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学龄儿童肺功能水平影响因素的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用逐步回归分析方法对与室内、外空气污染和机体状况等有关的因素对广州市学龄儿童肺功能 (FVC、FEV1 、PEFR和 FEF2 5~ 75 )水平的影响进行研究。结果提示 ,影响肺功能水平的主要因素是内因 ,身高的影响最明显 ,呼吸系统疾病或症状发生与肺功能水平下降有关 ;室外空气污染使肺功能水平下降 ,SO2 、NOx 和 PM2 .5 的影响明显 ,PM2 .5 的影响明显大于 PM1 0 和 TSP;居室或厨房通风不良、家庭烹饪用不洁燃料对儿童肺功能的生长不利 ;被动吸烟对女性儿童肺功能有不利影响。对各种影响因素 ,PEFR和 FEF2 5~ 75 比 FVC和 FEV1 更为敏感  相似文献   

室内外空气污染对学龄儿童呼吸系统影响的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对污染区和对照区 2 0 0 0多名学龄儿童呼吸系统症状、疾病患病率比较 ,并运用非条件 Logistic回归分析方法 ,就室内外空气污染对学龄儿童呼吸系统健康的影响 ,进行了研究。结果显示 ,污染区室内外空气污染较严重 ,大气中TSP、SO2 和 NOx 的浓度均超过国家二级标准 ,其儿童呼吸系统症状、疾病患病率明显高于对照区。对儿童呼吸系统发病有显著影响的环境因素是 :大气污染、被动吸烟、家庭燃煤、冬季取暖和室内油烟污染程度。其中咳嗽与以上五个因素有显著的正相关关系 (P<0 .0 5) ;除被动吸烟外 ,支气管炎与其它四个因素呈显著正相关 (P<0 .0 5) ;咳痰与大气污染、被动吸烟、冬季取暖和室内油烟污染程度 ,气喘和呼吸系统疾病住院率与大气污染和室内油烟污染正相关关系显著 (P<0 .0 5)。哮喘与室内外空气污染无显著的统计学联系  相似文献   

兰州市空气污染对儿童及其父母呼吸系统健康的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叙述了居住环境对儿童和儿童父母亲呼吸系统健康影响的研究结果。揭示了儿童对空气污染所引起的呼吸系统疾病的急性反应较成人更敏感。吸烟合并空气污染更能损害人的健康  相似文献   

室外空气污染对成人呼吸系统健康影响的分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
报告在广州、武汉、兰州、重庆市 8所小学共 80 0 0余名学生父母患呼吸系统疾病的病症率受空气污染影响的分析结果。每个城市城区污染点的成人感冒咳嗽和咳痰、未感冒咳嗽和咳痰、支气管炎等病症的发生率均高于相应城市的郊区对照点 ,且男性比女性更高。呼吸系统的病症率与空气 PM1 0 、PM2 .5 污染呈正相关。调整了混杂因子的影响后 ,这种相关关系仍保持不变。结论是 :空气中 PM1 0 的污染与成人 (男女 )的感冒或未感冒时咳嗽、男性未感冒时咳痰、哮喘、支气管炎有明显正相关关系 ;空气 SO2 污染与成人 (男女 )感冒时咳嗽、咳痰呈显著正相关 ;空气中 NOx 污染对成人呼吸系统病症率的影响相对较弱  相似文献   

儿童呼吸系统疾病对肺功能影响的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过 1 995~ 1 996年 3次肺功能测量和家庭健康问卷调查发现 ,患过感冒咳嗽、咳痰、气喘、哮喘和支气管炎的儿童中 FEV1 / FVC、FEV1 /预测值以及 FVC/预测值的异常率比未患过这 5种疾病的儿童都高 ,且前者达到显著性水平。FVC/预测值、FEV1 /预测值有部分疾病异常率达到显著水平。患过呼吸系统疾病 ,且肺功能测量异常的儿童比未患过呼吸系统疾病 ,且肺功能测量正常儿童的 FVC调整预测值下降 3 4 5~ 4 1 8ml,FEV1 调整预测值下降 3 56~ 4 75ml,FEV1 /FVC平均下降 1 4 .2 %~ 1 9.4 %。说明曾患过呼吸系统疾病儿童的肺功能已受到了一定程度的影响  相似文献   

