江库区整体上总氮污染水平略高于丹江库区,且与丹江库区相比,汉江库区受点源排放的影响较大。10条入库河流总氮的总年均输入量为63 347.31 t/a,其中汉江的总氮输入量最大;入库河流总氮控制的关键在于溶解性有机氮和硝酸盐氮的控制。  相似文献   

湖泊是挥发性有机物(VOCs)的重要自然源,适用的观测手段是湖泊VOCs释放研究的基础。该研究以人工观测池模拟水华水体,以动态顶空-箱式法收集水气界面释放的VOCs,联用甲烷-非甲烷总烃分析仪和飞行时间质谱仪,并辅以阀切换,实现野外2种场景VOCs释放的同时高时间分辨率在线观测。结果表明,合理设置参数后方法重现性好、精度高,相对偏差绝大部分在±10%内;直接进样-氢火焰离子化检测、膜富集-飞行时间质谱检测分别适用于水面释放甲烷和非甲烷VOCs的观测。人为引入浓藻的试验池甲烷、非甲烷VOCs释放速率分别为66.2、2.18 mg/(m2·d),而对照池则分别为2.39、1.15 mg/(m2·d),正午前后非甲烷VOCs释放强度大,傍晚至凌晨则甲烷释放强烈;经试验组、对照组的差异对比以及试验组内物质释放速率之间相关性分析,初步推断藻类释放了壬烷、癸烷、异戊二烯、苯乙烯、氯苯、二氯苯、三氯苯、三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯等物质。  相似文献   

以长兴县入太湖的泗安塘-合溪-乌溪河网为研究对象,将入湖河网划分为水源区、河网区、西苕溪区和入湖区,于2018年8月和2019年1月分别对长兴县入太湖河网丰水期和枯水期的水质状况进行了调查,采用空间聚类法、水质标识指数对水质的时空分布进行评价。结果表明,长兴入太湖河网不同片区氨氮(NH3-N)和总氮(TN)的质量浓度平均值呈现枯水期较丰水期高的特征,而高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)和总磷(TP)则呈现丰水期较枯水期高的特征。空间聚类分析结果表明,水质指标分布具有明显的空间差异性,呈现水源区>西苕溪区>河网区>入湖区的分布特征,入湖区是污染物聚集的主要区域。综合水质标识指数分析结果表明,长兴入太湖河网主要以Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类水为主;单因子水质标识指数分析结果表明,溶解氧(DO)、CODMn、NH3-N、TP指标均优于Ⅲ类水标准,TN是入太湖河网的特征污染物,且在丰水期和枯水期质量浓度平均值分别达到2.24,3.49 mg/L。因此,进一步削减氮污染是缓解其河网富营养化的关键。  相似文献   

以无锡市望虞河西岸河网区为研究区域,于2018年12月—2019年9月分冬、春、夏、秋4个季节采集了上覆水和沉积物样本,研究氮磷营养因子在沉积物-上覆水界面的释放规律,探究主要水质指标、沉积物氮磷和重金属含量的时空分布特征。结果表明:研究区域内的水质状况不佳,主要是氮含量超标,污染严重的点位集中在人类活动较为密集的市区和工业区;受上覆水氮磷浓度、溶解氧浓度等变化的影响,沉积物营养盐含量季节变化明显,污染状况较为严重,75%的点位属于中度和重度污染;沉积物重金属含量季节变化不显著,部分重金属的空间分布特征相似,污染程度排序为Zn>Cd>Cu>Pb>Ni>Cr>As。  相似文献   

采用气相色谱/质谱(GC/MS)非靶向筛查技术,分别于2019年11月5—7日(枯水期)、2020年4月24—26日(平水期)和2020年7月15—16日(丰水期)对骆马湖地区水体和沉积物中的农药残留进行了筛查并对其空间分布特征进行研究。结果表明,水中筛查出主要农药13种,除草剂占比62%,检出率>95%的农药有丁草胺、环嗪酮、异丙甲草胺、多效唑、噻氟菌胺、稻瘟灵、毒死蜱、阿特拉津、避蚊胺和莠灭净,阿特拉津检出质量浓度最高(ND~10 599 ng/L,平均值为725.5 ng/L),其次为多效唑(ND~2 089 ng/L,平均值为237.0 ng/L)和噻氟菌胺(ND~1 991 ng/L,平均值为237.2 ng/L)。与国内其他地区相比,骆马湖地区水中农药污染处于中等水平,其中阿特拉津、稻瘟灵和毒死蜱的生态风险值得重点关注。骆马湖及入湖河流水中农药总质量浓度呈现丰水期>平水期>枯水期的特点,与地表径流、农药的性质及其在水体中的释放等因素有关,丰水期入湖口和省界来水中农药对饮用水水源地的影响较大。沉积物中筛查出9种农药,总体含量不高,且仅扑灭净和避蚊胺检出率>95%,其余<20%。  相似文献   

