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改良MPS型抑尘剂在料堆防尘中的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了改良MPS型系列抑尘剂在料堆防尘中的试验研究。该类抑尘剂既防尘又具有抗水性能,防尘期长且成本低廉.适合各种露天料堆、料场。  相似文献   

通过对兰尖铁矿使用MPS型抑尘剂的概述,其良好的防尘性能、经济效益及社会效益必将为广大的市场所认同。  相似文献   

MPS型抑尘剂在兰尖铁矿道路的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对兰尖铁矿使用MPS型抑尘剂的概述,其良好的防尘性能,经济效益及社会效益必将为广大的市场所认同。  相似文献   

露天矿公路扬尘综合防治技术的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过实验室对抑尘剂配方的优化试验,获得了三组技术经济指标优异的抑尘剂配方。工业性试验表明,MPS型抑尘剂的有效抑尘期长达10-20天,技术指标明显优于传统的洒水降尘方法,而且使用方面、抗议性强,具有较广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

综述了路面抑尘剂的必要性、抑尘机理及防治方法 ,总结了国内外抑尘剂的研究成果 ,说明了目前抑尘剂的发展动向。  相似文献   

通过实验室对抑尘剂配方的优化试验,获得了三组技术经济指标优异的抑尘剂配方。工业性试验表明,MPS型抑尘剂的有效抑尘期长达10~20天,技术经济指标明显优于传统的洒水降尘方法,而且使用方便、推广性强,具有较广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

路面抑尘剂综述   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
综述了路面抑尘剂的必要性、抑尘机理及防治方法,总结了国内外抑尘剂的研究成果,说明了目前抑尘剂的发展动向。  相似文献   

工业防尘技术新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了我国工业防尘技术的现状和新进展。着重讲述了屋顶除尘器、抑尘剂、移动通风槽分别是二次烟尘治理、开放性扬尘抑制、移动尘源控制的新技术措施,风量调节与控制、气力输灰技术将在除尘系统中广泛应用;在除尘设备方面,长袋低压脉冲袋式除尘技术和“表面过滤”技术成为袋式除尘新技术,设备大型化将成为方向。  相似文献   

CH抑尘剂的性能与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了CH(淀粉接枝丙烯酸盐类)抑尘剂的研制技术,并对其抑尘效果进行了实验室和现场应用试验。结果表明,该抑尘剂能有效抑制粉尘飞扬,净化大气环境,改善劳动条件,具有显著的经济、环境和社会效益。  相似文献   

提高国产防尘口罩阻尘效率的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
防尘口罩阻法效率的高低是防尘口罩性能优劣的重要标准。采用NaCl气溶胶对收集的国内外比较有代表性防尘口罩的阻尘效率进行了对比试验。表明:国产防尘口罩的阻尘效率与美、德、日等国家生产防尘口罩的阻尘效率存在较大差距。分析了差距原因,探讨了提高国产防尘口罩阻尘效率的方法和途径。  相似文献   

综采机组隔尘风帘的设计与应用效果研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
受民用建筑大门空气幕的启发 ,将“洁净空调技术”中的“洁净棚理论”,创新并应用于综采工作面的防尘工程 ,设计了能阻止采煤机在截煤过程中产生的呼吸性粉尘向司机处扩散的隔尘装置——风帘。此革新装置的原理和作用是以形成透明的“空气幕墙”将采煤司机工作区与采煤机截煤区分隔 ,阻止呼吸性粉尘向司机处扩散。在邢台矿务局葛泉煤矿 132 6综采工作面进行的现场试验表明 :该装置对呼吸性粉尘有较好的隔尘效果 ,平均隔尘效率为 72 %以上。  相似文献   

通过介绍在德兴铜矿应用MPS-2型抑尘剂,建造现场抑尘加工站,并在矿山采场道路喷洒抑尘剂,测试分析了抑尘剂的抑尘效果,并对其经济成本指标进行了测算,确认在该矿应用MPS-2型抑尘剂可创造显著的社会环境效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

It is important to sufficiently understand the phenomena during the dust explosions in order to take appropriate measures preventing dust explosion accidents. However, at present basic knowledge on flame propagation mechanisms during dust explosions is not enough. In this study, therefore, the flame propagation mechanisms during dust explosions are examined by detailed analyses using a special observation at UV band. Small scale experiments were performed to analyze flame propagating processes in detail. In the experiments, the stearic acid was used as the combustible particle, suspended particles were ignited by an electric spark, and flame propagation through the combustible dust was observed by using a special observation system at UV band. The leading combustion zone is observed to consist of discrete burning blue spot flames by the observation using ordinary photograph system. It is questionable how the leading flame of such discrete structure propagates. In this study, high-speed video images at UV band through a band-pass filter were taken to detect OH emission from combustion reaction zone. Using this method, the propagating flame could be detected clearly and the flame propagation mechanism could be examined in detail. In the conditions performed in this study, discrete flame propagation was not observed and the leading flame was observed to propagate continuously. This result is of importance for understanding the flame propagation phenomena during dust explosion.  相似文献   

