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基于2014—2020年重庆市中心城区北碚区环境监测数据及地面观测气象要素,分析了北碚区大气污染特征,利用KNN算法建立大气污染的评估模型,对空气质量改善效果进行评估。结果表明,重庆市中心城区北碚区的PM2.5浓度逐年呈明显下降趋势,O3浓度除夏季有一个弱的下降趋势外,其余3个季节和年平均值整体均呈上升趋势。全年以优良天气为主且呈增加趋势。O3与气温、日照时间呈正相关,与相对湿度呈负相关性,PM2.5与气温、降水及风速呈负相关。基于KNN算法对空气质量改善状况评估表明,减排对O3污染平均贡献率在-4.7%左右,对PM2.5污染平均贡献率为-52%,气象条件对O3污染的平均贡献率在17%左右,对PM2.5污染的平均贡献率在-7%左右。该大气污染评估模型能够有效地评估空气改善效果。  相似文献   

为研究新冠肺炎疫情期间冀南地区空气质量变化规律,明确防疫管控措施对空气质量的具体影响及大气污染物排放特征,笔者综合分析了研究区域的常规监测数据和部分大气超级站的PM2.5组分数据。结果表明:疫情防控重点区域石家庄市、邢台市空气质量整体好转,细颗粒物和一次排放气态污染物浓度下降明显,PM2.5来源中燃煤、生物质燃烧源占比上升,机动车尾气源占比下降,体现出交通管制、企业限产和道路工地扬尘管理等环保措施的有效性。疫情防控高风险区域石家庄市藁城区出现了明显的NO2浓度降低、PM2.5污染好转现象,而O3浓度显著升高成为新的特征污染物。结果显示,藁城区综合防疫管控举措对本地一次排放污染物起到了明显抑制作用。疫情防控核心区域藁城区增村镇因实行最严格的封村、限行、停产等措施,人为污染源排放"触底",6项监测指标中除O3浓度同比、环比均大幅度升高外,其他污染物浓度全时段降低,SO2和CO昼夜差距缩小,环境质量明显优于周边乡镇。分析认为大规模持续化学消杀可能对O3浓度升高有影响,此问题需要进一步探讨。  相似文献   

Sulphur dioxide and PM10 levels are investigated in Erzurum during the periods of 1990–2000 heating season to assess air pollution level. For that reason, emissions of sulphur dioxide and particulate matter were calculated by using consumption of fuels and Turkish emission factors. These emission values were evaluated together with air pollution levels, which were measured at six stations in Erzurum atmosphere during 1990–2000 winter periods. Results reveal that in 1990–1994 heating period, there is an increasing trend in the emissions and air pollution levels over Erzurum, and the air quality limits were not met. The daily 24 h limit (short-term limit) was exceeded 127 days in 1992–1993 winter period. The reason for this increase was found to be the switching to use of low-quality fossil fuels instead of cleaner ones. Results also indicated that there was a considerable decrease in emissions of air pollutants and air pollution levels after 1995. This can be explained by the consumption of more high-quality fossil fuels. The correlation coefficient of SO2 with PM10 is obtained as r2 = 0.85, which is a high value supporting the idea that both pollutants are emitted from the same source.  相似文献   

2018年大连海域船舶大气污染物排放特征及影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
船舶废气已成为大气污染物的重要来源之一。为掌握大连周边海域船舶大气污染物排放特征,以及大连海域船舶排放对大连市大气环境的影响,基于船舶自动识别系统监测数据,采用基于功率的动力法估算出2018年大连海域船舶排放清单,并利用WRF、SMOKE、CMAQ空气质量数值模拟系统,研究了1月、4月、7月、10月船舶排放对大连市大气环境的影响。研究结果表明,2018年大连海域船舶共排放SO2 7 606.23 t、NOx 30 990.13 t、PM10 1 212.02 t、PM2.5 969.58 t、CO 3 339.10 t、HC 1 414.63 t、CO2 2 546 299.67 t。其中,客船、散货船、油船和多用途船的排放占比较大,排放区域主要集中在大连湾、大窑湾附近及周边航道。受气候因素影响,不同月份的船舶排放对大连市大气环境的影响不同,其中,1月、4月和10月受影响较大的区域主要是旅顺口区和金州区,而7月受影响较大的区域主要是甘井子区。  相似文献   

