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河南省秸秆能源化利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在日益严峻的能源短缺和环境污染的双重压力下,进行秸秆能源化的开发和利用对于河南新型城镇化建设具有重大战略意义.河南秸秆资源丰富,但秸秆能源化利用尚处于初级阶段,利用率非常低,只有健全秸秆收储体系,改进各种秸秆能源化利用方式的技术性能,加强应用和推广,提升秸秆能源化利用的经济效益,加大对秸秆能源化利用相关主体的引导和扶持,提供政策和资金支持,才能为河南秸秆能源化发展提供良好的环境.  相似文献   

中国是农业与畜禽大国,每年产生大量的秸秆和粪污,给生态环境带来巨大压力,需对这些废弃物进行妥善处理,使之能够再次为人类所用。本文从秸秆的肥料化,饲料化、燃料化、基料化、原料化和粪污肥料化,能源化、生态化、饲料化阐述秸秆与粪污的资源化利用现状。  相似文献   

正发改办环资[2017]2143号有关省、自治区、直辖市、新疆生产建设兵团、黑龙江省农垦总局发展改革委、农业厅(委、办、局)、能源局(办):为贯彻落实党的十九大会议精神,大力推进生态文明建设、乡村振兴战略和农村能源革命,开展秸秆气化清洁能源利用工程建设,拓展农村清洁能源供给渠道,推动秸秆综合利用高值化、产业化发展,完成"十三五"秸秆综合利用目标任务,提出如下  相似文献   

<正>为进一步推动秸秆综合利用工作,近日,国家发展改革委环资司在京组织召开了专家座谈会,就秸秆综合利用现状和政策建议听取与会专家意见和建议。座谈会上,来自相关行业协会、科研院所和企业的专家讨论了秸秆能源化、原料  相似文献   

我国是农业大国,每年农业废弃物秸秆产生量超过10亿t,其中可收集利用量达9亿t,秸秆是一种宝贵的可再生资源,但是长期以来由于受消费观念和生活方式的影响,我国秸秆资源完全处于高消耗、高污染、低产出的状况,收集利用一直是我国亟待解决的难题。对农业废弃物秸秆高值化综合利用体系建设进行分析阐述,并以山东泉林集团有限公司为案例,详细介绍了其在农业废弃物秸秆高值化综合利用方面的实践,以期为我国秸秆综合利用及秸秆收储运提供新的借鉴经验,加快农业废弃物秸秆高值化综合利用体系的推广,解决秸秆资源浪费及其带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

近日,甘肃临夏州全州农作物秸秆饲料化利用暨废旧农膜回收利用工作推进会召开。与会人员先后深入临夏县、临夏市、广河县对农作物秸秆饲料化利用暨废旧农膜回收利用工作示范点进行了观摩。  相似文献   

浅谈畜禽粪便、秸秆等有机废弃物肥料化的研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
畜禽粪便、农作物秸秆具有来源广泛、有机质含量高、易于转化等特点,用生态工程的方法,使之转化为种植业的原料或能源,实现农业无害生产,消除环境污染,改善农村生态环境,对我国美丽乡村建设和农业可持续发展具有重大意义。对畜禽粪便、秸秆肥料化的现状进行系统分析,总结出制约我国畜禽粪便、秸秆肥料化发展的关键问题。通过学习国内外的先进技术,改进畜禽粪便、秸秆肥料化的生产工艺,从而解决国产有机肥肥效低、价格高以及不具备市场竞争力的关键问题。  相似文献   

正日前,记者从农业农村部获悉:2016年以来,全国已有12省(区)开展了秸秆综合利用试点。2017年,全国秸秆综合利用率达82%,基本形成肥料化利用为主,饲料化、燃料化稳步推进,基料化、原料化为辅的综合利用格局。为推动秸秆综合利用,农业农村部在以下五方面做了大量工作。强化试点示范。2016年以来,农业农村部会同财政部投入资金25亿元,围绕大气污染重点防治区域,以提升秸秆农用  相似文献   

青岛市秸秆资源潜力及利用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过年鉴对青岛市近5年来小麦、玉米、棉花和花生等作物的产量统计数据分析,结合不同作物草谷比的计算方法,得出对应秸秆总量,从中发现青岛市近年来秸秆总产量发展平稳,能源回收利用潜力巨大。采用秸秆直接燃烧或者气化的方法进行热电联产,不仅能够达到节能减排的目的,还能实现可观的经济效益。十三五期间,应结合秸秆热值采取不同技术手段,加强对生物质资源开发与利用。  相似文献   

随着粮食生产技术的发展和农村生活水平的提高,秸秆的生产和利用发生了巨大变化。我国秸秆年产量超过9亿t,大量秸秆在未经利用的情况下被随意丢弃或焚烧,使环境遭到严重污染。秸秆还田作为秸秆资源化利用的一种有效途径,在国内外逐渐得到重视和应用。介绍秸秆还田的应用方式和方法,探讨秸秆还田对环境产生的影响,以期为秸秆还田技术的推广和发展提供参考。  相似文献   

A large amount of rice straw is generated and left as much in paddy fields, which causes greenhouse gas emissions as methane. Rice straw can be used as bioenergy. Rice straw pellets are a promising technology because pelletization of rice straw is a form of mass and energy densification, which leads to a product that is easy to handle, transport, store and utilize because of the increase in the bulk density. The operational conditions required to produce high quality rice straw pellets have not been determined. This study determined the optimal moisture content range required to produce rice straw pellets with high yield ratio and high heating value, and also determined the influence of particle size and the forming temperature on the yield ratio and durability of rice straw pellets. The optimal moisture content range was between 13% and 20% under a forming temperature of 60 or 80 °C. The optimal particle size was between 10 and 20 mm, considering the time and energy required for shredding, although the particle size did not significantly affect the yield ratio and durability of the pellets. The optimized conditions provided high quality rice straw pellets with nearly 90% yield ratio, ?12 MJ/kg for the lower heating value, and >95% durability.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - The objective of this study was to improve the comprehensive utilization of hulless barley straw during anaerobic digestion (AD) by exploring the...  相似文献   