Dust and hybrid-mixture explosions continue to occur in industrial processes that handle fine powders and flammable gases. Considerable research is therefore conducted throughout the world with the objective of both preventing the occurrence and mitigating the consequences of such events. In the current work, research has been undertaken to help move the field of dust explosion prevention and mitigation from its current emphasis on hazards (with an accompanying reliance on primarily engineered safety features) to a focus on risk (with an accompanying reliance on hierarchical, risk-based, decision-making tools). Employing the principles of quantitative risk assessment (QRA) of dust and hybrid-mixture explosions, a methodological framework for the management of these risks has been developed.The QRA framework is based on hazard identification via credible accident scenarios for dust explosions, followed by probabilistic fault-tree analysis (using Relex – Reliability Excellence – software) and consequence severity analysis (using DESC – Dust Explosion Simulation Code – software). Identification of risk reduction measures in the framework is accomplished in a hierarchical manner by considering inherent safety measures, passive and active engineered devices, and procedural measures (in that order). An industrial case study is presented to show how inherent safety measures such as dust minimization and dust/process moderation can be helpful in reducing dust and hybrid-mixture explosion consequences in a 400-m3 polyethylene storage silo.  相似文献   

An investigation of ignition of dust clouds by the use of electric spark discharges triggered by the explosive dust cloud itself has been conducted. This method of triggering capacitive sparks probably represents a realistic mechanism for initiating accidental dust explosions in industrial practice. Unlike the conventional method for determining the minimum ignition energy (MIE) in the laboratory, the delay between dust dispersion and spark discharge is not a degree of freedom. In stead, the transient dust cloud itself is used to initiate spark breakdown between electrodes set at a high voltage lower than breakdown in pure air. In the present study, different kinds of dusts were tested as ‘spark triggers’, and they exhibited quite different abilities to trigger breakdown. Large particles were found to initiate breakdown at lower voltages than smaller ones. In general, conductive particles were not found to initiate breakdown at lower voltages than dielectric ones when using the same dust concentration.Minimum ignition energies (MIE) of three dusts (Lycopodium clavatum, sulphur and maize starch) were determined using the authors' method of study. The MIEs were somewhat higher than those obtained using conventional methods, but relatively close to the values obtained through conventional methods.  相似文献   

Using a dry dust removal system used for aluminium dust collection presents a dust explosion risk, whereas a wet dust removal system presents a risk of hydrogen fire and explosion. Neither system can attain a sufficient level of safety for use at aluminium processing sites. In this paper, soybean isoflavone, a non-toxic and environmentally sustainable flavonoid, was investigated to inhibit hydrogen production from aluminium dust and water. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used to characterize aluminium particles before and after the reaction. Soybean isoflavone was found to inhibit hydrogen production from aluminium dust and water. At a soybean isoflavone solution concentration of 2.1 g L−1, a dense protective film resulting from chemical adsorption on the surfaces of the aluminium particles isolated the aluminium particles from water molecules. This film blocked the reaction pathway between the aluminium particles and water to suppress hydrogen generation. This fundamental study addresses the problems of hydrogen fires and explosions in wet dust removal systems for aluminium dust collection and provides a novel, safe and effective method for aluminium dust removal.  相似文献   

This article has investigated the propagation and extinction of aluminum dust cloud flame in a narrow channel. The burned and burning dust particles act as heat sources and the channel walls act as heat sinks. In this method, discrete heat source has been used to analyze dust combustion in a narrow channel. Using the superposition of sources and sinks, the preheat zone temperature is predicted as an indicator of flame propagation or extinction. Dust concentration and channel width are two major parameters which affect the quenching distance and flame propagating speed. Wall temperature affects the heat loss; and by preheating the walls, quenching distance is reduced and flame propagation speed is increased.  相似文献   

The Atex Directive specifically includes the explosion hazards arising from the presence of flammable dusts. The European standards body CENELEC proposed a research project to develop tests for assessing the ignition hazard due to electrical apparatus used in hazardous dusty environments. This paper describes the work done on developing a test for electrical spark ignitions of explosive dust atmospheres. A prototype apparatus incorporating the dust explosibility vertical tube and the STA break flash apparatus has been developed. Tests using three dusts showed sulphur dust had ignition characteristics close to those of gas Group B, while other dusts were much less easily ignitable than methane. Round robin tests using a duplicate apparatus and the proposed test method produced results very close to those obtained using the original apparatus.  相似文献   

煤炭企业粉尘控制现状调查研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用典型抽样的方法选择具有粉尘危害的5个煤炭企业作为研究现场;调查对象包括企业负责人、接尘人员、职业病防制人员、工程技术人员及粉尘监测人员。调查内容包括企业的基本情况,粉尘防治的制度和措施,接尘工人对粉尘防治知识的知信行等。调查方式为问卷调查,定性访谈和查阅档案等方式。用Epidata 3.0建立数据库,以SAS 8.0进行统计学分析。结果发现,随着诊断年代的推移,新发尘肺病例Ⅰ期所占比例呈逐渐增大趋势。各类人员对粉尘危害及其可预防性有一定程度的认识;对基本防尘措施认识程度高;对国家相关法规认识程度低。在所调查的478名接尘人员中,只有59.4%的人知道发过宣传材料。接尘人员个人防护用品使用率为72.6%,而且每次都使用者不到总人数的1/2,防护用品的舒适性差是其不使用的主要原因。企业中仍有18.8%的职工没做过岗前体检。所调查的五个煤矿防尘设施较为完备,运转情况基本良好,但防尘效果一般。粉尘浓度监测工作开展不规范,企业粉尘管理工作不完善,存在粉尘危害及预防知识的宣传力度不够、职业健康体检体系不健全、防尘措施不到位、粉尘浓度监测可能存在漏洞等问题,在粉尘管理方面仍需采取相应措施。  相似文献   

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