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燃煤电厂袋式除尘专家系统开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开发了一种袋式除尘系统故障专家诊断方法,用于诊断整个袋式除尘系统的故障现象,通过现场数据采集、操作人员与专家系统的人机对话对故障现象进行分析、推理,并做出相应的解决方案指导操作人员排查故障.燃煤电厂袋式除尘专家系统以知识库、推理机为核心,实现整个袋式除尘系统的设备故障诊断功能和维修故障指导功能,辅以解释机构,人机界面来指导用户如何准确无误地操作运行本系统和袋式除尘控制系统.系统被划分为4个模块:专家系统简介模块,在线故障诊断模块,离线故障诊断模块和专家指导模块.  相似文献   

根据F1600宝石泥浆泵的运行状态,结合专家经验,建立了泥浆泵系统的故障模式与影响(FMEA)分析表,得到了系统存在的11种主要故障模式和29种故障原因。由于泥浆泵FMEA分析表中故障模式对应的故障原因不唯一,泥浆泵风险分析系统具有二层结构,即故障原因是底层风险事件,故障模式是上层风险事件。采用传统的Borda序值法无法对该系统进行风险分析和排序,为此,提出了一种能够对二层风险系统进行风险分析的二层Borda序值法。该方法首先基于传统的Borda序值法对底层风险事件进行风险分析并排序;然后基于底层风险事件的Borda值,采用组合排列技术,将二层的风险系统转化为传统Bord序值法能够解决的单层系统,从而实现上层风险事件的风险排序。将此方法应用到泥浆泵系统的故障风险分析中,分别得到了不同故障模式和故障原因对泥浆泵系统可靠性影响的排序结果。实例研究结果表明,该方法的评估结果与实际情况比较吻合,并且可以使分析定量化,简便可行。  相似文献   

依据燃煤工业锅炉烟气的特点,结合目前主流的脱硫脱硝工艺,提出了一种新型的用于燃煤工业锅炉烟气脱硫脱硝的工艺一塔式液相氧化吸收联合脱硫脱硝技术。介绍了工艺流程、技术优势和主要系统组成,以北京市某供热厂2×70 MW燃煤锅炉烟气脱硫脱硝工程为例,分析了工艺的脱硫脱硝技术、经济指标。结果表明,一塔式液相氧化吸收联合脱硫脱硝技术具有脱硫脱硝效率高、工艺投资省、运行费用低等优点,是一种符合我国国情、值得推广应用的新型脱硫脱硝技术。  相似文献   

为了减少民用炉灶和小型工业锅炉燃烧污染,开发了一种自适应脱硫脱硝的型煤,主要由煤、造纸黑液和脱硫脱硝剂混合压制而成,研究该型煤的燃烧过程自适应脱硫脱硝作用。结果表明,造纸黑液可提高型煤的燃烧性能,添加质量分数为20%的造纸黑液,型煤燃尽时间可以缩短25%。同时,造纸黑液还可以脱硫脱硝。当造纸黑液质量分数为10%时,其脱硝效率达到40%,脱硫效率为24%。  相似文献   

对国内引进杜邦Belco公司EDV湿法洗涤脱硫系统治理催化裂化再生烟气运行过程进行分析,指出EDV湿法洗涤脱硫系统存在的问题;并结合中国石油化工研究院开发的10000m3/h催化裂化烟气脱硫、脱硝、除尘一体化技术提出了解决措施,以满足《石油炼制企业污染物排放标准》中催化裂化催化剂再生烟气排放限值。  相似文献   

火电厂氮氧化物排放控制是"十二五"期间我国环境污染治理的重点和难点,选择性催化还原脱硝是未来我国烟气脱硝技术的主流。主要研究了影响火电厂SCR烟气脱硝系统脱硝效率的主要因素,定性分析了反应温度、NH3/NOx摩尔比、入口NOx浓度及接触时间等主要参数与脱硝效率之间的关系。  相似文献   

针对选择性催化还原脱硝工艺中被普遍关注的脱硝效果、氨水损耗以及系统控制精度等问题,结合氨逃逸监测系统和变比值控制方案,设计了一套新型变参数-变比值脱硝综合控制系统,改进了原有脱硝控制系统中典型的多回路PID控制方案。在分析了传统脱硝工艺以及典型PID控制方案后,研究了氨逃逸监测系统与变比值控制策略相融合的可行性,设计出了控制系统框图,并将设计的方案投入实际工程中,系统运行结果验证了该方案的有效性和经济性。  相似文献   

由首都师范大学等单位完成。该系统首先全面建立地下水空间数据库的分类体系与编码体系和北京地区地下水空间数据库;开发了易于操作、分析和管理的水资源计算模型与决策系统,实现了应用程序与地理信息系统之间的无缝集成。采用面向对象的编程方法,首次全面开发出地下水空间管理系统、地下水分析系统与基于Web的地下水发布系统,系统  相似文献   

