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The successful implementation of a regulation in the modern complicated world is a major issue for states. A newly introduced regulation may cause conflicts of interest among various parties that are affected. A common conflict is that from one hand, the public demands the introduction of regulations that will increase safety, environmental and security standards while on the other hand industries are concerned about potential costs caused by new regulations. In this paper, the shipping industry, which is a typical example of an international industry, is chosen to carry out a cost and benefit analysis generated from the implementation of a newly introduced regulation. Consequently, a methodology is proposed capable of evaluating the implementation performance of a regulation in the shipping industry with respect to the costs and benefits that can be generated. For a simple and effective computation, a System of Hierarchical Scorecards (SHS) is developed to assist regulators in evaluating any proposed and/or existing regulations.  相似文献   

在分析安全法规符合性评估现状和存在问题的基础上,提出基于Web的安全法规符合性评估系统的技术框架.通过将辨识的安全法规按要素分类、给出量化评估指标体系,构建基于web的安全法规符合性评估系统,实现法规数据库检索、指标体系的计算机辅助定量评估、多人联评、移动终端现场评估、自动生成报告等功能.并以某测井企业为例,开发了安全法规符合性评估系统并已投入使用.应用结果表明,基于web的设计和移动终端的应用使得该系统表现出较好的现场应用性,该系统可提高企业安全法规符合性评估效率,是提高企业安全生产保障能力及满足政府监管要求的有效途径.  相似文献   

我国安全生产规制体制及其运行模式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为健全我国安全生产法律制度体系,提高安全监管效率,采用规制理论,提出安全生产规制范畴并分析其构成要素。结合当前实际情况,将我国安全生产规制按规制主体的不同可划分为3种类型即立法规制、行政规制和司法规制,并按内容的不同总结归纳为6个方面的规制,即作业场所安全条件及安全健康标准规制、安全投入及工伤保险规制、安全生产管理及责任规制、安全生产市场准入规制、安全生产监管规制、事故责任追究规制。在此基础上,绘制出我国现行安全生产规制体制的运行模式图,认为安全生产监管规制和事故责任追究规制是保障其他各种规制得到有效落实和确保规制目标得以实现的关键。  相似文献   

为了解当前安全生产规制政策的总体效果与强度,弄清安全生产规制政策的改进方向,完善安全生产监管体制,提高监管的有效性,有必要对安全生产规制效果进行分析和评价。在总结分析安全生产规制效果影响因素的基础上,建立多因素、多层次的安全生产规制总体效果评估指标体系,主要由安全生产规制体制、安全生产规制的内容及方式、规制政策的可靠实施、被规制者特征等4个一级指标及所属14个二级指标构成。借助层次分析法(AHP)和模糊数学方法,构建安全生产规制总体效果模糊定量评估模型。利用该模型试算中国1991—2001年间安全生产规制总体效果,计算结果与实际情况基本相符。但该模型是不完美的,其不能搞清楚各因素变量与规制效果之间存在的具体相关关系。  相似文献   

This paper examines effectiveness of a regulatory enforcement organization (Major industrial Accident Prevention Center, MAPC), and a grading system for implementation of the Process Safety Management (PSM) regulation in Korea. A lot of chemical installations have been built in Korea since the 1960s. The frequent occurrence of major industrial accidents had made people's concerns grow. The Korean government enacted PSM regulations in 1996 in order to curb these accidents.However, a key question is how to make sure companies comply with the PSM regulations. In order to improve company’ compliance with PSM regulations the Ministry of Employment and Labor (MOEL) responsible for the regulation introduced a grading management system in 2001 and then established special supervisory centers for enforcement of PSM regulations in 2005. This paper reviews the role and effectiveness of the system in term of PSM enforcement. The author found that the grade-based approach has encouraged employers to implement the requirements of the PSM regulations. MAPCs play an effective role in enhancing enforcement performance. Although the more chemical plants have been established in Korea, the fewer major industrial accidents have occurred since the introduction of the system. The results may be useful for the policy maker to build an effective and efficient enforcement system.  相似文献   

