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燃煤电厂烟气降温过程中多环芳烃分布特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分别以燃用褐煤与烟煤无烟煤的2个电厂为例,研究2个电厂烟气降温过程中多环芳烃的分布及转化特征。研究表明,萘、菲、苯并[a]蒽和苯并[a]芘4种多环芳烃在烟气降温过程中呈过渡分子状态,在适当的条件下,存在相互转化的可能性;萘、菲、苯并[a]蒽和苯并[a]芘在不同的电厂随飞灰粒径变化所表现出来的吸附特性不同,颗粒的粒度影响多环芳烃的形成与吸附。在烟气降温过程中飞灰表面吸附的萘、菲、苯并[a]蒽和苯并[a]芘含量随着飞灰粒径的变小呈现出逐渐增加的趋势。  相似文献   

分析了隧道沥青摊铺过程环境空气中的TSP及多环芳烃质量浓度。TSP用膜法,中流量采样器采样15 min,重量法分析;超声波萃取,高效液相色法分析多环芳烃。结果表明,摊铺机周围空气中TSP超过8 mg/m3,道路空气中TSP超过3 mg/m3;环境空气中苊烯等12种多环芳烃均有检出,苊烯和艹屈质量浓度较高,苯并[a]芘和二苯并[a,h]蒽质量浓度较低。苯并[a]蒽、苯并[a]芘和二苯并[a,h]蒽超标,对人体健康危害较大。建议加强相关行业PAHs的排放水平及其健康风险研究,制定相关限值标准和沥青摊铺过程环境空气的沥青烟监测方法标准。  相似文献   

马鞍山市大气环境中苯并(a)芘分布与变化规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究了马鞍山市大气环境中苯并(a)芘的分布与变化规律,监测了马鞍山市各功能区,新老市区的居民区及交通要道大气环境中苯并(a)芘的含量,该市功能区内的工业区大气中苯并(a)芘污染严重,最高质量浓度达50.31ng/m^3,居民区内老市大气中的苯并(a)芘污染明显高于新市区,究其原因,老市区是马鞍山,市工业发源地,属居民,商业及工业混合区,研究中发现,大气中苯并(a)芘含量高低有季节性的昼夜变化现象,时空分布和迁移变化规律明显,并且大气中总悬浮颗粒物与苯并(a)芘的相关性显著。  相似文献   

不同粒径空气颗粒物中11种多环芳烃的分析测定   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
将五段多孔冲击分级器 (粒径分级 :≤ 1 .1 ,1 .1~ 2 .0 ,2 .0~ 3 .3 ,3 .3~ 7.0 ,≥ 7.0μm)与大流量采样器连接 ,采集呼和浩特市冬夏两季空气颗粒物样品 ,用高压液相色谱仪 (HPLC)测定样品中的蒽 (An)、菲 (Ph)、萤蒽 (Fl)、芘 (Py)、(Ch)、苯并 [a]蒽 (Ba A)、苯并 [a]芘 (Ba P)、二甲基苯并 [a]蒽 (DMBa A)、二苯并 [ah]蒽 (DBah A)、苯并 [ghi] (Bghi P)和晕苯 (Cor)等 1 1种多环芳烃化合物 (PAHs)。数据表明 :呼和浩特市空气颗粒物中 PAHs的浓度较高 ;有约 97%的 PAHs富集于可吸入颗粒中。  相似文献   

广东省南海市主干道气溶胶中多环芳烃(PAHs)的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气溶胶采样点位于广东省南海市桂江路边缘及两侧 ,采集时间为 2 4 h,连续采集三天。使用仪器为国产大体积采样器。同时在公园内设点采样 ,以作背景研究。样品经超声波抽提和层析柱分离得到正构烷烃、芳烃 (AHs)和极性组分等三种有机组分。对 PAHs进行 GC MS分析 ,气溶胶中具有较高含量的芴、菲、蒽、荧蒽、芘、苯并 [a]蒽、、苯并 [b]荧蒽、苯并 [k]荧蒽、苯并 [a]芘、茚并 [1 ,2 ,3-cd]芘、二苯并 [a,h]蒽、苯并 [g,h,i]等。通过 TSP研究认为 ,主干道的机动车排放和扬尘是气溶胶的主要来源 ,气候改变也是 TSP变化的另一重要因素。  相似文献   

比较加压液体萃取法、超声波辅助萃取技术和微波辅助提取技术对公园地表土中多环芳烃的提取效率,并对目标化学成分进行分析鉴定。以超高效液相色谱-三重四极杆质谱作为分析方法,共分离检测出16种多环芳烃类化合物,分别为萘、苊、苊烯、氟、菲、蒽、荧蒽、芘、苯并[a]蒽、艹屈、苯并[b]荧蒽、苯并[k]荧蒽、苯并[a]芘、二苯并[a,h]蒽、茚并[1,2,3-cd]芘和苯并[ghi]苝。结果表明:加压液体萃取法、超声波辅助萃取技术和微波辅助提取技术均可以有效提取公园地表土中多环芳烃类成分。超高效液相色谱-质谱联用技术可以有效地分析公园地表土中多环芳烃类成分。  相似文献   

