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近十年以来,电力系统在各省市范围内普遍建立了电力环境监测站,是全国行业监测网络之一,原水电部颁布的《火电厂环境监测条例》是加强对环境监测管理的重要依据.江苏省级电力环境监测站及火电厂环境监测站在《条例》的指导下开展了水、气、声、渣、辐射、放射性等项目的监测,取得了大量的数据,支持了地方的环境监测数据库的建设,为防治污染,改善和保护区域环境起到了积极作用.  相似文献   

以"十一五"期间较为常见的火电厂石灰石-石膏脱硫设施竣工环保验收监测为例,着重就验收过程监测布点、设施处理效率计算、污染物总量核算、减排项目标准执行以及环境管理检查中存在的问题进行探讨,提出解决问题的方法与思路,为今后火电厂竣工环保验收监测工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

结合粉煤灰堆放场的水文地质状况,通过稳定同位素示踪、浸溶和淋溶试验,探讨了灰场对周围岩溶地下水的影响。结果表明,堆场灰水已经达到下游部分水井,堆场在大气降水和冲灰水的浸泡、淋溶作用下,其中的Cr6+、F-和钙镁盐类大量析出并随灰水一起下渗,石灰岩碎石虽对氟化物有一定的吸附作用,但能力有限。根据试验数据分析认为,该粉煤灰堆放场是焦作市北中部岩溶地下水Cr6+、F-和总硬度升高的主要原因。  相似文献   

文中以永昌电厂废水回收工程为例,对火电厂废水回收工艺进行了阐述,并着重分析、探讨了用阻垢剂加硫酸处理火电厂循环补水,以提高火力发电厂循环水浓缩倍率,进而提高回收废水利用量的实际可行性。  相似文献   

本文从五个方面简述了燃煤火电厂推行清洁生产的有利条件.随着《清洁生产促进法》的实施和环保执法力度的加强,火电厂只有尽早上脱硫工程,才能减轻因污染带来沉重的经济负担。  相似文献   

火电厂二氧化硫排放行为分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
火电厂是二氧化硫排放大户。从企业层面和国家层面上对火电厂二氧化硫排放行为和形势进行了分析和总结,以期为环境管理服务。  相似文献   

根据国家环保法规和生产实践,提出火电厂建设时期“三同时”检查所作的几方面工作的内容及要求;并阐述了火电厂建设时期“三同时”检查工作的必要性.  相似文献   

火电厂自行监测现状及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
简述了国内外火电厂自行监测情况。指出了我国火电厂自行监测存在各地环保管理要求不同,导致企业自行监测开展水平参差不齐,企业自行监测质量难以保证,信息记录与公开不够规范等问题。提出应开展火电厂自行监测技术指导,加强火电厂监测能力建设,强化污染源监测质量管理,发挥公众监督力量。  相似文献   

为应对近年来我国多地接连出现的以大气细颗粒物(PM2.5)为特征污染物的灰霾天气,贯彻落实国务院《大气污染防治行动计划》,加强大气污染防治工作的科学性和针对性,日前,环境保护部启动实施《清洁空气研究计划》2014年度项目,实施。  相似文献   

一、2007年工作安排 1.1加大污染防治力度,努力解决关系人民切身利益的突出环境问题 一是切实做好兰州市大气污染防治工作。落实好《兰州市实施大气污染防治法办法》,通过建立科学决策、长效管理、清洁能源推广激励、市场运作、项目推动和科技支撑等六个机制,全面完成兰州市“123”清洁能源改造计划。通过3~5年的努力,使兰州市大气环境质量二级和好于二级的天数稳定在全年的70%以上。二是加大黄河甘肃段水污染治理力度。根据《关于加强黄河甘肃段水污染防治工作的意见以加快完成白银公司铜冶炼硫酸系统污染治理工程、新西部维尼纶废水治理工程等一批重点污染源治理项目的建设,通过提高城镇污水处理厂的运行效率,进一步改善黄河甘肃段水环境质量和完成水环境化学需氧量削减任务。三是加强二氧化硫控制区等重点区域大气污染防治。实施以燃煤污染防治、烟控区建设、机动车污染防治和饮食油烟污染控制为主的综合整治措施,加大工业企业二氧化硫综合利用和治理力度,努力完成二氧化硫削减计划和二氧化硫污染防治工作。  相似文献   

