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正一、项目概况根据天然气远程视频监控系统技术标准和其它相关的设计文件以及某天然气股份有限公司已建成站场的实际情况,本次项目将完成调控中心监控系统平台软硬件升级,完成全省38个站点围墙监控摄像机改造,新增5个分输站监控系统和5个合建站监控系统建设,技术方案涵盖了系统  相似文献   

针对天然气长输管道安全关键技术难题,开展管道偏移机理及安全评定、光纤预警系统及函箱检漏装置、管道泄漏扩散预测技术等方面的研究.基于地理信息系统(GIS)平台,集成上述研究成果和SCADA管道监控系统、抢修车辆GPS定位、IP电话、视频、区域广播、短信等通讯方式,最终形成基于GIS的天然气长输管道应急救援指挥辅助决策系统.  相似文献   

城市天然气门站安全、稳定、高效的运行有利于天然气的配送。一旦门站发生事故,则可能造成人员伤亡、经济损失和严重的社会负面影响。结合相关的经验公式,建立了适用于城市天然气门站燃气泄漏的带压降模型,又在此基础上运用FLUENT建立带压降泄漏下的扩散模型,用于门站天然气泄漏扩散的特点和影响范围分析。并且运用该模型对某城市天然气门站进行实例应用,其结果对提高城市天然气门站的安全性有着指导作用。  相似文献   

城市公共安全应急决策支持系统研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对合肥市公共安全应急决策需求,围绕火灾、爆炸与毒气泄漏等突发重大事故,研究灾害事故监测技术、模拟预测方法,集成Internet、GIS、无线数据传输、无线通讯等信息化技术,以分布式的形式整合各独立系统,构建应急管理与决策系统平台.选择安徽氯碱化工集团、西气东输合肥市天然气门站以及安徽乐普生商业中心三个特色功能区,采用高速网络、可视化视频电话系统和远程无线视频监控等技术,组建了合肥市公共安全应急示范系统.实践表明,在城市可视化与数字化的基础上,该系统能够实现城市灾害信息的科学管理,实现各种灾害的分析模拟、公共安全规划以及应急决策支持,从而有效提高突发性城市公共安全应急的效率和响应速度,为城市公共安全的应急工作提供了有效的辅助手段.  相似文献   

基于通用无线分组业务(GPRS)的油田生产安全监控系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
笔者以油田安全监控系统研发为背景,阐述GPRS(通用无线分组业务)技术的特点及安全监控系统的作用,提出基于GPRS的油田生产安全监控系统的技术方案,系统组成和监控软件的设计,由现场监控终端、GPRS网络、监控中心服务器构成的系统。对油井、抽油机、计量站点的工艺参数,设备工作状态,泄漏,防盗等实现远程监控。该系统在油田生产安全中发挥重要作用,具有实用价值和推广意义。  相似文献   

金属矿山井下多级机站通风系统多采用传统的人工巡检、监控方式,给设备管理和设备监控维护带来了不便,同时也使得多级机站通风系统的优越性得不到充分发挥。介绍了利用远程I/O模块及通讯网络技术在井下现有控制设备基础上实现对井下多级机站通风系统进行集中监控的一种技术。该装置经过一年多的现场运行,性能稳定,检修维护量小,节能效果显著。  相似文献   

压缩天然气瓶组安全间距数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天然气气瓶组的安全间距是压缩天然气加气站内的主要安全参数之一.基于CFD软件的物质传输与反应模块建立了高压天然气的泄漏扩散数值模型.应用模型对天然气气瓶组的泄漏扩散进行了研究,并考察了不同泄漏孔径(0.01 m、0.02 m、0.05 m)对泄漏扩散所形成危险区域传输距离的影响.依据数值结果确定了天然气气瓶组的安全间距.研究结果表明: 该泄漏扩散模型能直观实时的显示不同时刻天然气泄漏扩散在模拟区域中的传输距离与浓度分布,因此可用于高压天然气泄漏扩散事故的分析和储存装置安全间距的确定.相关研究结论可以为高压天然气泄漏扩散事故的处理提供依据,为天然气加气站的设计以及高压天然气场合安全间距的确定提供参考.  相似文献   

城市天然气管道是城市不可缺少的基础设施之一,为有效遏制天然气管道事故造成的重大灾害,需加强对应急救援系统的研究。选取高斯模型分析泄漏的天然气的扩散过程,并划分事故后果评估区域。利用ArcGIS Engine平台,设计并建立一个城市天然气管道泄漏事故的应急救援系统。利用该系统可模拟天然气管道泄漏后可能发生的气体扩散、火灾、爆炸等事故后果,通过天然气理化参数、天然气泄漏的初始状态和周围环境的气象条件,以可视化方式直观显示不同等级的事故后果评估缓冲区。  相似文献   

