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本文叙述了在电磁信息观测中,分辨因电力线接触不良、备用蓄电池漏电、蓄电池电能不足、人为活动、地面振动、附近使用受损的电器具和大气等因素造成的干扰,提出防止或排除一些干扰的方法。介绍了观测点加强观测的几项措施,结合简析1992年1月23日黄海Ms5.3级地震前兆信息的实例,证明采取措施后获得了良好的效果。文章对从事电磁信息观测与分析的同志有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

介绍了JS型静力水准自动化监测系统在深圳市罗湖活动断裂带区内建筑物基础不均匀沉降观测中的应用。结合具体的工程观测实例.阐述了监测系统的布置,对观测结果进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

<正> 目前,不少地电台站使用的测量仪器是DDC—2型电子自动补偿仪(以下简称DDC—2A)。这种仪器的突出优点是输入阻抗较高、稳定度高。但也有一个突出的缺点是仪器的高绝绻指标不易达到。尤其在雨季,往往由于种种原因使得仪器的绝缘性能严重下降,破坏了仪器的稳定性,数据起伏较大,这就是仪器漏电。仪器漏电时,除上面提到的数据突跳外,还有人体感应现象。所谓人体感应现象,就是在仪器处于工作状态时,用手抚摸仪器的裸露部分表针会有轻微的摆动。仪器漏电严重  相似文献   

本文在等效原则基础上,以淮阴地区为例,提出了一种评定陶磁偏观测资料质量的方法。此外,笔者还对目前资料质量评定中的某些倾向性问题作简要评述。  相似文献   

本文根据电阻式地应力观测系统实验研究中的资料,分析了干扰因素的来源与识别方法,提出了长期观测中应采取的措施。  相似文献   

针对传统工程观测方法存在的基准点选取困难、自动化程度低及可靠性差等问题,设计了北斗Ⅲ高精度变形观测系统。为验证该系统在地表变形观测中的观测精度及应用效果,通过模拟试验分析观测精度与通视条件、定位时段的关系,并将上述观测系统与传统方法进行对比。结果表明,在试验区域内,保证通视条件且定位时段为 12∶00~16∶00 时,BDS-Ⅲ变形观测系统垂直向定位精度优于 1.5 mm,水平向定位精度优于 1 mm,相同条件下,水平向定位精度由于垂直向定位精度;该系统能很好的保证观测数据的完整性,得到的观测值与传统水准观测值基本一致,适合用于高精度、自动化地表变形观测工程。  相似文献   

本文分析总结了江宁地电阻率在四次中强地震前的异常变化,着重研究了常熟—太仓5.1级地震前的异常。利用单因素方差分析方法,从观测数据中分离出观测误差和条件变差,通过F图判断“地震因素”在条件变差中的影响程度。  相似文献   

对地观测技术可提供大范围、多时相、高分辨率的海量数据,用于自然灾害的监测与评估有其极大的优越性。本文叙述了对地观测技术在洪涝灾害、沙尘天气、森林火灾的监测与评估和地震形变场研究中的应用,并指出对地观测技术是建立数字减灾系统不可或缺的强大信息源。  相似文献   

本文总结了1980-1990年华东地震地下水动态观测井网十年来在监测预报中的作用和效能;井网对地下水微动态信息反应的能力;在科学研究方面取得的成就,以及论文著作,获奖情况等.最后提出了今后观测预报研究的工作方向和展望.  相似文献   

黄土窑洞构造防水技术的工程试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨志威 《灾害学》1997,12(2):77-81
介绍了利用土壤水动力学中止水势在层状土中的阻水原理,以防止黄土窑洞在50a一遇的降雨过程中,产生渗漏雨导致坍窑成灾的工程试验。讨论了双层或三层结构在3a的实验观测中防水减渗过程方面的有效性和适用性。  相似文献   

IAN DAVIS 《Disasters》1992,16(3):259-265
The UK Science, Technology and Engineering Committee for the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR) was jointly established by The Fellowship of Engineering and The Royal Society, in 1990. Its purpose is to promote the aims of the IDNDR with particular reference to disaster risk reduction within developing countries.
In order to provide a forum for people with a wide range of experience in this field to meet and exchange views, the Committee convened a one-day Workshop, held at The Royal Society in London on 27 March 1992. The following is a shortened version of a position paper (originally drafted by Ian Davis and subsequently approved by the Committee), setting out seven 'priorities' for the IDNDR, which formed the basis of discussion at the Workshop.  相似文献   

Little is known about the factors that may impact on the willingness of physicians and nurses to treat patients during a bioterrorism attack. This survey was conducted among 76 randomly selected nurses and physicians in the emergency rooms of three public hospitals in order to analyse the relationship between knowledge, profession and the willingness to treat anthrax. The study finds that the willingness of physicians and nurses to come to work is 50% greater among the group with the highest knowledge about anthrax (P < 0.0001). Within that group, the willingness to treat patients suspected of being infected with anthrax was 37% greater (P < 0.0001) and the willingness to treat patients diagnosed with anthrax was 28% greater (P = 0.004) than in the other groups. These results imply that enhancement of knowledge among health care workers may improve their willingness to come to work and treat patients infected with anthrax during a bioterrorism attack.  相似文献   

1998年长江流域暴雨洪水环流背景分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1998年主汛期,由于西太平洋副热带持续偏南、偏强,中高纬度维持稳定的阻塞形势,6、7月雨带长期在鄱阳湖、没庭湖地区徘徊,造成长江中下游地区严重洪涝;8月随着副高北抬,长江上游出现多次强降水过程,长江干流受中下游洪水顶主上游洪峰下泻的影响,水位居高不下,多数水文站出现了超记录的历史最高水位。1998年的已成为一次少有的新的长江大洪水的典型。  相似文献   