火力发电厂的排灰场对土壤及浅层地下水的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
火力发电厂排灰场的粉煤灰对排灰场周围的土壤和浅层地下水的影响主要取决于当地土壤的类型及污染物的种类和性质。模拟试验表明,土壤对砷、六价铬、氟的吸附能力小于汞和铅。  相似文献   

One of the primary adverse environmental impacts associated with power generation facilities and in particular thermal power plants is local air quality. When these plants are operated at inland areas the dry type cooling towers used may significantly increase ambient concentrations of air pollutants due to the building downwash effect. When one or more buildings in the vicinity of a point source interrupt wind flow, an area of turbulence known as a building wake is created. Pollutants emitted from relatively low level sources can be caught in this turbulence affecting their dispersion. In spite of the fact that natural gas-fired combined-cycle power plants have lower air emission levels compared to other power plants using alternative fossil fuel, they can still create significant local air pollution problems. In this paper, local air quality impacts of a natural gas-fired combined-cycle power plant located in a coastal area are compared with those of another natural gas-fired combined-cycle power plant having identical air emissions but located in an inland area taking into account differences in topography and meteorology. Additionally, a series of scenarios for the inland site have been envisaged to illustrate the importance of plant lay-out configurations paying particular attention to the building downwash effect. Model results showed that different geometrical configurations of the stacks and cooling towers will cause remarkable differences in ambient air pollutant concentrations; thus it is concluded that when selecting a plant site, a detailed site-specific investigation should be conducted in order to achieve the least possible ambient air pollution concentrations with the given emissions.  相似文献   

The present study describes the development of empirical models for the prediction of various trace metals i.e., Mn, Cu, Fe, Zn and Pb found in the leachates generated from the ash ponds of various thermal power plants. The dispersion phenomenon of these trace metals followed first order reaction rate kinetics. The empirical models for individual trace metals derived from the lab scale models data correlate well with the real field data with regression coefficients varying from 0.93 to 0.98. The predicted concentrations of the trace metals varied within ±3% of the observed values in the leachates generated from the ash ponds of four thermal power plants with standard deviation varying from 0.001 to 0.032. The empirical models derived from the study can be applied for prediction of trace metals in leachates generated from similar thermal power plants.  相似文献   

采用核电站温排水遥感监测影像叠加合并方法提取温升包络线,监测核电站附近海域海表温升数据,确定核电温排水的影响范围,对海面温升面积进行计算,判断核电站温排水是否符合我国相关海洋空间管理标准。以某核电站实例表明,通过遥感监测获得的温升包络线在核电站温排水监测中具有应用价值。  相似文献   

Pumped-storage hydroelectric power plants are generally perceived as an environmentally respectful technology. Nevertheless, the pumping of water from a lower reservoir to an upper impoundment, and the return of that water during power generation, can strongly affect the water quality of the reservoirs. In particular, plant operation can alter their thermal structure, deep water mixing, and water circulation characteristics. The objective of this study is to quantify, through the use of 3D hydrodynamic modeling, the potential impacts of a pumped-storage hydroelectric plant on the thermal stability and mixing of two reservoirs in Galicia, northwest of Spain. To this end, three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations were conducted using the model Delft3D. Two different coupled models, one for each reservoir, were constructed and subsequently tested for several stratification scenarios, according to measured temperature profiles during the spring and summer season. Several reservoir minimum and maximum operation water levels were also considered. Model simulations demonstrated a high level of mixing in the vicinity of the intake-outlet structures, in particular during startup of the power plant, regardless of the water level in the reservoir. Beyond this area, the results showed a limited overall effect on stratification and mixing in the upper reservoir, owing to the relation between the inflow temperatures and the initial temperature profile of this reservoir. A more significant alteration of the thermal structure is expected in the lower reservoir due to its narrow shape and shallow depth at the structure location, as well as the temperature differences between receiving waters and inflow.  相似文献   