煤矿事故管理系统的设计与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决煤矿事故信息处理效率低、出错率高以及查找、更新和维护困难等诸多问题,笔者在大量煤矿事故案例资料的基础上,结合煤矿事故特点,运用数据库技术,设计开发出煤矿事故案例管理系统,并在开发过程中选用V isual Basic 6.0为前台开发工具,SQL Server 2000数据库管理系统为后台数据库,ADO技术为V isual Basic 6.0与SQL Server 2000的数据接口。通过对煤矿事故的特征信息进行分析,将其分为事故矿井的自然状况和事故后果及事故性质两个部分,并建立4个数据表。设计与开发的系统包括用户管理模块、信息管理模块和信息查询模块,具有数据维护功能、数据查询功能、数据输出功能。该系统的应用有利于煤矿事故案例信息的充分利用及煤矿企业信息化水平的提高。  相似文献   

本文提出了目前常见的两种烧结机头烟气脱硫脱硝超低排放工艺技术:CFB脱硫+SCR脱硝工艺和活性焦脱硫脱硝一体化工艺,并对两种脱硫脱硝技术的工艺过程和工艺特点进行了比较和分析。  相似文献   

对750 kV变电站可能发生的常见故障进行详细分类,并据此建立故障恢复推理模型,以便发生故障时能及时快速恢复供电。通过分析750 k V变电站拓扑结构,采用故障分类和基于Petri网建模的方法,将所有可能发生的常见故障分为母线、线路及变压器3类。变电站发生故障时,先根据变电站故障诊断结果,再从故障点隔离到恢复非故障失电区域并建立Petri网模型。故障恢复主要对开关进行操作,因此首先建立开关打开和关断的基本Petri网恢复模块,接着从变压器运行方式及裕量情况给出变压器故障恢复的Petri网模型,然后讨论母线和线路故障时不同情况下的故障恢复Petri网模型,最后根据模型推理过程中点火的变迁,将隔离故障点和恢复供电的断路器记录下来,按照Petri网运行的顺序即可给出最终的恢复方案。通过对750 k V变电站各类复杂故障的建模和推理及由此给出的恢复方案,能够及时给出恢复的操作顺序,方便运行人员快速检修。最后通过HPSim软件对代表性故障进行仿真运行,验证该方法正确、可行且及时。  相似文献   

基于T-S模糊故障树的受电弓系统可靠性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对动车组受电弓故障统计中历史故障数据的多源异构和数据缺失等问题,同时考虑到受电弓故障的多态性,提出了以信心指数修正的专家调查法结合T-S模糊故障树,对受电弓可靠性进行分析。首先构建动车组受电弓系统的T-S模糊故障树;再对故障树基本事件进行基于信心指数修正的专家调查,得出基本事件模糊故障率;然后根据基本事件模糊故障率计算顶事件模糊可能性和基本事件模糊重要度;最后根据模糊重要度分析系统不同故障状态时影响其可靠性的薄弱环节。该分析结果与动车组的实际情况相符,可为受电弓系统的检修提供参考。  相似文献   

The offshore oil industry has expanded to deep water and Arctic. The harsh operating conditions (e.g., ice and strong wind) and increasing complicated system raise the occurrence likelihood of system faults. This requires timely fault isolation and management in the subsea system. However, the offshore oil industry mainly relies on humans to isolate faults based on alarms. With harsh operating conditions and increasing complicated system, this industry urgently needs research on more efficient fault isolation and cause diagnosis methods. Unfortunately, limited research is conducted on fault isolation method in the offshore oil industry. Furthermore, in industry 4.0 era, large amounts of information are obtained. This provides precondition for the application of information fusion technique which aims to improve diagnosis results. However, to the authors’ knowledge, information fusion has not been much studied in the fault isolation of the offshore oil industry. Moreover, the interaction of different subsystems contains valuable information. How the interaction of different subsystems can influence the fault diagnosis has not been explored. This paper proposes a Bayesian network (BN) based method for timely fault isolation and cause diagnosis for the offshore oil industry. The work fuses different information, and it also includes the dependency among different subsystems in the fault diagnosis. As an important alarm source, false alarms are also taken into account in the model. A case study on the subject of the subsea wellhead and chemical injection systems is conducted to demonstrate the functions and merits of the proposed method.  相似文献   

针对故障仿真预测技术的现状和发展,分析了ADAMS仿真平台和专家系统的优缺点.根据自行火炮系统结构的特殊性,提出基于ADAMS(Automatic Dynamic Analysis Mechanical System)仿真平台和专家系统的故障仿真系统的建模方法和设计思想.仿真过程根据用户输入的初始状态真实体现出系统在服役状态的量变,产生动态模糊关系矩阵,并由动态模糊综合评判得到系统可能出现的故障,由预测结果调用知识库中的诊断知识产生实际发生的故障部件.这样建立的仿真模型不仅能表达领域对象的动态属性、行为特性,又能表达专家的经验、判断决策等知识,还具备较强的数值计算及过程控制能力.  相似文献   

