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以某城际铁路下穿埋地燃气管道工程为例,应用车辆-轨道耦合动力学理论建立了车辆-轨道垂向耦合动力学模型,计算了250 km/h行车速度下的钢轨扣件支点反力;利用ANSYS建立了包括轨道、隧道结构、土体和燃气管道的三维有限元模型,以钢轨扣件反力为输入荷载,分析了列车运营条件下燃气管道的振动响应特性,并分析了会车对燃气管道振动响应特性的影响。结果表明,当列车单向运营速度为250 km/h时,燃气管道的最大振动加速度为1.175×10~(-3)m/s~2。如果在管道下方会车,列车运行振动对埋地燃气管道的影响范围显著增大,振动位移幅值和加速度幅值增幅分别为85.2%和75.8%,最大位移为2.21×10-5m,最大振动加速度为2.12×10~(-3)m/s~2。根据预测计算结果判断,本工程列车单向运营引起的埋地燃气管道的振动烈度小于I度,会车时振动烈度略大于I度。  相似文献   

为评估高铁隧道内无砟轨道上拱变形对行车安全性的影响,基于实测数据获得无砟轨道上拱变形特征,从而建立仰拱填充层-无砟轨道-车辆系统动力学计算模型。利用计算模型获得不同无砟轨道上拱变形特征对车辆动力响应的影响,进而评估高速行车安全性。结果表明:高铁隧道内无砟轨道上拱变形的实测波长主要范围为3~30 m,幅值主要范围为0~8 mm,其中,以波长10 m、幅值2 mm的上拱变形为主。上拱波长不超过6 m时轮轨力峰值较大,上拱波长在12 m左右时车体垂向加速度峰值较大。波长6 m左右的上拱变形对高速行车安全性的影响显著,具有一定的脱轨风险,应重点关注。  相似文献   

阐述了直线电机轨道交通的技术特点,并就其安全评价体系做了介绍,应用ADAMS/Rail软件分别建立了轮对、构架、悬挂系统、止挡、自导向径向转向架、直线电机以及车体的模型,并考虑轮轨关系组合为直线电机轨道交通的车辆-轨道耦合动力学整体模型,进行了大量的计算仿真。笔者主要以脱轨系数为例进行了动力响应分析,给出考虑了径向转向架和直线电机后的安全评判指标,比较了与径向转向架和未安装直线电机的区别,验证了模型的正确性和有效性。为后续研究直线电机轨道交通车辆-轨道耦合动力学模型提供了理论基础,从而可以进一步从安全性角度研究线路设计参数。为我国今后直线电机轨道交通建设就线路参数对车辆运行安全性的影响研究方面起到理论指导作用。  相似文献   

为评估地铁线路隧道沉降对车辆-轨道系统力学特性的影响,基于有限元(FE)方法和车辆-轨道耦合动力学理论,建立地铁车辆-轨道-下部基础动力学耦合模型,并以北京某地铁线路为例,分析沉降作用下系统的静、动力学特性。研究结果表明:上部不平顺幅值与沉降幅值基本呈1∶1传递;在沉降区边界道床有拉裂的风险;车辆进入沉降区域后,轮轨垂向力因下凹曲线变化率影响出现冲击-减载-平稳-冲击现象;随着沉降量的增加,车辆动力学指标基本呈线性增长,沉降幅值从5 mm增长至20 mm,车体加速度峰值由0. 167 m/s~2增加至0. 259 m/s~2,增加了55. 08%。  相似文献   

为了分析高速列车火灾时在紧急制动以后运行的安全性,选取列车在隧道内运行的场景,通过FDS软件模拟得到火灾后车体内温度场,基于一维热传导理论得到车体结构的温度场分布,在车体结构材料本构中考虑高温对强度及刚度的弱化影响,通过ABAQUS计算列车在最大压缩载荷和拉伸载荷作用下的应力分布和垂向位移。通过分析得到车体大面积温度在500℃左右;最大压缩载荷下车体底架前部构件出现断裂失效,底架中间出现裂纹,中间的垂向位移在42~80 mm之间,最大拉伸载荷下车体损伤略小,车体未出现断裂,底架前部和中间的垂向位移在40~50 mm范围内;底架中间高温是导致断裂失效的最主要原因,在隔热设计中需要对此重点考虑。  相似文献   