Boron toxicity is an important disorder that can be limit plant growth on soils of arid and semi arid environments through the world. High concentrations of Boron may occur naturally in the soil or in groundwater, or be added to the soil from mining, fertilizers, or irrigation water. Off all the potential resources, irrigation water is the most important contributor to high levels of soil boron, boron is often found in high concentrations in association with saline soil and saline well water. Although of considerable agronomic importance, our understanding of Boron toxicity is rather fragment and limited. In this study, Boron content of Great Menderes River and Basin was researched. Great Menderes Basin is one of the consequence basins having agricultural potential, aspect of water and soil resources in Turkey. Great Menderes River, water resource of the basin was to be polluted by geothermal wastewater and thermal springs including Boron element. Great Menderes Basin has abundant geothermal water resources which contain high amounts of Boron and these ground water are brought to surface and used for various purposes such as power generation, heating or thermal spring and than discharged to Great Menderes River. In order to prevent Boron pollution and hence unproductively in soils, it is necessary not to discharged water with Boron to irrigation water. According to results, it was obtained that Boron content of River was as high in particular Upper Basin where there was a ground thermal water reservoir. Boron has been accumulated more than plant requirement in this area irrigated by this water. Boron content of River was relatively low in rainy months and irrigation season while it was high in dry season. Boron concentration in the River was to decrease from upstream to downstream. If it is no taken measure presently, about 130,000 ha irrigation areas which was constructed irrigation scheme in the Great Menderes basin will expose the Boron pollution and salinity. Even though Boron concentration of river water is under 0.5 ppm limit value, Boron element will store in basin soils, decrease in crop yields, and occur problematic soils in basin.  相似文献   

南京某燃煤电厂汞的排放特点及分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择南京某燃煤电厂330 MW机组,对煤、炉渣、粉煤灰、烟尘、石灰石、石膏和烟气中的汞取样测量,探讨煤中汞在燃烧过程中的变化情况,并进一步分析汞的排放特点及分布特征。指出,煤经燃煤锅炉炉内高温燃烧后,炉渣中的汞对环境影响不明显;粉煤灰、烟尘中的汞存在富集现象,且随着粒径变细,富集程度加剧;燃煤锅炉燃烧后,随石膏排放的汞占比较大,应采取相应的防治措施。  相似文献   

Use of lignite in power generation has led to increasing environmental problems associated not only with gaseous emissions but also with the disposal of ash residues. In particular, use of low quality coal with high ash content results in huge quantities of fly ash to be disposed of. The main problem related to fly ash disposal is the heavy metal content of the residue. In this regard, experimental results of numerous studies indicate that toxic trace metals may leach when fly ash contacts water. In this study, fly ash samples obtained from thermal power plants, namely Soma and Tunçbilek, located at the west part of Turkey, were subjected to toxicity tests such as European Committee for standardization (CEN) and toxicity characteristic leaching (TCLP) procedures of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). The geochemical composition of the tested ash samples from the power plant show variations depending on the coal burned in the plants. Furthermore, the CEN and TCLP extraction results showed variations such that the ash samples were classified as `toxic waste' based on TCLP result whereas they were classified as `non-toxic' wastes based on CEN results, indicating test results are pH dependent.  相似文献   

NALCO – the largest exporter of aluminium in India has a power plant of 720 MW capacity in Nandira watershed in Angul district of Orissa. The power plant utilises local coal to generate thermal power and disposes of large amount of ash which accumulates in slurry form at nearby two ash ponds. These ash ponds were breached on 31 December 2000, causing ash accumulation for entire regime of the Nandira river. An attempt has been made towards preparation of recovery and rehabilitation plan for NALCO using temporal Remote Sensing data and GIS. Indian remote sensing satellite data for pre-breach condition 12 December 2000, during breach event 31 December 2000 and post-breach condition 4 and 6 January 2001 has been digitally analysed for Nandira watershed. The satellite data of coarse spatial resolution provides the absence and presence of fresh sediment deposition along Nandira watershed and Brahmani river pertaining to pre-breach and post-breach conditions respectively on regional scales. The temporal comparison of fine resolution has clearly highlighted the aerial extent of damage caused by the disaster for entire watershed on local scales. The GIS has helped in demarcation of freshly accumulated ash at interval of 500 m along the river length as well as in delineation of maximum ash accumulation across the river width. The study has clearly demonstrated the use of temporal Remote Sensing data in conjunction with GIS for disaster management in terms of recovery and rehabilitation plan preparation of the Nandira watershed.  相似文献   

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