天然气在土壤中扩散行为的实验研究对埋地管道泄漏点的科学定位及泄漏事故的预防具有重要意义.采用全尺度气体泄漏实验系统,模拟真实埋地管道泄漏场景,对泄漏后的天然气在土壤中的扩散对流过程进行实验研究.基于自行研制的气体检测与数据采集系统和GasClam地下气体在线监测仪,分析天然气在土壤中的对流扩散规律.结果表明:埋地管道泄漏后天然气在土壤中的对流扩散过程可以分为4个阶段:孕育阶段、陡然增长阶段、缓慢增长阶段和稳定阶段,其浓度随泄漏时间的变化过程符合S型曲线特征.天然气扩散至检测点所需时间与距泄漏口距离呈现近似的幂指数关系.当检测点位于泄漏口附近区域时,泄漏压力起主导作用.当检测点位于远离泄漏口区域时,泄漏量起主导作用.  相似文献   

针对传统WEB监控技术实时性较差、服务器负担重、监控人员任务繁琐等问题,提出了一种基于JavaEE(Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition)与Comet技术(服务器推技术)的油气泄漏实时在线监控技术。该技术采用多层B/S(Browser/Server)模式软件体系结构,充分利用JavaEE分布式计算平台的优越性,建立了基于Comet目标参数实时在线监控技术的系统模型。通过实时监控实例,对其工作性能进行了验证,实现了实时、远程应急管理与控制。  相似文献   

为了研究随钻测量装置(Measurement While Drilling,MWD)压力波信号在用于早期气侵检测时的扰动传播特性,基于油气井多相流流动理论,建立随钻压力波在环空气液两相流中的扰动传播模型,对多参数影响下的压力波传播与衰减特性进行模拟,并对压力波检测技术的现场应用效果进行分析。结果表明:含气率、角频率、系统压力、虚拟质量力、拖曳力和壁面剪切力的变化都会对压力波在环空气液两相流中的传播与衰减特性造成不同程度的影响;相比于常规的全烃量检测技术,压力波检测技术可以更早地检测到气侵的发生,可进一步提高油气井建井的安全性。  相似文献   

The leak of gas pipelines can be detected and located by the acoustic method. The technologies of recognizing and extracting wave characteristics are summarized in details in this paper, which is to distinguish leaking and disturbing signals from time and frequency domain. A high-pressure and long distance leak test loop is designed and established by similarity analysis with field transmission pipelines. The acoustic signals collected by sensors are de-noised by wavelet transform to eliminate the background noises, and time-frequency analysis is used to analyze the characteristics of frequency domain. The conclusion can be drawn that most acoustic signals are concentrated on the ranges of 0-100 Hz. The acoustic signal recognition and extraction methods are verified and compared with others and it proves that the disturbing signals can be efficiently removed by the analysis of time and frequency domain, while the new characteristics of the accumulative value difference, mean value difference and peak value difference of signals in adjacent intervals can detect the leak effectively and decrease the false alarm rate significantly. The formula for leak location is modified with consideration of the influences of temperature and pressure. The positioning accuracy can be significantly improved with relative error between 0.01% and 1.37%.  相似文献   

With the development of natural gas transportation systems, major accidents can result from internal gas leaks in pipelines that transport high-pressure gases. Leaks in pipelines that carry natural gas result in enormous financial loss to the industry and affect public health. Hence, leak detection and localization is a major concern for researchers studying pipeline systems. To ensure the safety and improve the efficiency of pipeline emergency repair, a high-pressure and long-distance circular pipe leakage simulation platform is designed and established by similarity analysis with a field transmission pipeline, and an integrated leakage detection and localization model for gas pipelines is proposed. Given that the spread velocity of acoustic waves in pipelines is related to the properties of the medium, such as pressure, density, specific heat, and so on, this paper proposes a modified acoustic velocity and location formula. An improved wavelet double-threshold de-noising optimization method is also proposed to address the original acoustic wave signal collected by the test platform. Finally, the least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) method is applied to determine the leakage degree and operation condition. Experimental results show that the integrated model can enhance the accuracy and precision of pipeline leakage detection and localization.  相似文献   

Negative-wave-based leakage detection and localization technology has been widely used in the pipeline system to diminish leak loss and enhance environmental protection from hazardous leak events. However, the fluid mechanics behind the negative wave method has yet been disclosed. The objective of this paper is to investigate the generation and propagation of negative wave in high-pressure pipeline leakage. A three-dimensional computational fluid dynamic (CFD) study on the negative wave was carried out with large eddy simulation (LES) method. Experimentally validated simulation presented the transient wave generation at the leak onset and the comprehensive wave evolution afterwards. Negative wave was proven to be a kind of rarefaction acoustic waves induced by transient mass loss at the onset of leakage. Diffusion due to the density difference at wave fronts drives the negative wave propagation. Propagation of negative wave can be categorized into three states – semi-spherical wave, wave superposition and plane wave, based on different wave forms. The wave characteristics at different states were elucidated and the attenuation effects were discussed respectively. Finally, a non-dimensional correlation was proposed to predict the negative wave amplitude based on pipeline pressure and leak diameter.  相似文献   