为充分发挥立法的引领和推动作用,不断完善中国矿山安全法律法规体系,分析我国矿山安全领域的立法现状,借鉴美国矿山安全立法经验及启示,立足于我国矿山安全监管监察体制革新的新形势和新要求,提出了以《矿山安全法》为基本法,以行政法规、部门规章、监察手册和强制性标准为支撑的新发展阶段矿山安全法规标准体系,为中国矿山安全领域立法提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对国内外职业健康管理法规标准及具体管理方法的研究,探索适合我国国情的职业健康管理新思路新方法。从我国职业健康法规标准体系建设、企业职业健康管理体系的建立、政府监管职责的落实分析了我国各类企业职业健康管理工作现状。并结合我国企业的实际情况,从标准化管理的实施原则、运行模式和参与机构三个方面阐述了企业实施职业健康标准化管理的必要性。推行职业健康标准化管理有利于引导企业在规定时间内按照标准化标准要求建立适合企业自身特点的职业健康标准化管理模式和体系框架,并保持有效运行,对提升企业职业健康管理水平,降低职业危害影响,解决目前职业健康管理面临的严峻形势将起到积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

基于经济学视角的职业健康规制问题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用经济学分析工具对现有的职业健康规制进行探讨,研究规制机构、企业和劳动者三方行为主体的博弈,通过分析存在的问题,提出解决职业健康规制的对策。在理顺职业健康规制体制,健全机构的同时不断完善法规体系。同时,加强对劳动者职业健康的保障,完善第三方介入机制,并且加大对违规企业的处罚力度,提高对劳动者的赔偿。不断强化企业作为职业健康责任主体的意识,推进职业危害防治技术创新,培养"以人为本"的职业健康安全文化观念。  相似文献   

Regulation is generally perceived as an important way to achieve safety. Controversy about enforcing, amending, reforming, reducing, improving, and evaluating safety regulations abounds. Questions about the need for, validity, and effectiveness of safety regulations also continue. This paper explores the nature of a safety regulation, what can be expected of a safety regulation in view of its nature, and what this means to persons affected by safety regulation. The role of regulation in safe task performance is reviewed. Consequences of these findings on regulation promulgation, employee training, and regulatory enforcement programs are discussed. Steps to enhance the effectiveness of safety regulations are suggested.  相似文献   

依据中日合作项目《加强中国国家安全生产科学技术能力计划》成果,系统介绍了日本职业卫生监管机构、法规、职业病确定、作业环境管理等。同时,结合中国职业卫生管理体制尚未完全理顺、法规较滞后、专业人才不足、企业基础资料不全和自主管理体制不健全等现状,提出了进一步明确职业卫生管理体制、完善职业卫生法规、建立职业卫生统计制度、强化企业自主管理能力等建立健全中国职业卫生管理的对策和建议。本文对完善中国职业卫生管理具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

中国已签署《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》。面对目前杀虫剂类持久性有机污染物 (POPs)的生产、使用和环境污染现状 ,中国履约形势十分严峻。笔者探讨了生命周期管理的概念 ;分析了污染历史、现状和原因 ;提出了杀虫剂类POPs在生产、运输、销售、使用、库存和废弃处置等阶段的生命周期管理建议 ;指出相关法律、法规和制度的建立和执行应体现源头控制、优先控制和生命周期管理的思想。  相似文献   