根据浙江省舟山海洋生态环境监测站多年资料,对浙江省近岸海域环境功能区达标趋势及影响因素进行分析。结果表明,2009年浙江近岸海域环境功能区平水期、丰水期、枯水期达标面积分别为9541、10715、842km2,全年达标面积7333km2,占所监测海域面积的16.4%。浙江省近岸海域环境功能区水质达标的主要超标指标为无机氮和活性磷酸盐,另有部分区域溶解氧、化学需氧量、pH指标超标。整个杭州湾水体处于严重富营养化水平,象山湾和泗礁-大衢-岱山岛以西的舟山海域处于中度富营养化水平。东经122度以东的舟山海域及浙中南近岸海域处于轻度富营养或贫营养水平,2002年以来浙江近岸海域水体的富营养化程度逐步下降。2001—2004年近岸海域环境功能区达标率均低于3%,达标区主要分布在舟山海域,2005年开始达标区域扩展到温州海域,"十一五"以来浙江省近岸海域环境功能区水质达标率呈增加趋势。  相似文献   

杭州西湖水体生态环境参数的相互关系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
采用 2 0 0 0年的西湖常规监测数据 ,分析了西湖水体中生态环境特征参数的季节变化和相互关系。分析表明 ,西湖水体各生态环境参数 ,除总氮外 ,均呈现出明显的季节性变化 ,总磷、溶性正磷酸盐、叶绿素 a和藻类季节变化一致 ,在夏季形成高峰 ,冬季最低 ;三无机氮高峰值出现在冬季 ,夏季含量为全年最低。 2 0 0 0年西湖水体总氮年均值为 2 .0 5 m g/L ,总磷年均值为 0 .12 6mg/L ,N/P大于 16,西湖属于磷控制型富营养湖泊。通过相关分析 ,从另一方面说明磷是西湖水体的限制因子 ;硝酸盐对西湖沉积物和湖水之间的磷酸盐平衡有一定的影响 ;硝酸盐对西湖水体中浮游植物生长繁殖可能有抑制作用  相似文献   

以镇江市金山湖为研究区域,于2019年1月(冬季)和2019年7月(夏季)采集了10个点位的表层沉积物样品,参照欧洲标准测试测量组织建立的沉积物磷形态分析方法(SMT)测定沉积物总磷(TP)、无机磷(IP)、有机磷(OP)、铁/铝-磷(Fe/Al-P)和钙-磷(Ca-P)质量分数,研究金山湖表层沉积物磷元素及其赋存形态的季节分布特征。结果表明,金山湖表层沉积物中TP质量分数在冬、夏季分别为727.39~1 073.70 mg/kg和700.90~1 002.17 mg/kg,处于中等污染水平;金山湖表层沉积物磷以IP为主,IP在TP中的占比在冬、夏季分别为68.58%~88.86%,73.09%~87.21%;除了Fe/Al-P以外,OP作为生物有效磷源,其冬、夏季质量分数分别为69.37~190.93 mg/kg和108.45~210.42 mg/kg;其平均值分别为129.01,160.15 mg/kg。金山湖冬、夏季沉积物各形态磷质量分数所占比例均表现为Ca-P>Fe/Al-P>OP,表明该研究区域沉积物以Ca-P占优势。金山湖表层沉积物pH值呈现弱碱性,通过Ca-P直接释放到上覆水中的磷较少,故金山湖沉积物磷元素的潜在风险较小。各形态磷的相关性分析结果发现,冬季沉积物TP与Fe/Al-P、IP呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。夏季沉积物TP与IP、Fe/Al-P之间呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与Ca-P呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。此外,金山湖沉积物OP、Fe/Al-P以及Ca-P的来源不一致。pH值对沉积物IP会产生一定影响,而其余磷形态则受pH值的影响程度较小。  相似文献   

洪泽湖沉积物中磷的形态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用改进的七步连续提取法对洪泽湖9个采样点沉积物中的各形态磷进行了分析,结果表明,所测洪泽湖沉积物中总磷(TP)含量范围为580.7~1 447.7 mg/kg,无机磷(IP)是TP的主要部分,占TP含量的64.32%~88.60%;有机磷(0P)占TP的11.40%~35.68%.受河流注入和人为活动的影响,TP、I...  相似文献   

