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环保科技论文写作中应注意的几个问题吴其钧(江苏省连云港市环境监测站222001)长江,日月(江苏省南京市环境监测中心站210013)如何把科技成果写成叫人看了能爱不释手的科技报告和论文,是科技人员尤其是青年科技工作者值得重视和进一步探求的。笔者就环保...  相似文献   

为鼓励环境科技工作者撰写高水平的科技论文,提高《中国环境监测》期刊质量,进一步推动环境监测转型发展,《中国环境监测》编辑部组织了首届优秀论文评选活动,并于2012年5月4日圆满结束。2011年《中国环境监测》出版发行6期正刊和1期增刊,刊登论文154篇。编辑部初选29篇论文参加优秀论文的评审。中国环境监测总站于2012年5月4日在南通市组织召开2011年度优秀论文评审会。评审专家依据优秀论文评分标准,从创新性、学术水平、写作质量和论文影响力  相似文献   

<正>为鼓励环境监测工作者撰写高水平的科技论文,进一步提升期刊质量,本刊编辑部组织了第二届优秀论文评选活动。评审专家和本刊编辑依据优秀论文评分标准,从创新性、学术水平、写作质量和论文影响力4个方面,分两轮对2012年《中国环境监测》刊登的195篇论文进行综合评分和审议,最终评选出15篇优秀论  相似文献   

<正>为鼓励环境监测工作者撰写高水平的科技论文,进一步提升期刊质量,近日本刊编辑部组织了第二届优秀论文评选活动。评审专家和本刊编辑依据优秀论文评分标准,从创新性、学术水平、写作质量和论文影响力4个方面,分两轮对2012年《中国环境监测》刊登的195篇论文进行综合评分和审议,最终评选出15篇优秀论文,占刊登论文的8%,优秀论文题目及作者详见文后附表。编辑部在网站和期刊上公布此次优秀论文  相似文献   

<正>2015年3月11日,《中国环境监测》2014年度优秀论文评审会在重庆市召开。共20篇论文获评《中国环境监测》2014年度优秀论文。此次评审会采取评审专家、责任编辑和普通读者共同评分、综合审议的形式,依据优秀论文评分标准,从创新性、学术水平、写作质量和论文影响力4个方面,对2014年《中国环境监测》刊发的209篇论文进行综合评议,最终评出20篇优秀论文,占刊登论文总数的10%。编辑部将在网站和期刊上公布优秀论文题目及作者,并颁发证书和奖金。优秀论文评选工作每年开展一次,旨在鼓励环境监测工作者撰写高水平的科技论文,进一步提升《中国环境监测》  相似文献   

中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊)《环境科技》是由江苏省环保厅主管,江苏省环境科学研究院、江苏省徐州市环境监测中心站联合主办的集学术性与实用性于一体的环境科学技术类期刊,为"中国科技论文统计源期刊"(中国科技核心期刊)。国内统一刊号:CN32-1786/X,国际标准刊号:ISSN1674-4829。  相似文献   

<正>中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊)《环境科技》是由江苏省环保厅主管,江苏省环境科学研究院、江苏省徐州市环境监测中心站联合主办的集学术性与实用性于一体的环境科学技术类期刊,为"中国科技论文统计源期刊"(中国科技核心期刊)。国内统一刊号:CN32-1786/X,国际标准刊号:ISSN 1674-4829。  相似文献   

<正>2014年5月27日,《中国环境监测》2013年度优秀论文评审会在河北省石家庄市召开。共17篇论文获评《中国环境监测》2013年度优秀论文,见附表。此次评审会通过评审专家、责任编辑和普通读者共同评分,采取综合审议的形式,依据优秀论文评分标准,从创新性、学术水平、写作质量和论文影响力4个方面,对2013年1~6期刊发的213篇论文进  相似文献   

