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适应低排放的电除尘技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高标准的排放要求以及将进一步提高的排放标准,对电除尘器是否能满足目前的排放标准和低排放要求进行了研究。通过对国内110个机组配套电除尘器实际应用情况调查和国外燃煤机组电除尘器应用分析,客观地评价了电除尘器对国内煤种的适应性,指出移动电极式电除尘器、双极异距电流体微粒聚合器、烟气调质、湿式电除尘器、低低温电除尘器等新技术的发展和综合应用是满足30mg/m3低排放标要求的最佳选择。  相似文献   

采用从微观到宏观的多尺度方法,对电除尘器的关键部件进行了深入研究,成功开发出一种新的电除尘器数值模拟技术LNE-CFD。应用结果表明,对于现有结构及布置方式的电除尘器,LNE-CFD模拟结果准确,可代替物模试验。LNE-CFD模拟技术对电除尘器的优化设计和机理研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

湿法电除尘器的特性及其发展方向   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
湿法电除尘器对粉尘的捕集机理与干法电除尘器相同,但二者在捕集粉尘的清除方式上差异较大,因此,湿法电除尘器区别于干法电除尘器。本文着重介绍了湿法电除尘器的主要特性,并根据SO2治理发展的需要预测了其发展方向。  相似文献   

振打效果差,振打系统频出故障,是威胁电除尘器安全可靠运行的三大隐患之一。作者通过对我国火电厂燃煤锅炉所用各型电除尘器的调查,并结合从事电除尘器设计的体会,提出改进电除尘器振打装置的意见,与大家磋商。  相似文献   

某新建135MW机组锅炉为循环化床锅炉,其烟气处理系统采用半干法脱硫工艺加电除尘器。由于半干法脱硫后电除尘器入口的粉尘浓度非常高,且烟尘理化性质发生较大变化,除尘难度大,常规电除尘器的选型很难适应。分析了半干法脱硫后电除尘器选型的影响因素及各系数取值。  相似文献   

美国大多数燃煤发电厂装设电除尘器。电除尘器虽然较为简单和可靠,但仍因设备容量不够、设备老化(现有电除尘器的20%已运行25年以上)、或锅炉燃煤改变,电除尘器运行性能存在问题,使飞灰难以捕集。美国电力研究协会(EPRI)安排了一系列科研项目,研究改进电除尘器的性能和可靠性。研究开发中的技术包括宽极距、间  相似文献   

对5台锅炉4种型号的电除尘器进行飞灰粒径分布特性试验研究,结果表明:电除尘器飞灰粒径分布特性服从概率统计定义的分布函数,即威布尔分布。研究得出了电除尘器飞灰分布特性函数α和β数值及变化规律,电除尘器分级除尘效率特性参数n和m的数值及变化规律,所提供的试验数据可作为在役机组电除尘器改造,新建机组电除尘器选型的依据。  相似文献   

火力发电厂应用电除尘器技术上的最大困难是如何确定电除尘器的布置方式和规格大小,即所谓选型。锅炉运行中,多变的燃料和烟气条件,给电除尘器的重要参数——驱极速度ω的确定造成了困难。目前,电除尘器设计中,最佳ω值的选取由经验和试验  相似文献   

针对电除尘器能否达到低排放的种种疑惑,分析了近年来实测达到50mg/m^3(标态、干烟气,下同)及以下更低排放的电除尘器实际应用项目性能测试报告并进行深入研究。通过对中国动力煤的梳理分析,得出电除尘器时中国大多数煤种适应性较好,电除尘器能达到低排放、且在节能模式应用下实际能耗最低的基本结论,同时提出了电除尘器满足国家新排放标准的主要对策。  相似文献   

针对电除尘器在运行中出现的问题,利用大小修的机会,先后对电除尘器采取了一些必要的改造措施,达到了提高电除尘器收尘效果和可靠性的目的。  相似文献   

电除尘器及其电离荷电机制的研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细介绍了电除尘技术研究现状、现存问题及其研究趋势.目前电除尘技术的理论尚不完备,属于经验工程的学科,电除尘器的技术性能优劣取决于设计命中率.为此,论述烟尘荷电凝聚机制并研究电离放电通道中的带电粒子复合问题及其输运特性等,以便解决除尘电场中的电离占空比、输运项甚低等问题;研究了烟尘荷电、凝聚的物理过程,以便进一步提高电除尘器的性能.  相似文献   