跨海大桥主墩桩基钢护筒腐蚀损伤识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
跨海大桥主墩桩基施工过程中采用的钢护筒被保留作为桩基的外层,容易受到海洋环境的腐蚀破坏。提出一种基于插值曲率模态指纹库比对的桩基损伤识别方法,为解决测试数据不完备的问题,采用三次样条函数几何插值得到扩展后的桩基振型,然后在扩展振型的基础上采用中心差分计算得到曲率模态指标。以金塘大桥为工程背景,建立索塔-基础多尺度有限元模型,考虑海水腐蚀造成桩基钢护筒局部损失情况,以损失减薄区域的位置、轴向长度、深度为损伤参数,设置多种损伤工况样本,计算并建立基于插值曲率模态的桩基损伤识别指纹库,最后通过指纹库以外损伤工况与库内样本比对的方式,验证损伤识别效果。研究表明,为保证三次样条函数几何插值得到扩展振型对真实振型的拟合精度,至少需要沿桩基均布6个位移插值点。通过指纹库比对,能够准确识别桩基钢护筒减薄区域的位置与轴向长度。  相似文献   

Oliver J 《Disasters》1989,13(4):322-333
There are still deficiencies in the delivery of disaster aid and the overall policies need further re-examination. This paper looks at the particular circumstances of the island nations of the Southwest Pacific. In their context, dependence on outside help for counter-disaster management is recognised, but in the light of the present economic, social, cultural and political characteristics of these countries, it is concluded that aid donors should shift the emphasis of their activities to the promotion of a greater self-help approach in the individual countries, as against the provision of emergency material aid from outside. The extent to which this policy could be adopted depends on the local resource base. Rather than relying mainly on emergency ad hoc aid delivery following each disaster, it is considered that donors would improve the disaster response through the previous provision of advice, training and funds. This would facilitate the growth and development of internal counter-disaster organizatons, and assist countries to make their own decisions on the timing and nature of the aid required. Such a policy could also meet concerns that arise about external interference.  相似文献   

直接针对振动注浆机具振源设计的需要,根据实际地震液化资料和室内土动力液化试验资料,基于土体液化影响因素多元拟合相关性分析结果,通过概率处理的办法求解土体动力液化的概率模型判别式。回判检验证实,所求的概率模型判别式具有较高的回判成功率(78.8%),能够满足岩土地震工程对精度的一般要求。进一步分析表明,通过该概率模型判别式,可以建立振动注浆机具的振源特性与土的特性和埋深、振动持时之间关系,从而为振动注浆机具的研制提供必要的振源设计参数。  相似文献   

Buzz Sharp 《Disasters》2007,31(S1):S104-S123
In the post-Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) era a greater impact on the unacceptably high prevalence of child malnutrition is more likely to come from additional investment and attention to education, health, hygiene, sanitation and childcare practices than from expanded food aid interventions. The negligible impact of food aid on malnutrition, although most commonly challenged on the quality of needs assessments, is equally attributable to the timing of deliveries, and a dysfunctional distribution system. Comparatively few resources have been allocated to strengthen skills for assessing, analysing and understanding community priorities, local economies, and social safety nets. A more thoughtful allocation of scarce funds could have more impact if a range of alternative responses was considered. Participation in and commitment to a more independent livelihoods analytical forum would improve communication with the new government, local leaders and other partners, as well as providing a platform for reaching consensus on both humanitarian and development planning over the next five years.  相似文献   

This study sought to identify the primary indicators for evaluating shelter assistance following natural disasters and then to develop a shelter evaluation instrument based on these indicators. Electronic databases and the ‘grey’ literature were scoured for publications with a relation to post‐disaster shelter assistance. Indicators for evaluating such assistance were extracted from these publications. In total, 1,525 indicators were extracted from 181 publications. A preliminary evaluation instrument was designed from these 1,525 indicators. Shelter experts checked the instrument for face and content validity, and it was revised subsequently based on their input. The revised instrument comprises a version for use by shelter agencies (48 questions that assess 23 indicators) and a version for use by beneficiaries (52 questions that assess 22 indicators). The instrument can serve as a standardised tool to enable groups to gauge whether or not the shelter assistance that they supply meets the needs of disaster‐affected populations.  相似文献   

After a disaster, the media typically focus on who is to blame. However, relatively little is known about how the narrative of blame plays out in media coverage of the release of official disaster reports. This paper examines coverage by two Australian newspapers (The Courier‐Mail and The Australian) of the release of the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry's Interim Report and its Final Report to identify whether and how the news frame of blame was used. Given the absence of blame in the Final Report, the newspapers resorted to the frame of ‘failure’ in news and feature articles, while continuing to raise questions in editorials and opinion pieces about who was to blame. This study argues that situating coverage of the report within the news frame of failure and questioning who was to blame for the disaster limited the media's ability to facilitate a discussion about the prevention of similar disasters in the future.  相似文献   

宝鸡渭北冰雹地理分布及减灾对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘引鸽  韩景卫 《灾害学》2006,21(2):46-49
采用宝鸡渭北地区40年(1961~2000年)的冰雹资料,结合实际调查,分析了渭北冰雹的地理分布及其移动路径.结果表明:宝鸡渭北地区降雹的年、月、日变化比较显著,降雹强度与地理环境密切,北部山区降雹多于渭河川原,主要分布于泾河与千河之间的分水岭南侧及喇叭口形的谷地中,冰雹移动路径与河谷走向基本一致.根据当地情况,提出了加强预测预报、人工消雹,以及建造林带和改良土壤,从而改变下垫面条件的减轻冰雹灾害的对策.  相似文献   

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