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电站锅炉水压堵阀广泛用于超临界及超超临界机组。本文介绍了水压堵阀的常见缺陷及检验重点,并通过典型案例,分析了其主要缺陷及缺陷产生原因。  相似文献   

含缺陷压力容器的安全评价问题,既是一个安全范畴的问题,同时又是一个对缺陷处理的工程问题。本文针对含缺陷的压力容器,综述了目前含缺陷压力容器的评定现状、评定程序及相关标准,并对常见缺陷的种类、尺寸、处理办法中的关键问题做了讨论。这对评价和提高含缺陷压力容器的安全可靠性提供了参考。  相似文献   

对事故隐患、管理缺陷及二者关系进行了探讨,指出管理缺陷是导致事故的本质原因,因此预防事故要重视纠正管理缺陷,并就此提出3条建议。  相似文献   

介绍了厚板焊缝缺陷超声探伤检出能力试验及串列扫查法对比应用试验。对于厚板焊缝窄间隙焊及缺陷生成形态的特点,在缺陷高度与回波幅度之间无线性关系的情况下,推荐串列扫查法作为一种辅助手段。  相似文献   

对在用压力管道的磨蚀,结构不合理及焊接缺陷等几种常见缺陷进行了分析,提出了措施及检验中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

对事故隐患、管理缺陷及二者关系进行了探讨,指出管理缺陷是导致事故的本质原因,因此预防事故要重视纠正管理缺陷,并就此提出了3条建议。  相似文献   

通过宏观检查、化学成分分析、力学性能试验、金相分析、扫描电镜观察及能谱成分分析等方法,对某台机组主给水管道长期运行后发现的表面线性缺陷进行了分析,结果表明管道表面线性缺陷为制造过程中产生的折叠缺陷,虽相关标准不允许存在此类缺陷,但考虑到检验量大,且缺陷深度较浅及尖端无扩展迹象的实际情况,提出了进行滚动式检验方式并尽快完成普查的建议。  相似文献   

本文以断裂力学为基础,以“合乎使用”为原则并依据流变应力理论,通过有效地解决无损检测,应力分析、缺陷分类及验收准则等方面所遇到的若干技术问题,对管道焊接缺陷进行了安全评定,正确地区分了严重缺陷和非严重缺陷,从而对评定管道焊接缺陷的严重性提出了一种既安全可靠又经济合理的工程处理法。这一方法已被成功地用于上海石化总厂,对其部分在役易燃易爆工艺管线进行了安全评定并解决了超标焊接缺陷的修复问题。  相似文献   

分析了液化石油气储罐的使用特点、常见缺陷、缺陷产生机理、常用检验方法。着重分析了射线检验罐体埋藏缺陷时,保证裂纹检出率的措施及射线检验时应注意的事项。  相似文献   

介绍了厚板焊缝缺陷超声探伤检出能力试验及串列扫查法对比应用试验,对于厚板焊缝窄间隙焊及缺陷生成形态的特点,在缺陷离度与回波幅度之间无线性关系的情况下,推荐串列扫查法作为一种辅助手段。  相似文献   

Improved laws, enhanced enforcement, and public awareness brought about by citizens' concern, during the 1980s led to dramatic declines in drinking and driving in the industrialized world. The declines included about 50% in Great Britain, 28% in The Netherlands, 28% in Canada, 32% in Australia, 39% in France, 37% in Germany, and 26% in the United States. Some of these declines may be due in part to lifestyle changes, demographic shifts, and economic conditions. In most countries the declines reversed in the early 1990s and drinking and driving began to increase. By the middle of that decade the increases stabilized and the rates of drinking and driving again began to decline. These decreases were much less dramatic than those in the 1980s. Approaching the end of the 1990s and early in the new century, the record has been mixed. Some countries (France and Germany (until 2002)) continued to reduce drinking and driving while in other countries (Canada, the Netherlands, Great Britain, and the United States), there was stagnation and in some cases small increases or even large increase as was the case in Sweden. Complacency and attention to other issues in recent years have been difficult to overcome in some countries. Harmonization of traffic safety laws in the European Union has strengthened laws in some countries but threatens existing strong policies in others. It may be that the major gains have already been made and that additional progress will require a much greater level of scientific knowledge, use of new and emerging technologies, and political and social commitment to put in place proven countermeasures.  相似文献   