2011年4月通过GC-MS检测和210Pb测年对灌河口海域沉积物(GHES)中的PAHs进行了分析,柱状沉积物中21种PAHs总浓度为21.0~209.0 ng/g,均值为88.1 ng/g,7种致癌PAHs浓度为7.0~90.0 ng/g,其中致癌剂苯并[a]芘浓度为ND~2.0 ng/g。PAHs浓度与沉积物中有机质含量呈低度正相关,与p H无明显相关性。源解析表明,近50年来GHES中的PAHs大部分来自煤和生物质燃烧。近50年来,总PAHs和16种优控PAHs浓度在波动中升高;近年来苊、苊烯、苯并[b]荧蒽、荧蒽、茚并[1,2,3-cd]芘的浓度增高,需查明来源。生态风险评价表明,GHES中以芴为主的负面生物毒性效应会偶尔发生。芴、苯并[b]荧蒽、苯并[k]荧蒽的浓度介于临界与偶然效应浓度值之间,应尽量减少对该海域沉积物的搅动,防止污染物再悬浮导致水体的二次污染。  相似文献   

气溶胶采样点位于广州近郊主干道(广佛公路)边缘及两侧.采样分两种时间类型,一种为白天和夜晚分别采样,另一种为连续24h采样,连续采集三天,以作对比研究.使用仪器为国产大体积采样器.样品经超声波抽提和层析柱分离得到正构烷烃、芳烃(AHs)和极性组分等三种有机组分.对PAHs进行GC-MS分析,气溶胶中具有较高含量的芴、菲、蒽、荧蒽、芘、苯并[a]蒽、茬、苯并[b]荧蒽、苯并[]荧蒽、苯并[a]芘、茚并[1,2,3一cd]芘、二苯并[a,h]蒽、苯并[g,h,i]苝等.通过TSP研究认为,主干道的机动车排放和扬尘是气溶胶的主要来源,多环芳烃从机动车排放出后在迁移扩散过程中因质量数差异而发生分离效应.通过对比可知,该区域测点多环芳烃有机污染物极大程度地高出环境背景区.  相似文献   

本文采用高效液相色谱-荧光检测器法,用反相C18柱,在乙腈:水(V/V)=90:10作为流动相,检测波长:λEx=265nm,λEm=410nm,流速为1.5mL/min的条件下对饮用水中苯并[a]芘进行了方法学考查,本方法对苯并[a]芘的线性相关系数等于0.9998,RSD为1.46%,平均回收率为93.1%,方法操作简便、准确可靠、灵敏度较高。  相似文献   

淮南市秋季大气可吸入颗粒物中多环芳烃的污染特征分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
2007年秋季在淮南市五个采样点采集大气可吸入颗粒物样品,用色谱-质谱法分析多环芳烃中16种优控污染物.结果显示,交通区PAHs浓度最高;PAHs以四环为主,二环所占比例最小;PM10与ΣPAHs成显著正相关关系,与苯并[a]芘成显著正相关;采用比值法对准南市PM10中的PAHs进行来源分析,得到PAHs主要来源于交通源及燃煤排放.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn in the top-(0–10 cm) and sub-surface (10–20 cm) soils of the Talcahuano urban area were measured. The main soil properties (organic matter, CaCO3, pH, particle sizes) were determined for a network of representative sampling sites. The mean Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn contents in the urban topsoil samples from Talcahuano (37.8, 22.6, 35.2, 333 mg kg−1, respectively) were compared with mean concentrations for other cities around the world. The results revealed higher concentrations of heavy metals in topsoil samples than in sub-surface samples. The samples from IS1, IS2, and IS3, located in the Talcahuano industrial park, had higher Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn contents than did samples from the other sites. This was probably due to local pollution by industrial (metallurgical) dust, although other diffuse pollution throughout the entire port region (shipyards, metallurgy, the dismantling of old ships), and contributions from the wind from adjacent industrial, storage, and vessel areas clearly played a role. Heavy metals were lowest in the sample taken on school grounds (SG).  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the impact of atmospheric pollutants emitted by the industrial settlement of Milazzo (Italy) on agriculture, sulphur dioxide and ozone levels in air were monitored and the data were used to estimate yield losses of the most widespread cultures. Trace element concentrations in crops and soils were also detected and metabolic profiles of soil microbial communities were considered. Vibrio fischeri test was used to appraise airborne pollutant ecotoxicity and epidemiological studies on causes of death distribution were carried out to characterize health state of people living in the area. All the sampling points were selected in farms on the basis of a theoretical meteo-diffusive model of industrial air pollutants. Experimental SO2 and O3 values mainly exceeded the threshold established by Italian and EU regulations to protect vegetation and they correspond to estimated significant crop losses. Conversely toxic element residues in soils and in agroalimentary products were generally lower than the fixed values. SO2 and O3 concentrations, toxic element contents and ecotoxicity levels of airborne pollutants were not related only to industrial site emissions, while the fluctuations on metabolic profiles of soil microbial communities seem to agree with the predicted deposition of xenobiotic compounds from the industrial plants. The epidemiological study evidenced a better health state of populations living in the investigated area than in the Messina province and the Sicily region but, inside the area, males living in the municipalities closest to the industrial settlement exhibited a worst health state than those in the very far ones.  相似文献   

