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试论荒漠生态监测的特点和监测指标的确定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从监测目的、监测对象、监测指标和监测数据的获取四个方面,论述了进行荒漠生态环境监测工作的特点.从干旱荒漠区自然环境的基本特征和主要生态环境问题及生态环境管理工作的需要出发,提出了在我国开展荒漠生态环境监测工作的监测指标,以供商榷.  相似文献   

新疆干旱荒漠生态站的前期工作是从1985年开始的,在近五年中,新疆环境监测中心站生态室的同志,结合新疆实际进行了大量的可行性研究。于1988年提出了新疆干旱荒漠生态环境监测站的建站方案。在国家环保局的主持下,对新疆干旱荒漠生态环境监测站建设计划任务书进行了论证,专家们认为:由于不合理开发自然资源,致使生态环境恶化,已引起人们的关注。新疆已存在明显的土地沙化、盐渍化、河水断流、湖泊干枯及绿洲生态系统环境质量下降。开展生态监测能及时了解和掌握生态环境的质量变化状况,为环境保护部门强化管理和合利利用自然资源提供科学依据,具有战略意义。国家环保局在  相似文献   

荒漠生态环境监测刍议   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
讨论了荒漠生态环境监测的基本概念和原则 ,并针对新疆荒漠生态环境监测工作的现状 ,提出了今后工作的总体设想和若干展望 ,对我国荒漠生态环境监测工作的开展具有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

荒漠生态环境监测指标体系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了建立荒漠生态环境监测指标体系应遵循的五个原则,并提出初步的荒漠生态环境监测指标体系,将指标体系分为三个部分:(1)荒漠环境指标;(2)荒漠生物指标;(3)社会经济指标.  相似文献   

景观生态学与荒漠生态环境监测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对景观生态的阐述,在讨论荒漠生态环境监测的概念、对象、内容、方法和目的的基础上,分析了景观生态学成为荒漠生态环境监测理论和实践的基础的可能性和必要性,指出景观生态学在荒漠生态环境监测中的应用大有可为。  相似文献   

探讨了荒漠生态环境监测与生态经济学之间的关系,提出荒漠生态环境监测应与生态经济学原则相结合,注意监测人类社会经济活动对生态环境的影响,并根据生态经济学中环境因素的稀缺性、综合性和反馈性等原理对人类开发利用自然资源进行正确评价。  相似文献   

沙湾荒漠生态区生态环境的土壤微生物学监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以土壤微生物为监测对象,对沙湾荒漠生态区农田、荒漠两大区系的微生物生态特征进行了综合分析与研究,初步确定真菌总数为荒漠生态区生态环境监测的微生物学指标生物。  相似文献   

近日,内蒙古自治区草原生态环境监测站为掌握全区草原生态环境的发展变化状况和近几年国家生态环境保护与建设政策的实施情况,根据呼伦贝尔市草甸草原、锡林郭勒盟典型草原、包头市达茂旗荒漠草原、阿拉善盟荒漠生态系统监测子站提供的监测数据,着手编写《内蒙古草原生态环境十年监测报告》。 摘自中国环境监测总站《环境监测信息简报》2:003年第l、2期内蒙古草原生态监测站着手编写《内蒙古草原生态环境十年监测报告》~~  相似文献   

新疆生态环境监测指标体系与评价方法探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
针对新疆荒漠生态 环境的独特 环境特征,以准确、快捷、客观反映荒漠生态环境质量为目的,建立了区域性荒 漠生态环境监测指标体系和评价方法,充分发挥生态监测网络站和各行业监测站的作用,做到信息共享,通过在新疆生态环境监测和质量评价中进行实践,证明所建指标 体系 和评价方法 具有一定的科学性和实用价值。  相似文献   

利用植物生态学常规方法进行了荒漠植被种群生物量和数量特证调查,以植物为监测对象,并就群落地上部分生物量,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数,群落均匀度,生态优势度等指标探讨了在荒漠生态环境监测和评价中的具体应用。  相似文献   

本文初探了干旱的榆林地区大气污染物浓度变化规律。指出悬浮微粒污染最严重,SO_2次之,NO_x最轻,描述了各种污染物季节变化规律。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,公众对生态环境质量的需求也在增加。生态环境监测作为生态环境保护的一项重要的基础性工作,是生态环境治理的数据支撑和重要保障,也是公众了解环境质量必不可少的途径。笔者结合2020年3月6日实施的《职业健康安全管理体系要求及使用指南》等规范要求,调研生态环境监测职业面临的安全风险,识别和分析环境监测工作可能存在的安全风险因素,并在此基础上给出相应的防护技术及措施,对生态环境监测从业人员的安全保障提出了重点抓好生态环境监测实验室的安全与质量管理、制定应急预案、强化日常监管、完善制度体系和加强宣传教育等方面的建议。  相似文献   

根据近10年1077个降水样品监测结果,进行统计分析,阐明了宜昌市存在酸雨污染,且日趋严重的趋势。从大气污染、气象、地形等因素方面初步探讨了该市酸雨的成因。  相似文献   