磁悬浮铁路大量采用了封闭式高架桥。目前国内的磁悬浮车 /桥动力响应研究的模型中 ,轨道梁大多假设为梁单元。笔者将分别建立梁单元和板壳元的轨道梁模型 ,通过自编车 /桥垂向耦合程序 ,探讨这两种模型在不同车速和轨道状态下对磁悬浮车辆 /桥垂向耦合动力响应的影响。笔者得出在一定车速以下梁单元轨道梁模型梁跨中挠度将稍小于板壳元轨道梁模型的梁跨中挠度 ,而车体加速度相差不大 ,说明轨道梁假设为梁单元是简单合理的 ;不同轨道状态时 ,板壳元轨道梁模型和梁单元轨道梁模型的梁跨中挠度相差不很大 ,但车体垂向加速度相差较大 ,因此 ,在不同轨道状态下轨道梁模型的选取对磁悬浮车辆 /桥动力响应的影响较大。这些研究将对磁悬浮高架线路设计和磁悬浮列车安全运行具有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

为了分析轨缝值与行车速度对车辆通过钢轨接头时产生的振动与噪声的影响程度,利用有限元方法,建立了车辆—轨道垂向耦合动力计算模型;该模型的车辆采用整车模型,共10个自由度;轨道结构采用3层弹性点支承有限长欧拉梁模型,共402个自由度;系统的激励大小可由轨缝值和行车速度推导出来,并运用赫兹非线性接触理论计算轮轨之间的相互作用力。采用该模型,结合快速显式迭代积分法和MATLAB6.5强大的矩阵分析功能,对不同轨缝值和车辆行驶速度条件下钢轨接头的动力响应进行了计算,为减振降噪提供理论依据。  相似文献   

车辆—路基耦合而产生振动 ,为了更好地分析两者之间的相互作用 ,笔者提出了车辆—路基竖向耦合振动模型 ;并利用该耦合振动模型及二维有限元方法 ,探讨了高速公路不同路基设计参数对车辆运行品质的影响规律。研究结果表明 :路基刚度的变化对车辆竖向振动加速度的影响较大 ;路面平整度与车辆竖向振动加速度几乎成线性关系 ;随行车速度的增加车辆的舒适度将降低。  相似文献   

地震作用下列车过桥安全性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过建立的地震荷载作用下车桥系统动力响应分析模型,对不同的高速列车在典型地震荷载作用下通过秦沈客运专线上多跨双线简支箱梁桥的全过程进行了仿真分析,对影响地震发生时高速铁路常用跨度简支梁桥动力响应行为和车辆运行安全的主要因素进行了分析和研究,其结果表明增大桥梁结构的阻尼比可有效改善桥梁本身的抗震性能,但对提高列车在地震时过桥的安全性意义不大;地震作用使车体的横向振动加速度以及脱轨系数、轮重减载率和横向轮轨力等各项安全评价指标均随列车速度的提高而增大,因此,在评价地震作用下高速铁路简支梁桥上列车的走行安全性时,必须考虑列车运行速度的影响;给出了确保地震发生时高速列车在桥上安全运行的临界速度限值。  相似文献   

为研究轨下刚度对合金钢组合辙叉安全性能的影响规律,并选取合适的刚度值,用以指导生产设计,以12号单开道岔合金钢组合辙叉为研究对象,建立辙叉整体模型及叉心模型。基于有限单元法,分析不同轨下刚度对列车动荷载作用下辙叉的受力及变形的影响规律,且对叉心燕尾部位进行疲劳检算。结果表明,随轨下刚度增加,列车对钢轨的冲击荷载逐渐增大,钢轨所受内部拉应力及竖向变形逐渐减小。经比较,刚度值选择50 kN/mm为宜,此时,叉心燕尾处应力及疲劳检算结果显示辙叉可以满足安全使用要求。综合各安全性指标选取合适的合金钢组合辙叉轨下刚度,有助于保证辙叉自身强度和行车安全性,以改善其使用性能,延长使用寿命。  相似文献   

