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煤矿井下粉尘监测、防治技术的现状与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粉尘危害职工身体健康,威胁矿井安全生产,缩短设备、仪器使用寿命,是我国煤矿普遍存在的五大自然灾害之一.粉尘监测与粉尘防治是解决粉尘问题的两个有效且不可分割的手段.介绍了井下粉尘监测仪器及监测方法;总结了目前粉尘防治的四种思路:减尘、降尘、排尘、隔尘,提出减尘是粉尘防治最根本的方法,并详细论述了防治技术的研究现状,分析了存在的一些问题.最后,展望了粉尘监测、防治技术的发展趋势,期望为我国煤矿粉尘监测、防治工作及以后的研究工作提供新的思路.  相似文献   

(三十七)呼吸性粉尘浓度监测应在正常生产时段进行,呼吸性粉尘可采用定点或个体方法进行。监测周期如下:(三十八)粉尘监测人员及设备配备要求如下:  相似文献   

呼吸性粉尘监测是世界各国在控制粉尘危害方面普遍采用的一种有效技术,目前国内的冶金行业正在推广试行呼吸性粉尘监测技术,以达到逐步取代原总粉尘监测技术之目的,然而在此项工作中还存在着监测方法与管理标准之间的混乱,就此问题进行了初步分析,并提出了解决这一问题的方法。  相似文献   

1 粉丝监测存在的问题 粉尘浓度监测是检验和评价防尘效果的一种主要方法。我国的粉尘浓度监测工作采用滤膜称重法延续了30多年,这种方法只测定总粉尘浓度,没有测定呼吸性粉尘浓度,因而不能确切反映出对作业人员的危害,存在局限性和片面性。以南昌有色金属公司所属11个钨矿为例,可以从一个侧面说明问题。这11个钨矿山均为高硅尘矿山,粉尘危害严重,对防尘工作十分重视,积极采取防尘  相似文献   

呼吸性粉尘监测是世界各国在控制粉尘危害方面采用的一种有效技术,目前国内的冶金行业正在推广试行呼吸性粉尘监测技术,以达到逐步取代原总粉尘监测技术之目的,然而在此项工作中还存在着监测方法与管理标准之间的混乱,就此问题进行了初步分析,并提出了解决这一问题的方法。  相似文献   

介绍了近年来欧洲国家新的粉尘卫生标准及其监测、管理方法,分析其制定粉尘卫生标准的经验,并与我国的粉尘卫生标准情况做了初步的比较,提出了建立我国新分级分类粉尘卫生标准体系的建议。  相似文献   

本文从我司处理烟尘在线监测数据粉尘浓度超标问题入手,介绍了烟尘监测系统的结构和原理,反复验证和探讨了布袋收集器不停机在线处理监测系统粉尘浓度超标问题的方法。  相似文献   

按照劳动部矿山安全监察局和冶金部安环司的要求,开展呼吸性粉尘个体采样试点工作。本项工作是根据劳动部《矿山试行呼吸性粉尘监测实施方案》、《矿山呼吸性粉尘监测方案实施细则》和冶金部《冶金矿山呼吸性粉尘个体采样试点工作实施办法》等文件精神和要求进行的。试点目的是为劳动部在全国矿山推行呼吸性粉尘个体采样方法  相似文献   

目前,我国矿山的粉尘浓度监测和监察工作,存在许多急待解决的问题。为进一步探索符合我国国情的矿山劳动卫生监测和监察模式。吸取国外有益的经验,促进我国矿山粉尘浓度监测和监察工作的深入开展,本文介绍美国矿山粉尘浓度监测的程序。相信这对我国即将开展的矿山呼吸性粉尘浓度监测试点工作,以及今后在全国各类矿山逐步  相似文献   

研究粉尘作业工人粉尘接触剂量与反应关系,预测电厂尘肺发展趋势,评价防尘措施,必然会遇到如何准确地监测和估算接尘剂量的问题。目前测定的粉尘浓度只是瞬间环境浓度,不易反映工人实际接触剂量,因此,我们在实际工作中试用一些监测方法,估算工人肺内石英负荷量。  相似文献   

为研制矿山呼吸性粉尘浓度个体监测仪,采用MIE光散射方法,试制以红外线发光二极管作为光源的呼吸性粉尘浓度个体监测仪,该监测仪主要由气路部分、光路部分及电路部分组成。利用中国安全生产科学研究院自制的粉尘简易试验装置,在气体流量为2 L/min、颗粒粒径不大于5 μm的条件下,研究试制仪器电压输出值和流入粉尘质量浓度二者的对应关系。结果表明:根据不同粉尘质量浓度下的输出电压数据,在0~300 mg/m3测量范围内,试制仪器输出电压值和粉尘浓度之间具有线性函数关系,说明呼吸性粉尘浓度个体监测仪是合理可行的;粉尘监测仪测试结果与比对仪器测量结果对比分析可知,测量误差最大为1.59%,满足粉尘检定规程要求。  相似文献   