<正>2014年5月27日,《中国环境监测》2013年度优秀论文评审会在河北省石家庄市召开。共17篇论文获评《中国环境监测》2013年度优秀论文,见附表。此次评审会通过评审专家、责任编辑和普通读者共同评分,采取综合审议的形式,依据优秀论文评分标准,从创新性、学术水平、写作质量和论文影响力四个方面,对2013年1~6期刊发的213篇论文进  相似文献   

<正>2014年5月27日,《中国环境监测》2013年度优秀论文评审会在河北省石家庄市召开。共17篇论文获评《中国环境监测》2013年度优秀论文,见附表。此次评审会通过评审专家、责任编辑和普通读者共同评分,采取综合审议的形式,依据优秀论文评分标准,从创新性、学术水平、写作质量和论文影响力4个方面,对2013年1~6期刊发的213篇论文进  相似文献   

VB可视化集成环境下空气污染指数计算与分析系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
探讨了以VB可视化集成环境为平台,在Windows操作系统下开发空气污染指数计算与分析系统的基本模型和方法,指出开发空气污染指数计算与分析系统的关键是建立可视化用户界面和相应的事件驱动过程的代码编写,阐述了空气污染指数计算与分析系统的优越性,列出了系统功能的主要内容和开发方法,并且简单介绍了空气污染指数的算法。  相似文献   

结合环境监测实际 ,探讨了部分常用环境标准存在的行文问题、选配分析方法问题、标准与选配分析方法之间的关系问题、部分技术术语问题、同一标准内的逻辑统一问题、不同标准之间的关系问题等 ,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

Better software engineering such as archiving releases with version control, writing portable code, publishing documentation and results closely tied to the code improves integrated assessment models' transparency and control. A case study of four climate change policy analysis models found that source code and data was generally available, but for larger models licenses were more restrictive with respect to modification and redistribution. It is suggested that Free software licenses such as the GNU GPL would improve transparency and control. Moreover, opening the source allows opening the development process, a potentially important tool to improve collaboration, data sharing and models integration. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Techniques to monitor growth and mortality of live trees, and longevity of snags were developed and tested on 8 units in the Oregon and Washington Cascades where new forestry (structural retention) cuttings were utilized. Time and costs were quantified. The total area of three aggregated units and five dispersed units was 27.8 ha, with 2407 trees and snags measured on 25.1 ha of sample area. Cost of field work was approximately $4590 (4 person crew at 6 weeks) while costs of data entry, analysis and report writing were approximately $2000 (250 person hours). Monitoring is an important component of adaptive management and is essential if we are to understand the ramifications of new silvicultural systems.  相似文献   

The GMS countries, supported by the Asian Development Bank, have adopted a holistic, multidimensional approach to strengthen infrastructural linkages and facilitate cross border trade through (i) the establishment of a trans-boundary road connecting two economic nodes across marginalised areas, followed by 2) facilitation of environmentally and socially sound investments in these newly connected areas as a means to develop livelihoods. The North–South Economic Corridor is currently in its second phase of development, with investment opportunities to be laid out in the NSEC Strategy and Action Plan (SAP). It targets the ecologically and culturally sensitive border area between PR China's Yunnan Province, Northern Lao PDR, and Thailand. A trans-boundary, cross-sectoral Strategic Environmental Assessment was conducted to support the respective governments in assessing potential environmental and social impacts, developing alternatives and mitigation options, and feeding the findings back into the SAP writing process. Given the spatial dimension of corridor development—both with regard to opportunities and risks—particular emphasis was put in the application of spatial modelling tools to help geographically locate and quantify impacts as a means to guide interventions and set priorities.  相似文献   

