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我国报废汽车回收拆解企业发展的关键问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报废汽车回收拆解具有巨大的经济、环境和社会效益。我国报废汽车回收拆解企业正面临极佳的发展环境,但目前存在着诸多问题,需要进行转型升级。提出报废汽车回收拆解企业转型升级过程中存在的若干关键问题,即回收阶段中的报废汽车量预测、回收模式选择、报废汽车回收网络构建;拆解阶段中的拆解工艺选择、拆解设备选择;产品销售阶段中的产品分类及市场分析、销售模式确定及销售网络构建、产品定价等问题,并对这些问题进行分析,提供解决方法和措施。  相似文献   

报废汽车回收拆解再利用是现代化国家可持续发展的必经之路,"十三五"期间,国家积极推出新政策、新举措支持报废汽车回收拆解行业发展,然而报废汽车拆解回收体系中仍存在较多问题与不足。对现期我国报废汽车拆解行业回收体系现状及其难点进行了探讨,并从政府立法监管强化、回收体系平台完善、生产者责任延伸等不同的角度,提出针对性的发展对策。  相似文献   

当前,一些地方非法回收拆解报废汽车、利用报废汽车“五大总成”拼装车的活动有所抬头,报废汽车、拼装车上路行驶问题日益突出,严重威胁道路交通和人民群众生命财产安全,并造成环境污染。为整顿和规范报废汽车回收拆解秩序,切实加强报废汽车管理,严厉打击非法回收拆解和倒卖报废汽车、拼装车等违法行为,商务部、工业和信息化部、公安部、交通运输部、  相似文献   

为整顿和规范报废汽车回收拆解秩序,加强报废汽车管理,严厉打击非法回收拆解和倒卖报废汽车、拼装车等违法行为,甘肃省商务厅、省工信委、省公安厅、省交通运输厅、省工商局、省质监局六部门近日联合下发通知,要求全省各市州全面开展专项检查和整治工作,依法严厉查处甘肃省内非法回收拆解和倒卖报废汽车、利用报废汽车总成拼装车、驾驶报废汽车或拼装车上路行驶等违法行为。  相似文献   

报废汽车的拆解、加工和再利用是再生资源产业的新领域,但在拆解、加工过程中,往往存在环境污染隐患,因此,建立高效、清洁的拆解流程,对拆解现场进行环境风险控制和管理,对于报废汽车拆解业的可持续发展非常重要。介绍了日本报废汽车回收、拆解现场管理的关键环节和管理方法,为我国报废汽车拆解业提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着汽车保有量的增加,大量的报废汽车随之产生.为了保护环境和实现产品的再生利用,报废汽车回收产业的发展迫在眉睫.以我国南方某报废汽车拆解厂投资建设项目为案例,根据2万台/年生产纲领规划设计的相关信息,进行投资估算和经济效益分析,其分析结果为相关的报废汽车回收拆解企业投资建设提供参考.  相似文献   

报废汽车的拆解是汽车生命周期管理过程中的重要环节,是实现报废汽车的资源回收和循环利用的必然途径,拆解过程的环境无害化管理对于提高回收率、合理处置废物和防治污染非常重要.欧盟、美国、日本等发达国家早就对报废汽车进行了环境无害化管理.我国正面临大量报废汽车对环境带来的压力.介绍了德国报废汽车拆解环境无害化管理要求和经验,希望能为我国报废汽车拆解的环境管理提供参考,并提出了建议.  相似文献   

为提升报废汽车回收拆解行业的环保、资源利用水平,商务部发文明确2011年将在10个城市开展报废汽车回收拆解企业升级改造示范工程试点,并对相关示范工程给予最高为项目总投资额50%  相似文献   

随着汽车报废量的逐年快速增长,规范地回收拆解报废汽车,是促进资源循环利用和保护生态环境的基本要求,也是推进经济与社会绿色、低碳、循环发展的一项重要工作。面对影响行业持续健康发展的诸多问题,有针对性地提出解决问题的对策,以期引起政府主管部门、行业和社会的高度关注,共同采取有效措施,推动报废汽车回收拆解向着产业化经营、资源化利用和无害化处理的方向快速发展,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