Whiplash has increased over the past two decades. This study compares occupant dynamics with three different seat types (two yielding and one stiff) in rear crashes. Responses up to head restraint contact are used to describe possible reasons for the increase in whiplash as seat stiffness increased in the 1980s and 1990s. Three exemplar seats were defined by seat stiffness (k) and frame rotation stiffness (j) under occupant load. The stiff seat had k=40 kN/m and j=1.8 degrees /kN representing a foreign benchmark. One yielding seat had k=20 kN/m and j=1.4 degrees /kN simulating a high-retention seat. The other had k=20 kN/m and j=3.4 degrees /kN simulating a typical yielding seat of the 1980s and 1990s. Constant vehicle acceleration for 100 ms gave delta-V of 6, 10, 16, 24, and 35 km/h. The one-dimensional model included a torso mass loading the seatback, head motion through a flexible neck, and head restraint drop and rearward displacement with seatback rotation. Neck displacement was greatest with the stiff seat due to higher loads on the torso. It peaked at 10 km/h rear delta-V and was lower in higher-severity crashes. It averaged 32% more than neck displacements with the 1980s yielding seat. The high-retention seat had 67% lower neck displacements than the stiff seat because of yielding into the seatback, earlier head restraint contact and less seatback rotation, which involved 16 mm drop in head restraint height due to seatback rotation in the 16 km/h rear delta-V. This was significantly lower than 47 mm with the foreign benchmark and 73 mm with the 1980s yielding seat. Early in the crash, neck responses are proportional to ky/mT, seat stiffness times vehicle displacement divided by torso mass, so neck responses increase with seat stiffness. The trend toward stiffer seats increased neck responses over the yielding seats of the 1980s and 1990s, which offers one explanation for the increase in whiplash over the past two decades. This is a result of not enough seat suspension compliance as stronger seat frames were introduced. As seat stiffness has increased, so have neck displacements and the Neck Injury Criterion (NIC). High-retention seats reduce neck biomechanical responses by allowing the occupant to displace into the seatback at relatively low torso loads until head restraint contact and then transferring crash energy. High-retention seats resolve the historic debate between stiff (rigid) and yielding seats by providing both a strong frame (low j) for occupant retention and yielding suspension (low k) to reduce whiplash.  相似文献   

高速磁浮铁路轨道梁振动分析及控制研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
磁浮车辆系统动力学的研究 ,直接影响到磁浮列车安全行车、运行平稳性、线路设计及系统造价。以德国Transrapid高速磁浮铁路系统为基础 ,笔者采用动力有限元和耦合振动理论 ,建立了高速磁浮车辆 -轨道梁动力学模型 ,通过仿真计算后 ,得到了系统动力响应特征 ,为磁浮车辆平稳运行及高架线路优化设计 ,提供了理论依据。在此基础上 ,为保证运行安全 ,又对轨道梁设计提出了建议并给出了降低振动的措施。  相似文献   

