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1992年6月1日至12日,在巴西里约热内卢举行了联合国环境与发展大会。今年10月14日国际减灾日的主题是“减轻自然灾害与持续发展”。减轻自然灾害对保证经济和环境的持续发展确是十分重要,特别是在发展中国家。如何有效地把自然灾害管理纳入发展规划,或者通过制定发展规划改善灾害管理,这不仅是灾害管理部门关心的问题,也是计划部门关心的问题。为此,联合国“国际减灾十年”科技委员会特办刊物《Stop Disasters》第7期登载了美洲国家组织秘书处S.O.Bender的文章,现摘译以供参考。  相似文献   

针对各级物资需求单位和物资供应部门之间信息沟通渠道不顺畅问题,建立了物资调配中心。物资调配中心的核心业务是实现物资统一计划、统一监控、统一调度、 统一应急的“四统一”管理职能,物资调配中心集成了ERP、 GPS、ECP、应急管理等多个系统。应用结果表明:采用先进的多媒体展现技术,物资调配中心通过对共享信息的汇总、集成与分析,实现了物资全程管控和物资全寿命周期管理,可为管理层提供实时数据及决策依据。  相似文献   

朱绛 《灾害学》2002,17(4):83-86
美国开展洪泛平原管理已有约40年历史,洪水保险计划是美国泛平原管理的主要措施。了解并借鉴他们的思路与具体策略,将有助于我国洪泛平原管理政策的制定。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的推进,大量建筑废弃物产生,其填埋占用了宝贵的土地资源,且造成严重的环境问题,使得城市的可持续发展面临严峻挑战,对城市建筑废弃物实施减量化管理并进行环境影响评估已经刻不容缓。以深圳市某工程项目为例,利用系统动力学和计划行为理论建立施工阶段建筑废弃物减量化管理动态模型,运用Vensim软件进行仿真,分析建筑废弃物减量化管理对环境的影响,仿真结果表明减量化管理可以有效减少27.05%的废弃物产生量,减缓废弃物对环境的污染破坏,降低废弃物管理总成本,为建筑废弃物减量化管理提供了科学决策依据。最后就目前废弃物管理存在的问题提出建议。  相似文献   

国外减轻城市洪涝灾害新设施发展综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近二十多年国外在减轻城市洪涝灾害设施方面发展很快,建造了各种新型的抑制暴雨径流的设施,可分为流域雨水贮留设施和流域雨水渗透设施两大类,本文主要介绍目前国外已经建成和计划兴建的这些设施的型式、规划设计步骤、引起的问题和管理维护方法,以及在我国发展这些设施的必要和可能。  相似文献   

王耕 《自然灾害学报》2004,13(2):119-124
根据联合国"阿佩尔计划"(APELL),环境风险事故管理的一个重要方法是建立面向地区的应急0援系统.以大连市环境污染事故风险预警的实际工作为例,在研究环境事故应急管理现状的基础上,分析了救援系统支持平台GIS的优势,论述了该系统的需求、功能、数据库及救援网络等设计内容,完善了环境事故管理的方法研究,为环境风险事故应急管理提供了较理想的实用型管理手段.  相似文献   

联合国将2002年定为“国际山区年”(International Year of Mountains),以提高国际社会对山区生命和可持续发展的全球范围的重要性的认识。“国际山区年”是始于1992年“里约峰会”的漫长计划的重要一步,该会议的重要成果之一是制定了21世纪可持续发展的蓝图——《21世纪议程》。该议程第13章,其标题是“管理脆弱的生态系统:山区的可持续发展”,把山区作为全球环境和发展的重要问题提了出来。 2002年国际减灾活动有三个目的:  相似文献   

减轻自然灾害计划是1977年美国国会以立法形式制定的国家计划,包括地震、洪水、火山、滑坡等单个灾害的研究计划,也成为永久性计划,因为每年美国因自然灾害蒙受的经济损失多达250亿美元。国会在评估整个计划过程中特别强调减灾的国际合作和灾害研究的创新两方面。评估指出:由于减灾技术计划的实施,已使美国国内生产总值年增长0.637%,该计划对加强美国减灾技术实力、改进城市建筑物、生命线设施的地震安全及提高生活质量具有重要的意义。由于自然灾害对经济和社会产生的各种影响,已成为世界各国政府普遍关注的问题,因此,为了减灾必须进行国际合作。  相似文献   