张悦  刘艳  杨春丽 《安全》2019,40(8):22-27
为研究污水井中气体分布规律和影响因素,以北京市某区部分沟段污水井为研究对象,根据不同污水来源将沟段分为餐饮区、住宅区和商业区。在不同季节现场检测了不同分区污水井内氧气、二氧化碳、硫化氢等气体浓度,得出了气体分布规律和影响因素。研究结果表明,污水沟段内氧气、二氧化碳和硫化氢的分布情况受污水来源和季节影响;污水井内氧气和二氧化碳分布具有季节差异,夏季和秋季氧气含量较低,二氧化碳含量较高,春季和冬季氧气含量较高,二氧化碳含量较低;大部分污水沟段硫化氢含量超标,相对春、夏、秋3个季节,冬季硫化氢含量较低;相对商业区和住宅区,餐饮区污水井硫化氢含量超标最严重。  相似文献   

Recent trends (1980-2007) in mortality from road traffic crashes in European countries, and, for comparative purposes, in the USA and Japan were reviewed. Data came from the World Health Organisation database. Age-standardised rates, at all ages and at 15-24, 25-64, ?65 years, were computed. Joinpoint regression analyses to evaluate significant changes in trends were performed. In the European Union as a whole rates declined from 20.2 in 1987 to 13.5/100,000 in 2007 in men, and from 6.3 to 3.7/100,000 in women; European Union rates remained lower than USA, but higher than Japanese ones. In 2007, the highest male rates were in Lithuania (36.7/100,000), the Russian Federation (35.2), Ukraine (29.8), and Latvia (28.5), and the lowest ones in the Netherlands (6.2) and Sweden (6.9); the highest female rates were in the Russian Federation (11.3), Lithuania (9.7), Belarus, Latvia, and Ukraine (around 8), and the lowest ones in Switzerland (1.7), the UK, and Nordic countries (around 2). Mortality from motor vehicle crashes declined in northern and western European countries and - though to a lesser extent - in southern European countries, too. Mortality trends were also favourable in the Czech Republic and Poland since the mid 1990’s, whereas they were still upwards in Romania and the Russian Federation. No trend was observed in Hungary and Ukraine. Trends were consistent in various age groups considered. Thus, additional urgent and integrated intervention is required to prevent avoidable deaths from motor vehicle crashes, particularly in selected central and eastern European countries.  相似文献   

我国公路交通防抗极端天气灾害的应急探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
极端天气事件将变得更加频繁和剧烈,为了提高我国公路交通防抗极端天气灾害的应急能力,采用分析对比和调查研究的方法,探讨我国公路交通在防抗2008年南方大雪灾中的应急管理工作与处置技术,研究国内外目前应对极端天气的成功经验。结果表明:我国公路交通防抗极端天气灾害主要在组织机构、责任机制、信息渠道和处置技术等方面存在问题。通过提出我国公路交通防抗极端天气应急处置的具体流程,可以迅速控制、减轻和消除公路交通极端天气引起的危害,及时恢复公路交通正常通行。  相似文献   

为研究典型铅锌矿区土壤重金属的污染状况,分别采集108个农田土壤和48个不同深度建设用地的土壤样品,进行重金属测定分析。农用地所有监测点位土壤重金属含量出现不同程度超标,主要超筛选值污染物为Cd,As,Pb,Zn和Cu;其中Cd和As污染面积最大,基本覆盖整个研究地区。建设用地土壤中超筛选值污染物为Cd,As和Pb;随土壤深度增加,3种重金属含量呈下降趋势;3种污染物在垂直方向的最大污染深度可达11 m。对于农用地土壤,元素As在经口摄入途径对成人存在可接受致癌风险、对儿童存在不可接受的致癌风险;在呼吸摄入和皮肤接触途径对儿童存在可接受致癌风险。Cd在经口摄入途径中对成人和儿童存在可接受致癌风险,在皮肤接触途径对儿童存在可接受致癌风险。对于建设用地的土壤,As元素在经口摄入途径对成人存在可接受的致癌风险、对儿童存在不可接受的致癌风险;在呼吸摄入和皮肤接触途径对儿童存在可接受致癌风险。Cd元素在经口摄入途径对成人存在可接受的致癌风险,在经口摄入和皮肤接触途径对儿童存在不可接受的致癌风险。  相似文献   