The Norwegian internal control (IC) regulation, which was set into force in 1992, has received attention because preventive health and safety systems have become mandatory for every enterprise, regardless of size and business. Enterprises are expected to implement proper systematic actions to ensure that the enterprise operates in accordance with requirements specified in laws and regulations in the health, environment and safety (HES)1 domain. The present study was conducted in order to find out what organizational factors are feasible in predicting success in managing systematic HES work. The study focuses on enterprises' experiences in their efforts to implement IC of HES. The results showed that 45% of the companies in Norway had implemented IC 4 years after the onset of the regulation. A total of 36% were under way, while 19% had not started yet. In 1993 the corresponding figures were 8%, 25% and 67%, respectively. Available internal HES competency with professional training was the strongest predictor for success in managing systematic HES work. Thereafter followed factors like external push and pull factors (customers, labor inspection and business partners). Time elapsed since implementation of the regulation was also of importance.  相似文献   

重大事故应急救援法律法规体系建设   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10  
重大事故应急救援法律法规体系作为生产安全应急救援体系建设的重要内容之一 ,在重特大事故多发的今天 ,已显得尤为重要。笔者结合国内外重大事故应急救援立法的现状 ,论述加强我国应急救援法律法规体系建设的必要性 ;提出重大应急救援法律法规体系建设要从法律、行政法规及部门规章、地方性法规及规章3个方面进行 ;同时提出建立联席会议制度、应急预案编制审核和备案制度、报告与信息发布制度、应急救援的分级响应制度、应急救援演习制度、应急救援资金补偿制度、应急救援的奖惩制度等急救援工作制度体系。最后 ,还强调建立重大事故应急救援体系对于提高政府对国家危机的管理能力有着深远的影响和意义。  相似文献   

国家安全生产监管总局赴英国、丹麦组织安全生产法律法规标准化考察团针对英国、丹麦和国际劳工组织的职业安全健康立法、执法和监察等方面进行了座谈和交流。作为发达国家,英国和丹麦的职业安全健康绩效在全球处于领先地位,主要介绍了英国职业健康安全组织机构和职责、健康安全法律法规制修订程序、健康安全法律法规体系和立法执法及监察经验,以及丹麦职业安全健康组织机构、安全健康法律法规体系和安全健康监察经验。以此为基础,在关于法律原则和定位方面、法律法规落实、落实企业的安全生产主体责任和监察人员履行监察职责、基于风险的分级监察和建立企业安全生产诚信评级系统等五方面提出对我国安全生产立法及监察工作的启示和思考。  相似文献   



Empirical studies on the effectiveness of workplace safety regulations are inconclusive. This study hypothesizes that the asynchronous effects of safety regulations occur because regulations need time to become effective. Safety regulations will work initially by reducing the most serious accidents, and later by improving overall safety performance.


The hypothesis is tested by studying a provincial level aggregate panel dataset for China's coal industry using two different models with different sets of dependent variables: a fixed-effects model on mortality rate, which is defined as fatalities per 1,000 employees; and a negative binominal model on the annual number (frequency) of disastrous accidents.


Safety regulations can reduce the frequency of disastrous accidents, but have not reduced mortality rate, which represents overall safety performance.

Discussion and summary

Policy recommendations are made, including shifting production from small to large mines through industrial consolidation, improving the safety performance of large mines, addressing consequences of decentralization, and facilitating the implementation of regulations through carrying on institutional actions and supporting legislation.

Impact on industry

Until recently, about 4,000 coal miners perished annually in China, demonstrating that workplace safety in China's coal industry is an urgent and important issue. This research provides evidence that safety regulations have asynchronous effects and identifies the priorities in improving safety in China's current coal mining. This may assist the Chinese government to design more effective safety improvement policies and improve the effectiveness of safety regulations and safety performance.  相似文献   

This study was conducted because a real method for measuring safety climate had never been developed and assessed in Serbian industry. The aim of this paper was to start the process of developing a safety climate questionnaire that could be used in Serbia. As a starting point a 21-item questionnaire was adopted after an extensive literature review. The questionnaire was distributed at several Serbian factories; 1098 workers responded. After a statistical analysis of the data obtained with the questionnaire and a critical comparison with the available reference results, a final questionnaire with 21 questions, divided into 7 groups, was developed. The 7 groups of questions (factors) were safety awareness and competence, safety communication, organizational environment, management support, risk judgment and management reaction, safety precautions and accident prevention, and safety training.  相似文献   