Electrostatic separation is a generic term given to a significant class of technologies of industrial waste processing, widely used for the sorting of granular mixtures due to electric forces acting on particles whose average size is approximately 5mm. The focus of this paper is on three electrostatic processes of separation used for processing of different types of mixtures: (i) role-type electrostatic separator, used to sort mixtures containing metal/plastic particles (copper/PVC for example); (ii) plate-type electrostatic separator, used to sort mixtures containing metal/metal particles (copper/lead for example) and (iii) free-fall electrostatic separator, used to sort mixtures of plastic/plastic particles (PVC/PE for example). Experiments carried out on industrial samples using laboratory electrostatic separators confirm the efficiency of these processes and show that the processes can improve the recovery and purity of products resulting from industrial wastes.  相似文献   

简要阐述了旋转电极式电除尘器的原理、结构、应用及特点,并总结出其除尘效率计算公式。研究结果表明:该技术能最大限度的减少二次扬尘,显著降低电除尘器出口排放浓度,对高比电阻粉尘有很好的收尘效果。与其他除尘器比较,旋转电极式电除尘器节省场地、空间和能源,性价比高,具有较广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

电改电袋复合除尘器在220MW机组上的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析了某电厂220MW机组燃煤锅炉电改电袋复合除尘器的设计优化、运行调试和关键参数,重点对比了改造后电袋复合除尘器和常规袋式除尘器的清灰周期、运行阻力等参数变化,为燃煤锅炉电改电袋复合除尘器设计和运行维护的提供参考。  相似文献   

粉尘比电阻对电除尘的影响及改进措施研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
着重研究、了影响电除尘器效率较为突出的因素——粉尘比电阻,总结出:针对高比电阻粉尘对电除尘器的影响,必须定期测试粉尘的比电阻并对烟气进行调质,还可采取间歇供电的方式来提高除尘效率;对低比电阻粉尘.可直接敲打或刷落收尘极板上的粉尘,或采用高电阻率收尘极板及用导电涂料涂敷收尘极板等方法均可以提高除尘效率。  相似文献   

燃煤电厂烟气中各种污染物一般是混合在一起的,针对此实际情况将等离子体技术与传统静电除尘器相结合,改传统电除尘器电源为高压直流+高频高压交流使之达到产生等离子体要求的电源,研制一种同时脱除烟气中PM2.5~PM10和多种气体污染物的新型烟气净化系统。该系统不仅可以同时脱除多种污染物,且不产生二次废弃物,其改造和运行费用均在接受范围内,因此是一种具有应用潜力的系统。  相似文献   

In this study, the viability of using electrostatic painting residues--paint sludge--as a raw material to the red clay industry was investigated. Red clay-based ceramic masses containing electrostatic paint residues were formulated during the study. The clays were obtained from the Rio do Rastro deposit, in Gravataí, and were of the standard formulation used in industry. Different ceramic mass formulations with additions of 0.5, 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 wt.% electrostatic painting residue in addition to a formulation with no residue addition (standard formulation), were evaluated. The samples were uniaxially pressed in a double-effect press and were fired in an electric oven at 900, 950 and 1000 degrees C. The firing at constant temperature lasted 8 h, and heating rate was 150 K h(-1). After processing the samples were characterized in terms of their physical and mechanical properties. Environmental compatibility was also considered by the evaluation of gaseous emissions and leaching and solubilization tests according to the Brazilian standards NBR 10.005 and NBR 10.006, respectively. The results showed that it was possible to produce ceramic materials containing electrostatic painting residues within their formulations.  相似文献   

Recycling of printed circuit board (PCB) is an important subject and to which increasing attention is paid, both in treatment of waste as well as recovery of valuable material terms. Precede physical and mechanical method, a good liberation is the premise to further separation. In this study, two-step crushing process is employed, and standard sieve is applied to screen crushed material to different size fractions, moreover, the liberation situation and particles shape in different size are observed. Then metal of the PCB is separated by physical methods, including pneumatic separation, electrostatic separation and magnetic separation, and major metal contents are characterized by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Results show that the metal and nonmetal particles of PCB are dissociated completely under the crush size 0.6mm; metal is mainly enriched in the four size fractions between 0.15 and 1.25 mm; relatively, pneumatic separation is suitable for 0.6-0.9 mm size fraction, while the electrostatic separation is suitable for three size fractions that are 0.15-0.3mm, 0.3-0.6mm and 0.9-1.25 mm. The whole process that involves crushing, electrostatic and magnetic separation has formed a closed cycle that can return material and provide salable product.  相似文献   

针对电袋复合除尘器气流分布存在的问题,提供了一种技术方法,通过工厂模型试验进行了研究分析,并成功应用于实际工程中,发挥了电袋复合除尘器的优势,提高了对细颗粒物粉尘的捕集效果。  相似文献   

依据袋式除尘器的捕集机理,定性分析了静电力对增强电—袋复合除尘器捕集亚微米微细粒子能力以及降低袋式除尘器压力损失的影响,为进一步研究电—袋复合除尘器过滤机制提供参考。  相似文献   

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