The continuously increasing demand for renewable energy sources renders anaerobic digestion to one of the most promising technologies for renewable energy production. Twenty-two (22) large-scale biogas plants are currently under operation in Denmark. Most of these plants use manure as the primary feedstock but their economical profitable operation relies on the addition of other biomass products with a high biogas yield. Wheat straw is the major crop residue in Europe and the second largest agricultural residue in the world. So far it has been used in several applications, i.e. pulp and paper making, production of regenerated cellulose fibers as an alternative to wood for cellulose-based materials and ethanol production. The advantage of exploiting wheat straw for various applications is that it is available in considerable quantity and at low-cost. In the present study, the codigestion of swine manure with wheat straw in a continuous operated system was investigated, as a method to increase the efficiency of biogas plants that are based on anaerobic digestion of swine manure. Also, the pretreatment of wheat straw with the wet explosion method was studied and the efficiency of the wet explosion process was evaluated based on (a) the sugars release and (b) the methane potential of the pretreated wheat straw compared to that of the raw biomass. It was found that, although a high release of soluble sugars was observed after wet explosion, the methane obtained from the wet-exploded wheat straw was slightly lower compared to that from the raw biomas s. On the other hand, the results from the codigestion of raw (non-pretreated) wheat straw with swine manure were very promising, suggesting that 4.6 kg of straw added to 1 t of manure increase the methane production by 10%. Thus, wheat straw can be considered as a promising, low-cost biomass for increasing the methane productivity of biogas plants that are based mainly on swine manure.  相似文献   

Waste recycling for paper production is an important component of waste management. This study constructs a physical input-output life-cycle assessment (PIO-LCA) model. The PIO-LCA model is used to investigate environmental impacts of four categories of waste recycling in China’s paper industry: crop straws, bagasse, textile wastes and scrap paper. Crop straw recycling and wood utilization for paper production have small total intensity of environmental impacts. Moreover, environmental impacts reduction of crop straw recycling and wood utilization benefits the most from technology development. Thus, using crop straws and wood (including wood wastes) for paper production should be promoted. Technology development has small effects on environmental impacts reduction of bagasse recycling, textile waste recycling and scrap paper recycling. In addition, bagasse recycling and textile waste recycling have big total intensity of environmental impacts. Thus, the development of bagasse recycling and textile waste recycling should be properly limited. Other pathways for reusing bagasse and textile wastes should be explored and evaluated. Moreover, imports of scrap paper should be encouraged to reduce large indirect impacts of scrap paper recycling on domestic environment.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - The main objective of the study is to explore the economic feasibility of power generation from rice straw, a potential biomass energy resource, in...  相似文献   

废塑料的回收利用   总被引:36,自引:2,他引:34  
介绍了国外废塑料再生利用、热分散回收低分子化合物和焚烧回收热能的技术与方法。  相似文献   

介绍了国电吉林热电厂对热力式除氧火力发电机组的高压除氧器乏汽进行全部回收,创造了可观的经济、环境和社会效益,在当前国际国内能源供应形势紧张、大力提倡节能环保的情况下,具有积极意义.  相似文献   

Rice straw can be used as a renewable fuel for heat and power generation. It is a viable mean of replacing fossil fuels and preventing pollution caused by open burning, especially in the areas where this residual biomass is generated. Nevertheless, the thermal conversion of rice straw can cause some operating problems such as slag formation, which negatively affects thermal conversion systems. So, the main objective of this research is studying the combustion behavior of rice straw samples collected from various regions by applying thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). In addition, the thermal behavior of ashes from rice straw was also analyzed in order to detect their melting points, and ash sintering was detected at different temperatures within the range between 550 and 1000 °C. Since washing rice straw with water could reduce the content of undesirable inorganic compounds related to the ash fusibility, samples of washed rice straw were analyzed under combustion conditions to investigate its differences regarding the thermal behavior of rice straw. The results showed that rice straw washing led to a significant improvement in its thermal behavior, since it reduced the ash contents and sintering formation.  相似文献   

We compared alternate uses of cereal straw (4.25t dry matter ha(-1) containing 1.7t carbon (C)) for their effectiveness in relation to climate change mitigation. The scenarios were (1) incorporation into soil to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) content ("carbon sequestration") and (2) combustion to generate electricity. The Rothamsted Carbon Model was used to estimate SOC accumulation in a silty clay loam soil under the climatic conditions of north-west Europe. Using straw for electricity generation saved seven times more CO2 than from SOC accumulation. This comparison assumed that electricity from straw combustion displaced that generated from coal and used the mean annual accumulation of SOC over 100yr. SOC increased most rapidly in the early years, but then more slowly as a new equilibrium value was approached. We suggest that increased SOC from straw incorporation does not represent genuine climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration. In Europe, most straw not already incorporated in the field where it is grown is subsequently returned elsewhere, e.g., after use for animal bedding and production of manure. Only additional retention of C in soil compared to the alternative use represents sequestration. Maintenance of SOC for soil functioning is a more appropriate rationale for returning straw to soil than climate change mitigation. This analysis shows that considerably greater climate change mitigation is achieved through saved CO2 emissions by burning straw for electricity generation, replacing some use of fossil fuel.  相似文献   

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