城市天然气工程环境风险评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结合广州、深圳、东莞、佛山等城市的天然气工程情况,对城市天然气工程的环境风险评价进行了讨论,并采用穆尔哈斯(Moorhowse)和普里恰特(Prichard)提出的热辐射预测模式和爆炸冲击波预测模式对城市天然气工程进行了风险评价.结果表明,如果发生天然气泄漏并引起火灾,假设在10 min以内,城市门站、调压站和城市高中压管道的火球对建筑物和设备的严重损害范围( A 级)最远距离分别为35.8 m、18.0 m和28.7 m,爆炸冲击波严重损害范围( C1 级)分别为距事故处54.8 m、27.8 m和44.4 m.最后从城市门站、调压站选址及输气管道选线、安全防范距离、作业过程中的风险控制与管理以及事故应急对策四方面提出了风险事故的防范措施与对策.  相似文献   

中压天然气管道泄漏扩散模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
建立了埋地中压天然气管道发生泄漏时时的数学模型,将土壤视为各向同性的多孔介质,采用FLUENT对天然气在土壤中的扩散规律及浓度分布进行模拟,分析不同时刻地表的危险区域范围,并对比了不同管道压力、泄漏孔径大小、泄漏位置等工况下危险半径随时间的变化。结果表明:管道压力越大,泄漏的体积流量越大,同一时间危险范围越大;相同的泄漏压力下,泄漏孔径对危险半径没有很大影响;不同泄漏孔位置,泄漏初期向上开口时危险半径最大,一段时间后向下开口危险半径最大。  相似文献   

毒气泄漏会对公众生命财产安全构成威胁,为了有效的监测毒气泄漏事故现场情况、预测事故影响范围、快速进行预警通知,研究了毒气泄漏事故现场监测预警系统。结合毒气泄漏事故的特征、事故处置流程等搭建移动式监测预警平台,平台采用无线传输方式集成便携式气象站、气体浓度传感器、单兵等前段采集设备,通过毒气扩散的快速预测模型进行风险预测分析,运用地理信息系统(GIS)空间分析和短信群发功能实现预警通知。研究结果可为泄漏事故的应急处置提供科学的决策支持。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3D) model of toxic gas diffusion was advanced based on Monte Carlo method with the presupposition that toxic gas diffusion process can be considered as random walk process of a large number of toxic gas particles. Compared to other existing models, this model includes analysis of both movement and non-movement attributes of toxic gas particles, and can well meet the need of dynamic simulation. Then, a 3D gas diffusion visualization scene management subsystem, including leak hazard source (tank), leak background (ground and sky) and surroundings near the leak area, was developed based on virtual reality (VR) technology. In this system, diffusion scene can be designed in accordance with the reality, which embodies the reunification between VR technology and engineering application. Finally, according to OpenGL particle system theory, by using Delphi and OpenGL as main programming tools, the diffusion simulation subsystem of toxic gas diffusion process and real-time concentration prediction and consequence simulation subsystem was completed. Application shows that by using VR technology in the accident consequence simulation, the whole system is of real-time, lifelike and visual characteristics, which not only embodies the great engineering value of virtual reality technology in the field of safety engineering, but also provides references for accident impact prediction, assessment and emergency plan.  相似文献   

During the detection of pipeline leakages, false alarms of leak detection could be markedly reduced if the interference signals resulting from pressure regulating, pump regulating or valve movements could be accurately distinguished. A digital recognition method for interference signals and leakage signals based on a dual-sensor system is proposed in this paper. It is demonstrated that the direction of the signal can be recognized by a cross-correlation calculation between two signals from the dual-sensor, one of which undergoes forward linear interpolation and backward linear interpolation. Based on this theory, the interference signal and the leak signal can be discriminated exactly, and the distance between the two sensors in the dual-sensor system can be considerably reduced without needing to increase the sampling frequency. The monotonicity of the cross-correlation function is demonstrated, and a fast discrimination algorithm based on a binary extreme search method, which decreases the computational load and maintains global optimization, is also proposed. A pre-processing method of the actual signal is proposed to decrease the identity requirement for the two sensors in a dual-sensor system. In the experiment based on artificial signals, the proposed discrimination algorithm could achieve accurate recognition of the abnormal signal, and as such, the theory and application of pipeline leak detection based on dual-sensor systems are extended.  相似文献   

In order to figure out the principles of acoustic leak detection for natural gas pipelines, a study on the leak-acoustics generation mechanism is carried out. The aero-acoustics generation mechanism is analyzed and when leakage occurs the wave equations of sonic sources are developed. The leak-acoustics generated by the quadrupole and dipole sonic sources are then simulated to obtain the laws of the acoustic characteristics. The simulation data are compared with the experimental data to verify the simulation accuracy under variable operating conditions. The results show that the quadrupoles and the dipoles generated by turbulent fluctuations cause leak-acoustics; the main component of pressure perturbations acquired by the dynamic pressure sensor is acoustic perturbations; both the simulation method and the experimental method can be applied to study the leak-acoustics generation mechanism of natural gas pipelines.  相似文献   

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