Seat performance in retaining an occupant, transferring energy, and controlling neck responses is often questioned after severe rear crashes when fatal or disabling injury occur. It is argued that a stiffer seat would have improved occupant kinematics. However, there are many factors in occupant interactions with the seat. This study evaluates four different seat types in 26 and 32 mph (42 and 51 km/h), rear crash delta Vs. Two seats were yielding with k = 20 kN/m occupant load per displacement. One represented a 1970s yielding seat with j = 3.4 degrees /kN frame rotation per occupant load, and 3 kN maximum load (660 Nm moment), and the other a high retention seat phased into production since 1997 with j = 1.4 degrees /kN, and 10 kN maximum load (2200 Nm). Two seats were stiff with k = 40 kN/m. One represented a 1990s foreign benchmark with j = 1.8 degrees /kN and a 7.7 kN maximum load (1700 Nm), and the other an all belts to seat (ABTS) with j = 1.0 degrees /kN and 20 kN maximum load (4400 Nm). The crash was a constant acceleration of 11.8 g, or 14.5 g for 100 ms. Occupant interactions with the seat were modeled using a torso mass, flexible neck and head mass. By analysis of the equations of motion, the initial change in seatback angle (Deltatheta) is proportional to jk(y - x), the product jk and the differential motion between the vehicle (seat cushion) and occupant. The transition from 1970s-80s yielding seats to stronger seats of the 1990s involved an increase in k stiffness; however, the jk property did not change as frame structures became stronger. The yielding seats of the 1970s had jk = 68 degrees /m, while the stiff foreign benchmark seat had jk = 72 degrees /m. The foreign benchmark rotated about the same as the 1970s seat up to 50 ms in the severe rear crashes. While it was substantially stronger, it produced higher loads on the occupant, and the higher loads increased seatback rotations and neck responses. The ABTS seat had the lowest rotations but also caused high neck responses because of the greater loads on the torso. Neck displacement (d) is initially proportional to (k/m(T)) integral integral y, seat stiffness times the second integral of vehicle displacement divided by torso mass. As seat stiffness increases, head-torso acceleration, velocity, and neck displacement increase. This study shows that the jk seat property determines the initial seatback rotation in rear crashes. If a stronger seat has a higher stiffness, it rotates at higher loads on the occupant, reducing the overall benefit of the stronger frame, while increasing neck responses related to whiplash or neck extension prior to subsequent impacts. The aim of seat designs should be to reduce jk, provide pocketing of the pelvis, and give head-neck support for the best protection in severe rear crashes. For low-speed crashes, a low k is important to reduce early neck responses related to whiplash.  相似文献   

货物列车空车直线地段脱轨机理分析与预防   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对货物列车空车直线地段脱轨机理进行探讨 ,笔者认为脱轨是由于车辆蛇形运动波长与线路横向不平顺波长比例不合适或车辆蛇形运动频率与车辆轮对或转向架横向固有频率相等而产生横向共振导致。因此 ,提出提高线路横向不平顺标准 ,尤其是要消除连续性、周期性的反向波 ,对转 8A转向架结构上的缺陷进行改进 ,减小两钢轨间距以及从车辆部门获得轮对与转向架的横向固有频率等预防措施 ,设法避开根据上述机理所算得的列车共振临界速度 ,以尽量减少或消除货物列车脱轨事故。  相似文献   

Seat performance in retaining an occupant, transferring energy, and controlling neck responses is often questioned after severe rear crashes when fatal or disabling injury occur. It is argued that a stiffer seat would have improved occupant kinematics. However, there are many factors in occupant interactions with the seat. This study evaluates four different seat types in 26 and 32 mph (42 and 51 km/h), rear crash delta Vs. Two seats were yielding with k = 20 kN/m occupant load per displacement. One represented a 1970s yielding seat with j = 3.4°/kN frame rotation per occupant load, and 3 kN maximum load (660 Nm moment), and the other a high retention seat phased into production since 1997 with j = 1.4°/kN, and 10 kN maximum load (2200 Nm). Two seats were stiff with k = 40 kN/m. One represented a 1990s foreign benchmark with j = 1.8°/kN and a 7.7 kN maximum load (1700 Nm), and the other an all belts to seat (ABTS) with j = 1.0°/kN and 20 kN maximum load (4400 Nm). The crash was a constant acceleration of 11.8 g, or 14.5 g for 100 ms. Occupant interactions with the seat were modeled using a torso mass, flexible neck and head mass. By analysis of the equations of motion, the initial change in seatback angle (Δθ) is proportional to jk(y ? x), the product jk and the differential motion between the vehicle (seat cushion) and occupant. The transition from 1970s–80s yielding seats to stronger seats of the 1990s involved an increase in k stiffness; however, the jk property did not change as frame structures became stronger. The yielding seats of the 1970s had jk = 68°/m, while the stiff foreign benchmark seat had jk = 72°/m. The foreign benchmark rotated about the same as the 1970s seat up to 50 ms in the severe rear crashes. While it was substantially stronger, it produced higher loads on the occupant, and the higher loads increased seatback rotations and neck responses. The ABTS seat had the lowest rotations but also caused high neck responses because of the greater loads on the torso. Neck displacement (d) is initially proportional to (k/mT) ∫∫ y, seat stiffness times the second integral of vehicle displacement divided by torso mass. As seat stiffness increases, head-torso acceleration, velocity, and neck displacement increase. This study shows that the jk seat property determines the initial seatback rotation in rear crashes. If a stronger seat has a higher stiffness, it rotates at higher loads on the occupant, reducing the overall benefit of the stronger frame, while increasing neck responses related to whiplash or neck extension prior to subsequent impacts. The aim of seat designs should be to reduce jk, provide pocketing of the pelvis, and give head-neck support for the best protection in severe rear crashes. For low-speed crashes, a low k is important to reduce early neck responses related to whiplash.  相似文献   