以报废汽车再制造规模化、市场化、产业化发展为主线,围绕报废汽车回收拆解行业的热点问题,介绍了发达国家对报废汽车的管理模式与我国政府相关法规政策走向,分析了发展再制造产业面临的问题,以及报废汽车再制造即将朝着新兴产业化发展方向快速推进的动因和机遇。  相似文献   

飞机拆解与再利用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着报废飞机数量的日益增多,废旧飞机处理的环境问题显得尤为迫切.简要评述了空中客车公司飞机使用寿命终结高级管理流程(PAMELA)项目的情况,以及废旧飞机报废过程中的管理体系的建立,并对我国报废飞机拆解与再利用研究进展进行了阐述,以期为废旧飞机的处理找到新的途径.  相似文献   

The synthesis of aleuritic acid from shellac is associated with generation of huge quantity of waste whose disposal leads to clogging of the sewage system and contaminates the water bodies into which the drain leads. The shellac waste, which was collected from the factory site and Jute fiber has been used to form a sustainable, eco-efficient and economical composite. Characterization of the resin and composite was done by FTIR, TG, DSC and SEM. Mechanical properties of the composites like tensile strength and impact strength etc. were measured.  相似文献   

介绍了发达国家回收处理和再生利用报废汽车的管理和技术,提出我国应借鉴发达国家经验,从技术、政策、法规等方面加强报废汽车的再利用工作。  相似文献   

Alang-Sosiya is the largest ship-scrapping yard in the world, established in 1982. Every year an average of 171 ships having a mean weight of 2.10 x 10(6)(+/-7.82 x 10(5)) of light dead weight tonnage (LDT) being scrapped. Apart from scrapped metals, this yard generates a massive amount of combustible solid waste in the form of waste wood, plastic, insulation material, paper, glass wool, thermocol pieces (polyurethane foam material), sponge, oiled rope, cotton waste, rubber, etc. In this study multiple regression analysis was used to develop predictive models for energy content of combustible ship-scrapping solid wastes. The scope of work comprised qualitative and quantitative estimation of solid waste samples and performing a sequential selection procedure for isolating variables. Three regression models were developed to correlate the energy content (net calorific values (LHV)) with variables derived from material composition, proximate and ultimate analyses. The performance of these models for this particular waste complies well with the equations developed by other researchers (Dulong, Steuer, Scheurer-Kestner and Bento's) for estimating energy content of municipal solid waste.  相似文献   

建立了生物滴滤现场中试装置,处理某生物发酵类制药厂生产车间和污水处理设施产生的混合废气。该装置28 d挂膜启动成功,对废气中恶臭和VOCs组分有较好的处理效果,能适应现场废气浓度和气量波动的变化。总体而言,喷淋强度对处理效果的影响较小,处理气流量对处理效果的影响较大。当处理气流量大于2 845 m3/h(对应空床停留时间40 s)时,对恶臭和VOCs的去除效果不理想。当处理气流量为2 000 m3/h时,VOCs的最大去除负荷为2.003 g/(m3·h),对应的进气负荷为2.119 g/(m3·h)。对该装置中填料上的微生物进行了高通量测序,发现金属杆菌(Metallibacterium sp.)、硫单胞菌(Thiomonas sp.)、黄杆菌(Fluviicola sp.)、支气杆菌(Cloacibacterium sp.)和嗜酸菌(Acidiphilium sp.)为优势菌种。  相似文献   

The traditional burning process is used to recover copper from scrapped PC board (printed circuit board) but it causes serious environmental problems. In this research a new process was developed which not only prevents pollution problems, but also maximizes the utility of all the materials on the waste board. First, the scrapped PC board was crushed and grounded, then placed in the NH3/NH5CO3 solution with aeration in order to dissolve copper. After distilling the copper NH3/NH5CO3 solution and then heating the distilled residue of copper carbonate, pure copper oxide was obtained with particle size of about 0.2 μm and the shape elliptical. The remaining solid residue after copper removal was then leached with 6 N hydrochloric acid to remove tin and lead. The last residue was used as a filler in PVC plastics. The PVC plastics with PC board powder as filling material was found to have the same tensile strength as unfilled plastics, but had higher elastic modulus, higher abrasion resistance, and was cheaper.  相似文献   