Although the process of documenting compliance with NEPA (the National Environmental Policy Act) requires no drastic revisions, it can be managed more rigorously. Suggestions for revision can be grouped under five major steps: 1) getting a complete proposal from the applicant; 2) getting the decision-making process onto the right decision-making path; 3) modifying the applicant's proposal 4) going down a shorter path through the EA/FONSI (environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact) or through categorical exclusion review; and 5) going down the longer path through the EIS. Step 2 is perhaps the most critical, because there a decision must be made whether to write an EA/FONSI or an EIS, on the basis of whether the proposal would “significantly affect … the … environment.” In the past, this decision has not always been made promptly or rigorously. Accordingly, we suggest that the agency responsible for NEPA compliance should develop a system (a “black box”), consisting of a core group of specialists working with an interdisciplinary team, using sophisticated techniques for modeling impacts and directing both their research and their writing according to the concept of significance. By determining more efficiently and reliably whether the impacts of a proposal would be significant, such an approach would improve management of the total process.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to examine the nature of particulate chalk dust settled on classroom floor during traditional teaching with dusting and non-dusting chalks on two types of boards viz. rough and smooth. Settling chalk particles were collected for 30 min during teaching in glass Petri plates placed in classrooms within 3 m distance from the teaching boards. Particle size distribution, scanning electron microscopic images of chalk dusts and compressive strength of two types of chalks were tested and evaluated. Results showed that a larger proportion of dusts generated from anti-dusting chalks were of <4.5 and <2.5 microm size on both smooth and rough boards, as compared to dusting chalks. Non-dusting chalks, on an average, produced about 56% and 62% (by volume) of <4.5 microm (respirable) diameter, on rough and smooth boards, respectively, while the corresponding values for dusting chalks were 36% and 45%. Also, on an average, 83% and 94% (by volume) of the particles were <11 microm (thoracic) in case of non-dusting chalks against 61% and 72% for dusting chalks on rough and smooth boards, respectively. Interestingly, taking into account the mass of chalk dust produced per unit time, which was higher in dusting chalks than non dusting chalks, the former was actually producing higher amount of PM <4.5 and <11 particles from both types of boards. Scanning electron microscope images revealed that chalk particles had random shape, although in dusting chalks prevalence of elongated particles was observed, apparently due to the longitudinal breaking of the chalks during writing, which was confirmed during compressive strength testing. We could conclude that dusting chalks could be potentially more harmful than anti dusting chalks, as they produced higher amount of potentially dangerous PM 4.5 and PM 11.  相似文献   

以环境与健康调查及风险评估研究为出发点,江苏省于2018年设立了"江苏省环境与健康调查与风险评估体系建设"环保科研重大技术攻关类项目,根据江苏省行业、地区、流域特点以及江苏省环境与健康调查及风险评估工作基础,结合国内环境与健康研究现状,深入开展典型行业、地区、流域环境与健康调查、环境与健康问题分析、环境健康风险评价,建设环境与健康重点实验室,探索并实践环境与健康理念融入环境保护管理的研究任务,为全面开展环境与健康监测业务化运行以及环境健康风险评估进行技术实践和储备,为江苏省环境与健康管理工作提供支撑。  相似文献   

Currently, there is no nationally representative human milk biomonitoring program in the United States (U.S.) and no studies have reported non-persistent pesticides in the milk of U.S. women. In this pilot study we developed a multiresidue laboratory method to measure non-persistent and persistent pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners in human milk samples from women residing in the agricultural region of Salinas, CA (n = 13) and the urban San Francisco Bay Area, CA (n = 21). Samples were collected from 2002-2007. Median concentrations in pg g(-1) milk among urban and agricultural women, respectively were reported for: chlorpyrifos (24.5 and 28.0), cis-permethrin (81.9 and 103), trans-permethrin (93.1 and 176), hexachlorobenzene (191 and 223), β-hexachlorocyclohexane (220 and 443), o,p'-DDT (36.6 and 62.4), p,p'-DDT,(107 and 102), o,p'-DDE (5.65 and 5.17), p,p'-DDE (3170 and 3490), dacthal (2.79 and 3.43), PCB 118 (92.8 and 17.0), PCB 138 (183 and 38.2), PCB 153 (242 and 43.6) and PCB 180 (239 and 683). Among urban women, median concentrations were 4.02 and 4.32 pg g(-1) milk for chlorpyrifos-methyl and propoxur, respectively. These results suggest that neonates and young children may be exposed to persistent and non-persistent pesticides and PCBs via breast milk.  相似文献   

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