<正>人民网消息美国医学杂志《呼吸与重症护理》最近在网上发表的文章称,2012年室内空气污染或导致430万人因呼吸系统疾病过早死亡,其中绝大多数为发展中国家居民。本次研究以室内污染暴露人群所患呼吸系统疾病的医学研究为基础。研究显示,全球约有30亿人无法获得现代化洁净能源服务,被迫使用未经处理的木柴、动物粪便、农作物废料和煤等燃料进行烹饪和取暖,而开放式燃烧、不通气的煤炉  相似文献   

学龄儿童肺功能的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以武汉市污染区和对照区 50 0多名学龄儿童为研究对象 ,通过问卷调查和为期四年的肺功能连续测定 ,运用逐步回归模型对儿童肺功能的影响因素进行多元分析。结果表明 ,儿童肺功能生长发育水平与机体生理因素 ,尤其是身高的关系最密切。室内外空气污染对儿童肺功能的生长发育有不同程度的抑制作用 ,小气道对各环境因素的影响较大气道敏感 ,女性较男性敏感。影响儿童肺功能最主要的环境因素是大气 TSP,其次为 SO2 、家庭燃煤和 NOx,被动吸烟的影响较轻。TSP与 FEF2 5 %~ 75 % 有着密切的统计学联系 ,是影响小气道功能的主要污染物  相似文献   

<正>人民网消息全球多个国家深受大气污染的困扰。英国《卫报》近日报道称,欧盟委员会向英国等5个欧盟成员国发出"最后警告",必须采取有效措施对抗空气污染,履行维护公民健康的责任。欧盟认为,道路交通"贡献"了40%的氮氧化物排放,约4/5来自柴油车尾气排放。欧盟委员会因此呼吁成员国向低碳经济转型,削减交通流量,普及电动汽车,特别是要减少柴油车的数量,并找寻替代燃料。氮氧化物会加重心血管和呼吸系统疾病,是臭氧和光化学烟雾的生成诱因之一。  相似文献   

轿车内空气污染监测研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过实际监测研究,对轿车内空气污染水平、车内外空气污染的相关性、车内空气污染与汽车工况、通风状况的关系进行了评估,分析污染来源并提出了控制对策。  相似文献   

室内空气污染概述   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
由于燃料燃烧、烹饪、人类活动、不合格建材和装饰材料的使用,房屋的密闭性结构等诸多因素,使室内空气污染远高于室外,从而严重地危害人们的健康,甚至导致多种疾病的发生。文章较全面地概述了室内空气污染的来源和类型,对人体的危害情况、目前的分析测试方法和标准样样品状况。  相似文献   

A majority of households in developing countries rely on biomass fuel for cooking, typically burned in open fires or simple stoves. The incomplete combustion of these fuels causes adverse health effects such as respiratory diseases, especially among women and children. However, quantitative data on pollution levels and on associated diseases are limited. We examined cooking habits and self-reported health in 31 households with outdoor open wood fires in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, using structured interviews. In eight households, carbon monoxide (CO) was measured using passive sampling. In addition, meteorology and ambient CO concentrations were assessed. The average CO concentration during cooking was 4.3 ppm, with a maximum of 65.3 ppm and minimum of 0.3 ppm (1-min values). A clear daily pattern was observed, with relatively low concentrations during the day and high during the evening, occasionally exceeding the World Health Organization 1- and 8-h guidelines when the air stabilised. On average, CO concentrations were 43 % higher in kitchens located in closed yards than in those located in open yards, showing that fireplace location affected the levels. Eye irritation and coughing among women and children were reported by 30 % of the households. Based on previously reported relations between CO concentrations and fine particles (<2.5 μm), the exposure to biomass smoke appears to be high enough to pose a considerable health risk among women and children in households with outdoor open wood fires. The results suggest that burning should be limited between sunset and dawn and in areas with limited ventilation to reduce pollutions levels.  相似文献   

