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吴殿廷  蔡国友 《灾害学》1995,10(2):21-25
本文以定量分析为主要手段,详细研究了吉林省农业病虫害发生的时间过程规律和空间分布规律,深入探讨了环境因子对农业病虫害的影响,综合评价了病虫害防治工作的效果。  相似文献   

自然灾害对我国农业的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对2000-2008年自然灾害发生面积与我国农业发展过程中的各项指标进行了对比分析和回归分析,得出了自然灾害对我国农业发展影响较为显著,并具体指出了旱灾、水灾等自然灾害对我国农业发展的影响.自然灾害通过影响农业单产、农业有效利用面积及农业总产值来影响农业,不同种类自然灾害的发生面积都处于不断波动之中,并呈现逐步提升之势,具有一定的区域性.最后指出了通过增强农业本身抵御自然灾害的能力和更好的预测农业自然灾害等,为各级政府制定抗灾减灾对策提供依据.  相似文献   

河北省农业旱灾脆弱性区划与减灾   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
商彦蕊 《灾害学》2001,16(3):28-32,37
脆弱性是农业遭受干旱影响和旱灾损失的必要条件,它决定旱灾影响的强度。本文对河北省农业旱灾脆弱性进行了区划,分析了区域农业旱灾脆弱性变化的成因,针对区域农业旱灾脆弱性累进的动态压力,提出了调整人类行为、降低脆弱性、减轻灾害影响和损失的思路。  相似文献   

自古以来,旱涝灾害一直是影响我国农业生产的主要自然灾害。建国后,我国政府为确保农业丰产、丰收和维护人民生命和财产安全,每年都投入大量的人力、物力和财力支持防洪与抗旱,也积累了丰富的经验,取得了令人注目的成绩。但是,我们必须清醒地认识到我国每年仍有许多地区或城市出现严重的旱灾和涝灾,防洪和抗旱工作仍任重道远。  相似文献   

黑龙江省是农业大省,肩负着国家粮食安全的重大使命。黑龙江省农业大部分是雨养农业,降低气象灾害对农业的影响是气象工作的重点。随着国家防灾减灾救灾体制改革和乡村振兴战略的实施,针对农业气象灾害的气象服务也需要进一步调整。在分析2018年农业气象灾害气象服务需求调查问卷的基础上,对比分析了与2014年的农业气象服务需求的变化。分析表明:农民在获取气象信息渠道方面,采用新媒体的比例超过采用传统媒体的比例;农民关注气象信息的主要目的是开展农业生产;农民比较关注当天和未来10 d之内的天气预报,对较长时效月、季短期气候预测需求量较2014年明显上升。在调查分析的基础上,结合农业气象灾害服务现状,提出了目前农业气象灾害服务存在的问题和建议。  相似文献   

农户对农业保险需求的实证分析——以江苏省涟水县为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以江苏省涟水县农业保险的调查数据为例,论述了该县实施政策性农业保险的现状,并运用Logit模型探索了影响农户参加农业保险的各个因素.实证检验结果表明:农户参加农业保险的意愿主要受其对农业保险的认知情况、政府补贴水平以及农户的投保满意度三个方面因素的影响.同时也证明了地方政府实施的"联办共保"的补贴性保险模式极大的促进了农户参与农业保险的积极性.最后提出了进一步推进农业保险发展的政策建议.  相似文献   

分析了我国农业灾害具有种类多样性、破坏严重性和发生必然性、地域随意性等特点 ;指出水利工程、林木工程、病虫害防治工程、农田治污工程 ,以及建立农业灾害监测预报信息系统工程是我国农业灾害防治的主要工程措施。提出农业灾害防治总的原则是 :在分析各种农业灾害发生原因的前提下进行重点预防 ,在弄清其破坏机理的基础上采取相应的工程措施 ,将灾害损失降到最低程度。本文客观分析了我国农业灾害防治的现状 ,提出了监测预报手段亟需改进、规划并建设好农业灾害防治工程、以系统工程的观念建立和健全农业灾害防治工作体系、加强农业灾害防治工作的管理体制建设等四点建议  相似文献   

农业灾害统计是认识和分析农业灾害问题的主要环节,做好这一工作对于实现我国农业可持续发展具有重要意义。文章在分析我国农业灾害统计存在问题的基础上,指出在新时期为推进我国农业灾害统计工作,必须大力加强农业灾害统计指标体系的构建和统计规范性的建立,改进传统的农业灾害统计方法、流程,并完善农业灾害统计管理等工作。  相似文献   

基于风险理论,探讨了气候变化风险的内涵,介绍了可用于气候变化影响评价的风险评估概念框架,并着重总结了风险评估在气候变化对农业影响评价中的应用。随着目前概率型气候情景的广泛应用及利益相关者与公众对影响评估中的不确定性认识的需求,风险评估将在气候变化影响评价中得到更为广泛的应用,气候变化对农业的影响也有望基于风险形式实现终端至终端的评估。同时,当前气候变化农业影响的风险评估研究仍有许多不足之处,真正实现综合全面的评估尚有诸多问题需要解决。  相似文献   