正2016年1月19日,中国地震局党组成员、副局长、管理委员会主任牛之俊主持召开川滇国家地震监测预报实验场(以下简称实验场)管理委员会部署工作会议。实验场管理委员会成员、管理委员会办公室和国家中心有关人员参加会议。会议听取了国家中心关于实验场2015年度工作进展和2016年度重点工作计划、实验场标志设  相似文献   

由美国宾夕法尼亚州紧急事务管理局组织编写。2003年10月面世的《应急管理协调人员手册》汇集了应急管理方面的广泛知识。包括:如何开展危险性分析.如何核定应急管理所需的各种资源.如何制定应急操作计划.以及紧急状态下如何组织和运行应急指挥中心。更难得可贵的是.该书给出了一些可供学习或模仿的示例及大量的管理表格.这对推动我国应急管理工作.建立和完善应急管理工作体系,具有重要的参考、借鉴意义。  相似文献   

中国城市综合灾害风险管理现状与对策   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
世界性城市灾害的加剧已成为城市化进程中的一大障碍,它也是城市化过程的产物。如何协调城市化过程与城市综合灾害风险管理,已成为当今世界、特别是像中国这样的发展中国家可持续发展的一大难题。在综述了中国城市灾害及其风险管理现状的基础上,通过对其薄弱环节的综合分析,依据作者提出的综合灾害风险管理模式,就中国城市综合灾害风险管理对策提出了3条政策建议:即完善城市灾害风险管理的信息保障机制,特别是灾害预警体系、信息共享体系和信息公开机制;加强城市综合减灾能力的建设,特别是明确城市建设中减灾工程与非工程设施投入的固定比例,完善减灾教育宣传体系和综合灾害应急响应的科技平台体系;建立城市综合灾害风险管理范式,特别是高度重视城市规划中综合减灾规划的改进和完善,加快拓展城市企业灾害保险与再保险和发展适应城市灾害风险的“安全社区”范式。  相似文献   

综述了第6届国际IIASA-DPRI综合灾害风险管理论坛的主要内容,并就中国综合灾害风险管理对策提出了具体的建议。本届论坛的主题是:风险与商业和产经界面临的挑战。论坛除主题报告外,共设置了16个分会场,就综合灾害风险信息共享平台(DRH)的建设、产经界如何迎对灾害风险、地震与洪水灾害风险的综合管理、灾害风险教育与减灾意识的养成、综合灾害风险管理的理论与方法论探讨,以及土耳其国家综合灾害风险管理的经验与教训等进行了深人的研讨。针对上述进展,从我国减灾工作现状,提出从三个方面加强我国综合减灾与灾害风险管理工作,即:各级政府在加强应急管理工作的同时,要高度重视从综合的角度完善减灾战略、规划和能力建设;全面改进产经界迎对灾害风险的能力,特别是非国有中小企业防御灾害风险的能力,以及大型国有企业灾害自保或参保机制的完善;加强综合灾害风险管理研究。  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(1):69-79
The development-disaster risk management agenda has been shaped over the last 25 years by development policies and practices that have isolated lesser developed countries' development agenda from dealing with risk to natural hazards, by intentional actions to create a theory and practice of disaster risk management alongside other cross-cutting issues, by attempting to nurture emergency management in the context of disaster risk management and by fostering competition for resources. Sovereign states, multilateral development banks and the international development community should collaborate in shifting paradigms to: consider all development actions as initiatives to reduce risk; separate emergency management policy and practice from disaster risk management; fold disaster risk management and climate change adaptation into development planning and lending processes so as to address risk to natural hazards; promote hazard, vulnerability and risk information as a public good; and insist on accountability and responsibility to natural hazard risk all along the development continuum.  相似文献   

Handmer J  Parker D 《Disasters》1991,15(4):303-317
The unprecedented series of damaging events experienced by Britain since the early 1980s has focussed attention on the country's arrangements for disaster prevention, planning and management. Until very recently the focus had been on planning for wartime emergencies, with events of the kind responsible for the current anxiety receiving much less attention. This is now changing and, following a wide ranging review, the government has appointed a Civil Emergencies Advisor to assist the national effort. The paper reviews these changes and makes an initial assessment of British disaster planning and management. This is not done at the operational level; rather it proceeds in terms of key issues emerging from the literature and the government review: organisational structure; information flow; national policy or guidelines; and learning from disasters.  相似文献   