通过对大气细菌数量、霉菌数量与风速相关性的研究,得出齐市地区冬季气候寒冷,无相关性;春季气候干燥,风沙大,有相关性;雨后大气细菌数量与风速无相关性,大气霉菌数量与风速相关。  相似文献   

介绍结合新疆的特殊干旱区生态环境和社会经济,各种污染物因素,试行制定出了本地区地方污水综合排放标准,实行水污染物排放许可证制度的实践体会。  相似文献   

The Chinese government has conducted the Returning Grazing Land to Grassland Project (RGLGP) across large portions of grasslands from western China since 2003. In order to explore and understand the impact in the grassland's eco-environment during the RGLGP, we utilized Projection Pursuit Model (PPM) and Geographic Information System (GIS) to develop a spatial assessment model to examine the ecological vulnerability of the grassland. Our results include five indications: (1) it is practical to apply the spatial PPM on ecological vulnerability assessment for the grassland. This methodology avoids creating an artificial hypothesis, thereby providing objective results that successfully execute a multi-index assessment process and analysis under non-linear systems in eco-environments; (2) the spatial PPM is not only capable of evaluating regional eco-environmental vulnerability in a quantitative way, but also can quantitatively demonstrate the degree of effect in each evaluation index for regional eco-environmental vulnerability; (3) the eco-environment of the Xianshui River Basin falls into the medium range level. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and land use cover and change (LUCC) crucially influence the Xianshui River Basin's eco-environmental vulnerability. Generally, in the Xianshui River Basin, regional eco-environmental conditions improved during 2000 and 2010. The RGLGP positively affected NDVI and LUCC structure, thereby promoting the enhancement of the regional eco-environment; (4) the Xianshui River Basin divides its ecological vulnerability across different levels; therefore our study investigates three ecological regions and proposes specific suggestions for each in order to assist in eco-environmental protection and rehabilitation; and lastly that (5) the spatial PPM established by this study has the potential to be applied on all types of grassland eco-environmental vulnerability assessments under the RGLGP and under the similar conditions in the Returning Agriculture Land to Forest Project (RALFP). However, when establishing an eco-environmental vulnerability assessment model, it is necessary to choose suitable evaluation indexes in accordance with regional eco-environmental characteristics.  相似文献   

水生态环境物联网监测是一种利用信息技术实现水生态环境数据获取与应用的智能服务。通过水生态环境监测物联网,借助传感技术、传输网络和智能联动等手段,能够及时、全面地获取流域水生态环境质量动态数据信息,提升水生态环境保护管理决策的信息化水平。在综述了水生态环境物联网智慧监测发展概况的基础上,基于物联网总体架构,重点从感知技术和传输技术两方面梳理了水生态环境物联网监测网络的主要构成,总结了各种感知技术和设备适用的数据传输方式,阐述了在应用层面可实现的典型功能,为在流域尺度开展基于物联网的水生态环境监测技术集成提供了从设备选型到管理应用的整体思路。  相似文献   

研究了大气降尘中铅、锌、铜、铁等金属元素的原子吸收光谱测定方法,用氢氟酸消解法对降尘进行预处理,并对方法的精密度、准确度进行了检验,结果较为满意.该法简便、快速、灵敏.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) content was determined in two populations of soil samples that were taken from 0–2 soil depth. One population represented soil samples that were takenfrom a square of 25 cm2 in size (small-S population) and the other population represented soil samples that were taken from a square of 2500 cm2 in size (large-L population). Thesamples were collected on hillslopes in different climatic regions: Mediterranean (GIV), semi-arid (MAL), mildly-arid (MIS) and arid (KAL). The results of both S and L populationsshowed decreasing SOM mean and variance from the Mediterranean site to the arid site. Statistical and spatial characteristics of each population were compared between the climatic regions. In addition, comparison between the two populations was made foreach site. The difference in sample size did not significantly affect the mean values of SOM of the two populations in sitesGIV, MAL and KAL, but did affect the mean at site MIS. At all study sites, except for site MAL, the variance increased with decreasing sample size. At sites GIV and KAL the coefficient ofvariation of S population was higher (more than 1.5 times) thanthat of L population, whereas at sites MAL and MIS, the differences were negligible. The relationships between the valuesof S and L samples at the individual sampling points defined thebackground of the study sites, which reflects the effect of vegetation (type), grazing, biological crust and soil properties.It was found that at the extreme sites GIV and KAL the backgroundwas characterized by relatively low SOM content with small areas of high organic matter content. At site MIS the background wascharacterized by relatively high SOM with small areas of low organic matter content. At site MAL the background was not dominated by high values of SOM nor by low ones. The spatial pattern of L population became more simple with increasing aridity. At the relatively wet sites the spatial pattern did notdepend on the sample size while in the more arid sites it was sample size dependent. It was indicated that the spatial structure of SOM at the semi-arid and mildly arid sites is anisotropic whereas at the Mediterranean and arid sites it is isotropic.  相似文献   

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