于非采暖季和采暖季分别采集某石化化工行业聚集城市中心城区室内外PM_(2.5)样品,采用高效液相色谱法分析PM_(2.5)上载带的16种PAHs,对其分布特征、来源以及室外PAHs污染对室内污染的贡献进行了初步探讨。结果表明,研究区域非采暖季和采暖季室外PM_(2.5)中ΣPAHs浓度日均值分别为36.3、294 ng/m~3,室内PM_(2.5)中ΣPAHs浓度分别为14.8、84.6 ng/m~3,均以4、5环PAHs为主;室内PAHs主要来自室外渗透污染,但同时明显存在室内排放源贡献;PAHs来源分析进一步证实研究区域PAHs主要来自煤炭、石油等不完全燃烧,采暖季煤炭燃烧源贡献更突出。  相似文献   

The current article maps perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) contamination in the largest Science Park of Taiwan. The occurrence of ten target PFAAs in the effluent of an industrial wastewater treatment plant (IWWTP), its receiving rivers, rainwater, sediment, and the muscles and livers of fish was investigated. All target PFAAs were found in effluent of IWWTP, in which perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) (6,930 ng/L), perfluorohexyl sulfonate (PFHxS) (2,662 ng/L) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) (3,298 ng/L) were the major constituents. Concentrations of PFBS and PFOS in the IWWTP downstream areas have exceeded safe concentration levels of avian and aquatic life, indicating a potential risk to wildlife in those areas. In sediment samples, predominant contaminants were PFOS (1.5–78 ng/g), PFOA (0.5–5.6 ng/g), and perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA) (nd–5.4 ng/g). In biological tissue samples, concentrations as high as 28,933 ng/g of PFOS were detected in tilapia and catfish liver samples. A positive correlation for log (C sediment/C water) and log (C tissue/C water) was found. The concentration and proportion (percentage of all PFAAs) of PFOS found in biotissue samples from the Keya River (which receives industrial wastewater) were found to be much greater (200 times) than those of samples from the Keelung River (which receives mainly domestic wastewater). These findings suggest that the receiving aquatic environments and, in turn, the human food chain can be significantly influenced by industrial discharges.  相似文献   

The Singrauli region in the southeastern part of Uttar Pradesh, India is one of the most polluted industrial sites of Asia. It encompasses 11 open cast coalmines and six thermal power stations that generate about 7,500 MW (about 10% of India’s installed generation capacity) electricity. Thermal power plants represent the main source of pollution in this region, emitting six million tonnes of fly-ash per annum. Fly-ash is deposited on soils over a large area surrounding thermal power plants. Fly-ashes have high surface concentrations of several toxic elements (heavy metals) and high atmospheric mobility. Fly ash is produced through high-temperature combustion of fossil fuel rich in ferromagnetic minerals. These contaminants can be identified using rock-magnetic methods. Magnetic susceptibility is directly linked to the concentration of ferromagnetic minerals, primarily high values of magnetite. In this study, magnetic susceptibility of top soil samples collected from surrounding areas of a bituminous-coal-fired power plant were measured to identify areas of high emission levels and to chart the spatial distribution of airborne solid particles. Sites close to the power plant have shown higher values of susceptibility that decreases with increasing distance from the source. A significant correlation between magnetic susceptibility and heavy metal content in soils is found. A comparison of the spatial distribution of magnetic susceptibility with heavy-metal concentrations in soil samples suggests that magnetic measurements can be used as a rapid and inexpensive method for proxy mapping of air borne pollution due to industrial activity.  相似文献   