李刚 《干旱环境监测》2009,23(3):152-156
研究并建立了利用TenaxGC管富集、热解吸仪脱附,经HP-5石英毛细管柱分离,气相色谱(具FID)测定空气,9--硫化碳的方法。研究结果为:当采集30L气体时,本方法检出限可达0.03mg/m3,监测浓度范围为0.03—14mg/m3,方法精密度为8.7%;样品在密闭、低温环境中可保存2d。该方法可以满足环境监测要求。  相似文献   

Conditional solid-water distribution coefficients (K(d)) for the adsorption of domoic acid (DA) to a series of complex sediments and clays were determined in artificial seawater. K(d) ranged from 5.11 L g(-1) to 0.97 L g(-1), with a corresponding ranking of: kaolinite > Gulf of Mexico sediment > Santa Barbara Basin sediment > Bread and Butter Creek sediment > poorly crystallized kaolin > Ca-montmorillonite > Na-montmorillonite > well crystallized kaolin > diatomaceous earth. Adsorption correlated with the anion exchange capacity of the clays tested (R(2) = 0.98), but not the more structurally complex sediments. The effect of added transition metals (Fe(iii), Cu(ii), Al(iii)) and terrestrially derived dissolved organic matter (Suwannee River DOM, SRDOM) on DA adsorption to Na-montmorillonite, well crystallized kaolin, and Gulf of Mexico sediment, was also tested. The addition of transition metals led to increased adsorption to all surfaces by a factor of 2-7, presumably by enabling the adsorption of DA-metal complexes. SRDOM enhanced DA adsorption by a factor of approximately 2.5. The release of adsorbed DA from sediments was also examined. Under our conditions, adsorbed DA equilibrated with the overlying aqueous phase within minutes with approximately 50% release.  相似文献   

We assessed the impact of urban effluents on the concentrations of selected minerals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn, Mn, Ni, and Hg) in river Ravi before and after its passage through Lahore city. Water and sediment samples were collected from three lowly to highly polluted downstream sites (Shahdera (B), Sunder (C), and Balloki (D)) alongside the least polluted upstream site (Siphon (A)) during high and low river flow seasons. All the mineral concentrations increased up to site C but stabilized at site D, showing some recovery as compared to the third sampling site. The trend of mean mineral concentration was significantly higher during the low than the high flow season at all the sites. The mean Hg concentrations approached 0.14 and 0.12 mg/l at site A which increased (%) up to 107 and 25 % at site B, 1,700 and 1,317 % at site C, and 1,185 and 1,177 % at site D during low and high river flows, respectively. All mineral concentrations were much higher in the sediment than the water samples. Mean Cd (917 %), Cr (461 %), Cu (300 %), Fe (254 %), Pb (179 %), Zn (170 %), Mn (723 %), Ni (853 %), and Hg (1,699 %) concentrations were higher in riverbed sediments sampled from site C in comparison with the sample collected at site A during low flow season. The domestic and industrial discharges from Lahore city have created undesirable water qualities during the low river flow season. As majority of the mineral levels in the river Ravi were higher than the permissible and safe levels, this is of immediate concern for riverine fish consumers and the users of water for recreation and even irrigation. The use of these waters may pose health risks, and therefore, urgent intervention strategies are needed to minimize river water pollution and its impact on fish-consuming communities of this study area and beyond.  相似文献   

Sediment phosphorus (P) fractions and sorption characteristics and P release from intact sediment cores of Baiyangdian Lake in North China in spring 2009 were investigated. Results of chemical fractionation showed that total P (TP) content in sediment ranged from 443 to 611 mg kg(?-1). Of the P fractions including inorganic P (IP) and organic P (OP), IP was a dominant component of TP and present in the form of P bounded to calcium (Ca-P) while the bioavailable P content bounded to Al, Fe, and Mn oxides and hydroxides (Fe/Al-P) varied from 14 to 102 mg kg(?-1). The batch experiments showed that the sediments had appreciable maximum P adsorption capacity from 141.86 to 377.37 mg kg(?-1). However, the zero P equilibrium concentration (C?(eq))in most sampling sites was larger than the P concentration in water column. Accordingly, the sediments from those sampling sites would release P into the overlying water at the positive P flux rates as a P release source. Significant positive correlation between P flux rates and Fe/Al-P revealed that the sediment P release would mainly originate from the bioavailable P fraction. It is evident that the inherent phosphorus present in lake sediments would be a major threat to the water quality and ecosystem reservation in Baiyangdian lake.  相似文献   