矿井提升机盘闸制动系统工作状态监控与安全   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用故障树分析(FTA)方法分析矿井提升机盘式制动系统故障原因,包括机械故障、摩擦系数故障、液压故障等,提出矿井提升机盘闸制动系统的故障树,并给出了系统状态计算机测控系统方案。采用现代检测与计算机技术,对盘闸制动系统的主要故障进行综合检测;对摩擦系数进行间接检测;研究成果,为故障报警与控制提供了保障,报警与控制结合,提高了提升机盘闸制动系统的安全性。  相似文献   

Introduction. Expert witness reports, prepared with the aim of quantifying fault rates among parties, play an important role in a court's final decision. However, conflicting fault rates assigned by different expert witness boards lead to iterative objections raised by the related parties. This unfavorable situation mainly originates due to the subjectivity of expert judgments and unavailability of objective information about the causes of accidents. As a solution to this shortcoming, an expert system based on a rule-based system was developed for the quantification of fault rates in construction fall accidents. The aim of developing DsSafe is decreasing the subjectivity inherent in expert witness reports. Methodology. Eighty-four inspection reports prepared by the official and authorized inspectors were examined and root causes of construction fall accidents in Turkey were identified. Using this information, an evaluation form was designed and submitted to the experts. Experts were asked to evaluate the importance level of the factors that govern fall accidents and determine the fault rates under different scenarios. Based on expert judgments, a rule-based expert system was developed. The accuracy and reliability of DsSafe were tested with real data as obtained from finalized court cases. Result. DsSafe gives satisfactory results.  相似文献   

主要介绍了汽车计算机系统的组织结构,分析了目前解码器存在的功能缺陷,笔者提出了一种利用图结构完善汽车解码器功能的方法,并给出了具体的算法步骤和应用方法。通过各故障之间的关联和顺序,利用有向图的原理,建立了一种汽车故障关联结构图,并通过相应的搜索算法进行故障查询,用于帮助汽车检修人员迅速确定故障的所在,指导检修人员进行故障检修,提高了汽车故障的排查速度,对提高汽车的智能化水平具有重要作用。  相似文献   

An expert system for operation guidance will contribute to identifying the operatoration problems and indicating the resolutions thereof, because the information stored in the expert system can be utilized to resolve the corresponding technical problems. However, there are several problems that should be solved in the practical application of the expert system, such as lack of corresponding knowledge or resolutions utilized to cope with the problems, inapplicable resolutions, too many resolutions for the operators to choose from to obtain the best one in the first time, etc. Obtaining and storing as much as information in the database of the expert system are important issues in the construction process of the expert system. The accident analysis results contain a limited number of accident cases and the HAZOP analysis only refers to a single deviation analysis. This paper has presented a novel knowledge database construction method for an operation guidance expert system based on the HAZOP analysis and the accident analysis, which can be used to resolve the above problems. The HAZOP analysis results are combined with the accident analysis results and the combination information can be stored in the database of the expert system, and can be employed to forecast accidents or identify accident causes. The structures of the operation guidance table and the accident investigation table have been illustrated. The residuum hydrotreating process expert system is taken as an example to illustrate the knowledge database construction method. With the aid of this expert system, the operators will well understand the operations and adopt the best resolutions to deal with the abnormal situations. Also the operators can identify potential risks existing in the plant which will result in accidents according to the accident analysis results associated with the HAZOP analysis results.  相似文献   

In highly complex industries, capturing and employing expert systems is significantly important to an organization's success considering the advantages of knowledge-based systems. The two most important issues within the expert system applications in risk and reliability analysis are the acquisition of domain experts' professional knowledge and the reasoning and representation of the knowledge that might be expressed. The first issue can be correctly handled by employing a heterogeneous group of experts during the expert knowledge acquisition processes. The members of an expert panel regularly represent different experiences and knowledge. Subsequently, this diversity produces various sorts of information which may be known or unknown, accurate or inaccurate, and complete or incomplete based on its cross-functional and multidisciplinary nature. The second issue, as a promising tool for knowledge reasoning, still suffers from lack of deficiencies such as weight and certainty factor, and are insufficient to accurately represent complex rule-based expert systems. The outputs in current expert system applications in probabilistic risk assessment could not accurately represent the increasingly complex knowledge-based systems. The reason is the lack of certainty and self-assurance of experts when they are expressing their opinions. In this paper, a novel methodology is presented based on the concept of Z-numbers to overcome this issue. A case study in a high-tech process industry is provided in detail to demonstrate the application and feasibility of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

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