抚顺市PM10中元素分布特征及来源分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为了确定抚顺市PM10中元素的浓度特征及其来源,于2006—2007年的采暖季、风沙季和非采暖季在抚顺市的6个采样点采集PM10样品,并用等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定样品中Ti、Al、Mn、Mg、Ca、Na、K、Cu、Zn、As、Pb、Cr、Ni、Co、Cd、Fe、V等17种元素的含量。结果表明,Al、Mg、Ca、Na、K、Mn、Fe等地壳元素在17种元素中占有较大比重,全年平均达到97.0%。富集因子分析结果表明,Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr、Co、Cd等元素在各季和各采样点明显受到人为活动影响,是典型的污染元素。主因子分析结果显示,土壤风沙尘、建筑尘、燃煤尘、道路扬尘、机动车尾气排放、金属冶炼、锰、铜、钛工业源是抚顺市PM10中元素的主要来源。  相似文献   

To understand the metal distribution characteristics in the atmosphere of urban Islamabad, total suspended particulate (TSP) samples were collected on daily 12 h basis, at Quaid-i-Azam University campus, using high volume sampler. The TSP samples were treated with HNO3/HClO4 based wet digestion method for the quantification of eight selected metals; Fe, Zn, Pb, Mn, Cr, Co, Ni and Cd by FAAS method. The monitoring period ran from June 2001 to January 2002, with a total of 194 samples collected on cellulose filters. Effects of different meteorological conditions such as temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and wind direction on selected metal levels were interpreted by means of multivariate statistical approach. Enhanced metal levels for Fe (930 ng/m3), Zn (542 ng/m3) and Pb (210 ng/m3) were found on the mean scale while Mn, Cr, Co and Ni emerged as minor contributors. Statistical correlation study was also conducted and a strong correlation was observed between Pb-Cr (r=0.611). The relative humidity showed some significant influence on atmospheric metal distribution while other meteorological parameters showed weak relationship with TSP metal levels. Regarding the origin of sources of heavy metals in TSP, the statistical procedure identified three source profiles; automobile emissions, industrial/metallurgical units, and natural soil dust. The metal levels were also compared with those reported for other parts of the world which showed that the metal levels in urban atmosphere of Islamabad are in exceedence than those of European industrial and urban sites while comparable with some Asian sites.  相似文献   

Monitoring of heavy metal contamination plume in soils can be helpful in establishing strategies to minimize its hazardous impacts to the environment. The objective of this study was to apply a new approach of visualization, based on tridimensional (3D) images, of pseudo-total (extracted with concentrated acids) and exchangeable (extracted with 0.5 mol L?1 Ca(NO3)2) lead (Pb) concentrations in soils of a mining and metallurgy area to determine the spatial distribution of this pollutant and to estimate the most contaminated soil volumes. Tridimensional images were obtained after interpolation of Pb concentrations of 171 soil samples (57 points × 3 depths) with regularized spline with tension in a 3D function version. The tridimensional visualization showed great potential of use in environmental studies and allowed to determine the spatial 3D distribution of Pb contamination plume in the area and to establish relationships with soil characteristics, landscape, and pollution sources. The most contaminated soil volumes (10,001 to 52,000 mg Pb kg?1) occurred near the metallurgy factory. The main contamination sources were attributed to atmospheric emissions of particulate Pb through chimneys. The large soil volume estimated to be removed to industrial landfills or co-processing evidenced the difficulties related to this practice as a remediation strategy.  相似文献   

Wastewater and soil samples were collected from the industrial area of Ghaziabad City, India from January 2005 to December 2007 and were analyzed for the presence of heavy metals by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Test samples revealed high levels of Fe, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, and Cd as 967.03, 34.63, 27.97, 19.7, 16.70, and 3.20 mg/L of wastewater, respectively. The concentrations of inorganic minerals were higher in the soil samples irrigated with wastewater. Total coliforms were found to be maximum (1,133 × 104 most probable number per 100 mL) during spring and summer followed by winter and postmonsoon in the wastewater samples. The microbial count in soil as well as in wastewater decreases as the metal concentration increases. The concentration 200 μg/mL of nickel and cadmium inhibits majority of the population, while, at some points, it inhibits 100% of the population. The exponential decay model for microbial count at the increasing metal concentrations indicate that asymbiotic N2 fixers were best fitted to the model. In all the seasons, the order of decline in terms of exponential decay of the population of different microbial groups in soil was asymbiotic N2 fixers > actinomycetes > fungi > aerobic heterotrophic bacteria. The different microbial groups that have different values of slope in different seasons indicate that the resistant population of microorganisms was variable with seasons.  相似文献   

对兰州市春季不同功能区大气降尘有机质中PAHs种类的分析,检出了大气降尘中有机质USEPA优控PAHs有11种以上,含量较高的萘、荧蒽、菲、芘、,占各采样点PAHs总量的70%以上。源解析表明,兰州市各功能区大气降尘中PAHs来源不仅有较高的燃煤源、交通源(汽车尾气),同时PAHs的组成与分布也在很大程度上受到采样点周围居民居住环境的影响。  相似文献   

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