塔山水库春季水生生物特征调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对塔山水库春季湖水中浮游生物、底栖动物和入湖河道水生维管植物的生物学性质进行了调查。结果表明,塔山水库浮游植物共7门60属130种,主要优势种类为小环藻、尖针杆藻、冰岛直链藻等8种;共鉴定浮游动物5大类25种,主要优势种类为幼虫、独角聚花轮虫、浮游累枝虫、缩钟虫等;共鉴定底栖动物2大类,2种;浮游植物单位体积内 Chla为6.06~15.33 mg/m3,最高生产层日产量(以碳计)为0.26~0.65 g /(m3· d),水柱日产量(以碳计)为0.78~1.06 g /(m2·d);共记录水生维管植物9种,优势种为空心莲子草、浮萍、菹草和紫萍。塔山水库水质处于中度及以上富营养化水平。  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) contamination in the Yellow River mainstream and its tributaries was studied using data from 1960 to 2000 from 312 monitoring sites in the Yellow River system. Data showed that N concentrations in the Yellow River have increased since 1960, especially after 1990. N concentrations in the Yellow River mainstream increased from the upper reaches (less than 1.0 mg L(-1) for TN and less than 0.10 mg L(-1) for NH4(+)-N) to lower reaches (higher than 4-5 mg L(-1) for TN and higher than 1.0 mg L(-1) for NH4(+)-N). However, the highest N contaminations (50-250 mg L(-1) for TN and 10-20 mg L(-1) for NH4(+)-N) was found in some tributaries, which was attributed as an effect of industrial wastewater and municipal sewage. Nitrogen concentrations from several monitoring sites were positively correlated with several regional socio-economic indices, such as population density, fertilization rates, livestock, industrial input and GDP. Depending on location, seasonal N concentrations contrasted among watersheds. Monitoring stations located in rural and agricultural areas showed higher N concentrations during the flood season while those located in areas with urban and industrial centers showed higher N concentration during the dry season. Mainstream flow and N concentrations showed a strong inverse relationship; with higher N concentrations as the river flow declined. Intensive water extraction for agricultural irrigation and increasing N input to the river from fertilized agricultural fields could explain the increasing N concentrations during extensive droughts.  相似文献   

硅胶管采样—气相色谱测定环境空气中苯胺类化合物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究并建立了环境空气中7种苯胺类化合物经硅胶管吸附、甲醇解吸、气相色谱氮磷检测器检测方法。研究结果显示:当采集10 L气体时,该方法检出限为0.0059-0.0129 mg/m^3(进样量为1.0μl时)。采集样品密闭、低温可保存3 d。该方法可有效提高检出限、精密度,回收率均满足环境监测要求。  相似文献   

The planned restoration of the Kissimmee River ecocystem will backfill approximately 35 km of flood control canal (C-38) that cuts through the meandering river channel, re-establish natural flow patterns, and restore the river/floodplain ecosystem. Water quality monitoring, including nutrients, total suspended solids (TSS), turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), and mercury, was conducted during a pilot `test fill' project to determine if soil disturbance during canal backfilling would negatively impact these water quality constituents. Surface water nutrient concentrations varied little between sites. Generally, highest concentrations occurred prior to construction, with lowest concentrations occurring during and after construction. During construction, TSS concentrations increased at sites immediately upstream, downstream, and adjacent to the construction area. Increased turbidity was generally restricted to areas immediately upstream and downstream of the test plug, with maximum levels occurring during the initial construction phase. Some downstream increases in turbidity were observed; however, impacts were short-term, lasting less than 24 h. Depresssed DO levels (<2 mg/l) were observed upstream of the test plug following completion of the initial plug across C-38. Dissolved oxygen levels remained low for approximately 6 weeks, with no apparent ecological impacts. Total mercury (HgT) within canal sediment ranged from 9.2–180 ng/g and methylmercury concentrations ranged from 0.037–0.708 ng/g. Concentration of total mercury and total methylmercury (MeHgT) in the backfill material were much lower than concentrations in the canal sediment. No significant change in aqueous HgT concentrations occurred over the sampling period, although construction-induced turbidity could have temporarily caused a slightly elevated concentration immediately downstream of the construction site. Methylmercury concentrations in the water column ranged from 0.033–0.518 ng/l. No significant differences in mean MeHgT concentrations occured between sites or between sampling dates, except at one downstream site where MeHgT declined significantly over the sampling period.  相似文献   

采集广州市大气可吸入颗粒物(PM10)样品,并分别对冬、夏两季灰霾和非灰霾期PM10中有机碳(OC)、元素碳(EC)和水溶性离子进行分析。广州市灰霾期大气PM10中的主要化学成分按质量浓度大小排序为OC>NO3->SO24->NH4+>EC(非灰霾期则依次为OC>SO24->EC>NH4+>NO3-),其质量浓度分别为非灰霾期的4.7、12.5、3.7、3.2和2.3倍。相关性分析表明,灰霾期总碳[TC(OC+EC)]及NO3-的质量浓度对大气能见度的降低起主要作用,而非灰霾期则主要是TC和SO24-。  相似文献   

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