采用典型抽样的方法选取5个非煤企业,对5个非煤企业的508例粉尘作业人员进行流行病学问卷调查,对20例工程技术人员及粉尘监测人员进行个人深入访谈。粉尘作业人员对粉尘危害预防的了解情况的正答率为84.62%,其中听过企业讲授粉尘危害及预防知识的比例为79.35%,知道工作环境中有人检测粉尘浓度的比例为77.42%。结论是非煤企业对生产性粉尘危害及预防知识的宣传力度不够;个人防护用品使用率低;粉尘作业人员对粉尘危害及基本防尘措施有一定程度的认识,但对国家相关法规认识程度较低;粉尘浓度监测可能存在漏洞。  相似文献   

煤炭企业粉尘控制现状调查研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用典型抽样的方法选择具有粉尘危害的5个煤炭企业作为研究现场;调查对象包括企业负责人、接尘人员、职业病防制人员、工程技术人员及粉尘监测人员。调查内容包括企业的基本情况,粉尘防治的制度和措施,接尘工人对粉尘防治知识的知信行等。调查方式为问卷调查,定性访谈和查阅档案等方式。用Epidata 3.0建立数据库,以SAS 8.0进行统计学分析。结果发现,随着诊断年代的推移,新发尘肺病例Ⅰ期所占比例呈逐渐增大趋势。各类人员对粉尘危害及其可预防性有一定程度的认识;对基本防尘措施认识程度高;对国家相关法规认识程度低。在所调查的478名接尘人员中,只有59.4%的人知道发过宣传材料。接尘人员个人防护用品使用率为72.6%,而且每次都使用者不到总人数的1/2,防护用品的舒适性差是其不使用的主要原因。企业中仍有18.8%的职工没做过岗前体检。所调查的五个煤矿防尘设施较为完备,运转情况基本良好,但防尘效果一般。粉尘浓度监测工作开展不规范,企业粉尘管理工作不完善,存在粉尘危害及预防知识的宣传力度不够、职业健康体检体系不健全、防尘措施不到位、粉尘浓度监测可能存在漏洞等问题,在粉尘管理方面仍需采取相应措施。  相似文献   

应用CMB模型和FA法对区域大气颗粒物的综合源解析研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用受体模型CMB法和FA法的综合解析技术,对武汉某区域的14个TSP(总悬浮颗粒物)监测点及4种主要尘源的元素组分进行定性和定量分析,识别TSP的主要污染源及各源对环境污染的贡献率.将两种方法所得解析结果相互验证,得到和实际情况比较符合的结论.CMB模型分析结果为: A区域TSP主要污染源为土壤尘源(贡献率为54.09%)、交通道路尘源(30.47%)和煤烟尘源(9.33%); B区域主要污染尘源为土壤尘源(41.65%)和建筑尘源(19.05%).对TSP元素组分数据进行FA法分析,结果为: 该区域TSP污染源约有5种,分别为建筑尘源(57.524%)、土壤尘源(19.46%)、煤烟尘源(14.50%)、交通道路尘源(6.74%)和钢铁尘源(0.95%).CMB法和FA法综合解析结果与研究区域的实际情况基本吻合,主要污染源为土壤尘源、建筑尘源和交通道路尘源.根据解析结果及研究区域的TSP实际污染特征,有针对性地提出各污染源控制对策.  相似文献   

The hazards of dust explosions prevailing in plants are dependent on a large variety of factors that include process parameters, such as pressure, temperature and flow characteristics, as well as equipment properties, such as geometry layout, the presence of moving elements, dust explosion characteristics and mitigating measures. A good dust explosion risk assessment is a thorough method involving the identification of all hazards, their probability of occurrence and the severity of potential consequences. The consequences of dust explosions are described as consequences for personnel and equipment, taking into account consequences of both primary and secondary events.While certain standards cover all the basic elements of explosion prevention and protection, systematic risk assessments and area classifications are obligatory in Europe, as required by EU ATEX and Seveso II directives. In the United States, NFPA 654 requires that the design of the fire and explosion safety provisions shall be based on a process hazard analysis of the facility, process, and the associated fire or explosion hazards. In this paper, we will demonstrate how applying such techniques as SCRAM (short-cut risk analysis method) can help identify potentially hazardous conditions and provide valuable assistance in reducing high-risk areas. The likelihood of a dust explosion is based on the ignition probability and the probability of flammable dust clouds arising. While all possible ignition sources are reviewed, the most important ones include open flames, mechanical sparks, hot surfaces, electric equipment, smoldering combustion (self-ignition) and electrostatic sparks and discharges. The probability of dust clouds arising is closely related to both process and dust dispersion properties.Factors determining the consequences of dust explosions include how frequently personnel are present, the equipment strength, implemented consequence-reducing measures and housekeeping, as risk assessment techniques demonstrate the importance of good housekeeping especially due to the enormous consequences of secondary dust explosions (despite their relatively low probability). The ignitibility and explosibility of the potential dust clouds also play a crucial role in determining the overall risk.Classes describe both the likelihood of dust explosions and their consequences, ranging from low probabilities and limited local damage, to high probability of occurrence and catastrophic damage. Acceptance criteria are determined based on the likelihood and consequence of the events. The risk assessment techniques also allow for choosing adequate risk reducing measures: both preventive and protective. Techniques for mitigating identified explosions risks include the following: bursting disks and quenching tubes, explosion suppression systems, explosion isolating systems, inerting techniques and temperature control. Advanced CFD tools (DESC) can be used to not only assess dust explosion hazards, but also provide valuable insight into protective measures, including suppression and venting.  相似文献   