对比分析法在环境空气质量预报业务中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析京津冀及周边区域环境空气质量预报的实际案例,从实时监测、污染源、大气条件以及数值预报模拟4个方面阐述了对比分析法在空气质量预报业务中的应用,帮助预报员比较类似污染源排放条件下的大气条件变化或者类似大气条件下的污染源变化,以便进一步开展量化分析。研究结果显示:利用时间同比、空间比较和大气条件对比的分析方法,能够判断在类似污染源排放和相似大气条件下,主要污染物的浓度水平、重污染发生、影响范围、持续时间、严重程度等污染特征以及污染物的水平传输影响等;采用污染源变化对比分析法,能够获得在类似大气条件下,污染源排放的减少或剧增对主要污染物浓度水平的影响程度;通过数值预报模式结果对比分析,能够获得在类似的污染源排放条件下,大气环流形势的稳定程度和变化情况,从而判断其对污染物浓度水平的影响。对比分析法是开展京津冀及周边区域环境空气质量预报业务中的重要环节,有利于持续提高空气质量预报的准确率,供全国空气质量预报员开展辖区空气质量预报时参考。  相似文献   

Results of relatively simple gaussian dispersion model are presented. This model, developed in the beginning of this decade, is suitable mainly for determination of spatial distributions of annual mean concentrations of such kinds of air-pollution as sulphur dioxide (SO2), mixture of nitrogen oxides (NOx) or suspended particulate matter (SPM) from all types of emission sources located within the city - point sources, line sources and area sources. Model has been used in years 1994, 1996 and 1998 to assess the air-pollution distributions of the above mentioned kinds in the Prague area and the development of the air quality state. It contributed to the decision making process when possible impact of some changes in traffic system or in system of domestic heating, for example, has been investigated. In this contribution, behaviour of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and mixture of nitrogen oxides (NOx) ground concentration distributions are analyzed with respect to changing emission situation in Prague in recent years. Results show that SO2 ground concentration level decreases mainly due to changes in local heating methods and type of fuel used. Different trend can be seen in NOx ground concentrations thanks to rapid increase in the traffic density.  相似文献   

通过研究机场大气污染物排放特征,结合我国相关排放政策及规范,以排放因子法为主要方法,设计了可建立机场高时间分辨率大气污染物排放清单的计算方法,以期为机场大气污染物排放实时监管提供研究基础。该方法针对飞机发动机和地面保障设备(GSE),实现了颗粒物、二氧化硫、氮氧化物等大气污染物和温室气体的半小时级别排放量计算。通过收集整理北京首都国际机场日航班计划与GSE运作情况实际数据,计算并建立了高时间分辨率的排放清单,验证了计算方法的可行性。随后,从活动水平误差和排放因子适用性两方面,对清单进行了不确定性分析,并通过计算结果对机场排放特征进行了分析,提出了减排建议。  相似文献   

Measured air pollution concentrations in a city reflect the influence of different kinds of sources as well as varying meteorological conditions. In the city of Graz in southern Austria, frequent stagnant meteorological conditions can cause elevated levels of air pollution although emission levels are not exceptionally high. With the aid of a detailed emission inventory and an array of sodars and tethersondes as well as lidar systems supplementing the routine meteorological and air chemistry network during a field experiment in January 1998, the daily variations of air pollution concentrations of selected components within the complex topography of the city of Graz are explained. Main results show the almost linear dependence of the morning maximum concentrations on the predicted emission rates. Throughout the day the rising of the well mixed layer reduces concentrations considerably. Concerning NOX the fast reaction from NO to NO2 is important due to the down-mixing of O3 from the residual layer. The maximum in the afternoon is influenced by emission rates and pollution transport due to the mountain wind.  相似文献   

Air pollution in the workplace environment due to industrial operation have been found to cause serious occupational health hazard. Similarly, heat stress is still most neglected occupational hazard in the tropical and subtropical countries like India. The hot climate augments the heat exposure close to sources like furnaces. In this study an attempt is made to assess air pollution and heat exposure levels to workers in the workplace environment in glass manufacturing unit located in the State of Gujarat, India. Samples for workplace air quality were collected for SPM, SO2, NO2 and CO2 at eight locations. Results of workplace air quality showed 8-hourly average concentrations of SPM: 165–9118 μg/m3, SO2: 6–9 μg/m3 and NO2: 5–42 μg/m3, which were below the threshold limit values of workplace environment. The level of CO2 in workplace air of the plant was found to be in the range 827–2886 μg/m3, which was below TLV but much higher than the normal concentration for CO2 in the air (585 mg/m3). Indoor heat exposure was studied near the furnace and at various locations in an industrial complex for glass manufacturing. The heat exposure parameters including the air temperature, the wet bulb temperature, and the globe parameters were measured. The Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT), an indicator of heat, exceeded ACGIH TLVs limits most of the time at all the locations in workplace areas. The recommended duration of work and rest have also been estimated.  相似文献   

上海港船舶大气污染物排放对城市空气质量的影响不容小觑。基于船舶AIS数据,高精度船舶大气污染物排放清单得以建立并应用。2018年11月5—10日召开的第一届中国国际进口博览会期间,在气象条件不利的情况下,通过提前实施船舶排放控制区政策等措施,使船舶单日SOx排放量下降28.5%,一次PM2.5排放量下降25.5%,全市空气质量达到了保障要求。  相似文献   

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