A life cycle assessment was conducted to evaluate the environmental and economic effects of sewage sludge co-incineration in a coal-fired power plant. The general approach employed by a coal-fired power plant was also assessed as control. Sewage sludge co-incineration technology causes greater environmental burden than does coal-based energy production technology because of the additional electricity consumption and wastewater treatment required for the pretreatment of sewage sludge, direct emissions from sludge incineration, and incinerated ash disposal processes. However, sewage sludge co-incineration presents higher economic benefits because of electricity subsidies and the income generating potential of sludge. Environmental assessment results indicate that sewage sludge co-incineration is unsuitable for mitigating the increasing pressure brought on by sewage sludge pollution. Reducing the overall environmental effect of sludge co-incineration power stations necessitates increasing net coal consumption efficiency, incinerated ash reuse rate, dedust system efficiency, and sludge water content rate.  相似文献   

Sewage sludge contains trace amounts of mercury, and sewage sludge incineration is a major source of mercury emissions. However, relatively few studies have reported on mercury emissions from sewage sludge incineration. Consequently, data on emissions from sewage sludge incinerators must be updated to estimate current emissions of mercury. In this study, we examined mercury emissions and speciation using continuous mercury analyzers in two incinerators. The mercury concentrations in stack gas from facilities A and B were 36.6 and 21.1???g/Nm3, respectively. As a result, the emission rate was calculated to be 0.282?C0.750?g/ton-dry sludge. Considering the total amount of sewage sludge incinerated in Japan, the mercury emissions from sewage sludge incinerators were estimated to be 0.49?C1.31?tons/year.  相似文献   

An original integrated drying and incineration technique is proposed to dispose of sewage sludge with moisture content of about 80% in a circulating fluidized bed. This system combines a bubbling fluidized bed dryer with a circulating fluidized bed incinerator. After drying, sewage sludge with moisture less than 20% is transported directly and continuously from the fluidized bed dryer into a circulating fluidized bed incinerator. Pilot plant results showed that integrated drying and incineration is feasible in a unique single system. A 100 t/d Sewage Sludge Incineration Demonstration Project was constructed at the Qige sewage treatment plant in Hangzhou City in China. The operational performance showed that the main operation results conformed to the design values, from which it can be concluded that the scale-up of this technique is deemed both feasible and successful.  相似文献   

Due to high content of heavy metals such as chromium, tannery sewage sludge is a material which is difficult to be biologically treated as it is in the case of organic waste. Consequently, a common practice in managing tannery sewage sludge is landfilling. This poses a potential threat to both soil and water environments and it additionally generates costs of construction of landfills that meet specific environment protection requirements. Vitrification of this kind of sewage sludge with the addition of mineral wastes can represent an alternative to landfilling.The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of obtaining an environmentally safe product by means of vitrification of tannery sewage sludge from a flotation wastewater treatment process and chemical precipitation in order to address the upcoming issue of dealing with sewage sludge from the tannery industry which will be prohibited to be landfilled in Poland after 2016. The focus was set on determining mixtures of tannery sewage sludge with additives which would result in the lowest possible heavy metal leaching levels and highest hardness rating of the products obtained from their vitrification.The plasma vitrification process was carried out for mixtures with various amounts of additives depending on the type of sewage sludge used. Only the materials of waste character were used as additives.One finding of the study was an optimum content of mineral additives in vitrified mixture of 30% v/v waste molding sands with 20% v/v carbonate flotation waste from the zinc and lead industry for the formulations with flotation sewage sludge, and 45% v/v and 5% v/v, respectively, for precipitation sewage sludge. These combinations allowed for obtaining products with negligible heavy metal leaching levels and hardness similar to commercial glass, which suggests they could be potentially used as construction aggregate substitutes. Incineration of sewage sludge before the vitrification process lead to increased hardness of the vitrificates and reduced leaching of some heavy metals.  相似文献   

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