A study was conducted that assessed the effectiveness of different child restraint system (CRS) label/warning designs on users' installation performance. Forty-eight paid participants installed a convertible CRS in a vehicle, and two child test dummies in a CRS, using one of four label conditions. The label conditions were: (1) no labels, (2) the manufacturer's labels that were already affixed to the CRS ("Current"), (3) labels that were designed according to a combination of the current U.S. regulations concerning CRS labels and recently proposed changes to these regulations ("Proposed"), and (4) labels that were designed according to human factors principles and guidelines, and that were based on a hierarchical behavioral task analysis ("Optimal"). Results demonstrated that, overall, the Optimal labels resulted in higher usability ratings and better task performance. This indicates that labels designed using human factors and task analyses that identify critical task information requirements for label features will result in increased user compliance with instructions, higher usability, and improved task performance. Surprisingly, having no labels on the CRS resulted in better installation performance than when either the Current or the Proposed label conditions were used. This indicates that label design can decrease task performance; the actual physical design of a CRS may be just as critical as label content in the installation choices provided to the user. Collectively, results suggest that implementation of the proposed changes to the U.S. regulations concerning CRS labeling would likely not result in increased performance or usability compared to existing manufacturer labels that follow the current guidelines. In order to achieve significantly better ease-of-use and task performance, it would be necessary to implement features of the Optimal label condition.  相似文献   

在安全规章制度中往往只规定下级的安全责任,并未对领导责任做出具体规定,缺乏权利义务的对等性,导致企业安全管理成一纸空文,落实不下去,存在着严重的形式主义.由于企业规章制度持续性和稳定性不足,存在朝令夕改的现象,导致企业在安全生产工作方面产生信任度危机,所以员工在安全生产过程中总是在揣测领导的真正意图以决定自己的行为.因此,提倡将企业内部纵向的信任研究引入到安全管理领域.  相似文献   

While process safety regulations and standards have been in place in western countries for more than two decades, China has only recently started to officially embrace these issues with the adoption of its Process Safety Management (PSM) regulation AQ/T 3034-2010 (SAWS, 2010). However, compliance with this regulatory framework requires substantial resources and may therefore appear too complex to be efficiently implemented by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the chemical sector. This is of particular relevance as about 99% of chemical companies in China are SMEs, accounting for more than 80% of all chemical accidents. To address this issue, additional local regulations and planning activities related to process safety have been implemented in China, including the establishment of hundreds of chemical industry parks. Some of the process safety problems faced by chemical industry parks are identified and discussed in this paper. To help solve these problems, UNEP's “Responsible Production approach for Chemical Hazards Management along the Value-Chain” is introduced in this paper and suggested as a simplified PSM approach targeted specifically at SMEs which, regardless of handling hazardous chemicals in their daily operations, may not have the knowledge or capacity to efficiently implement PSM and may not fall in the scope of the PSM regulation AQ/T 3034-2010. By introducing PSM to SMEs in a more manageable way, relevant steps can be progressively implemented by companies towards full compliance with the current regulatory framework, contributing to increased safety in chemical industry parks in China.  相似文献   

浅析建筑消防设施的现状、问题及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着社会的发展,建筑的高度及结构复杂度越来越高,建筑消防设施的重要性日益凸现出来。当前,消防设施管理的水平取得了相当大的进展,但是仍然存在很多弊端。根据日常建筑消防设施监督检查及管理中的情况,文章认真分析了当前建筑消防设施的现状及问题,并从设计、施工、监督、管理等方面分析了造成问题的原因,同时结合新《消防法》及配套规章,提出从设计、施工、监督、管理和维保等方面加强对建筑消防设施的监督与管理策略,进一步提高建筑消防设施本质安全化水平。  相似文献   

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