郝俊卿  唐涵  董亚梦 《灾害学》2021,(1):134-138,144
如何进行旅游灾害管理是全球旅游目的地共同关注的问题。首先界定了旅游灾害管理的概念,然后在中国知网和Web of Science中分别筛选了168篇和180篇中英文文献,采用知识图谱文献可视化分析方法,绘制了发文量、作者和发文机构,以及关键词共现图谱。研究认为,国内外旅游灾害管理研究集中于旅游灾害风险、旅游风险评估、灾害影响、灾后恢复和风险认知五个方面,并提出今后应深入旅游目的地灾后恢复性、旅游者风险认知和灾害管理规划的研究,以期为我国旅游灾害管理理论和实践提供参考。  相似文献   

The United Kingdom uses the Defence Lines of Development (DLOD) framework to analyse and understand the key components and costs of a military capability. Rooted in the Resource Based View (RBV) of a firm, an adapted DLOD approach is employed to explore, analyse and discuss the preparedness, planning and response strategies of two markedly different countries (Australia and Bangladesh) when faced with a major cyclone event of a comparable size. Given the numerous similarities in the challenges facing military forces in a complex emergency and humanitarian agencies in a natural disaster, the paper demonstrates the applicability of the DLOD framework as an analysis and planning tool in the cyclone preparedness planning and response phases, and more broadly within the disaster management area. In addition, the paper highlights the benefit to disaster managers, policymakers and researchers of exploiting comparative cross-learning opportunities from disaster events, drawn from different sectors and countries.  相似文献   

An essential component of disaster planning and preparation is the identification and selection of temporary disaster debris management sites (DMS). However, since DMS identification is a complex process involving numerous variable constraints, many regional, county and municipal jurisdictions initiate this process during the post‐disaster response and recovery phases, typically a period of severely stressed resources. Hence, a pre‐disaster approach in identifying the most likely sites based on the number of locational constraints would significantly contribute to disaster debris management planning. As disasters vary in their nature, location and extent, an effective approach must facilitate scalability, flexibility and adaptability to variable local requirements, while also being generalisable to other regions and geographical extents. This study demonstrates the use of binomial cluster analysis in potential DMS identification in a case study conducted in Hamilton County, Indiana.  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(1):30-41
A fledgling disaster management organization in 1984, Jamaica's Office of Disaster Preparedness (ODP) hosted the pioneering international disaster mitigation conference to share information and to contemplate how vulnerability to disasters from natural hazards could be reduced. Over the period 1979–2009, the overall focus of the agency was response, given the plethora of extreme events, and the priority of the Government of Jamaica. The organization was associated with several efforts at disaster mitigation, but the need for building the agency's capacity to lead national efforts to integrate mitigation planning into development did not seem to gain traction among the policy makers. Growing losses since 2004, the evidence of climate change and the need for adaptation, and the regional and international disaster risk management agenda have brought attention to the need for review and development of Jamaica's disaster risk management capacity. This paper examines highlights of the 30-year journey of disaster management in Jamaica, and highlights proposals for strengthening the national framework and the organizational structure of ODPEM.  相似文献   

Accidents and sudden illness constitutes a major public health problem in many countries. Emergency medicine had developed as a vigorous new specialty in the U.S. and has fully integrated itself within the American medical and hospital system to provide improved emergency medical care. Emergency medicine plays a central role in disaster medical services, planning, and management and is the only specialty in American civilian medicine that includes disaster medicine as a primary field within its domain. Now that the basic framework of emergency medicine has been established, the American College of Emergency Physicians is implementing a nationwide training program on disaster planning and management for emergency physicians.  相似文献   

Tourists are particularly vulnerable when natural disasters occur in regions that they are visiting. It is assumed that they lack awareness and understanding of the actions that they need to take in such circumstances. This study examines the responses of tourists in times of disaster, building on empirical data collected through large‐scale surveys conducted in Bali and Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 2015. Both are important tourist destinations in the country that have suffered major disasters in recent years. The different types of responses to these events are framed using a grid/group analysis stemming from cultural theory. The study resulted in three key findings: (i) current disaster management planning largely follows a single rationale; (ii) tourists are not a homogeneous group, but rather a complex, diverse, and dynamic body of stakeholders; and (iii) the focus of disaster management planning should shift from a single rationale to a polyrational methodology. Disaster managers need to consider, therefore, these different aspects in the context of preparedness.  相似文献   

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