直线电机轮轨系统采用直线感应电机牵引 ,轮轨系统支承导向 ,是一种在技术、经济、环保方面均具有良好性能的新型城市轨道交通系统。该系统有两种主要技术模式 ,均有良好的安全运营记录。笔者介绍了系统的性能和设计特点 ;从牵引制动系统、控制系统、管理系统、养护维修系统以及防灾系统 5个方面对系统的安全性设计方法进行了总结 ;认为该系统具有良好的安全性能 ,先进的安全管理理念以及健全的安全防护系统 ;特别强调对该系统进行的安全设计研究 ,将为提高我国城市轨道交通系统的安全性提供新的思路  相似文献   

Since the earliest crash investigations, whiplash has been found to occur more often in women than men. This study addresses seat properties that may explain a reason for the higher rates in women, and changes in whiplash in general over the past two decades. Three exemplar seats were defined on the basis of seat stiffness (k) and frame rotation stiffness (j) for rearward occupant load. Stiff seats have k=40 kN/m and j=1.8 degrees /kN representing a foreign benchmark loaded by a male. One yielding seat had k=20 kN/m and j=1.4 degrees /kN simulating a high-retention seat (1997 Grand Prix) and another k=20 kN/m and j=3.4 degrees /kN simulating a 1980s to 1990s yielding seat (1990 Buick Park Avenue). Constant vehicle acceleration for 100 msec gave delta-V of 6, 10, 16, and 24 km/h. The one-dimensional model included a torso mass loading the seatback with flexible neck and head mass. Based on biomechanical data and scaling, neck stiffness was 5 kN/m and 3 kN/m for the male and female, respectively. Based on validation tests, seat stiffness was 25% less with the female. Occupant dynamics were simulated in a step-forward solution based on the differential displacement between the head, torso, and seat up to head restraint contact. Neck responses were 30% higher in the female than male through most of the rear impact and are proportional to (kF/mTF)/(kM/mTM), which is the ratio of seat stiffness divided by torso mass for the female and male. Neck displacements were higher with the stiff seat than the 1990 C car seat for both the female and male. They peaked at 10 km/h and dropped off for higher severity crashes due to the shorter time to head contact. Neck displacements were greater in the female than male for the lowest severity crashes with the stiff and 1990 C car seats, when displacement was scaled for equal tolerance. The female in 1997 W car seat had the lowest neck displacements. Stiff seats increased neck displacements over the yielding seats of the 1980s in rear crashes. The trend is similar in men and women, but early neck displacements are greater in women because of a higher ratio of seat stiffness to torso mass. This implies that seat stiffness is not sufficiently low in proportion to the female mass in comparison to males. The j and k seat properties influence neck biomechanics and occupant dynamics, but k is important in determining early response differences between males and females.  相似文献   

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