农业旱灾脆弱性评价和诊断是科学防范农业旱灾风险的关键,在区域农业旱灾风险调控实践中具有重要作用。为定量评价区域农业旱灾脆弱性强弱程度、识别影响其强度变化的主要指标,通过改进差异度系数的计算方法,建立了基于灰色关联度和联系数耦合的区域农业旱灾脆弱性评价模型,对区域农业旱灾脆弱性进行动态评估,并根据此模型提出了基于五元减法集对势的区域农业旱灾脆弱性诊断方法,用以识别影响脆弱性的主要指标。在蚌埠市的应用结果表明:蚌埠市农业旱灾脆弱性评价等级从2001-2003年的超3级水平改善到2004-2010年的3级水平,农业旱灾脆弱性呈减弱趋势,农业系统对干旱灾害的承受能力呈逐年提升趋势;通过诊断模型识别出影响蚌埠市农业旱灾脆弱性的主要指标有农民人均GDP、单位耕地面积农机动力、农业万元GDP用水量和单位农业增加值耗水量,其中单位农业增加值耗水量与农业旱灾脆弱性的相关性最大。这些结果可为区域农业旱灾风险调控提供科学依据,对促进农业旱灾风险定量研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

陈建民局长在2011年全国地震局长会暨党风廉政建设工作会议上指出,科学规划"十二五"时期的事业发展,按照"科学防灾、积极避灾"的要求,大力开展基础探测工作,加强抗震设防要求与行业抗震设计规范的衔接,强化监管,把防震保安工作纳入新农村建设,全面提升民居的抗震能力,实现有效减灾。  相似文献   

地方病是与地质环境有一定依存性的疾病。它的致病物质除直接来自人类生产和生活制品外,主要源于自然界的大气、水土、岩石中。换言之,人类生存发育与一定地区的水、土和生物化学元素含量有关,当某些元素含量过高,与人需要量不相适应时,就可能导致人发生某种疾病。归纳与地质因素有关的地方病有甲状腺肿(克汀病)、克山病、硒中毒、氟中毒、铜毒、铅毒症、不孕症、食道癌、肝癌、布鲁氏菌病、鼻咽癌、口腔癌、乳腺癌等。  相似文献   

陕西汉中“98.7”洪涝灾害剖析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
金葆志  彭勇 《灾害学》1999,14(1):43-47
对汉中市1998年7月上旬的雨情、灾情作了初步统计,分析了致灾原因及经验与教训。  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(2):103-121
If community disaster resilience is to mature into a robust and lasting area of research, methodologically facilitated dialogue between empirical observations and theory is necessary. However, methodological and empirical research has outpaced community disaster resilience theory. To address this gap, a theoretical framework called WISC is presented. WISC is named after four constructs of the framework: well-being, identity, services, and capitals. WISC relates the two concepts of community and infrastructure, broadly defined, to the four constructs it is named after. The 4 constructs are respectively defined by 29 variables. The broadest interpretation of WISC is that infrastructure supports and facilitates components of community within human settlements. Infrastructure is represented as combinations of capitals and services; community is represented by connections of identity and well-being. Ultimately, well-being of a community is dependent on that community's collective capital. But these two constructs are mediated by the intervening constructs of identity and services. WISC goes beyond existing frameworks by addressing essential elements of theory building that have been overlooked in the literature, while synthesizing other frameworks and areas of knowledge. WISC provides a powerful foundation for posing and evaluating hypotheses, improving data collection efforts, and, most importantly, enabling critical theory building.  相似文献   

Post-disaster recovery requires co-production; that is, the inputs of citizens are essential for successful community recovery to occur. Citizens contribute to post-disaster recovery by volunteering, taking on consultative and decision-making roles within their communities, and directly participating in post-disaster reconstruction efforts. Without meaning ful contributions from citizens—the intended beneficiaries—unilateral efforts by public officials and authorities will inevitably fail. This study shows that social entrepreneurs can thus play a critical role in spurring post-disaster recovery by facilitating co-production. It focuses on the role of social entrepreneurs after disasters and centres on one rural village, Giranchaur Namuna Basti in the Sindhupalchowk District of Nepal. Specifically, the study uses the case of the Dhurmus Suntali Foundation's Namuna village project in Giranchaur following the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck on 25 April 2015 to examine the pivotal role that social entrepreneurs assume in promoting voluntary activities, community engagement, and participation in post-disaster recovery efforts.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of a series of demographic and socioeconomic factors on preparedness outcomes for a sample of residents of the Rio Grande Valley in the southernmost part of Texas, United States. Data were collected as part of the regional Pulse of the Valley Study, a general social survey of south Texas residents conducted by the Center for Survey Research at the University of Texas‐Rio Grande Valley. The purpose of this investigation is to understand better the effects of ethnicity and income on preparedness within a region of the US that suffers from widespread poverty and limited infrastructure and is prone to flooding and hurricanes. Taken together, the results suggest that while age, disaster experience, and income are associated with preparedness, the relationship between preparedness and ethnicity remains complex. Furthermore, policymakers should consider initiatives that address the socioeconomic and other issues that shape preparedness for a disaster.  相似文献   

This study examines people's immediate responses to earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand, and Hitachi, Japan. Data collected from 257 respondents in Christchurch and 332 respondents in Hitachi revealed notable similarities between the two cities in people's emotional reactions, risk perceptions, and immediate protective actions during the events. Respondents' physical, household, and social contexts were quite similar, but Hitachi residents reported somewhat higher levels of emotional reaction and risk perception than did Christchurch residents. Contrary to the recommendations of emergency officials, the most frequent response of residents in both cities was to freeze. Christchurch residents were more likely than Hitachi residents to drop to the ground and take cover, whereas Hitachi residents were more likely than Christchurch residents to evacuate immediately the building in which they were situated. There were relatively small correlations between immediate behavioural responses and demographic characteristics, earthquake experience, and physical, social, or household context.  相似文献   

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