Air pollution is increasingly recognized as a significant contributor to global health outcomes. A methodological framework for evaluating the global health-related outcomes of outdoor and indoor (household) air pollution is presented and validated for the year 2005. Ambient concentrations of PM2.5 are estimated with a combination of energy and atmospheric models, with detailed representation of urban and rural spatial exposures. Populations dependent on solid fuels are established with household survey data. Health impacts for outdoor and household air pollution are independently calculated using the fractions of disease that can be attributed to ambient air pollution exposure and solid fuel use. Estimated ambient pollution concentrations indicate that more than 80% of the population exceeds the WHO Air Quality Guidelines in 2005. In addition, 3.26?billion people were found to use solid fuel for cooking in three regions of Sub Saharan Africa, South Asia and Pacific Asia in 2005. Outdoor air pollution results in 2.7?million deaths or 23?million disability adjusted life years (DALYs) while household air pollution from solid fuel use and related indoor smoke results in 2.1?million deaths or 41.6?million DALYs. The higher morbidity from household air pollution can be attributed to children below the age of 5 in Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia. The burden of disease from air pollution is found to be significant, thus indicating the importance of policy interventions.  相似文献   

空气污染对儿童肺功能指标影响的初步分析   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
报告中国 4城市 8所小学儿童肺功能指标受室外空气污染影响的结果。以 FVC/预测值 (85% )、FEV1 /预测值(85% )、FEV1 / FVC(实测值之比 ) (80 % )作为判断肺功能指标异常的参考标准 ,并将 8所小学按污染程度分为污染严重和污染较轻两类三组。污染严重组儿童肺功能指标的异常率均比污染较轻组要高。空气的严重污染 ,可使儿童肺功能FVC、FEV1 、FEV1 / FVC异常率的危险程度分别增高 3 0 %~ 78%、52 %~ 86%和 1 0 2 %~ 1 2 7%。异常组儿童的 FVC、FEV1 的平均值约下降 3 3 0~ 4 60 ml,FEV1 / FVC平均值约下降 1 3 %~ 1 5%。说明空气的严重污染对儿童肺功能生长发育可能有不利影响  相似文献   

The Children's Environment and Health Action Plan for Europe (CEHAPE) of WHO focuses (inter alia) on improving indoor environments where children spend most of their time. At present, only little is known about air pollution in schools and its effect on the lung function of school children. Our project was set up as an Austrian contribution to CEHAPE. In a cross-sectional approach, differences in indoor pollution in nine elementary all-day schools were assessed and 34 of these pollutants were analyzed for a relationship with respiratory health determined by spirometry using a linear regression model. Overall 596 children (aged 6-10 years) were eligible for the study. Spirometry was performed in 433 children. Socio-economic status, area of living (urban/rural), and smoking at home were included in the model as potential confounders with school-related average concentration of air pollutants as the variable of primary interest. A negative association with flow volumes (MEF(75)) was found for formaldehyde in air samples, benzylbutylphthalate and the sum of polybrominated diphenylethers in school dust. FVC and FEV(1) were negatively associated with ethylbenzene and xylenes in air samples and tris(1,3-dichlor-2-propyl)-phosphate on particulates. Although, in general, the quality of school indoor air was not worse than that reported for homes, effects on the respiratory health of children cannot be excluded. A multi-faceted strategy to improve the school environment is needed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to indicate the significance of air quality monitoring and to determine the air quality fields for the assessment of air pollution health effects, with special attention to risk population. Radial basis function network was used for air quality index mapping. Between 1991 and 2005, on the territory of Nis, several epidemiological studies were performed on risk groups (pre-school children, school children, pregnant women and persons older than 65). The total number of subjects was 5837. The exposed group comprised individuals living in the areas with unhealthy AQI, while the control group comprised individuals living in city areas with good or moderate AQI. It was determined that even relatively low levels of air pollution had impact on respiratory system and the occurrence of anaemia, allergy and skin symptoms.  相似文献   

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