对常见粮食粉尘的物理、化学特性和爆炸特性进行了研究和分析,得出了常见粮食粉尘的粒度分布曲线.粮食粉尘具有较大的空隙率,而且是一种流动性较差的物质,它在运输、流动、清理过程中易和粮粒分离.小麦、玉米粉尘中的无机成分约占一半左右,大豆的约为1/6,小麦、玉米粉尘中有机成分主要是碳水化合物.进口粮食粉尘的层状、云状、着火温度、最小点火能、爆炸下限浓度明显低于国产粮食的,尤其是最小点火能和爆炸下限浓度低2倍多,导致这一差别的主要原因是进口粮食粉尘中有机物含量远远高于国产粮食粉尘,可见粮食粉尘的点燃灵敏度和其他爆炸特性参数的大小基本由粉尘中所含的有机物含量决定.  相似文献   

为系统了解安全工程技术领域数字孪生应用现状并预测其发展趋势,综述国内外安全工程领域数字孪生应用进展,主要包括数字孪生在动态仿真、安全监控、故障诊断、运维控制、预测性维护等方面的应用,展望未来数字孪生在安全工程技术领域的研究方向.研究结果表明:数字孪生技术在机械工业、航天航空、石油化工、矿山、电气、船舶运输、建筑施工、城...  相似文献   

在工业企业安全生产事故应急管理中,安全生产中介组织能为政府和企业提供重要的科技服务与支撑。为了更好地发挥安全生产中介组织科技中介的作用,研究了安全生产中介组织如何利用技术与知识优势参与工业企业安全生产事故应急管理。在事故应急预防与准备阶段,通过参与应急预案编制与演练、隐患排查与风险控制、应急技术研究,为企业和政府提供人才与技术支持;在事故应急响应阶段,从信息和处置技术方面协助事故现场应急处置;在事故后的恢复与重建阶段,参与事故信息分析整理、协助恢复企业经营活动、协助设计监督与评估机制等。通过加强自身能力建设参与应急管理的全过程,真正发挥专业科技型中介组织的作用。  相似文献   

家庭作坊式或出租屋式的“三合一”场所投资少回报快,成为一些小型私营企业创业初期的首选,但“三合一”场所消防安全条件差火灾频发,尤其是导致人员伤亡的火灾长期高发不下。例举了近年来我国一些“三合一”场所的火灾案例,分析了我国各地采取的“三合一”场所消防安全整治的方法及效果。针对该类场所消防安全整治中难监管、易回潮的特点,提出了在“三合一”场所中推广应用简易自动喷淋系统,革新技防手段的措施,强调了应用简易自动喷淋系统在使用范围、自动报警、喷头选择方面应注意的事项。  相似文献   

Gas explosion in connected vessels usually leads to high pressure and high rate of pressure increase which the vessels and pipes can not tolerate. Severe human casualties and property losses may occur due to the variation characteristics of gas explosion pressure in connected vessels. To determine gas explosion strength, an experimental testing system for methane and air mixture explosion in a single vessel, in a single vessel connected a pipe and in connected vessels has been set up. The experiment apparatus consisted of two spherical vessels of 350 mm and 600 mm in diameter, three connecting pipes of 89 mm in diameter and 6 m in length. First, the results of gas explosion pressure in a single vessel and connected vessels were compared and analyzed. And then the development of gas explosion, its changing characteristics and relevant influencing factors were analyzed. When gas explosion occurs in a single vessel, the maximum explosion pressure and pressure growth rate with ignition at the center of a spherical vessel are higher than those with ignition on the inner-wall of the vessel. In conclusion, besides ignition source on the inner wall, the ignition source at the center of the vessels must be avoided to reduce the damage level. When the gas mixture is ignited in the large vessel, the maximum explosion pressure and explosion pressure rising rate in the small vessel raise. And the maximum explosion pressure and pressure rising rate in connected vessels are higher than those in the single containment vessel. So whenever possible, some isolation techniques, such as fast-acting valves, rotary valves, etc., might be applied to reduce explosion strength in the integrated system. However, when the gas mixture is ignited in the small vessel, the maximum explosion pressures in the large vessel and in the small vessel both decrease. Moreover, the explosion pressure is lower than that in the single vessel. When gas explosion happens in a single vessel connected to a pipe, the maximum explosion pressure occurs at the end of the pipe if the gas mixture is ignited in the spherical vessel. Therefore, installing a pipe into the system can reduce the maximum explosion pressure, but it also causes the explosion pressure growth rate to increase.  相似文献   

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