目的是建立粉尘职业卫生监督量化分级管理指标体系,为企业的粉尘职业危害防治提供依据。对象与方法是以59名国内职业卫生领域专家为研究对象。通过编制的调查表,让专家依据各指标的重要程度打分。国内职业卫生领域符合条件的专家以电子邮件方式发送调查问卷70份,收回调查表59份。利用变异系数法,计算每一指标的平均分、变异系数和满分比,评价信度和效度,最终筛选确定粉尘企业职业危害监督量化分级管理的指标体系。结果如下,59名专家积极系数84.3%,8项一级指标和69项二级指标的平均值均超过2.5,变异系数均在50%以下,满分比均介于0-1之间,8项一级指标的克朗巴赫值均大于0.6,相关系数介于0.249-0.705之间。除预防措施和粉尘危害项目存在的问题外,其余均具有统计学意义。结论为企业粉尘职业危害监督量化分级管理指标体系经筛选包括8项一级指标和69项二级指标。  相似文献   

为了降低隧道爆破施工时粉尘的浓度,改善劳动者作业环境,选用多种基料、表面活性剂等,通过润湿性试验、表面张力试验和降毒性试验,确定了新型水炮泥降尘剂的配方,即基料选氯化钠,表面活性剂选十二烷基苯磺酸钠,添加剂为氯化铵和硫酸铜;为了验证新型水炮泥降尘剂的降尘效果,设计了水炮泥现场装填方案,并进行了现场对比试验,试验结果表明:加入水炮泥爆破全尘降尘率可达48%以上,比现有的通风除尘措施有了较大的提高。  相似文献   

Accurate determination of explosion severity parameters (pmax, (dp/dt)max, and KSt) is essential for dust explosion assessment, identification of mitigation strategy, and design of mitigation measure of proper capacity. The explosion severity parameters are determined according to standard methodology however variety of dust handled and operation circumstances may create practical challenge on the optimal test method and subsequent data interpretation. Two methods are presented: a statistical method, which considers all test results in determination of explosion severity parameters and a method that corrects the results for differences of turbulence intensity. The statistical method also calculates experimental error (uncertainty) that characterises the experimental spread, allows comparison to other dust samples and may define quality determination threshold. The correction method allows to reduce discrepancies between results from 1 m3 vessel and 20-l sphere caused by difference in the turbulence intensity level. Additionally new experimental test method for difficult to inject samples together with its analysis is described. Such method is a versatile tool for explosion interpretation in test cases where different dispersion nozzle is used (various turbulence level in the test chamber) because of either specific test requirements or being “difficult dust sample”.  相似文献   

Behavior of dust/air mixtures is very complex and difficult to predict since it depends on material properties as well as boundary conditions. Without other influences airborne particles deposit due to gravity but the time it takes for total deposition as well as easiness of resurrection depends very much on the specific dust sample and the boundary conditions. It still lacks a complete understanding of all interacting reasons and one approach is using experimentally determined characteristics, one is named dustiness.Dustiness is the tendency of dust to form clouds and to stay airborne. Dustiness is determined with two basic principles, which are light attenuation and ratio of filled-in and measured mass. Assessment of dustiness of industrial powders has been done for a long time regarding work place safety. Dustiness is used there to determine inhalable fraction and to evaluate health risks. Lately it became interesting in dust explosion protection as well. Dustiness could be used to optimize determination of zones, adaption of venting area and/or for positioning of suppression systems.Dustiness can be useful in many ways but is not a physical property of dusts, therefore it depends on material properties such as density, particle size distribution, shape and water content as well as boundary conditions or determination method. This makes it very difficult to compare dustiness for different techniques and apparatuses and determination method as well as results should be considered carefully. This work gives an overview of existing standards, recent research and suggests improvements to the new dustiness as proposed for dust explosion protection.  相似文献   

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